The Conquest Club Files 05


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"Holy fuck..." Liz mews, rolling down to the bedding when Allen pulls out of her and I pull my hand away. "God, that was fucking awesome." I can see that she's flushed and breathing heavily in the low light that Allen has in here.

Outside I hear some laughing and some splashing. Keeping low, I move over towards the widow that looks out over my target house. Sofia and Jessie are out back now. The way I see discarded bath robes tells me that they must've just ran out of the house and into the hot tub. "Showtime, people," I say in a near whisper. That prompts the girls to all take off their blindfolds and for Allen to come over to where I'm at.

Allen douses the lights and crawls over on the heels of the girls. We'd done this enough times to have this down pat. I motion for the girls to keep low so that the light coming from Mrs. S... sorry... Jesse's house doesn't reflect off of us. Yeah, we'd snooped enough times when we were in school. We're human. Get over it.

Sofia and Jessie are now talking to each other and sipping some wine. They both look good in their swimwear while sitting in the hot tub. I feel a hand on my jeans and I look down to see both Kimmy and Liz stroking my crotch. It does the trick, between that and looking at the MILFs down in the hot tub, in getting me hard. Kim and Liz both give me a passionate kiss and tell me to have fun and to give them a good show. I grin, tell them to have fun with Allen, pull on my black mask, leave a second one behind, shoulder my backpack of toys, and I'm down through the trap door.

Once I'm down on the ground in the shadows, I move as quietly as I can. The fence that separates the property from the small path/alley between Allen's house and Jessie's house is wooden so it keeps me quite hidden. The problem is that there is a gate that I have to open, I then have to cross about a six-foot gap of open space to the chain link fence that's on the back of Jessie's property.

I crouch low as I shoot the gap and keep to the shadow of a bush. I then crane my neck to see the two women still chattering away. There's a tree in the back corner of Jessie's property that I can lay low behind and plan my next move. The only problem is that Sofia and Jessie will see me jump the fence. Frowning, I go over my options; I can either take the really fucking long way around the block, risk more exposure, and possibly the cops being called on me, or I can try a distraction to see what the ladies do. Even if I get them to turn their heads a bit I can be over the fence and behind the tree.

Going for the distraction, I find a rock small enough to create noise yet big enough for me to chuck a good distance. I wind up and let it fly, rebounding it off of the rain gutter at the opposite corner of the house. Sure enough, that gets the attention of both of them. They look in the direction of the noise and I'm over the fence and prone behind the tree.

Even better, they start talking about it. I hear them both laughing at me. "That's gotta be him, right?" Jessie asks.

"He must've tripped or something. He was a lot better coming into my house." Sofia says, trying to see where she thinks I'm at.

"Let's go get him, tie him up, and have some fun. What do you say?"

"Well," Sofia shrugs, "It does take the fun out of being ravished but he did let himself be known."

"I can grab my strap-on and we can peg him as punishment!" Jessie says as they're getting out of the tub.

Still laughing, they're creeping around the near end of the house next to the hot tub. My guess is that they're going around the front to 'catch' me from behind. Heh. This is even better than I thought. I couldn't have done this better if I'd planned it in advance. I watch their wet, jiggling breasts, firm asses, and nicely toned legs disappear around the corner of the house. Once they're out of sight, I'm through the back door and in the house.

Per my usual routine; I stash the goodies backpack behind one chair, kick my shoes off, and kill all the lights once I'm in the living room. The ladies are making a lot of noise as they move around the house that even if I had been where I had thrown the rock at I would've heard them and been long gone. I take stock of the living room as my eyes adjust to the darkness. It's pretty much a standard setup in suburbia with a couch, a couple of lounge chairs, coffee table, etc...

"I don't know where he could've gone to," I hear Sofia say as she's coming in through the back door in the kitchen. "I'll get us some more wine." She pauses when she sees darkness inside. "Did you turn the lights off when we went out to the whirlpool?"

"I don't remember, why?" I hear Jessie's voice from further away.

"Eh, no reason, I'll turn them on." she says nonchalantly, although her guard is up now. She's looking for me to see if I'm already in here as she gingerly steps from the kitchen to the living room looking for the light switch.

I don't let her get far. Before she can even clear the couch, which is the effective boarder of the living room and dining area, I'm all over her. I come out of the shadows like an avenging wraith and I take her down with me to the other side of the couch in a move so clean that any character out of Assassin's Creed would've been proud. I clamp my hand over her mouth and have her pinned underneath of my body face down on the couch before she knows what's happening.

Panic sets in at the suddenness of her takedown as her ass wiggles against my crotch while she instinctively struggles with me. Futile gesture to be sure but in my history with Sofia I've found that her fight-or-flight reaction always kicks in when I jump her. Once I have her body pinned under mine, I reach for my bag that I left nearby. I get the ball gag first to keep her quiet then I get the cuffs to bind her wrists behind her. Then I kneel her down on the carpet and get in close to her ear. "Not a sound, got it?" I growl in a low, menacing tone. She gives me a frightened nod and stays put.

I grab a knife and some rope. Her swimsuit comes off of her fine body a few seconds later when I sever the shoulder straps, the crotch, and put one long cut up the side. I yank it off of her and grab the rope to start tying her up with. I would've loved to have savored the moment by peeling it off slowly but I still have one MILF loose on the property.

Now I had been experimenting with Kimmy all of this time in different bondage techniques and I wanted to see how fast I could do this in. I didn't do anything too fancy with Sofia; I just did some upper body and breast bondage. When I was done, it looked like she had a V on her chest from the ropes with both of the Ta-Tas hanging out in an open bra. Her arms were now tied behind her forearm to forearm and I'd made sure to take the cuffs off of her while I was doing it.

I pick her up and place her in the lounger by the wall for my next trick. Once she's seated I bind her ankles together for good measure and snap a quick pic with the flash on my iPhone. Not too bad, if I say so myself. Sofia's looking at me in wide-eyed amazement at my speed and efficiency. I can't resist the urge to cop a quick feel before I melt into the shadows when Jessie calls in to the house. "Sofia? What's taking you so long?"

Jessie is coming in and trying to peer into the dark. "Sofia? Where the hell are you?" She boldly walks in, flipping on light switches as she moves. By this time, I'm halfway up her stairs to stay out of sight. When she gets to the last set of switches by the front door, that's when she sees Sofia tied up on her lounger. Jessie screams in shock and terror at seeing Sofia all trussed up.

Sofia, in the meantime, is jerking her head up wildly with wide eyes looking behind her to me. Jessie gets it too late as I'm already right behind her, grabbing her. I don't even bother keeping her quiet as there's no need for stealth anymore. Within a couple of minutes I have her tied up sitting on the couch just like Sofia. Only difference is that in my haste I forgot to strip her bikini off. Ah well.

I grab the knife and show it to her. Jessie's eyes go wide and they follow the blade as I make three cuts on her bikini top; two at the straps and one at the cleavage. I then cut her bottoms, one cut at each thigh strap. Then I put the knife away in the bag and advance on her.

"Wha-what are you doing now?" Jessie asks; the uncertainties clear in her voice.

"I figured that'd be evident by this point." I tell her in a gruff voice as I grab her bikini top and slowly remove it from under the ropes. I take a moment to savor the feel of her breasts in my hands. They're plump, full, and firm tits. It makes me wonder what kind of exercises she does to keep them standing tall with only the slightest bit of sag. Very nice.

"Oooh God," Jessie gasps, shuddering when I start rolling my thumbs around her nipples. Well, at least she still has feeling in them.

She's saved by the bell when my cell phone goes off in my pocket. I hit the 'receive' button and bring it up to my ear. "WHAT?" I shout into it. I was just getting to the good part.

It's Allen. "We can't see man. Y'all are too far in the house and the girls are complaining."

"Give me a fucking minute, will ya?" I snarl as I shut the phone off. My God. I'm doing all the goddamn work here and they're the ones bitching that they can't see for a minute? Sheesh.

"Who's that?"

"Nunya," I snap. "On your feet, both of you. Up the stairs! MOVE!" I command them. Sofia doesn't even hesitate. Jessie balks and I pull her to her feet and slap her on the ass to emphasize my point. She squeals and falls into step behind Sofia. They're bounding up the stairs while I grab my bag and follow them.

I direct them to the master bedroom. Like Sofia's house, it has big bay windows on the side. Unlike Sofia's house, it's in the back and has huge glass windows along the bag wall that opens up into a balcony. I force the ladies to kneel in the middle of the floor while I throw open the curtains.

Sofia's first for my attention. I find this leather/latex panty that I got at the store that's got two dildos sticking up at the crotch. I make sure that I lube them up and then get Sofia standing. She gives me this wide-eyed 'are you fucking serious' look as I force her to step into them. Then I'm hiking them up her toned legs until the points of both dildos are nudging at her openings. She's moaning and writhing in my grasp, shaking her head no as I stand before her. "Peg me, will ya?" I ask in a low, growling voice. Her eyes go even wider and I yank the panty upwards. Her eyes roll back into her head and she moans as she's penetrated in both holes at once. I have to grab her to keep her from falling back down to the ground.

While she's moaning, and groaning, at being double penetrated, I move her over to a nearby chair. I spread her legs out wide and tie them to each leg. Then I get a nipple clamp and chain set out, and attach them to her breasts. She whines in discomfort but is then moaning as her nipples are pinched nicely.

Then I get her friend; Mister Hitachi.

I'd seen some videos online in which Hitachi's are used in bondage. In this case I have the rope tied around the bulbous head. This rope I loop around her thighs and waist to nestle the head up against her leather clad and dildo penetrated pussy. I plug it in and turn it on high. The buzzing fills up the room and she starts screeching at the intensity of it. Now that she's taken care of, I position her off to one side, facing the middle of the room, so that if she looks right, she can see Jessie's bed and if she looks left, she can see out the balcony.

And beyond to where Allen and the girls are at up in the treehouse. I can make out their faces just because I know they're there. Sofia won't realize it until halfway through the night.

I walk back over to Jessie who was watching me manhandle her BFF with ease. Now she's wondering what I'm gonna do to her. Her mouth is opening and closing like a gaping fish as I close in on her. "No... wait..." she gasps as I stand in front of her and pull my shirt off. Then I make a show of unbuckling my pants, kicking off my shoes, and then taking my pants off until I'm naked in front of her save for my mask like I'd just stepped out of a Gary Roberts graphic novel.

"No..." she pants, chest heaving. "No, please don't..."

Yes, we had gone over safe words. For the record, she chose 'Bubblegum' for whatever reasons. I have no idea why nor was I gonna ask. Sofia's was 'Bleach' as in "I don't use bleach to get the blonde streaks in my hair." Eh, whatever.

My hand reaches out, grabs Jessie's hair, and I pull her head back. I stare her down into the eyes as I tower over her now. My hard cock is resting just underneath of her left cheek. Unable to help myself, I pull her up to a fully erect kneeling position. Then I squat down slightly, grab those luscious breasts of hers, and press them together around my cock. While I'm still looking her in the eyes, I slowly tit-fuck her. She puts on a brave face as I do this. Her jaw twitches as she realizes that I'm eventually going to fuck her mouth as with each thrust upwards I come closer to her lips.

Now Mr. S had contacted me shortly after Sofia and Jessie jumped me in the porn shop. I guess that Jessie had told him right after getting me on board with this. Mr. S told me that his wife hates giving blow jobs and that he'd be eternally grateful to me if I could break her of that aversion. Well, I aim to please.

I grab the sides of Jessie's head and bring my cock up to her lips. She's clamped shut and struggling with me. I swat her on the ass to get her still and then look her in the eye. "Now here's the deal, doll." I snarl at her. "We can do this the easy way, or the hard way. Your choice."

"I'm not giving you a blowjob!" she says defiantly.

"Someone once told me that I wasn't going to do them up the ass too." I reply calmly. I then twist around and we look at Sofia who's arched back in the chair, drooling out the side of her gag as she shudders in passion. Almost as if on cue, she comes. Hard. Jessie and I turn back to each other. "No one is going to help you," I add. Then I jostle her head. "Say it!"

It takes her a moment, but she finally swallows hard. "No one is going to help me." she says in a hollow voice that matched Sofia's when I forced her to say the same thing. And there it is; the look of inevitability that this is quickly becoming a very real reality for her.

"You're going to give me a blowjob." I then give her a questioning, prompting look.

"I'm... I'm going to give you a blowjob..." she says with resignation in her voice.

I step back in front of her and push my cock back up to her lips. She goes back to resisting and I hook my thumbs up under her jaws at the jugular where some pressure points are at. "OW!" she squeaks in pain. When she opens up, I ease up on the pressure points, hold the sides of her head, and shove my cock down her throat. She gurgles as my manhood slides in past her lips, but she accommodates it rather well.

"Come on, suck it like a good girl," I say, leering down at her. Jessie gives me this hateful look back in response but does what I say. Hey, if she didn't want this then she should've put it in her hard and soft limits back when she first approached me about tonight. That, and safewords, people. Hello!

I hold her head in place while I slowly fuck her mouth. After about five minutes we're in a good rhythm and it makes me wonder why she doesn't do this more often. I give her words of encouragement and even offer her a few pointers and soon she's sucking me off like a porn star. Mr. S better thank me the next time his wife goes down on him.

Every so often I look over and check on Sofia. She's shuddering like crazy and making high-pitched squealing sounds. After a couple of orgasms, she gets really sensitive so I'm keeping an eye on her to make sure that she doesn't pass out. Right now, though, she's okay. I look back down at Jessie as I pull out of her mouth. "That wasn't so bad now, was it?" I ask in the most patronizing voice I can muster.

"Fuck you," she whispers, turning her head in shame.

"Getting to that point, sweetheart." I say as I move to kneel behind her. I snake one hand through the ropes and grab a hold of the back of her neck to push her forward just a bit. Then I grab my cock in the other and position it right up against her dripping wet pussy. I tease her a bit, dragging the head of my manhood up and down the length of her slit, watching her shudder in the process. Then, without warning, I shove it home.

Jessie arches her back and sighs as I slide all the way into her. I give her just a moment to adjust before I start pounding her hard. I really hope Allen is taking pictures from the treehouse since I can only imagine how her tits are bouncing in time with my thrusts. Soon she's chanting "Oh yes. Oh yes. Oh yes." I reach around her to grope one of those fine breasts of hers and start fucking her hard and deep.

She doesn't last long after that. "AHHHHHHGH!" she cries out as she comes. I feel her pussy tighten up around me and I just continue fucking her hard. Her head lolls back as I fuck her relentlessly. Only once she starts coming down from her erotic high is when I let myself go, flooding her pussy with my hot semen as I fulfill a long-standing fantasy that I've had in taking her in this very room.

Once I'm finished, I let her go and she drops unceremoniously down to the carpet in a sweaty, heaving mess. I leave her there to catch her breath while I go check on Sofia. She's a drooling mess and barely coherent so I turn the hitachi off, untie her, and lay her down on the floor next to Jessie. Then I untie Jessie and check on them both, ensuring that they're both okay.

They finally snap out of their haze and they assure me that they're both okay, I leave them there to go to the bathroom. I take care of business then open up the bay windows in the bathroom and get the huge walk-in shower going. A quick glance out back and I can see Allen behind Kimmy, fucking her nice and hard right there in the window. I notice, though, that his right hand is down behind Liz and judging by the blissful look on her face, figure that Allen is fingering her while he fucks my girl. Well, why the hell not? Who wouldn't want to fuck siblings if given the chance?

Walking back out to the bedroom, I see that Jessie and Sofia are still on the floor. I reach down and grab a handful of their hair and order them up onto all fours. Then I have them crawl as I lead them to the shower. There I ditch the ski mask and hustle them into the shower. They're both compliant little pets as they kneel on the tiled floor of the big shower waiting for my next command. I close the glass doors (walls, more like it) and have them stand with their hands on the back wall where I proceed to scrub them down from head to toe. They both giggle with giddiness as my hands roam up and down their wet bodies, basking in the attention that I'm giving them both. I also take the time to finger them while I'm at it while my cock rises back to attention.

Once I'm somewhat hard again, the girls take over by having me stand against the back wall as they take me in hand. Dear God above I'm in fucking heaven as they take turns stroking me and sucking me while the other presses their naked breasts up against me while they make out with me. Who would've thought that after just one time of being forced that Jessie would be a docile little thing who would willingly suck a man off?

When I can't take anymore, I grab Sofia (mainly since I hadn't had my cock in her yet this evening) and plaster her up against the wall. She's light enough for me so I lift her up and, with Jessie's help, push into her. Sofia gasps and moans as she's now penetrated with a real cock even though she's still sensitive. I fuck her nice and hard while Jessie stands to one side, alternating making out with me and making out with her. I wind up hitting my climax first but Sofia isn't far behind me as she cums when she feels my cock pulsating inside of her.