The Contest


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We were slow dancing. At first it was like a junior high dance. You could have slipped another (skinny) person between us. George seemed to be extremely interested in checking out the people around us. (I think he was looking for Drew.) We slipped gradually closer and closer together, and by the end of the dance George held me in a tight clinch. I rather liked it.

No sooner had the dance ended when a different man asked for the next dance. His name was Jack. We started out close. He was rubbing his chest against mine. I wasn't wearing a bra, and my sundress was so light it felt like he was directly rubbing against my nipples. They seemed to swell under the pressure. So did Jack, for that matter. I could feel his hardness bumping into my leg. Then he turned me slightly and suddenly hardness had slipped between my legs!

I hadn't worn panties that night. My sundress was so thin and light that panties, even a thong, would have made an obvious panty line. Besides, I wanted to feel naughty. So I could feel Jack's stiffy rubbing against my mound! Suddenly we seemed to melt together. I could feel my lips down there being rubbed by the hardness of this brazen man! His hands left my back and converged on my bottom. He pulled me even closer and began to move me back and forth, up and down against him.

I didn't know how to respond. I was shocked, yes. No one had ever been that forward towards me before. But I was liking it. I guess I didn't fight him. I didn't object. Instead I went with the flow, as they say. I was becoming more and more aroused. Suddenly the song ended and I was in the arms of another man! There seemed to be a crowd of men surrounding me and I was in the middle of the crowd dancing with one of them and that one changed at the end of every song. Hands ran up and down my body over my dress. Was it the guy I was dancing with? Was it one of the men around me? Was it all of the men around me? I didn't know. I didn't know how to respond. My body was responding for me! Had I panties on, they would have been thoroughly soaked.

Jack took over again. This time he reached down and grabbed the bottom of my dress and pulled it up! My mind was a mess and I didn't even fight him. The bottom half of my body was exposed to the entire country club! But no, the crowd of men around me seemed to insure that the only ones able to see anything were them. I felt a finger slide between my nether lips. Oh, God. My eyes closed and I went with the moment. My hips seemed to take on a life of their own. They slid my lips along the finger. It brushed my clit and I moaned. Suddenly it was inside me! It slid out, and in, deeper and deeper. My eyes opened in shock, only to see Jack's eyes watching me intently. A thumb rubbed against my clitoris while the one finger inside my body somehow became two. There were hands groping my ass. Another finger swiped some of the dampness that had trickled down my legs and began to assault my back passage. There were hands on my breasts! Each nipple was separately tweaked.

I looked around in panic, and yet I could barely see the rest of the crowd. No one seemed aware of what was happening except the dozen or so men around me and me. I closed my eyes as my hips danced on the several fingers within me. Oh, the rubbing on my clit was driving me insane! I was a willing participant in my own assault. I was gasping for air. Someone kissed me, and that did it. I began to climax! I tried to stifle my scream as my body exploded in an eruption of lust and release! It went on and on! My hips rotated on those fingers as I slowly came down from an incredible high.

My eyes flew open as I realized what I had done! Then the crowd of men erupted in applause and laughter. I was so embarrassed! Jack lifted his hand and smiled while smelling his fingers. I thought I would die. But he put his arms around me.

"Don't worry, baby. You looked hot coming for us like that. You know, you can get a lot more than that from any of us. All you've got to do is say the word."

My mind was a mess. I hardly registered what he was saying. It was already getting late, so I pulled myself from Jack's grip and hurried to find my husband. Old reliable was still stationed at the bar with a huge bottle of beer. I told him it was time to go home.

When we got to the house I must admit that I attacked Drew. I already had had the greatest climax of my life, so I suppose it was mostly guilt that led me to take him like that. I pulled him into the bedroom, shed my clothes, climbed on top and then practically raped him.

The evening ended for me with a thoroughly satisfying climax. I hoped Drew enjoyed it. But I can't say that it was Drew I was thinking of as I hammered my pussy onto his rampant shaft. I kept thinking of Jack's magic fingers. Drew was the farthest thing from my mind, even though he was lying beneath me.

Drew: Contest Month

The next month passed quickly for me. Strangely I was required to go out of town on business many times during the month. I didn't go to the club on Saturday or Sunday for a dance, a round of golf or for anything else. Some might say I was avoiding the place.

About two weeks into it, I got a call from Jill something.

"Andy, I thought you were going to call me", she said in a pouting voice.

"Jeez, I'm sorry Jill. Things have been crazy at the office all of a sudden. I haven't had a spare minute to do anything."

"But what about the ..." she started. Then I guess she reconsidered. After all, she allegedly didn't know about the contest. That was one of the rules. She tried again with a different tact.

"I thought you were going to call me." She tried to sound offended. Maybe she was.

"Well as I said, I've been awfully busy. I've got to go out of town again this week. Maybe I'll give you a call when I get back. It's just been crazy around here." I wondered if she would fall for the same line twice.

"Well, okay", she said reluctantly. "Call me when you get back and we can hook up."

"Thanks for calling, Jill" says I. Then I hung up. Two weeks and a few days and I'll be out from under this. I need an umbrella. It's raining shit.

That night at dinner I told Susie, "I've got to go to Erie the next couple of days to handle some customer problems. Think you can make it on your own again?"

I carefully watched her face. A flash of pleasure was quickly replaced by a look of concern. "Andrew, do you have to go out of town again so soon? Can't they get by without you?"

"Susie, I'm sorry but you know this is just part of the job. Sometimes I can go a couple of months with no emergencies. And then I get half a dozen emergencies all at once. It's just my luck that this month everybody is screaming for me."

"Okay" Susie said. "I know you don't have much choice. But I get so lonely when you aren't here. I don't know what to do with myself when you are away."

"I'm sure you will think of something. Just do what comes naturally." Don't know why I said that. I could see that Susie wondered what I was referring to. But she let it slip by.

It helps to be prepared. I had several trips already scheduled. Some of my customers who were my buddies called with 'emergencies' that couldn't be put off. I guess I spent five or six days all month actually staying at home except for the weekends. Some days I spent 'traveling' to or from the customer locations. Hey, Erie is a seven hour drive from my office one way, even if my wheels never touch the ground. And I had a stop or two in Altoona and Johnstown. While I was out that far, I told Susie I might as was well visit a customer in Butler. Then there were a couple of short hops to Harrisburg and Allentown. I was all over the state of Pennsylvania. 'cept I never seemed to be in Philly. What a fuckin' coincidence.

On the weekends I just wanted to unwind, I told Susie. Go to the Country Club dance? Play golf? Hell, no! I needed to rest up for the next trip. I encouraged Susie to go to the dances without me. I had never done that before. She was very pleased. I was soooo thoughtful. Yeah, I'm am one loving s.o.b.

Finally it was coming to an end. This week I told the wife that I would accompany her to the next dance. She appeared to be pleased. At least the club carries good beer, so I would make it through the night.

She was dressed sexily again. I had a jacket over a pair of jeans and a tee-shirt. We arrived just after the start of the event, and Susie disappeared immediately. I went to the bar and got myself a Victory. Jack Off found me there.

"Are you coming tomorrow morning? I'm thinking us guys should meet between ten and eleven. Those that want to slip in a morning round can do it. Remember, we're going to find out who wins the thirteen hundred bucks. Don't forget to bring your money." He probably knows that I didn't win. Maybe everyone is in on this but me. It sure seems like all the wives know about it, except maybe my wife.

"Yes, I'll be there. I've been working pretty hard this month, and I need some recovery time. So no golf for me."

And that was that. I hung near the bar. None of the women pursued me, so I didn't have to dance. I just sat there and slowly sipped my ale and contemplated my possibilities. What a nice way to spend a Saturday evening.

Susie: Contest Month

The next month was the strangest and most exciting period of my life. I'll admit it. From time to time during our marriage I have felt the need for some strange cock. I've been very careful though. I certainly did not want to cause problems at home. I needed some variety in my sex lie, but I made sure that Drew was totally unaware of whatever philandering I might have done – just the occasional carefully orchestrated fling.

But the month after the dance I was presented with a cornucopia of sexual opportunities, seemingly without complications or consequences. Drew's business took him out of town almost all month and I was almost always alone.

I swear my plan was to live my normal life and nothing else. I may have enjoyed that outrageous night at the dance, but I had no intention of repeating it. My heart couldn't take those kinds of chances and continue beating.

Drew went to Johnstown on Tuesday afternoon. Wednesday morning I got a call from none other than Jack. I was shocked and stunned.

"Hey there Susie Q! What's happening?" The voice was strong and confident. I felt a shiver run up my spine.

"Jack, is that you? What are you calling for? Drew is out of town but he should be back in time for golf on Saturday if you are trying to arrange a pairing."

"I want a pairing alright, baby, but not with Jack. Come on out to play, Susie. We can finish what we started at the dance."

My knees felt like they would give out. "I didn't start anything at the dance. You men took advantage of me. I must have had too much to drink."

"Honey, you didn't have one drink all night. You were high, but it was from my fingers."

"Oh, you awful man. How could you say such a terrible thing to me?" My eyes were closed, remembering. I felt my hips start to rotate in time with my memory.

"Susie, I'm coming over to pick you up for lunch. We need to talk."

"Jack, I really shouldn't. Drew's out of town and I shouldn't be going out, especially with you."

"Perfect. We can take some time to get to know each other. No rush to be home, then, huh? I'll be there in twenty minutes."

"Jack, No. Don't..." But he had already hung up the phone. I ran upstairs to quickly shower. What am I doing, I asked myself? Say no to the man. But 'no' didn't seem to be in my vocabulary that day.

Jack came by and led me to his car – a Caddy, of course. No Toyota for him. He said we were going to lunch, but I was surprised to see him pull in to a Hampton Inn and park near a side entrance.

"What are we doing here, Jack? I thought we were going to lunch!" I knew damn well what we were doing here.

"Honey, I'm going to eat lunch. But what's on the menu is you."

He led me to a suite. Our clothes flew off and I was on a bed with a semi-stranger almost instantly. His hands were everywhere. His mouth went for my lips, and then slowly worked their way down to my, uh, lips. I was already so hot! He could do anything he wanted to me.

He was on me and then he was in me. His cock, prick, dick, lance, shaft, (I love those naughty words describing the male member) hovered over me, then stabbed in deeply, encountering very little resistance. I had been wet from the time he called me that morning.

My knees came up and my feet were high in the air as his engorged penis penetrated me to my depths. It felt so good. I needed it and he kept giving it to me. He plunged into me until we were two mindless sex machines pummeling each other. Jack's hips were flying and mine were working hard to keep up. I felt my ardor rising. I joined in the coupling with eagerness and enthusiasm. We were closer and closer to the edge. And then we were riding the edge. My orgasm seemed just out of reach, so good, yet so frustrating.

Then Jack placed my knees over his shoulders and suddenly he was all the way to my womb. A few major strokes and I exploded in sweet agony. Was sex ever that good before?

When Jack dropped me off that night, he said he might call again. I hoped he would. I wanted to again experience that wild uninhibited feeling that only animal sex with a stranger can give you.

Jack disappointed me. He didn't call again for a couple of weeks. But just the next day, some other man from that group that surrounded me at the dance called. My god, I hadn't even known his name! But by 11:30 that morning my feet were in the air and I was being plowed at yet another motel.

That set a pattern for the next month. I don't know how I allowed myself to be a part of it, but man after man after man appeared, fucked me, and then disappeared. Counting repeats, I must have been laid a couple of dozen times. And none of them were by Drew. How very strange.

Drew: And the winner is...

I slowly drove my car into the club parking lot and found a spot about a half mile from the clubhouse. Geez every member must be playing this morning. Still, I entered the clubhouse by ten after ten. I saw most of the asshole club standing around, apparently waiting for me and any other stragglers.

Jack Off waved me over. "Let's all go into the bar area. It's open but there won't be many people there this early."

I guess I was the last to arrive. So the asshole club (plus one) moseyed into the club restaurant and congregated by the bar. Jack was apparently the ring leader.

"Okay. Let's tally our scores. Who thinks they have a shot at the title?"

Twelve hands went up. I was busy looking for a bartender. A V-12 would have gone down easy about then.

"Well let's look at our documentation. What do you guys have" asked Jack?

Several of them reached in their pockets and pulled out a packet of photos. One had a camera. The rest just opened their cell phones.

"Okay, everyone; get with the guy next to you and look at the evidence. Count each wife. If you've got several pictures of the same woman, it only counts once, even if you had her several times during the month. And your own wife doesn't count, so don't try to pull that on us!"

Since there were thirteen guys present, I was left with no partner. Not like I needed one. I just watched the proceedings with more than a modicum of curiosity.

I could see the asshole club going through the pictures, making checkmarks next to a list of wives and counting the results for each member. It only took about ten minutes before all twelve had made their individual tallies.

Jack Off called for the results. "Okay, anyone with twelve wives, raise your hand."

No one raised his hand. So none had thrown a perfect game.

"Okay, anyone with eleven wives, raise your hand."

Twelve hands went in to the air. Wow. I was seeing my life flash before my eyes. Is it possible? Could it be that there was just one wife that never gave it up? Or was this some weird coincidence and everyone just couldn't get them all, but all of the wives had slept with someone?

Jack was pissed. "This isn't good. We have a dozen winners. What about you, Andy? How many did you score with?"

I just smiled. "Heck, it don't matter none. I didn't make the grade, no matter what."

"Yes, I guess you're right. Well, instead of one guy getting thirteen hundred dollars, twelve guys are going to have to split the one hundred bucks that Andy put into the pot. That sucks." Jack was displeased.

I raised my hand. "Hold on, now. I think I have a partial solution. I've got a confession to make here. I'm not really that interested in fucking other guy's wives, but I get off on other men fucking my wife. I know it's kinda kinky, but what can I do? It's the way I'm made. I'll give any of you who have a picture of you fucking my wife three hundred dollars for that picture."

The asshole club looked at each other, wondering if this was for real or some kind of trick. I attempted to assuage their fears.

"Don't worry fellas. I promise that your wives will never see those pictures if you don't want them to. If you need it I'll even sign a release of lien, or whatever the hell you call those things to prove I won't use the pictures against you. I just want to see my wife getting fucked. Three hundred, guys! Three hundred dollars apiece. How can you lose?"

No one said a word. Didn't anyone have a picture of my wife? That would just be my luck.

Slowly George (remember him?) brought his hand up. "I've got one", he said. "But it's in my camera."

I pulled out a flash memory card and said, "Load it right in there, buddy".

He did so. I reached into my coat and pulled out three crisp hundred dollar bills and said, "We have a winner!"

Suddenly eleven other hands went up and I was up to my ears in pictures of my wife in the arms of other men. Cool! I came prepared. What is twelve times three hundred? Sounds like thirty-six hundred dollars to me. That's exactly what I had on me. That's me: the eternal optimist. Swear to God, twelve men walked out of that meeting happy.

Oh, why did everyone score with only eleven wives? The wife of asshole number two was so hideous that no one went after her. If any of them had a brain as big as his balls he would have recognized the obvious and gone for her first. He would have gotten the thirteen hundred bucks (well twelve if you get pissy about it) as well as my three hundred.

And why did only twelve men walk out of the meeting happy? Because the thirteenth man stayed there waiting for the bar to open.


A Victory Party

Within only a few minutes the bartender had miraculously appeared, took one look and pulled out a bottle of Victory V-12, the ambrosia of American bottled ales. I was sucking on the bottle and slowly paging through my picture stash of Susie in flagrante delicto, as they say. It was a beautiful thing.

Randy Williams saw me sitting at the bar and came on over. I gave him a big smile and the Obama fist bump. "Want a Victory?" I asked. Randy nodded. I signaled mine host, who brought over two more bottles of V-12.

"So, how'd it go" Randy asked?

"I love it when a plan comes together. When we first started talking about this a couple of months ago, I was sure it was going to be dead in the water. How could these assholes fall for something this stupid? Randy, my boy. You are my hero. How you convinced these jerks that my wife might be available without it looking like a setup is beyond my powers of understanding. This contest idea was brilliant in its idiocy. Only an asshole could fall for it."

"Drew, you just have to know your mark. I've told you that time and again. These guys were putty in our hands. It's Susie that surprised me. I can't believe she fucked twelve different guys in one month."