The Country Retreat


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Pat sat a toilet seat over the open top and adjusted it down onto the locating pins. This was really getting to me now; I was scared but really didn't want to make a scene and besides it was more than a little exciting.

"I don't quite know how low to make this chair Don, be a dear and help me, just stick out your tongue. Well that looks about right but I'm just not quite sure; I guess the only way to find out is a little test drive eh." Pat said as she stepped over me until she straddled the seat.

She bent from the waist placing her hands on each side of the toilet seat turning and smiling down on me. I was about to protest but looking at her naked ass I was speechless. I stared at the crack in her ass, her ass was beautiful. It wasn't skinny, it was what I would call a woman's ass, creamy smooth, rounded and firm, there were no tan lines.

I kept quiet. She slowly started lowering her lovely ass onto the seat and then stopped to ask, "Are you sure your comfortable down there?"

This was obviously my opening to stop all this but I was so hot I didn't really want to. "No I'm alright" I said and she lowered her ass onto my face.

"Oh this is great, the shape of a toilet seat spreads my ass cheeks just like we thought. Are you ok down there, can you lick my ass and cunt or am I too tight on your face" she asked?

My answer was muffled by her crack, it was dusky and exciting. I tongued her cunt crack with great gusto. "You know boy if we just turn the seat around you can tongue out my ass crack, maybe next time" she cooed.

I sensed that someone else was in the room and heard muffled talk, but I was concentrated on my task. My complete helplessness and the musky aroma of her crack in my face combined to let the humiliation wash right over me. I had to admit I loved being in this position, had I found my place? I tasted her hot, creamy cum as it flowed past my lips and on to my tongue, it was like fine wine and I could think of nothing else, not my restraints nor the voices in the background.

It was disappointing when she lifted her cunt off the toilet seat and my tongue but I was rewarded by a knowing, smirky, smile as she looked down on me. I could now place the muffled, background voices, Bob and Jim were standing over me. I couldn't be more embarrassed as they looked at my cum soaked face under the toilet seat.

Jim said, "Well Bob you know for sure what our new member's role will be, he obviously gets off on this, he'll be a great slave when he's trained. Pat, why don't you set back down while we kind of interview him?"

I was once again treated to the beautiful, hairless ass crack slowly lowering onto my face and dammed if she didn't stop; look down at me rewarding me with another sly smile. Her smooth, hairless cunt lips were puffy and still wet with my saliva, after her cum; the smell was simply wonderful.

Bob spoke to me in a quiet, soft way. "Well Don we're now sure that you're pretty good slave material, I kind of suspected it by the way you watched the slut suck me off. You had a kind of hunger in your eyes that we've learned to recognize. We know what you are and all that's left is for you to admit it so Pat let him answer the question will you." She lifted her cunt off my wet face and I looked up, blushing furiously at three faces sporting wry smiles."

Bob continued, "If you don't want to accept your slave inclinations then I guess you'll have to leave; it's obvious to us that you'll never be happy unless you're serving as a slave and our Club is really for people happy and content in their rightful places."

I knew what I had to do and I blurted out "yes I'm a slave and I want to learn how to please." My voice had cracked with the shame of what I said but they heard me loud and clear. What had I gotten myself into?

Everyone was solicitous about removing my cuffs so I was no longer strapped down and could stand up, I had to wonder, what now.

Bob was talking to me. "I suspect that your admission was very hard for you but now that we all know what you are its easier all around. All you have to do from now on is devote yourself to pleasing your owners and you'll be content. The Retreat here is evenly divided into slaves and slave owners; In many ways a slaves lot is the easier task, he only has to obey. Well boy I think I'll go now, I'm sure that Jim and Pat can begin your training. After the weekend we'll start your formal indoctrination."

Pat was the first to speak, "well,Don from now on everyone will refer to you as slave, slut or pig. Your old name of Don is now your safe word but I bet you don't use it eh."

Jim went to get your set of cuffs and a collar, you belong to us now, you're our project. We've never had a slave boy before so this will be fun." Just then Jim came in pulling a slave girl on a leash, she was carrying my cuffs. "This slut is our house slave Denise, she lives with us and we bring her back periodically for refresher training, she's a trained body slave so watch her and learn." Mistress Pat took the slave girl with her.

I have to say that it's a very strange feeling having cuffs put on your ankles and wrists knowing that soon you would be just another slave required to obey his Masters. I still couldn't get over how hot it made me though.

Jim spoke and bought me out of my reflections. "Well boy your fun time is over, were going to start you off as a fluffer, don't worry you'll love it." As Pat finished my wrist cuffs Master Jim placed a steel collar on my neck and locked it in place. I really felt like a slave when he fastened my wrist cuffs to the front of my collar. With my hands held up this high I was essentially now helpless, it felt exquisite, scary exquisite.

Jim said, "There you are boy now you're ready eh. We keep a slaves hands chained, a good slave only cums when he's servicing his owner so there's no need to fondle himself. We know you're not too bad of a cunt lapper but I think it's time to see how you are as a cocksucker. Have you ever sucked a cock boy? I think it's good that we're alone for your first cock eh; it's so much more intimate."

I really don't know just what I was thinking of but I was just too shocked to answer. My silence was rewarded with a very sharp slap across the face as Jim said, "I can't hear you boy."

I really didn't know what I had gotten myself into, in my confusion I blurted out "no Sir I haven't."

"Well you're in luck today, I just so happen to be in the mood to begin your training. I want you on your knees now with your ass up and face down" he said.

It was very difficult and awkward to drop onto my knees without using my wrists; I must have really looked the fool as I half fell into my kneeling position.

Master Jim proceeded to sit on the chair in front of me and lifted my head off the floor saying "OK, boyo it's show time for you. Just get your face up close to my crotch and get used to the man smell. Unless I'm wrong you'll be getting hot as soon as you get a whiff of crotch. That's it breathe deep, you know you want it don't you?" As Master quietly talked to me in that soft, authoritative voice I realized that, yes I did want it.

I guess they had me pegged right for I was really hot. I'm not gay but this submissive role really got me excited. The musty man-smell was getting to me. Master then had me open my mouth wide and stick out my tongue. He rested his thick cock on my tongue telling me to just let it sit there saying "That's right pig just get used to it"

I was so far into it by now that I closed my mouth and suckled on the head. Master lifted my head a little so he could look me in the eye and again smacked me in the face as he told me, "You do as we say and when we say it little pig."

I resumed my role with my mouth open, tonguing his cock and balls.

Jim told me, "Ok pig now you can suck on the head but first lick your tongue across the piss slit and look at me when you do it." It was awful and wonderful at the same time as I snaked my tongue across the wide piss slit of Master's cock. The humiliation of looking into another man's eyes as I performed washed over me but there was no doubt my cock was hard as a railroad spike.

Master Jim continued, "It's like you're a student and your favorite subjects are cock and cunt. Let's see how good you are now I want you to suck me off nice and slow. It's going to take some skill on your part, don't worry I'll lead you through it. I know you must have seen a fish moving his lips, well that's how you suck on my cock. Let your lips message my prick; a trained mouth is better than any cunt because the cocksucker can control his mouth and tongue better than a cunt. I bet you never thought you would have a cock in your mouth did you boy?" He was right but I was too busy to dwell on it.

I sucked as he talked. "From now on your favorite thing is going to be cock. After all, now we both know what you are. You're just another cunt, a mouth cunt but still a cunt that wants to be controlled. Your mouth cunt has a tongue to lick a man's balls and ass; otherwise you've no need for a tongue. To me, this is the natural order of things and you're simply fulfilling your role as an inferior person, a cocksucker owned by your Master."

"Look at my eyes while you're servicing me, it'll help you understand your role" Jim said. Looking up at him with my mouth full of cock I saw that smirk again.

"Good, cocksucker. I think you're lucky to find out your a cocksucking slut boy; some guys go through their entire lives never realizing that they want to be a man's cocksucker."

He pulled my mouth off of his balls saying, "Enough foreplay "I'm ready now, Don, I want you to open your mouth." I clenched my eyes shut. "Leave your eyes open. Now, take a minute to think about your options. After all you can just leave right now. Then, when you're ready, when you've really thought it thru, tell me."

I looked up at him as he stared down at me patiently. I thought about that and all the other scenes I had seen here and fantasized about. I desperately tried not to think that I was kneeling here, naked, in front of this rugged, masterful man, feeling his dick resting on my lips. I sighed, the smell of his cock reminded me of what I wanted anyway.

"I'm ready," I whispered to him. "Ready for what Don" he replied.

"I'm ready to suck your cock," I said very quietly, and with that, he began to slide it into my mouth.

Jim said, "I know your new at this so don't worry I'll take it slow and easy so you can savor finally doing what you were born to do." The taste was not what I expected. Even though his cock was hard as a rock, the head was moist and spongy as it rested on my tongue. I could taste the precum, and it was kind of smoky, bleachy and salty all at once. It took a couple seconds for the shock of having a guy's cock in my mouth to wear off. Then I remembered why it was there and what I was supposed to do, .I began to suck on the head of his cock.

"Hey bitch! Cover your teeth with your lips, dammit!" he yelled down at me.

Hey, bitch, is that what I was? But I'd had teeth on my cock before and I knew it didn't feel good. I curled my lips up tightly against his shaft. I was remembering the things I liked in a blowjob as I tried to repeat them for him. I started licking the head of his dick as it lay passively on my tongue. He liked that, because I could feel more precum oozing from his slit. I was looking at his face, and I saw him staring at me, with his cock in my mouth, through half closed eyelids. He began rocking his hips back and forth in a gentle roll, sliding maybe two more inches between my lips.

It didn't take long before He started moaning and biting his bottom lip as I kept up the suction and swung my tongue back and forth under his shaft. I started to think about what I was going to do once the inevitable orgasm struck, but he solved that problem for me as he said, "I'm getting close, boy. When I shoot, I want you to hold it in your mouth, don't swallow it."

With that instruction both of his strong hands clutched my head and his knees shook a bit as he pistoned his cock in and out of my mouth. He was grunting and I could see every muscle in his chest tensing, then I felt and tasted the first shot.

It was thick like phlegm on my tongue as it kept streaming out hitting the back of my throat and the sides of my cheeks. My mouth became full with cum, spittle and cock. It tasted like his precum had, but stronger, and I could feel it pulsing through his shaft into my mouth. There were at least a half dozen shots and I didn't think I could hold any more without either swallowing or gagging. Finally, he stopped thrusting and left his cock head in my mouth. He looked down at me, and his whole upper body was flushed, damp with perspiration.

He smiled at me and panted to catch his breath slowly pulling his cock from my mouth; I kept my lips tight to keep from spilling his cum just as he had told me to. When he was free, he let go of my head saying "Open your mouth boy," he ordered. I tilted my head up and opened my lips, kind of slack jawed, revealing my thick mouthful of cum. "You weren't bad for a first timer, I shot a really big load for you."

He was now in a really friendly, jovial mood, but then, I usually was too after a blowjob. But I had always been on the receiving end before today. He reached his cock in to dab some cum out and smeared it on my cheek. He repeated this with the other cheek, my forehead, and then down my nose; it smelled like nothing I had ever smelled before, it was good. I could feel it cooling and drying on my face.

"You can swallow the rest now boy" he told me.

The idea was kind of gross but it had been in my mouth for a couple of minutes now and his cock had been in there for a while, so I just opened my throat and let it slide down, just like I had done with my first raw oyster.

"How was it for you?" he asked, and I couldn't tell if he was sarcastic or sincere.

"Uh, well, it was...well...." I didn't know what to say. He frowned and for a minute I thought I'd hurt his feelings, but then the look was gone.

"Did you like the taste? You better get used to it" he said.

"It was good, Sir. Better than I had hoped" I answered.

"Clean my dick off," Jim said and plunged it back into my mouth. I sucked the residual cum juice off it and then he pulled it free saying "You have to decide if you want more of this scene, I think you were born to serve guys: you'll never be happy again without serving a man, for you cunt is just OK, cock is what you crave."

I knelt there staring at his naked body. I could still taste the cum from the blowjob I'd just given him and when I saw that his cock was still mostly hard I thought wow, what a stud.

"You've got a sweet mouth on you boy" he said in his soothing yet assertive voice.

Jim continued, "Did you enjoy the load I let you suck from my cock? Bet you liked the taste of my cum, right? From now on I want you to call all the men here Sir or Master, you can see how appropriate that is can't you?"

"Yes, Sir I understand" I answered.

"I want to show you just how much I own you then we'll talk a bit about your new life; are you ready" he asked?

"Yes, Sir, I blurted out."

"Good boy, now get ready because I'm going to feed this to you fast" he said. With that, he began to slide his cock into my open mouth. Unlike before, when he'd gone slow, with short strokes, now he long-dicked me until I gagged.

"Come on, boy, you can take my cock. Do it right," he urged, as he pulled back and again sank it in to his full length.

I couldn't take it; it's not like I had a lot of experience sucking cock. Each time he got more than 4 or 5 inches in, I gagged. He just kept feeding in all 7 inches, pulling back so that only the head remained on my tongue and then feeding it in again.

He was rubbing my head as he said, "I like watching your throat bulge when my cock slides in. Your throat really feels hot. It's so warm and soft and wet inside. "Put your hand on your throat, boy," Jim commanded. I reached up and his hand pressed mine down on my throat, holding it there, not strangling me. "Now feel this" he said as he pushed his cock head from where it had been in my mouth down into my throat.

I could feel my throat expanding as his dick filled me up. "That's my cock inside of you, slave," Jim said, holding his dick deep. He pulled out an inch, then rammed back in. I could feel exactly where his dick head was.

Jim said, "You can feel me filling you up, boy. Keep your hand there."

You're being such a good bitch for me Don" he stated.

With that, he stopped long-dicking me and returned to his short thrusts, the ones he'd used before. I repeated my suction, and as my cheeks hollowed from the vacuum, I rapidly massaged the bottom of his head and shaft with the tip of my tongue as his cock slid in and out between my tightly clamped lips.

It didn't take much longer. He quickened his pace, and I could see his upper body redden. He threw his head back and his flat abs rippled.

Jim gasped out the words, "Fuck, yes! My little bitch sucking my cock, earning his keep! Oh, fuck, I'm gonna blow!" he screamed and I felt the first blast.

The taste and texture was the same and I was looking forward to more when he pulled out. He fired 4 or 5 more shots onto my face and into my hair. Globs of cum streaked over my cheeks and forehead, over my nose and chin. He was panting heavily, and when he finished firing, he slipped his cock back into my mouth.

He turned back down to me and was all smiles, saying "Mmmm, that was good cocksucker. You suck good cock but with some training you'll be like a pro. Clean me off now; you must always clean your owners cock when he's finished with you."

I sucked and licked the drying cum residue off his dick without any thought but to obey and please him.

Jim said "Go ahead and swallow my sperm now. That's your lunch for today he laughed." Master Jim watched my Adam's apple bob as I swallowed.

Jim continued, "I'm going to give your mouth a rest for a while. Just lick my balls as I'm talking to you, Good. Now, I'm going to tell you what's expected of a cock slave. Most Masters here always need to cum at least 4 times a day. Your body is now ours to use for pleasure after all I've cum in your mouth twice now."

He smiled down at me with a little smirk that I saw looking up through his balls.

"You'll do everything as well as you can; until you're trained I'll take charge of you. Follow all my instructions. If I want my ass licked, you'll do it for me. If I want you to lick my balls, you'll do it. I always want you to be naked in front of me. I'll fuck your mouth, or have you massage my balls, or make you lick my ass hole clean. You may have to shave your pubic hair or walk around in the woods with no clothes on. Anything I want you'll do for me or you can just forget about what I'm sure was the best moment in your life, when my cum filled your mouth."

Jim continued, "You see you were born to serve your owners. Often, our members need servicing after fucking at our retreat. Our women always enjoy a nice soft tongue licking out the cum after they have been fucked, you'll do them too. I will cum on your face, or will make you take it down your throat. Whatever I want, you perform. Do you understand?"

I nodded, still lightly licking his balls. "Good," he said, then closed his eyes, and eventually tilted his head back. "Good," he said again.

He continued in his soft voice. "Most girls really love sucking cock, it's often better than any other kind of sex for them, it feels so good for them to have hard cocks in their mouths. Many guys are just like girls, it feels just as good for some guys to have a cock in their mouth as it does a girl. In fact, often for guys it feels even better, for some guys sucking cock is what they enjoy most. In the world there are some guys that are meant to be sucked off and others that are meant to do the sucking. You seem to be one of the guys who really enjoy sucking cock, you never knew it until you tried but now you must admit what you are. Even then it sometimes takes time to learn to enjoy it, like guys in jail. Often they don't like giving head at first but once their forced to suck cock for a while, they learn to like it and suck many cocks everyday, living only to make stronger men happy."