The Countess Ch. 09

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Paul and Sara attend a premier party.
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Part 9 of the 33 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 09/12/2018
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I was working on the first draft of the sixth episode, of our code women project for the past week. My friend and boss Bret emailed me while I was in London; saying that the distributers wanted another episode. She asked me to write the first draft from a story outline that she wrote. Back in LA, I was in my preferred writing attire Boxers and a T-shirt, pounding away on my computer. I remember the last line of the email.

"You're much better with language Paul," wrote Bret

I also remember Sara saying, "Of course you'll do it," when I showed her the message. Sara and Bret have become friends, which makes it easier, and more difficult because they talk all the time.

"Just let me know what you need Bret and I will get it done," I said in a conversation from London.

Sara pulled the phone from me, "Darling rest assured, he will get it done, or there will be a drought of some activity if you catch my meaning."

When I finally got the phone back, I heard laughing from Bret. Then she said that I would get a writing credit, but the writers would polish the script. I started when I returned, home, but it slow. The ideas and the dialog were not hitting the computer. I read the pages and didn't like what I read; everything was slow. But I continued to pound away.

We were in London so the Sara could formally introduce me to the family. Though I knew everyone, she also wanted to show off "her" ring not the one I presented to her in bed weeks ago.

Sara's ring consisted of a large central diamond with a circle of smaller diamonds there were two rubies at north and south and two emeralds at east and west. She did a surprising thing when I slipped off the "temporary" ring and installed the new ring. She took Linda's ring and put it on her right hand.

"Paul a lady cannot have enough Jewelry. Besides this will keep her memory alive for you."

The ring and our relationship got rave reviews but unfortunately our time there was short. We were back in LA me trying to write and Sara deposing some of the people she and her partner were suing.

An app on my phone beeped indicating that someone had opened the front door. I heard someone come in. It could be Sara or Bret both had keys, and both delighted to torture, me about when I will be finished with something. It brought to mind the Pope constantly asking Michelangelo when he would be finished with the Sistine Chapel. The line from the movie "The Agony and the Ecstasy" was "When will you make an end to it." "When I am finished." I heard Sara talking to someone, but I was trying to finish the page I was working on.

Sara burst in, "Darling you are not ready, you know we have the premier party tonight, why are you not dressed?"

"I am trying to finish the script for the sixth segment, I will be ready in plenty of time."

"Paul, this is important for you and Bret, and after the party Bret and her husband, Sandy and her partner and David and Jessica, plus some other people will be coming for a private celebration here," said Sara

Bret was the executive producer for the series Sandy Jenson directed the first episode and David Harris was the primary writer. I did not know that Sara had invited them over for a "private" celebration. Sara still needed some help with communication skills.

I felt two arms wrap around my neck and soft lips suck on my earlobe. "Darling if you want some later, please get ready."

Her hand slipped down to my crotch and massaged my member through my shorts. "Just checking," she said.

I hit the save key combination and put the machine to sleep. I rose with Sara still draped on my back as I walked to our bedroom. I banished Sara from the room and pulled out my suit and shirt. I was dressed and ready to meet the world. Sara took the room over.

"Begone sir I have voodoo to perform," she said as I exited the room.

William was in the kitchen doing some preparation. He usually does not talk but we struck up a conversation about the Premier league football, I was getting interested in Soccer, and he knew more than I did.

"Sir I might like to attend an NFL football game sometime."

"I think that that can be arranged, William."

I reflected that I barely knew William but used his first name. I was brought up that you used Mr. or Mrs. with last names of people until you knew them. I was getting used to having him around. Sara came out of the bedroom and presented herself to me.

"Will I pass inspection, darling?"

"All the time, dear."

"Such a nice man you are, I like the way you lie," she said as she kissed me.

"William, we need to get going," Sara commanded.

I looked at my watch and realized that the party was in four hours, even with traffic we would get there way too early.

"Why the rush, Sara?"

"I told Bret that I would get to the hotel early and double check the arrangements. It is something I am good at. Now get moving Paul the sooner we get there the sooner I can get behind a cold martini."

I escorted Sara out to the car and William followed us and climbed into the driver's seat. Sara leaned over and kissed me. Then she brought her left hand up and allowed me to inspect the ring.

"Darling I just love it, I call it the Star of Hollywood," said Sara referring to the ring.

"Darling you are full of something today, I just don't know what," I said waiting for the reaction.

"I could have left you at home, darling. William is a wonderful companion."

That was a subtle hint that my humor was not appreciated. I leaned over and tried to kiss her but was rejected.

"I believe that gentlemen are only allowed to kiss me. When you start acting like a gentleman, I will allow you to kiss me."

I felt the dog house closing in but I persisted and soon our lips met. Sara captured my tongue and would not let go.

We both started laughing when parted. I leaned in and gently touched her face with my lips. Sara started to run down a list of things that she was going to check on when we got to the hotel. I pulled out the Banquet Order Form that Bret gave me the day before.

"I think you will need this, darling," I said after handing her the paper.

She took it and looked it over. She looked up and began to give William several directions about what would happen later at the house.

"...And make sure that you use the good gin William, If I am drinking martinis, I want good gin," Sara said to end the list of instructions.

"There are two bottles of her favorite in the cabinet William," I said ending the conversation.

The car pulled up to the entrance of the hotel where the premier party was to take place. The guests were going to be the production staff some of the cast, people from the distributer. We also invited several of the women that Bret interviewed that were the code breakers. Most were in their nineties, but they wanted to see their version of "Band of Sisters." I hoped that we did them justice.

I walked into the room just as the AV guy was finishing up. I told him that the screen was unacceptable. The screen needed to be larger and there were rips in the fabric. After getting some static but standing my ground, I showed him the order where the screen size was specified, the man agreed to change the screen.

The setup crew were finishing their work and the room looked good. The AV guy still complaining finished his setup. We checked the projector and the new screen, and I approved. I looked for Sara and found her talking to the sales person handling the event and going over the menu.

"Thank you for getting me here early I think that I averted a disaster." I turned to the sales person "Your AV contractor should be fired; he was doing the minimum and that was unacceptable."

"Please give me your comments and I will make sure that any problems are rectified," said the sales person.

"Look at you borrowing from the Sara Solsbery school of mean," said Sara as she kissed me.

"I once did AV work when I was in college and I can spot crap when I see it. I also know what we paid and for that price I want the best."

Sara broke away so she could check the room over again and I assisted some of the production staff in setting up the registration table. I looked up and saw an older lady sitting on a motorized cart wheeling up to the table. I helped get her registered and walked in to the room wanting to find Sara.

She walked toward me, and we embraced. "Darling we need to get a room and make love to each other," I said in her ear.

"Mr. Rogers you are incorrigible, you want to fuck women whenever you see one. I like that in you by the way," she whispered.

"Madam the only woman I want to fuck is you I am not interested in others," we were embracing.

"Do you two want to get a room here?" said Brett walking up.

"The thought crossed our minds," I replied.

"Think about that later we have important people to entertain," said Bret

The crowd began to gather, and waiters passed around Hors D'Oeuvres and there was an open bar. Sara came up and handed me a large Martini. People were gathering and greeting each other. Some took seats, others continued to talk.

"I still think that you make them better, darling."

"Well at least I am good for something."

Sara gave me a crossed look but was interrupted by Bret starting the evening.

"Thank you all for attending and to the production company thank you for your work on this project. To the woman veterans and code breakers, I hope that we have done you justice. We are about to show you the first episode but before I do, I have to thank my friend and collaborator Paul Rogers. Thank you, Paul. Just to remind everyone, while this one is finished, we have several more still working. To the lady code breakers thank you for your efforts you shortened the war by years. Now watch the first episode of Code Women "USS Sugar."

The lights dimmed and the screen lit up with scenes from old newsreels showing American women shouldering various tasks to win the war. A series of CG billboards talked about the efforts of the women code breakers and the absolute secrecy they operated under. The scene dissolved to a large group of Navy WAVES mustering in a train station...

We found seats and watched the show. Sara held my hand and gripped it when she sensed that I was nervous about something. Fifty minutes later the closing credits ran, and the lights came up with hearty applause.

I started breathing normally and joined in the celebration. I kissed Sara and then kissed her again. I was so proud of Bret and was proud of being a part of the production.

The crowd milled about some talking to the code breakers. Everyone sampled the offered food and went to the bar. One by one the elderly ladies were escorted to their rooms leaving the party to the production staff. Sara gathered Bret, her husband, Sandy and her wife, and David the principal writer for the first episode and his companion Jessica, and a few others. Going out of the hotel a long stretch limo pulled up. One of the bell-boys opened the passenger door and we all piled in.

"My partner let me borrow her limo for the night," said Sara.

There was a pop and Sara began to pass glasses of Champagne. Two bottles were used in the trip between the hotel and my home. The car pulled up to my driveway and William opened the passenger door and assisted the ladies out of the car. The car did not move as it would take our guests to their homes after our get together.

Sara was in her element she walked around making sure that everyone had a drink, and food. She joined whatever conversation was going on. I sat back in one of my wing chairs and took the scene in. Bret and I discussed the episode that I was writing, and she ordered me to finish the draft by the end of the week.

"Paul if I don't give you a hard deadline you will never finish."

"Is Paul giving you a hard time Bret? I will make sure that he finishes," said Sara.

She leaned down and told me to circulate "You need to mingle, darling," she said in a mock commanding tone. I reached up and brought our lips together.

Reluctantly I rose and walked around the room. Sara noticed that Sandy and her wife were outside on the pool deck. Sara pointed at me, and then to them indicating that I needed to check on them. I moved out to the deck, noticing that it was still warm.

"I love the way you work Sandy and it showed on the screen," I said as I walked out to them.

We embraced and air kissed. Sandy's wife, Jill, worked in banking and we discussed the state of the economy.

"I love your pool, I was commenting to Sandy that we needed one," said Jill.

"I am going to need some more work for that to happen," Sandy said

"Don't worry it will come, things are changing, my fiancé is trying her best to tear down the old boy's network."

All three of us moved back to the house and the group. I picked up a martini from the counter and got everyone's attention.

"A toast to all my collaborators, this project would not have been possible without you. To Bret, our fearless leader this was your idea and you brought it home." I said as I took a sip from my drink. The group applauded Bret. I looked around the room and all I wanted was everyone, but Sara gone. I loved these people, but I wanted to make love to Sara. She came up beside me and we kissed.

William passed around more food and I made more drinks. At 11:00 as if on cue the group decided that it was time to go. The limo would take the group to their homes, so we all trouped out and I said good bye to my close collaborators. Bret stopped before getting in the car and reminded me of my deadline. Sara and I watched the limo pull away. I felt her arm grab my waist and direct me toward the house.

Sara picked up one of the last martinis on the counter and headed to our bedroom.

"William, you and I can clean up tomorrow, so get some rest great job," said Sara.

William put some of the dishes in the sink and the leftover food in the fridge. He then departed to where ever William goes after he leaves us. I locked the door and started to turn the lights out.

"Darling, there is a woman that wants to talk to you," said Sara

"I opened the door and Sara was slipping into bed. I started to undress and hang my clothes over the chair so they would be collected in the morning.

"Come here darling and bring that lovely thing with you, I want to play."

"Oh, that kind of talk," I said.

I approached Sara with my penis standing at attention. She grasped the tip and covered it with her mouth. Her tongue felt wonderful as it rolled over my cock sending jolts of pleasure. I reached out to play with her breasts, but she batted them away.

"My time mister you will get your time soon," she said and then took my cock back in her mouth. Sara reached around and embraced me, taking my entire tool in her mouth. She moved her head in and out like she was fucking my cock. I came in her mouth a short time later, but Sara would not let go. After taking a wad of my cum she calmly let my cock go and took a sip of the martini.

"All though out the party all I was thinking about was how I could get your penis in my mouth, darling."

"Do you remember the time we had lunch at your parents place near Malibu? They brought out a selection of fruit and you had your foot in my crotch forcing me to watch you peel and eat pieces of fruit. I wanted to take you, put your rump in the air and do you in the dinning room. All I thought about during the party was that I would have you to myself and make love, hard physical love to you, darling."

"What's keeping you?"

Sara turned over and got on her hands and knees, her beautiful butt in the air with her pussy ready to take my cock. I speared her with no preliminaries, forcing my cock deep in her cunt. My hands found her breasts and played with her nipples making them hard. I kissed the back of her neck while I drove my cock in and out of her lovely pussy. I felt the release of my cum and we both fell on the bed.

Sara got up first and arranged herself on the bed. She finished off the cocktail and leaned back on some pillows. Her breasts very prominent. I could see drips of our spends coming out of her. She lay for a while, still and silent.

"Ok Mister, we both have had our fun, now the lady would like a loving fuck, and a long-wet kiss. Do I need to help you get in the mood, darling or do I still excite you?"

"I am not going to let that ring go to waste, dear," I said as I moved up to her mouth.

We engaged in a long kiss that allowed my hand to play with her pussy, and breasts. I slipped on top and my cock found her pussy and I gently pressed inserting my length in her cunt. Sara locked her legs so I could not leave.

"Mister, you are not leaving my side until I have cum three times," said Sara between kisses.

"Darling, I was not planning on leaving your side. I will do my best to bring you off any number of times you want," I replied.

Sara moved and I found myself on the bottom with a wild person on top. I was not going to permit this, and we fought for position. I won and gained the top. I drove my cock in and out of her pussy until I felt her climax. I kissed her and started again.

My mouth attacked one of her nipples and my hand the other. My cock was still stiff, and I continued to fuck my lover. I felt another crisis coming and our mouths met in a long-wet kiss. My hand was busy massaging one of her breasts; pinching her nipple and feeling it become erect. Sara started to contract her pussy walls around my cock. Then there was a release as she relaxed. But I kept my cock going in and out of her pussy. I started to breath hard and my body started to stiffen, and I felt my cock release. We parted and I crawled next to her still clutching one of her nipples.

Sara was on her back and I moved down to her pussy, and started licking our combined cum. I kissed her clit and allowed my tongue to lightly brush her. I felt Sara's legs move over my shoulders.

"I like having you down there," said Sara.

"I love being down here, darling. I love fucking you. You are the most beautiful woman and causes my body to come alive."

"Would you shut up and fuck me, I know that that is the gin talking," said Sara with a small laugh.

I moved up and presented my cock to her and she took my tool and painted the tip with her tongue. My cock showed progress as I felt my erection building. Sara moved her hand up and down my shaft willing it to full hardness.

"I love your cock, darling. Will you allow me to suck it again?"

"Who am I to stop you," I replied

"Correct answer," she said as she took my penis in her mouth.

After a few minutes, she took my cock out of her mouth; "To bad William is not here I could do with some Champagne," said Sara.

I kissed Sara; Madam if you will permit me."

I got off the bed and went back to the kitchen and pulled a bottle of bubbly out of the fridge and found two glasses.

"Where is my cock, darling?"

"I am right here," I said as I opened the bottle, and poured the wine for both of us. I hurried back to the room and presented the glass to her.

"Look at us, two love birds, shipping Champagne, sucking cock and pussy," said Sara as she sipped the wine.

"I could not think of a better way to spend the night, madam."

I got beside Sara and kissed her. She stroked my cock back to a full erection. She poured more wine for both of us. I was soon laying on top of her with my cock in her pussy. I was slowly fucking the beautiful Sara Countess of Redding. Our mouths were locked together. With one large thrust I felt my cock let go and we both settled down to sleep.

I didn't know what it was but the next morning the ideas and the dialog just flowed, and I wanted to keep going before I dried up again. True to her word Sara, and William cleaned up from the party and didn't bother me. William must have finished as I heard Sara go in to the room she was using as an office. By 4:00 I had written fifteen pages and I was hungry and tired.