The Conversation

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The arrogant prick.
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For those of you that read my stories, this one pulls in a lot of the characters from other stories or at least references them.


My twin brothers (Jimmy, and Timmy) and I own a construction company. We started out doing home improvements, but over the years the business has grown and now we build homes and other large construction projects. We're still a family business, we employ 10 guys, and my sister Tina, who is our secretary. Jimmy's wife Connie does payroll, taxes, and things like that for The Brothers. That's the company's name, The Brothers Construction Company (aka, The Brothers). We also have one more brother who went in a different direction, but still helps us out, Johnathan who is a lawyer.

Anyway, I was married, but my life fell apart when my now ex-wife got drunk at an office happy hour, had sex with her boss, and get pregnant. I hadn't dated anyone seriously after that. That is until I met Kristy, whom I married 15 years ago.

A couple of the guys and I were building a big awning to cover the outdoor kitchen, bar, and seating area for a client. The backyard was spacious with a nice pool and patio around it. Kristy, the youngest daughter, was out by the pool tanning while wearing a black string bikini like she did most days, when her asshole boyfriend shows up, drunk. I say asshole because he's treated my guys like shit whenever he's around. He just says stupid shit and tries to show off.

Well, as I said, this time he showed up drunk and Kristy's parents were out running errands. Kristy and Robby, I think that was his name, must have had some arguments because Kristy told Robby to leave, but he wouldn't listen. Then he started yelling and cursing at Kristy. When he raised a hand and slapped Kristy, that's when I had to step in. He got one slap across her face before I grabbed him. The little fuck was only maybe 5'8" and 160 pounds. Not much of a match for me at 6'2" and 220 pounds. I just grabbed him by the throat and dragged him through the side gate and down the driveway. "Get in your car and just drive away," I told him. But he didn't listen.

"I'm gonna kill you, you mother fucker." He said he came back from his car carrying a baseball bat. I don't know if it was just trying to scare me or if he was going to hit me with it. But it didn't matter either way. As he pulled the bat over his shoulder, ready to swing it at me, I took a few steps forward and hit him with an uppercut and he fell to the ground. Kristy's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Johnson pulled up to see Robby staggering to his car and drive away.

Kristy, who was standing behind me through all of this, ran to her mother in tears as she explained what had happened. I got a handshake and a thank you from Mr. Johnson and a hug from Kristy's mom. Me and the guys went back to work and as we were wrapping up for the day, Kristy came out to thank me with a hug and kiss on the cheek.

We were at the house for the next two weeks working on the project and Kristy would always have cold drinks for us. And a nice view as she lay out by the pool in that little black bikini.

One afternoon, Kristy came over and started talking to me. I had never really talked to her before. In addition to being attractive, she was smart and funny. A few days later, Kristy asked me if I would like to take her to dinner. Well, normally I would say yes in a heartbeat. Kristy is gorgeous. But I did the right thing.

I walked into the house through the French doors into the kitchen and asked to speak to Mr. Johnson. "Mr. Johnson," I said, "I would like to take your daughter out for dinner tomorrow night but would like your permission." Mr. Johnson looked a little shocked that I asked his permission. It wasn't like I was asking for his approval to marry his daughter.

"Mr. Johnson," I said, "I think I might be eight to ten years older than your daughter; you understand my concern." I didn't get another word before Mrs. Johnson gave her approval. Kristy was 24 and I was 34 when we went on our first date. Six months later we were married. A year later, our daughter Meg was born.

Well, I thought our life together had been wonderful. But one evening while lying in bed, Kristy sprung it on me. "Tommy, I have something I would like to discuss with you." With a ten-year age difference between us, in the back of my mind, I had always known that one day we might have this conversation. I am now 50.

"Tommy, you know I love you" ...... and I cut her off right there.

"Kristy, just say what you want to say," and she did.

"Tommy, I want to have sex with another man."

"Why," I asked.

"I don't know how to say this without hurting you."

"Well, it's too late for that now isn't I," I said. I didn't know if I was going to say yes or no to her, but I wasn't going to make it easy for her.

"Is it my age Kristy, Am I not able to please you like I once did? Are you planning on leaving me for a younger man?"

"No Tommy, it's not like that. It's just that Bob has asked me ...."

"Bob Barns?" I asked.

"Tommy, there's just something about him. He's handsome, in great shape, intelligent and wealthy. He is also very nice. He notices everything and always has nice things to say to me. For instance, last week I had my hair done and he noticed it and told me how nice it looked."

"Of course, he noticed everything, he wants to fuck you."

"Tommy don't be like that."

"So how long has this been going on and have the two of you fucked yet."

"No, I would never cheat on you. I told Bob I had to talk to you. All I have done is gone out to lunch a few times with Bob. I have never kissed him, held his hand, or let him touch me. We sit on the other sides of the table when we are out at lunch."

"So, the seed has been planted. It starts with flirting, maybe a gentle touch, and then lunch together."

"Yes Tom, Bob has been flirting with me for a while. At first, it was just innocent comments but lately, I've started to enjoy his visits when he stops in to see me."

"So, what are you expecting from me Kristy; am I supposed to just say "Have fun and tell me all about it when you get back? Am I your cuckold now?"

"Tommy, don't be like that."

"Kristy, I had always expected that one day, when I was older like I am now, you would tell me you wanted to have sex with someone younger. I was expecting it to be some one-night stand with a 20-year-old kid or something that could last longer and recover sooner than I could. But no, you are going for the rich arrogant prick. Yes Kristy, he's a prick. He pulled the same shit on Kelly, Frank's wife. I'm sure you know the whole story."

"I do know what happened and that Frank and Bob got into a fight too. Look, Tommy, I'm turning 40 next month. I'm getting old and I like that Bob flirts with me. I don't know, he makes me feel sexy again."

"Kristy, he walks around like he is God's gift to women. He flaunts his money and talks about everything he owns. He talks about his houses, his cars, his boat, all the events he attends, and he looks down on everyone that is not like him, wealthy."

"Tommy, are you jealous?"

"No, I'm very happy with my life. At least I was until you sprung this on me."

"Tommy, let's just go to sleep and we can talk more tomorrow."

"No Kristy, we'll talk now. You are turning 40 and I love you. You look better than women in their 30s."

"You're just saying that because you're my husband and you have to."

"Kristy, are you looking for my approval? Does it matter if I say yes or no?"

"Well, I would like you to say yes. But I don't want this to affect our marriage."

"Oh Kristy, it already has. I think I'll sleep in the guest room tonight."

"Tommy, no, come back."

The next morning, I was up and out of the house before Kristy was awake. She tried to call and text me throughout the day and I just ignored her. I was glad our daughter was off at summer camp for two weeks and wouldn't have to hear what was going on. I expected our life to be back to normal before she or I would be filing for divorce.

When I got home from work that night, I showered and just left. I completely ignored Kristy. When I returned it was midnight and Kristy was there waiting for me.

"Tommy, we need to talk, you can't just ignore me."

"I think I can," as I walked into the guest room and called it a night.

The rest of the week was the same. I would be out of the house before Kristy woke up and I would just eat out. Friday evening, I got home around four-thirty; Kristy doesn't work on Fridays, so she was waiting for me when I walked in. "Tommy, please can we talk," Kristy asked.

"Kristy, what does Bob's wife have to say about you two fucking?"

"Bob and Carol have an open marriage," she said.

"Well, we don't, unless you want me to fuck Carol while you're off with Bob." Kristy looked surprised at my comment.

"Tommy, why would you want Carol when I am he for you whenever you want to make love to me or for just a good fucking if that's what you want?" I just looked at Kristy and shook my head.

"So, what time is your office barbeque tomorrow, Kristy?" The BBQ was at one of the partner's homes. Kristy works at B&B and Associated, a big law firm. She's a secretary in one of the secretarial pools.

"I didn't think you would want to go," Kristy responded.

"So, you were planning on going without me? Were you going to make plans with Bob and get together with him behind my back?" I asked.

"Tommy, you know I would never cheat on you. Your first wife did that, and I swore to you that I never cheat on you."

With a smirk on my face, I looked at Kristy and said, "Oh I'm going to the BBQ all right."

Kristy knows what happened with my first wife Karen. I like to think that over the years I've changed a little. I don't fly off the handle any longer and I talk things through before I make decisions. I even talk to my ex-wife now without getting into an argument. Sometimes I look back and wonder if I made the right decision, I love Kristy and Meg, but did I abandon my ex-wife? My ego told me that I couldn't stay married to a woman and raise two kids that weren't mine.

My sister Tina wouldn't talk to me for months unless it was business related. She keeps in touch with my ex-wife regularly. She was even a bridesmaid at my ex-wife's wedding. My ex married a nice guy. I really can't say anything bad about him. He along with Tina were the ones that pushed for us to reconcile, which we did maybe two years after the divorce was final. I hated what she did to us, but it was just one drunken night and she hated herself for what she had done, but she now had twins to take care of and marriage was no longer her main concern.

I don't know, is sex really just sex? In my ex's case, she ended up getting pregnant. But could I get over a one-time sexual encounter if Kristy asked? Maybe, but not with that prick.

Kristy knows the whole story about my ex and that if she cheats on me, I will throw her ass to the curb. Yes, she wants to have sex with someone else, but she came to me and asked first. I'm not going to let her because I hate that prick and it would never be a one-time thing, I'm sure of that. That prick would rub it in my face at every company event that Kristy and I attended.

"Tommy, please don't start a fight with Bob."

"Kristy, you never answered my question the other night, what if I say no?"

"I would be upset, but our marriage means more to me than sex with Bob." I heard her say that she would be upset, and I didn't hear her say that she was going to tell Bob that I said NO to sex. I'll have to make that point a little clearer.

So, I ordered pizza, and we talked, but mostly about Meg and how the camp was going. We watched TV together and Kristy snuggled up close to me. Nothing more was said about Bob. But I found myself getting very excited when Kristy unzipped my fly and put my dick in her mouth.

"Tommy, will you sleep with me tonight, please, I miss having you next to me?"

"Yes, I will sleep in our bed tonight," I said with a big smile on my face.

"Don't expect to get much sleep," she said as she held my hard-on like a leash and led me to the bedroom. "I have a lot of apologizing to do," Kristy said. As she was done riding my dick, I thought I was going to pass out. Remember, she is ten years younger than me.

Saturday morning, I woke to Kristy's warm mouth sucking my dick. She was either very sorry for this whole sex with Bob thing or she was working me to keep me happy and bring it up again in the future.

I was up and showered and ran out to the deli for bacon, egg, and cheese sandwiches while Kristy fell back to sleep. When I returned, Kristy was making fresh coffee as she walked into the kitchen.

"Kristy, I don't want you having sex with anyone but me do you understand me?"

"Fine," with a deep sigh, "I'll tell Bob no."

"I wish you were saying no because you loved me and would never want to be with another man, not no, just because I told you no."

"Tommy, I love you more than anything in the world. If you say no, then no it is. But Tommy, please don't say anything to Bob or get into a fight with him, okay."

"I won't as long as you tell him that you will never have sex with him."

Again, I got "fine," from my wife.

I did a few things around the house as Kristy showered and got ready for the BBQ. It was at one of the partner's houses, about an hour's drive. He has a big house on over three acres of property with a big pool and outdoor kitchen, a bar, five TVs, and a fireplace/pizza oven. I've been to a few parties over the years and it's always a fun time, but this year, I hoped it would be this year too.

Kristy came walking into the kitchen where I was drinking a cup of coffee while waiting for her to get ready. "No," was all I said as I stared at her in the bikini, she planned on wearing. "Go change into a one-piece bikini." For an almost 40-year-old woman, Kristy looks incredible. If we were around our pool, the beach, or on vacation, I would be fine with Kristy in a bikini but not in front of that fucking prick.

"Fine," she said with a huff and walked off to change. Again, with this attitude. When she came back, she had shorts and a shirt on so I made her lift her shirt so I could see that she was wearing a one-piece.

"Tommy, please, please, please, promise me you aren't going to start a fight with Bob."

"Kristy, if you tell Bob NO then there will be no fight." For some reason, Kristy gave me a look like she didn't trust me.

We got to the house at around 2:00 and there were already a lot of people there. Thank God I saw a few husbands I know. There are five husbands that I like, Jim and his wife Laura are good friends of ours. Frank, who works for me, is married to Kelly. The other three, Jerry, Trevor, and Chris are the husbands of the girls that work with Kelly and Laura. Frank says their wives are crazy. His wife Kelly told him that the girls in the office, Tina, Karen, and Jenny were all asking their husbands for a hall pass to have one night with another man. In Tina's case, she wanted sex with a woman. She calls it "Lesbian Love" lol, and Trevor recently agreed to it. Trevor agreed to it because he wants to watch them, but he hasn't told Tina yet.

I've asked Frank about the other two and if their husbands agreed. Frank said that Trevor told the other guys what was going on and Jim, who is in an open marriage with Laura has been bushing to just let the girls have their one night. He has also gone as far as to offer up his wife to Jerry if he lets Karen have sex with a Black guy, that's her one-night fantasy.

As for Jenny, Frank says there is no way in hell that Chris is giving her a hall pass. Jenny wants to get fucked up the ass or at least Tina and Karen have convinced her that she wants it. These girls are a mess. Chris is grossed out by the whole idea of ass fucking, but he loves Jenny and will probably fuck her up the ass to make her happy.

Back to the BBQ. It didn't take long for that prick to spot Kristy and strut his arrogant ass over with his wife Carol.

"Hello Kristy," the arrogant prick said as he kissed Kristy. At least Kristy had the decency to turn her head and give him a cheek instead of full-on lips like the prick was trying for. "You remember my wife," the prick asked.

"Of course," Kristy said as they chatted a little.

"Hello, Tommy, is it?" what a prick.

"Hi, Pri... Bob. Sorry just got a little confused there for a minute." That got a dirty look from Kristy. "Bob, are you going to play horseshoes this year? I'm looking forward to winning some of your money again." And I got another dirty look from Kristy.

"Look Tommy," Kristy said, "Frank, Jim, and the other guys are waiting for you to join them at horseshoes."

"Yes Tommy, why don't you run off to be with your friends? I'm sure you have more in common with them anyway," said the prick.

"Is that what you would like Kristy, do you want me to leave the two of you alone?" She had better give me the correct response or a fight might break out today.

"Tommy, I promise I will come find you shortly I just need a moment to talk to Bob," That was an acceptable response.

"Nice seeing you again Tommy," the prick reached out to shake my hand like he was saying goodbye to me and taking my wife away. Then he tried to squeeze my hand and the tough guy match began. I've worked construction all my life and this prick thinks he can squeeze my hand. Did he really think that gym muscle is the same as construction muscle?

"Bob, have you been hitting the gym? You have some grip." I said as I showed him no mercy.

"Tommy, please go see the guys." Kristy was getting a little concerned for Bob, not me. And Carol, poor Carol looked like she had no idea what was going on. I wonder if Carol knows she is in an open marriage.

"Bob, how about we try arm wrestling?" I must have said that a little louder than I thought as people around us turned and were now egging Bob on and placing bets. Bob, the arrogant prick couldn't just walk away, he had to show off and talk shit.

"No, there's no need for embarrassment," Bob said, "you do realize that I am 20 years younger than you, old man." And that was when Roland, the partner whose house we were at, spoke up.

"Bob, I have five grand that says you have no chance in hell of beating Tom." I like that he showed me a little respect and called me Tom instead of Tommy. Tommy is what my friends call me.

"Come on Bob, the bar over here is a perfect height. You're both about 6' or so, this should work fine." I love this guy, Roland.

Well, Kristy was giving me the look again, but everyone else was getting in on the action. Believe it or not, most of these clowns were putting their money on Bob. Frank, Jim, Trevor, Jerry, Chris, and their wives were right by my side pooling their money.

"I guess it's your turn to humiliate Bob like Frank did last year," Kelly said.

"Bob, how about best two out of three?" I asked. By this point, that prick was so hyped up with all his buddies egging him on, he couldn't back down now. And that's when Roland stepped in again.

"Tom, I'll cove you for a $5000 bet. I think you can win all three matches," And then he looked to Bob, "Will you take his bet?" Roland asked.

Bob was fuming that Roland thought so little of him. And again, I was getting the look from Kristy. But there was no way in hell I was going to back down.

"Yes, I'll take the bet!" Bob replied.

"Bob, are you sure? That's $10,000," Carol said.

All bets down someone shouted; as Kristy whispered into my ear, "Tommy, please don't break his arm," and kissed me.

Three up and three down. It was the fastest $5000 I ever earned.

I reached out my hand to shake Bob's, but he just slapped mine away. There were a few boos about his bad sportsmanship attitude. So instead of a handshake, I gave him a big old bearhug and whispered in his ear. "Bob, if you ever fuck with me again or hit on my wife, I will put you in the hospital. You will not be fucking my wife either do you understand me?" I squeezed a little harder waiting for his response.