The Conquest Club Files 06


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So my girl tries a different tactic and looking back on this I can't help but praise her masterful performance. She gets up as if she's going to go over to the lounge chair in the corner, deliberately tripping herself over Tycen's outstretched legs. Arms flailing out in a dramatic fashion with her book flying out towards the TV. Tycen sits bolt upright in alarm as Kimmy hits the ground in a cursing fit. She then crawls around the floor to get her fallen book, twisting around and wiggling her ass suggestively at Tycen the moment she's turned away. I can imagine pretty well what Tycen is seeing up Kimmy's skirt; white lace panties holding her mound tightly. "Shit, girl! I'm sorry!" Tycen apologies profusely while getting down onto his knees to help her get her book.

Then comes one of the most perfect slight-of-hand moves that I've ever seen. In fact, if I didn't already know better I would've sworn that Tycen had actually did this himself with the intent to force himself onto my girlfriend. When he reaches for the book Kimmy puts her head right into his big beefy hand, grabs it with both of her hands (one on his wrist and one on his hand) to close it around some of her hair. She lets out a gasp, turns herself towards him and pleads "No! Please sir! Please don't make me suck your dick!" loud enough to be heard by everyone inside the apartment but not loud enough that neighbors in the building can hear through the walls. Tycen, God bless the big guy, is more scared than I'd ever seen him in his life. The normally cocksure lineman has no fucking clue what to do. Here he is with a fistful of Kimmy's hair with her already with her eyes closed and her mouth open.

I'm trying valiantly not to laugh but Alicia can't help herself. She giggles and Tycen shoots a worried look our way with this Who, Me? deer-in-the-headlights look as if he was just caught over a dead body with the smoking murder weapon in his hand. I'm grinning broadly and I nod and motion for him to continue on. He casts a concerned look down at Kimmy who gives him an encouraging wink before going back to her token resistance. Another glance, this time at Alicia. She silently nods at him and motions for him to get on with it.

Despite giving us a look that promises retribution later, Tycen grins and uses his free hand to undo his pants. Kimmy gasps when she sees the baseball bat of a cock that has been hiding in Tycen's pants. She squirms and pulls a bit but now that Tycen is in on the program he's got a good grip on her. He whips it up to her face and pushes the head of it in past her lips. Kimmy makes some gurgling and choking noises as she tries to deep throat him. Granted, she's had practice on me but I don't think even my size could prepare her for this.

Now I've mentioned that I'm more than average sized and I was big for Kimmy to begin with. Now take petite little Kimmy and picture her trying to deep throat the equivalent of a police issue D cell battery mag light and you can probably get the idea of the struggle. For a moment or two I thought that she was going to start shouting out her safe words around his cock (in which case I would've stepped in and put a stop to it since Tycen didn't know them at that point). But, she was a trooper and despite her eyes bugging out wide with tears from the strain coming out, she took as much of him as she could. I think she wound up getting about a half to three quarters of his cock down her gullet. What? You thought that she was going to take the whole thing? Ha! What do you think this is; fiction or anime or something?

Beneath me, Alicia moans as she's getting turned on by Kimmy getting manhandled by her boyfriend. She's even dropped her hands down to her trimmed pussy and is starting to masturbate. Yeah, like I'm going to stand here and let her take care of herself. I grab her hair and wrench her head to the side right to my groin. She moans again, this time opening her mouth to take me in. Her brown eyes meet mine again as she proceeds to suck my cock back to life in no time flat. I pump my hips into her face in time with her head bobbing back and forth. She takes me easily to the hilt and in retrospect I shouldn't have been surprised; after all, she is dating the man with a pine tree trunk for a cock.

Out of the corner of my eye I noticed that Tycen has moved Kimmy around so that she's on all fours facing us. Her eyes are wide and her mouth opens in a wide, soundless scream before said eyes roll back in her head and her mouth forms a big O as Tycen penetrates her from behind. I watch as her whole body starts to shake and I notice the nubs at the tip of her breasts are hard little bullets. She's orgasming already and Tycen just entered her!

In my head I laugh at her since I know she'll be having another one, and possibly a third, by the time Tycen blows his load inside of her.

Not wanting to be out done by my best buddy, I haul Alicia into the living room using her hair as a guide. I keep her on all fours and put her face-to-face with Kimmy who is still in the throes of her climax. Tycen is commenting at how tight she is and I learn later that he only managed to get about halfway up inside of her. I ignore him and position myself behind Alicia and drive right back into her wet and waiting sex. Alicia moans and shudders the moment I'm fully entrenched inside of her. I grab her hips and start pounding hard. Her face and Kim's are scant inches apart. "Kiss!" I order them. Kimmy is still a bit delirious but Alicia takes up the slack by planting her full lips onto my girlfriend's and starts making out with her.

"Damn, that's hot," Tycen breathes as he fucks Kimmy with equal force and vigor as I'm fucking his girlfriend. His eyes are down on Alicia's breasts as they sway in time to my pounding underneath of her. I reach down to grab one, squeezing it hard and rolling the nipple between my thumb and forefinger for emphasis.

"Come on, girl," Tycen growls at Kim, "Let's see those little titties of yours," he starts pawing at the clasps of her dress behind her neck. Her chest is bared as her modest ta-tas fall free. Never get tired of that view especially since she's not wearing anything underneath. Kimmy was never one for bras that often since her rack stands tall and proud. Kim grunts uncomfortably around Alicia's kissing while his massive paw makes one breast disappear in his hand. Then she's making exaggerated whines and whimpers as he roughly fondles them while being fucked hard.

I then get an idea as I pull out of Alicia, flip her over onto her back, and slide her along the carpet up underneath of Kimmy. "Get to work, woman!" I command her as I grab her thighs to thrust back into her, making her squeal. Once my cock is back inside of Alicia, I let her legs go and she wraps them around my midsection. Kimmy's eyes roll back up inside of her head as she then feels Alicia's tongue get to work on her clit while Tycen is still fucking her.

It's a lot of grunting, sweating, and skin slapping as we enjoy our impromptu orgy. Kimmy is the first to cum with Alicia's tongue working on her while Tycen's massive cock is driving into her. When she does, she squeezes down on Tycen so hard that he later told me that he swore that he was going to black out from coming so hard inside of her himself. He digs his hands so hard into Kim's thighs when he blows that he actually left fingerprint bruises. Good thing I have an ointment for that.

I manage to hold out until I get Alicia to plunge over the edge of erotic oblivion. Her orgasm hits her so hard that her eyes roll back into her head and she goes brain-numb for a time. Her climax gets prolonged due to me unable to keep it in any longer and I go right over the edge with her. My cock seems to throb and pulse inside of her non-stop as her pussy tries to milk me for every drop it can get.

After that I think that we fell asleep. We were all so delirious from our passionate high that I don't think any of us even remember getting up and going to bed at any point in time as we wake up the next morning in our respective beds. Well... Kimmy in mind and Alicia in Tycen's anyway.

Our first class hasn't even started and this is shaping up to be an awesome senior year.


Now on a bit of a side note to this chapter of my memoirs here; working at the strip club is fun and it definitely has its perks. Most of the time its relatively laid back, the pay is good, I get tips from the dancers on occasion for keeping them safe from grabby hands and would be molesters, and I get all of the tits, ass, and pussy to look at that I want to. Having my girlfriend now dancing there is an added perk especially since I get to watch her dance and make out with the other dancers on a regular basis while entertaining clients. We both get all hot and bothered and then go back to our dorm room with Tycen and Alicia to screw like bunnies... often trading partners just because we can.

On occasion you get some guy in there, usually some punk ass rich-boy freshman who thinks that he's better than everyone else and therefore above the rules. It's mine and Tycen's job to show them the error of their ways. But all of us bouncers can't be everywhere at once and sometimes the idiotic clients take advantage of that... Which is why we have been taken it upon ourselves to teach the girls some basic self-defense to hold off a guy until we can get there.

So on this particular night, about a couple of weeks after Kimmy started dancing there, she was straddling some newbie freshman. Kim had her hands up in her hair, was leaning back, and shaking her modest breasts in his face. Fresh-boy decided to go for it and leaned in, placing his face right in her cleavage. It's an unspoken rule that clients get a three-strike policy when it comes to touching the dancers. One, they're being a bit over-zealous. Two, is pushing it. Three and you're asked to leave. Anything after that, and that's when the nice big gentle guys at the door come and ask you to leave... to the tune of tossing your ass at breakneck speed out the door.

Kimmy played it off expertly by pushing him away with one hand and gently chiding him. Then she shifted around to face away from him to rub her ass against his crotch. The song ended and the next one started with Kim straddling his lap again, grinding away. This time Fresh-boy decided to grab her ass. She extradited his hand from her rump and gave him a stern warning. This seemed to amuse Fresh-boy and his cronies as they asked what she planned on doing about this. Then he grabbed her hard and planted a kiss on her lips.

Yeah, we decided to skip strike three and retire the guy early.

By this time I'm heading over there and Tycen is coming from the opposite direction. After all, he'd taken a keen interest in the Freshmen because they'd been cat-calling louder than usual towards Alicia and making really lewd and suggestive comments at her all night even after she agreed to give them lap dances.

Kimmy pulls away and slaps her accoster across the face. That enrages him and he grabs her around the waist to pull her close. I'm now there and I look down at him. "We have a problem here." I say. It wasn't a question."

"Beat it asshole," Fresh-Boy snarls at me. He grabs a Ben Franklin and chucks it at me before slapping Kimmy on the thigh. "Give me some time with the slut and then we'll be going."

The hundred-dollar bill bounces off my chest while I just smile at him. "You don't understand. The only time you'll be having is with Miss Rosy Palm tonight. You're through here and if you don't leave; you're going to be hurt."

"What? Ya gonna spank me?" he heckles.

"Not me; her." I say, nodding at Kimmy.

He looks confused for a moment until Kim grabs his thumb and yanks back hard while applying pressure to his wrist with her other hand. His grip releases and he yelps in pain. She shimmies off of his lap and pulls his arm back while getting away. I nod appreciatively but tell her that she could've done that better. Fresh-boy was on his feet in an instant wheeling on her. I was reaching out for him and trying to warn him off when Kimmy reached down and savagely grabbed his cluster.

Needless to say; Tycen, myself, and every other male in the general vicinity that was watching this winced in pain. We then howled in sympathetic pain when Kimmy twisted hard with a pissed off look on her face. Fresh-boy's voice reached an octave usually reserved for calling dogs. "Oh man, I'd apologize if I were you." I said, my face contorting in agony as I pictured the pain of having my manhood rearranged.

"Say it!" Kimmy yelled up at him. "Say the words Fat Gandalf!"

"As much as I like the Deadpool reference here, dear," I said cautiously, "I'd say he's more like an ugly Boromir... or maybe an ugly Legolas..."

"Shut up!" she snapped at me with all of her fury.

"Hoo-kay." I said backing up. Yeah, she was pissed.

You see; after the water park parking lot incident Kimmy was understandably rattled when it came to guys threatening her person. Yes, it was one thing to do it in a consensual setting like we do and it is entirely a different thing to do it when you mean for one party to not have any say whatsoever. She'd vowed never to be victimized again which was why she wanted me to teach her self-defense which led her us to teaching the other girls as well.

Fresh-boy's cronies moved to help him but they'd forgotten about Tycen standing behind them. He grabbed the two of them by the scruff of the neck the moment they'd started forward. "Come on, guys, sing it with me: Captaiiiiin Deaaaaad Poooool..." he sang out comically (at a surprisingly high tone I might add) while swaying to the impromptu beat with each of them in tow.

"Sorry! Sorry! Sorry!" Fresh-boy screamed out like a little girl. Kimmy released him and he sat back down cradling his mangled manhood. He gasped in relief.

"Not bad," I said, making a little golf clap. "But that first grip could've gone better. Allow me to demonstrate." I pushed Fresh-boy back into his chair and quickly sat down on his lap in the straddle position. He looked up at me in fury and started to protest and I put my finger to his lips. "Hush honey, I'm teaching here," I look at Kimmy while taking Fresh-Boy's hands and placing them where they'd been; one on my right butt cheek and the other on my waist.

Yeah, yeah, so I get a little in to my demonstrations. But I'm also secure in my sexuality that I had no problem putting myself into Kimmy's position before. Just keep up, 'kay?

"So the thumb grab; great move," I say, doing the same thing. Fresh-boy howls in renewed pain. "When you do the shimmy and twist, apply leverage to the back of his shoulder and rotate downwards like this." I do what I say and slam him face down into the table behind me. He's now dangling over the table edge. "From here, you can kick his legs out from under him... or just check his knees like so." I do that and Fresh-Boy is yelling in pain. "There you have all the control and can hold him here until us bouncers get here."

I wrench him back up and throw him back into his chair. I'm back on top of him in a second, back in the straddling position by putting his hands into place. "Are you insane?" he cried out at me with a mixture of pain and outrage.

My finger is back on his lips as I shush him again. "Not done yet, sweetheart," I say in the most effeminate male voice I can muster. This prompts a round of laughter from everyone else as his face turns an impressive shade of vermillion. I now notice that all activity in the club has ground to a halt and all eyes are on us. The DJ is doubled over his control board in laughter. Steve is by the bar throwing back a shot, no doubt worrying about a lawsuit or scandalizing news or some bullshit. He got like this whenever I was in a weird mood and wanted to make an example out of pissants like this. Especially with all of the iPhones taking videos of this. I'll probably be all over Facebook and YouTube here in an hour. I gently slap Fresh-Boy on the cheek and turn my attention back to Kimmy.

"Now remember that you're in a position of power here," I tell her amid her giggling fit at seeing me torment her attacker. "You can always jam your thumbs up into the two pressure points under the neck here," I say, demonstrating the location while Fresh-boy gurgles in pain. "Don't try going for the chest. Solid muscle... well... usually..." I say, patting Fresh-boy down and feeling things that are soft. "But if you manage to grab nipples, that really fucking hurts." Fresh-boy is now screaming like a little girl as I do a hard nipple twist on both of his real quick.

"And then, of course, nothing beats a good old fashioned rabbit punch to the face," I add, cocking back my fist. His eyes go wide and he brings his hands up to protect his nose as I let it fly. I stop it at just the last second and pat his cheek. "And thus ends our lesson for the evening." I stand up and grab Fresh-boy by the neck, hauling him up with me. "Thank you!" I proclaim to the club as they whoop, cheer, and clap. I then give a very exaggerated bow at the waist and make sure I take my partner with me. I wind up slamming his head into the table as I do.

I raise up again and indicate him, who is now looking a bit loopy from having his face dropped down onto solid wood. "And another round for my partner here!" I exclaim. And we bow again... and I slam his face into the table... again.

We come back up and he's now punch-drunk. I frog march him towards the door while everyone is still clapping and cheering at us, making sure that I ram him into every single table, chair, pole, stage, and column that I can find along the way. I then slam him into the closed front door, apologize profusely and open it for him, slamming it into him again. I then chuck his sorry ass outside and then step aside for Tycen to do the same with Fresh-boy's two friends who, by the way, were more than happy to just be thrown out instead of being 'helped' out like their leader had been.

Yeah, I'll admit; I had WAY too much fun with that.

The round of celebratory blowjobs from all of the girls for me and Tycen later that night was an added perk.

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AlexClaytonAlexClaytonover 4 years agoAuthor
Thank You

@dirtywhiteboy67: thank you. I have a friend who is an ex bouncer as well who’d told me about some of his exploits. I threw some of them in here as an homage. I’m glad that it passed muster with another ex bouncer. ^.^

Congratulations on so many years of marriage!

dirtywhiteboy67dirtywhiteboy67over 4 years ago
Hell yeah

As a former bouncer in some rough places, who is actually married to a former stripper (married over 24 years) the help to the door sounded very familiar, not to mention the demonstrations & vows. I loved it. I always tried to have fun like that.

AlexClaytonAlexClaytonover 6 years agoAuthor
Thanks! More coming!

Thanks for the kind feedback. There are more installments on the way and I’ve got the itch to continue on with this series. Stay Tuned!

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

I've just gone and read all of the Conquest club stories (also read Vampire Mine, into the vampires harem and the first apocalypse slaves and am starting the second). You might be my favourite author on here. Keep up the good work especially this series.

dreamer3366dreamer3366about 7 years ago

That was a fun read! Thanks.

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