The Council Ch. 05


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A muffled curse ripped from Jared's lips. He'd given up questioning Rhianna's pronouncements a long time ago. If the petite vampire said they were mates then he believed her. So now he had a third mating on his hands. Not that the number involved really mattered because one was enough to cause the pack issues.

He sighed deeply and turned to Cedar and Loretta. "One of you needs to go over there and have a chat with Ashleigh, find out what the situation is and guide her through any questions she may have. I'm not saying Nors isn't capable of dealing with it but Ashleigh has no family if she needs some female guidance. As you can both relate to her predicament it would be better if it were one of you answering any questions she may have. You can decide among yourselves who it's going to be."

Caleb was frowning, not liking this change of events. If an Ancient was going to claim a wolf as a mate then maybe he would have to re-think his involvement in the situation. He was annoyed with Nors too. Why hadn't his friend told him his interest in the little wolf was anything other than platonic, especially in light of what was going on at the moment? Didn't he think he needed to know this information?

A cell phone rang breaking the little silence that had occurred after Jared's last words. Everyone paused and listened, then Cedar sighed. "It's mine." She dug inside her purse, pulling out her cell, her lips twitching slightly when she saw the caller ID. "I'll just take this outside," she said, heading out of the sitting room.


Alexei pulled onto the dirt road that wound through the deep forest and then cursed loudly and slammed on the brakes. Jared's words came back to him from the week before and he cursed again as he hunted for his cell phone.

His sole intent was to find Cedar and have a little chat with her about what was acceptable and what was not when it came to their relationship. However, he didn't think it would go down well if he broke her Alpha's edict about requiring permission to enter the compound. He didn't want to give her any ammunition that she could throw back at him.

He waited impatiently for Cedar to pick up, his mood darkening when she took so long to answer. If his call went to voicemail he'd wring her beautiful neck for her. His heart pounded loudly as the call connected and his woman's breathy voice greeted him. "Alexei."

A little of his irritation faded just at the sound of her voice but only a little. He was still mad at her for cancelling on him to come to the compound after work. "I'm five minutes away," he said tersely. "Your Alpha said I cannot enter the compound without express permission. Invite me, Cedar." It wasn't a request, it was most definitely an order.

"So, you can't come here unless you get my express permission?" Cedar laughed lightly, his irritation sparking her wolf's interest and sending a shiver of delight through her. "That must hurt a lot, Alexei. Does it? Remember the game now." She heard his furious hiss as she turned his own silly rules around on him. He wanted to play games? She was up for the challenge.

There was a long pause and then he hissed again. "Yes! Now invite me to the compound or so help me, I'll break your Alpha's edict and there will be hell to pay if I do that. Be careful how you play this game, Cedar. You may not be willing to pay the price that's required," he warned in a quiet voice. His lips twitched slightly as he heard her indrawn breath. She suddenly wasn't so sure of herself now, was she?

Cedar sucked in a deep breath and then laughed again. She swallowed hard to try and contain her laughter. Alexei really did sound pissed. It wouldn't bode well if she pushed him beyond his endurance. A little light teasing was fun though. "You have my express permission to come to the compound, Alexei," she said softly. "I'll be waiting for you at Jared's house."

Alexei disconnected the call without another word, heading down the road towards the wolf that was driving him insane. When he got his hands on her he was going to teach her just what happened when she fucked with him. By the time he was finished with her she'd rue the day she was born.

He plotted what he'd do to her, coming up with such increasingly imaginative ideas that soon his thoughts veered away from physical violence and started taking a more erotic bent. His temper started to cool slightly as his desire started to battle for dominance. By the time he pulled up outside the Alpha's house and saw her standing on the top step at the door, he couldn't make up his mind if he was going to kill her or kiss her. Either option had a fifty-fifty chance of happening.

Cedar watched Alexei get out of the car and her heart kicked up a beat instantly. How could any man manage to make a pair of jeans look so damned sexy? He was scowling darkly as he stalked towards her, his long blond hair swaying in the slight breeze, his big body moving with a fluid grace that set her heart thumping loudly in her chest. She was in trouble this time judging from the expression on his face. Maybe she had pushed him to far?

He stopped on the second step in front of her, bringing them to eye level. For a moment she thought he was going to wring her neck for her but then his eyes took on a more heated expression and he was spinning her around and pressing her hard against the doorjamb, his mouth descending on hers in a fierce, punishing kiss.

Alexei gave into the urge to kiss her. It was a hopeless battle trying not to. She looked so damned sexy standing there in her pristine little business suit, the skirt ending just above her knees showing plenty of long, shapely legs for his eager perusal. Her white silk blouse moulded delicately to her breasts which made him itch to unwrap her delights slowly for his attentions.

He couldn't stay angry with her for long. The moment she was close to him and her scent washed over him in sweet waves as it was doing now, all he could think about was sliding his body over hers, tasting her sweet mouth and feeling her respond to him with the same eagerness he responded to her.

His kiss gentled slightly and turned less punishing, more seductive as he pressed his entire length against her, forcing his thigh between her legs, his hands trying to find the pins in her hair to release her glorious curls so he could bury his fingers deep within them.

"Get a room!" a jovial male voice called from behind them and Alexei stiffened. His lips detached from Cedar's though they hovered close as he opened his eyes to stare into hers.

"Can I hurt him?" he murmured hopefully. "Just a little?"

She laughed huskily. "No, you can't," she sighed pulling away regretfully. "And you can't kiss me here either, Alexei. Jared is trying to keep this quiet. He'll kick my ass for doing this in public."

She wasn't too worried about the Were that had passed them. It was Mitch Fielding and he was close to being elevated to Beta status. He would hold his tongue because he wanted the trust of their Alpha so he could rise within the pack. He was also a friend of hers. She would probably have to answer a few awkward questions soon but he would keep quiet about what he had seen.

Alexei frowned and stepped away from her, not liking the fact that he had to moderate himself around his wolf. He knew the logic behind it was sound but that didn't mean he had to like it. "It's your fault," he grumbled irritably. "You cancelled on me which is why I'm here now."

"I am a pack Beta, Alexei. I do have responsibilities," she answered with a little smile. "I can't spend every single second of my free time with you as much as I would like to. Anyway, you're only irritated because you've had nothing to do for the last week. Surely now your Council has changed you'll have work to be getting on with?"

The thought of potential new assignments brought a frown to his face. The Council hadn't been in contact about anything new, probably because the rotation was due to happen and nothing important had come up. Maybe they were even being considerate that he'd just returned after being away for a year.

The thought of having to go away again, of being separated from his wolf was not an appealing one, particularly as there was the thorny issue of the interspecies matings on the table at the moment. He couldn't be away from Cedar until that was resolved. Andrei needed him too. If The Council asked him to take on a new assignment he would refuse them. It was too dangerous for his family for him to be away.

"Andrei needs me here," he answered quietly, turning away to look around the compound as he spoke. "He has opposition on The Council and will need me to watch his back. I won't be going on any assignments anytime soon, Cedar."

Cedar tried not to show? the relief she was feeling at his words. She had been worried he would disappear again soon, pulled into his life as a Council Enforcer. He was her mate and she wanted him close to her not half way around the world for God knows how long.

"You can refuse assignments?" she asked curiously, smiling when he turned back to her. He moved to lean against the wall as his heated gaze ran slowly over her body.

"Of course," he answered somewhat dryly. "We're not like your pack hierarchy, Cedar. We don't have an Alpha who can command us against our will. An assignment is offered and I decide whether or not I want to take it on. Andrei will ensure anything too lengthy is offered elsewhere."

She realised there was so much she didn't know about him, about his way of life. He had obviously thoroughly researched hers because he was very knowledgeable on pack matters. She would have to take some time to talk with him, ask questions, try and figure out how they were going to work together as mates.

For the moment she filed the knowledge he had given her and turned her head slightly to look back inside the house. She had been away from the informal meeting inside too long and would have to get back to it. "Are you coming in?" she asked softly. "I should warn you, Caleb and Annie are here."

Alexei sighed and straightened from the wall. "I know. I scented them the instant I arrived." He answered her other question by stepping into the house.

Caleb most probably wouldn't be too pleased to see him here but he didn't give a damn. The Ancient claimed kinship with the pack and came and went as he pleased. Alexei too could claim the same kinship now he had allowed Cedar to mate with him. He wasn't about to let the Ancient dictate where he could and couldn't go.

Cedar smiled as she closed the front door and preceded Alexei into the sitting room. He was tense but had a determined expression on his face, almost as if he was ready to challenge Caleb for his right to be on pack land. Was he starting to connect with the pack through her? Only time would tell but it gave her a little hope that maybe she wouldn't have to leave her Were life behind to be with him.

Once everything was out in the open there would be an uproar, she knew that. She could just imagine her brothers reaction when they realised she was mated to the vampire. Her entire family would be concerned for her safety and she appreciated that but they would have to come to accept their mating whether they liked it or not.

She had a feeling she would get the most trouble from Aaron. Her youngest brother was the one closest to her and he had been a Beta for over a century. His protective instincts were always the strongest because it was what he was used to, protecting the pack at all costs. Yes, Aaron would object the most. She could only hope that his mate Jen could temper some of his overreaction.

Alexei quickly scanned the room as they entered, taking in the various occupants. He nodded briefly to the Alpha and his mate, ignored their young completely and settled his gaze on the two vampires in the room. Caleb stared at him impassively for a long moment before he nodded slightly but didn't speak. Alexei felt a brief surge of anger at the way the Ancient appeared to be giving his permission for him being there but he dampened it down.

His gaze turned to Caleb's youngling and he smiled slightly. The little redhead really didn't like him or Andrei. The way she had scowled at them last year had been very amusing. He couldn't actually remember her even uttering one word to him when they had first met.

The barefaced arrogance of the petite vampire had angered him and also amused him. He had given her a wide berth, mindful of Demetri's warning not to mess with her, that Caleb would exact dire retribution if he did so. Now he really looked at her for the first time and was surprised to note how beautiful she was, how unusual her lavender eyes were as they connected with his with what had to be the first proper encounter they had ever had.

His breath sucked in sharply when she suddenly smiled at him. For a brief second he was stunned at the sheer radiance on her little face, the open warmth in her eyes as she looked at him. He could suddenly understand why Caleb was so protective of her, so enthralled by his mate. Why Demetri too was enraptured by the little redhead.

"Hi Alexei," she smiled, a hint of amusement in her tone at his reaction to her. "Nice to see you again."

Caleb's head whipped around to stare at her in surprise and then he uttered a deep groan and looked back at Alexei with shrewd eyes. He searched intently for whatever it was his Annie was seeing in the other vampire. Frankly Alexei looked just the same to him but something had changed Rhianna's opinion of him. Last year she had hated him with a vengeance, he had terrified her, made her so uncomfortable. Now she was accepting him, endorsing him with her greeting. He gave up trying to find whatever it was Rhianna saw and just accepted that he would have to cut the other vampire some slack. He wasn't about to get into a fight with his woman over it.

Loretta was staring at the new vampire with more than a hint of curiosity on her face. This was Andrei's brother, Cedar's mate? She hadn't met him last year. She had been in the medical centre when the evacuees had returned to the compound along with Alexei Romanov.

He really was gorgeous. She could see the similarity in features with Andrei but he didn't inspire the same deep feelings within her that his brother did. She could understand Cedar's attraction to him. He literally screamed arrogance with a deep sexual intensity about him too. It was a heady combination and one that her friend would not be able to walk away from.

Alexei's gaze had now moved to the last occupant of the room. He recognised her scent instantly, he'd be hard pressed not to the way his brother had positively reeked of her as had the office. He met her curious gaze, his eyes running quickly over her pretty features.

She was lovely to look at. She didn't have the same intense beauty that the other woman had but that somehow made her even more appealing in a way. Her attraction was more understated but just as profound. So this was the wolf who was claiming his brother as her mate.

"Loretta," he drawled smoothly nodding to her slightly. "It's nice to finally be able to put a face to a scent." He knew his words were outrageous but he couldn't help himself. Cedar elbowed him in the ribs as Loretta flushed slightly but laughed none the less.

"He's perfect for you, Cedar," Loretta said still laughing at his outrageousness. "You just need to train him a little better. He's a little rough around the edges still."

Instead of bristling at the wolf's comment Alexei found himself laughing loudly. She would be feisty enough to deal with Andrei's volatile nature which had been one of the things he had been concerned about before. It would take a strong woman to be able to handle his brother. Loretta appeared to have that strength.

"She can always try," he quipped back moving to the sofa to sit down beside Loretta and give her a wide grin in response to her subtle put down.

Jared cleared his throat as Cedar took her seat next to Alexei. "We were discussing Ashleigh and Nors before we were interrupted," he remarked drolly. Alexei's presence was slightly uncomfortable but nothing that he couldn't put up with.

He had obviously called Cedar for permission to come onto pack land so he was at least listening to him. Rhianna appeared to be accepting him which was a good sign and the way the vampire hadn't taken offence at Loretta seemed to add to that. Maybe Alexei could fit into the pack in some manner that was productive rather than detrimental to them.

"What about them?" Alexei asked, his tone curious as he looked at the Alpha. Andrei wanted him to go and speak to Nors so maybe the Weres were thinking along the same lines as they were?

"Annie believes that Nors and Ashleigh are mates," Jared answered after a little pause. "We need to know if that is the case or not because it isn't completely apparent at the moment."

"Andrei had a similar notion," the vampire answered. "He wants me to go and sound out Nors to see if there is anything to it." His gaze switched to Caleb's to see his reaction but the Ancient was keeping his expression completely neutral.

"I'll go with you," Cedar said from his side. "Either Loretta or I were going to go speak to Ashleigh. If you're heading over there too then it makes sense for me to tag along with you." She smiled as she saw the hint of relief on Loretta's face. She knew her friend wanted to go and see Andrei.

"Have I taken up chauffeur duties now?" Alexei drawled softly though his lips twitched in a little smile as he spoke. Being able to spend more time with his wolf while doing what he needed to for Andrei was an added bonus.

"Who says you were driving?" Cedar countered with her own smile, delighting in the hint of irritation that sparked momentarily in his eyes before he smiled his deliciously evil little smile at her which set her heart thumping wildly in her chest.

"You want to wrestle for the car keys?" he asked in a silkily soft tone, his blood heating at the thought of the two of them grappling for the keys.

"My children are present," Jared said rather tersely though he was quite amazed at how much softer the vampire appeared when around his Beta. The connection between them was obviously very strong.

"My apologies," Cedar said sheepishly her gaze drifting quickly to Millie to make sure she hadn't offended her too. Her Alpha bitch was actually smiling, amusement clearly on her face.

"Don't mind Jared," she smiled. "He's clearly forgotten how intense a new mating can be now that he's become a father." Her tone was light and teasing, letting her mate know that she wasn't rebuking him in any way, just she found his reaction amusing.

Alexei stood up reaching to pull Cedar to her feet. He wasn't used to being publicly chastised. It felt uncomfortable. The fact that everyone present didn't seem to mind was probably the only thing that wasn't inciting his anger. It appeared natural to them, to tease and laugh at each other despite the topic under discussion. It was a vast difference from the way his kind interacted, one that would take a little getting used to.

"Come on, we may as well do this now," he said, choosing to ignore the others as he pulled his car keys from his jeans pocket and tossed them to his wolf. "You can chauffeur me around," he laughed, giving in as graciously as he could without making it appear as if he was.

Cedar caught the keys and laughed. She was tempted to make a crack at his caving in but decided against it. This was the most relaxed she had seen Alexei around her pack. She didn't want to do anything that would have him setting up his barriers again. She said her goodbyes and allowed Alexei to hustle her out of the room.

To be continued...

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AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

1900 years of happy bachelor life down the drain.

oneboobeeoneboobeeabout 12 years ago

Is this published????? I am loving this already!!!!!!!!

Stormraven88Stormraven88over 12 years ago

Great chapter and to sirreadsslot10 don't be afraid to be mushy lol that's a good thing bonus points to you lol. I'm so eager to find out how all of this plays out.

tazz317tazz317over 12 years ago

come parameters to adjust for all and check for loopholes. TK U MLJ LV NV

apollonaapollonaover 13 years ago

Great writing. Have I mentioned the improvements I see in each and every chapter? Don't worry about the softcocks below bitching about the minor grammatical typo's. Idiots like that are just tedious. Now, on with the show... next chapter! LOL

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