The Cougar of Cannon County


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Virginia didn't say anything, so I raised the flap on the tent and crawled inside.

She was sitting there holding the blanket up to her neck with one hand. With the other, she shined the flashlight in the back corner of the tent.

"I saw it over there."

I crawled over to that corner and looked around, but I didn't see anything. The light went away then. I turned around to tell Virginia I couldn't see without the light, but turning was all I got done. Talking was out of the question. Virginia had let the blanket fall to the floor of the tent and had turned the flashlight around so it lit her up. I'd never seen naked lit up like that before. When I didn't say anything, Virginia grinned.

"I always sleep naked. You don't mind, do you?"

How the hell do you answer a question like that? I was trying to figure that out when Virginia grinned again.

"I lied about the spider. I just wanted you to come in here with me."


Virginia giggled.

"Jack, if you can't figure that out, you really need help."

"You want me to...with you...right now?"

"Uh-huh. Don't you want to? It looks like your dick wants to."

Well, I couldn't deny that so I didn't try. I was a little shocked though. I'd had the fantasy, but I never expected Virginia to want anything like that. In my fantasies, I'd been a great lover. Now, since I never had before, I wasn't so sure.

"Virginia, I've never...well, I might not do it right."

She grinned again.

"I was hoping you hadn't. That just makes it better for me. Now, go get your blanket and come back inside."

You do stupid things when you're too young to know they're stupid. When I spread out my blanket, Virginia pulled off my T-shirt and then told me to lay down. As soon as I did, she straddled my legs and started unbuckling my belt. I don't remember her unbuttoning my jeans and sliding the zipper down because I was looking at the breasts that jiggled just above my belly.

Virginia said, "Raise up", and when I did, she pulled my jeans down my legs. It took her a second to figure out they wouldn't come off over my shoes. When she did, she turned around and shined the flashlight on my feet, then untied my shoelaces and pulled off my shoes. I couldn't see much then, but I did see the silhouette of the full lips that peeked out from between her thighs. My cock was already stiff, so it didn't get any stiffer, but it felt like it tried.

Virginia pulled my jeans off the rest of the way, then turned back around and grabbed the waistband of my underwear. I was glad she thought to lift the waistband over my cock. If she hadn't, it would have been painful.

Virginia shut off the flashlight then, and she giggled as she moved to my side.

"Just lay still and do what I show you. It'll be fun, I promise."

I have to say it was fun when she touched my rigid cock and then started stroking it. It was pretty great when she ran her fingertip around the swollen head. When she bent down and closed her lips around it, I got the first lesson in how much Virginia knew about men.

Now, most of us guys had heard our dads talk about that when they thought we weren't listening. Most claimed it was pretty great. After Virginia sucked half my cock in her mouth and then tickled the underside with her tongue, I decided those guys had understated everything. When she fondled my balls, I figured those guys had never met a woman like Virginia or they'd have used a lot more words than just "great".

Virginia had me humping up into her face in a matter of minutes, and I knew what was going to happen if she kept it up. Apparently she did too, because when I groaned, she giggled and stopped.

"Uh-uh. Not this time Jack. Maybe tomorrow, but now I get to have fun too."

Virginia straddled me again and said, "play with my boobies."

She didn't give me time to even get started. She just felt down my arms, pulled my hands to her breasts, and then said, "Squeeze 'em, but not hard. Just a little for now."

I did what she said, and I must have done it right because she purred out a little moan.

"That's right. Now, do the same to my nipples, just not very hard at first."

I'd never felt a nipple in my life. Well, I guess I did when I was a baby but I don't remember that. I wasn't expecting Virginia's nipple to get longer and thicker when I stroked it with a fingertip, but it did. So did her other nipple. She caught her breath both times, and after the last one, she bent down and poked her right nipple in my face.

"Suck it", she said, "and you can suck pretty hard now. I'm getting caught up with you."

I couldn't believe how much thicker her nipple got when I sucked on it. I also couldn't believe all the little ridges and bumps that rose up on her nipple bed. I stroked around her other nipple and found out that nipple bed was the same way.

That distracted me a little so her right nipple almost slipped out of my mouth. I pinched it between my lips to keep it there. Virginia gasped.

"Oh God, do that again only harder this time."

I did and Virginia gasped again. I felt hair rubbing the underside of my cock about then, and a second later she was stroking my cock but she wasn't using her hand. It took me a while to figure out she'd pressed her body down on my cock enough it had slipped between her lips. Virginia started moving her satiny lips up and down my cock then, and the more she did it, the wetter it got.

On my own, I switched nipples, or tried to. I sort of had to feel around to find her left breast and then guide that nipple to my mouth. When I sucked on it, Virginia moaned and pushed down on my cock a little harder. When I pinched it between my lips pretty hard, she gasped and I felt her shake a little.

I was like a kid with a new toy. I mean, Virginia rubbing herself over my cock was pretty great, but it was fun to play with her nipples and breasts just to see what she did.

I'd lick a nipple and Virginia would moan a quiet little moan. I'd pinch it between my lips and I'd feel her tummy roll a little. I screwed up once and pinched her right nipple between my teeth. She shrieked a little and I thought I'd hurt her until she poked that nipple in my eye and said, "bite it again."

Well, like I said, I was having a ball with Virginia's nipples and it felt like she was liking it too. My cock just kept getting wetter and wetter. My dad had said that was supposed to happen, but he evidently forgot to explain that I'd feel my balls getting wet too.

I pinched Virginia's other nipple with my teeth then. She pulled back and gasped when I didn't let go, and then kept pulling. Slowly, she pulled her nipple from my teeth, and gasped again when it popped out. I had my mouth open to catch it when she bent down again, but she didn't. Instead she raised up, grabbed my cock, and pushed it back through her wet lips. She moved it around a little, murmured, "there we go", and started to lower her body.

I'd thought it was great having my cock in Virginia's mouth, but when she impaled herself on it, there weren't any words that described how it felt. Maybe I just couldn't think of any, because as soon as she was sitting on my thighs, she started raising up again. She was all, wet, slippery ripples inside and I felt every one massaging my cock.

I suppose the fact it was dark and I couldn't see what was happening made it even better. All I could do was feel Virginia's lips stroking my shaft and her breasts in my hands or mouth. After a while I started hearing her, and those little murmurs and moans made me start thrusting up every time she came down over my cock.

At first, it was just a little "mmm" or "oh" once in a while, but then she started saying things like, "God, I love your dick in me" and "Oh, fuck...I'm gonna cum so hard". I'd never heard a woman talk like that. Guys said cock, dick, fuck and cum, but women didn't. Hearing her say that really got me going.

After those little murmurs, Virginia started to pant and she was riding me faster. I was keeping up with her and every time I slammed my cock up, she'd moan. I could feel her body start to tighten up a little later. She ground her lips into the base of my cock and moaned, "Oh, God. I'm gonna cum."

After that, she jerked, then raised up and slammed back down over my cock. That did it for me. I groaned and pushed up as the spurt flew out of my cock and inside Virginia. She shook a little, then gasped, and then her legs started to shake. She cried out, "Oh fuck, now Jack", and her passage clamped down on my cock.

I think I shot three more times but with all the shaking and clamping down on my cock Virginia was doing, I sort of lost track.

She stayed like that for a few seconds, then started riding my cock again. I'd feel her passage clamp down a little from time to time and she'd catch her breath when that happened. I thought we were done when Virginia eased herself down on my chest.

Virginia had other ideas though. She giggled softly.

"Mmm...that was great. I'm gonna get you all nice and hard and then fuck you again. That's what I like about young guys like you. You get it up really fast the second time."

I think that would have happened even if she hadn't planted her mouth on mine, pushed her tongue between my teeth and tried to lick my tonsils. My cock was softening a little, but she kept squeezing it with her pussy, and after a while, I could tell it wasn't going to go down. Her tongue wrapping itself around mine just made it get hard a little faster.

Virginia started rocking her hips up and down then and finished getting my cock to stand up. She raised up a little, poked her nipple at my mouth and whispered, "suck it and suck it hard."

Well...I didn't need any encouragement to do that. I'd figured out Virginia's nipples liked to be sucked a lot, and the more I sucked, nibbled, and bit them, the more Virginia liked it. It wasn't very long before she was back to riding my cock and panting.

It didn't take her as long this time, but I don't think she ever really stopped cumming. The contractions and her little moans got further apart for a while, but pretty soon, she was moaning with every thrust, and I felt her getting a lot slipperier.

She had this way of pushing herself down over my cock and then rocking her hips that pushed my cock head against something really soft. That was great, but when she raised back up, it felt about like when she sucked my cock, and that was fantastic. If I hadn't just cum, she'd have had me spurting again in seconds. Because I had, though, she was just keeping me at the point just shy of doing that.

I think it was when she gasped, "Oh God, fuck me harder", that I went over the edge. That's when I started lifting her up with my thrusts anyway. Virginia gasped at the first, then held her breath and ground down as her pussy clamped my cock tight. She raised up a little, then cried out and clamped my cock again. That was all I could take.

While I shot her full of cum again, Virginia rocked her ass and shook like a leaf. She kept saying, "Oh, oh, oh" over and over. When she laid down and mashed her breasts into my chest that time, she giggled.

"Oh fuck. I want to do this again, but I don't think I can."

I was going to tell her I couldn't either but she clamped her passage around my cock again. All I could do was groan and push up.

Virginia laid there on top of me until my cock finally slipped out. Then she rolled off and giggled again.

"Your blanket is soaked, Jack. That means we'll have to sleep really close. You won't mind, will you?"

I didn't mind at all. I didn't have any trouble falling asleep even though Virginia draped her leg over my legs, pushed her wet hair into my thigh, and mashed her breasts into my side. It felt good, but I was too beat to stay awake.

I woke up the next morning with Virginia playing with my cock. I had to pee, so I told her I had to go outside for a minute. She grinned.

"OK, but you better come back or I'll track you down."

I did go back. Virginia didn't ride me again. She just laid back on my blanket, spread her thighs wide, and grinned.

"Think you know how to fuck me like this?"

I didn't answer. I just knelt between her open legs and slipped my finger in her. Virginia grinned again, and then pinched her nipples.

Well, we soaked down the second blanket that time too. Virginia seemed to get really wet. After she let me go, we got dressed and took both blankets down to the river, washed them, and hung them over some bushes to dry. I started the fire again and cooked us some eggs and ham for breakfast.

When we got done, Virginia said she needed to leave.

"I think I'm gonna go home and take a bath. Then I'm gonna buy some more food and come back for the rest of the weekend. Would that be all right with you?"

I grinned.

"Are you going to do what you did last night?"

Virginia reached over and rubbed my crotch.

"Are you going to get your dick hard for me again?"

She giggled then.

"I guess I didn't have to ask that, did I? It's getting hard already."

Well, by the time we walked back to our cars on Sunday morning, I wasn't sure my cock would ever get hard again. Virginia couldn't just settle for once at night and once in the morning. By Sunday morning, she had to work to get my cock to stand up the second time, and when I came, I don't think much came out. She got just as wet as ever though, and she did the same grinding and clamping every time.

I got home, took a shower, and then collapsed on my bed. It was only about six hours before I had to leave for work and I really needed the rest.

I clocked in that night and when I went to my station, Virginia was already there. She looked at me and grinned.

"I see you're still alive."

"Yeah, barely."

"When are you going camping again?"

"I don't know. Probably in a couple weeks. Why?"

"Oh...I just thought I might come along with you again. I liked being out there."

She grinned that same grin again.

"You wouldn't mind too much, would you."

Well, that night I found my old Boy Scout Handbook and looked up how to build a latrine. Virginia told me she'd be fine washing up in the river, but she really wanted a place to sit when nature called. It didn't look like it was going to be hard to build. I just didn't know how I was going to keep Virginia off me long enough to build it.

I figured that was going to be problem. The day before at break, she asked me if anybody else ever camped there. I said no because it was private property and I was the only one with permission to camp there.

Virginia grinned.

"Then, if I was to not wear anything, nobody would see me?"

"Well, probably not."

"You wouldn't mind if I didn't wear anything would you?"

Well, that was a lot of years ago. Virginia and I camped out about every two weeks that summer and fall. When it got too cold, we camped out at her house. Of the two places, Virginia's house was the most comfortable, though seeing her run around naked at her house wasn't quite as exciting as seeing her naked at my campsite.

The next spring, Virginia got offered a job as a supervisor at one of the company's other plants. Unfortunately, that plant was in Texas. She couldn't very well turn it down because it meant more money. We went camping one more time before she left.

The day after she left, Harold showed a new woman how to do the job Virginia had been doing. She looked about the same age as Virginia, had red hair and green eyes, and once Harold had left, she looked at me and smiled.

"Hi, I'm Brittany."

I said my name was Jack and if she needed any help to just ask.

Brittany was still smiling.

"The women who interviewed me -- I don't remember her name, but she had short blonde hair -- she said you're a really good helper."

"That was probably Virginia."

"That's it, Virginia. She said you'd be more than happy to help me. She said you like to go camping too."

Brittany grinned then and I got an uneasy feeling Virginia had done more than interview Brittany.

"I like camping a lot."

My dad had always joked about redheads being hot. I figured I might just get to find out for myself, and as it turned out, I did. It also turned out Dad was right. Damn...was he ever right.

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Peapod41Peapod412 months ago

You have thst rare ability to vest in othwise ordinary characters, small victories in their day-to-day

existences. That's the mark of true storytellers. And man, are you one out-of-the-box!

Crusader235Crusader235about 1 year ago

Great first time story. I've always known that a young male should be instructed by a mature female. Five stars.

Comentarista82Comentarista82about 1 year ago

One thing I just realized is that Virginia wouldn't be classified as a "cougar" today, as that's assumed she's kind of a man-eater, and here she's just a woman with a healthy sex drive that accepts a younger man's attentions.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Fun to read story told with "a straight face" made it even better. Great.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

pretty good. I just can't help thinking of the mosquitoes.

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