Supernatural Earth Pt. 08


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"You could've at least got me off too, jerk." Lucy spat. "Now get the fuck off of me!" She pushed him off of her.

"Shit, attitude!" Will said as he stood up. "What's your problem? I thought that you wanted more spontaneity in our relationship?"

"I don't want to be caught up here, asshole!" Lucy shouted, getting up and into his face. "I was going to lead you back into the woods, past the markers, and let you take me there!"

"We're not going to be caught!"

That's when they both heard the crack of a hunting rifle that caused them both to duck. Something whizzed though the air past them. They both look in the direction of the dam where now they noticed a small cabin just inside of the tree line. There was a man with a hunting rifle of some sorts and he had it pointed in their direction. Lucy shot will a dirty look while they started to run. "You were saying?" she snarled. Will didn't get a chance to say anything back to her as the mysterious man fired a second time. Lucy jerked as she felt something hit her right in the ass. She managed to look back in time to see a dart protruding out of it before her world went black.


CHAPTER 4: The Cabin in the Woods.

As Lucy slowly came back to consciousness she became aware of a man shouting. By the time she blinked her eyes rapidly and got them to focus she could hear what he was saying. "Well I don't give a damn what the hell they think right now. So? Let them hate so long as they fear. Him? Keep him at his cabin." Lucy groggily lifted her head up and looked at the man. She blinked when her formerly downcast eyes were bombarded by light from above her. She blinked some more and looked up to see a skylight above her that bathed her in a ring of bright light. She then looked in the direction of the man who was shouting into a cell phone. He was tall, that was for sure. She couldn't make out any details as he kept to the dark shadows around her. "I don't know," he said. "Fluff him up or outright fuck him if you have to but just make sure that he stays put until I can get more information on him and his girl here. Just make sure that you're here an hour after sundown." He pushed the screen of his phone, apparently ending the call as he put the phone on a nearby table.

Was he just talking about Will? Lucy's wondered. Her adrenaline shot through her body as the man's attention turned to her. "Finally awake I see. Good," he said, looking her up and down. Lucy then became aware that she was tied to a chair that had armrests as her wrists were firmly secured to them. She flexed her hands and rotated her wrists, testing the bonds. She tried standing but quickly found that her ankles were secured to the legs and that the chair was not budging an inch. "Save your energy," her captor told her. "You'll need it. Suffice to say; you're my prisoner and you're not going anywhere until I get answers. The chair that you're in is bolted to the floor. So don't try something stupid like you see in the movies and try to break it like you're the Black Widow or something."

"Where," Lucy croaked out. Her voice felt like she'd been gargling with razor blades. "Where am I?"

The man sighed. "I would've hoped that we were past this part by now since you were the one who has trespassed on my property. You're in my cabin," he said. "And to answer your next inevitable questions; I hit you with a tranq dart. Your boyfriend tried to haul you away but gave up on that prospect the closer I got. He turned tail and ran back to the resort."

Lucy wasn't sure what to think. She didn't know if she should be grateful or pissed that Will got away. "You're not a very good shot, are you?" she asked.

"Hmph," the man snorted in amusement. "You try hitting a couple of human sized targets with darts from a rife at five hundred yards and then we'll talk about marksmanship." He picked up something on the table and walked forward so that he was barely in the light. Lucy could see his tall, very hard and muscular body that implied that he worked out on a regular basis. He was broad in the shoulders and thick in the thighs, probably from a lot of running. He wore a pair of tight, black boxer-briefs that wasn't leaving much to her imagination judging by the bulge that she could see. The only other thing that he wore was a simple pair of black martial arts slip on shoes and a black ski mask so that she couldn't see his face; only his hazel eyes.

In his hands he held a combat knife of some sorts. He twirled the handle with one had while the butt of it was resting in the palm. At the tip he held it by a single finger while he twirled. Her eyes went wide at the slight trickle of blood on his own finger as he spun the knife in place. Shit, she thought, if he's willing to do that to himself in just casual talk, what's he going to do with me? "What do you want with me?" she voiced the fear, swallowing hard in fear.


Brad smirked behind his mask as he caught her mental question. Violence Perceived is Violence Achieved. He silently thanked his mentor for that little gem of information. There was never any actual need to hurt anyone if you could avoid it. The girl was hot, that was for certain. The cascade of vibrant red hair down to halfway down her back and the equally vibrant red curls between her legs stood out in stark contrast to her pale ivory skin. She had nice round breast that, in his opinion, were the perfect size; not to large and not too small. He estimated that they were a good handful for him with just a little spillover. Pale rosy pink nipples stood like little nubs surrounded by just a little puff of areolae. In the bright light of the skylight, she seemed to glow like an angel and he could make out pale freckles all over her body; a true redhead.

In the back of his mind he heard a voice talk to him. [Amusement/Irritation] The female's pheromones are elevated along with rapid heartbeat and increased blood pressure. Mate with the female already...

Let's see what she's really here for first, Brad responded. He flipped the knife in his hand, catching it by the blade, and then threw it down hard. It made a swish/thud sound as it embedded itself into the table with his phone on it. The girl jumped and stiffened in response. She then turned her head away, blushing furiously. Brad caught a new scent in the air and caught a glint of light play off of her pussy. The girl squeezed her thighs together as much as possible. Sonofabitch... she's wet.

[Pride] Told you...

Brad walked forward and then circled around her once like the predator he was. She averted her gaze and turned her head away from him as much as she could. "Who are you?" he asked.

"L-Lucy," the redhead replied, trying to regain her composure. Her eyes went back to his knife where it was still vibrating on the table. "What do you want to know?"

"I want to know about you," Brad said calmly. "I want to know all about you. I want to know about what goes on in a day in the life of Lucy. Namely; today." He started circling around her again. "I want to know where you're from, what you're doing here, who you were doing out by my lake. Everything."

"Or else what?" Lucy demanded, "You're going to cut me or something?"

Brad stopped and smiled, leering down at her again. "I'm thinking more in the 'or something' category."

Lucy got the implication at once. "That'd be rape!" The ravishing at the beach was one thing. This was something completely different.

"Not according to the consent forms you all signed down at the camp." He walked over to his table and grabbed something off of the printer. "Crossing marked boundaries implies consent to any machinations that the property owner has, protection guaranteed by federal law," he quoted from the legal paperwork from the camp. "This consent form means that I can do whatever the fuck I want to you, so long as I don't kill you, and there is not a damn thing you can do about it." He showed her the paper and pointed down at the bottom. "This is your signature, is it not?" He smiled at her. "My dear, I can waterboard you from here until doomsday and there's not a damn thing that you or anyone else could do about it."

"I-I could go public," Lucy gulped, now realizing how much in trouble she was and why the camp director was desperate to keep them away from the lake.

"Sure, provided I left any memory of the encounter in your head," Brad retorted. He smiled when he saw her tense. "Yes, I do have the ability to wipe your mind if I have to. But I'd rather not do that as it is really inconsiderate to guests. So... start talking."

With her defenses crumbling, Lucy spilled her guts about this last-chance getaway with her boyfriend that she was quickly becoming estranged with. She talked about how he'd convinced her to come up here and how she was trying to become more pliable to his needs and everything but she was quickly losing interest in him. "The problem is," she was now shouting at him out of anger towards Will, "is that he fucking expects me to cater to his every fucking whim while he screws everything in existence. We weren't even in the camp for five minutes and he was already ogling every pretty piece of ass that walked by including the director! Hell, I've been with you for only a short while and you've listened to me more than my own so-called boyfriend has!"

The voice came back into Brad's head. [Informative] Truth so far...

No shit, Brad mentally snapped back. I got this, do you mind?

[Irritation/Boredom] Fine, wake me when you are done and you're ready to breed the female... [Amusement] Even if she has the stench of Hunter on her...

Wait, what?

Lucy was still going on, now ranting and raving about her boyfriend, Will, and his lack of sexual prowess. "I was starting to get into it with him being all forceful and everything. Hell I fucking enjoyed it! But no, the damn bastard had to leave me hanging twice now! I should've left his ass already! He never once gives ME an orgasm. It's always about him! And now he's probably is down back at camp fucking your little fluff bunny! This is what I fucking get for going with him to another nudist camp again!"

"This was supposed to be torture, not therapy," Brad groaned under his breath, massaging his temples. His Lurker, who had been listening in, was correct though; she was being completely truthful. He also picked up from her that she was fearful as to what might happen to her but at the same time turned on at being tied up. "Enough!" he snapped, finally done with her bitching and moaning about her lack of love and sex life. It was time for a change in tactics. Lucy's blue eyes went wide at his sudden outburst. She leaned back in the chair as much as she could when he advanced on her.

Brad grabbed a fistful of her fiery red hair and wrenched her head back hard. Lucy let out a passionate gasp as she closed her eyes and opened her mouth... and stayed in that position with breathless anticipation. She let out a small moan as her nipples hardened and her pussy went slick. She rubbed her thighs together and pictured him ravishing her. Part of her wished that he would.

This was all apparent to Brad who could not only read her mind but read her body language. On impulse, he leaned in and took possession of her mouth with his. His tongue probed deep into her mouth, causing her to let out a squeak of surprise at first that turned into a full, lustful moan. Even more surprisingly to him was the fact that she was kissing him back with equal furor. His hand came up to maul her left breast as he continued to forcefully make out with her. Then that same hand shot down between her legs to cup her sex. There was some token resistance on her part until she relaxed her thighs just enough to allow him to finger her.

His hand rubbed at her swollen clit hard with his hand moving across her bush at the same time. Lucy started letting out a series of short whimpers as the fire in her loins was rekindled in no time at all. What is it with me? She wondered as her chest started heaving and she felt herself get inexorably closer to climax. This man shot me and dragged me into his shack and is now holding me hostage and I'm getting off by this? Ohhh God... that feels good... right there... yes... keep fingering me hard like that! Ohmygod... I shouldn't enjoy this so much... What is it about this man? I just met him! He abducted me! But his scent is soooo intoxicating!

Keeping up with the mental barrage, Brad anticipated her sexual needs and responded in kind to what she wanted. He slipped the tip of his middle finger into her pussy and continued to rub her mound with his hand. Lucy arched up against him and cried out into his mouth, her scream muffled by him as she came hard in an earth-shattering orgasm. Her arms and legs quivered uncontrollably as they strained in their bonds. Her cry turned into a throaty, guttural moan as Brad prolonged it by continuing to finger-fuck her while she rode it out.

By the time she was done and he'd stopped, her head swam as she felt like she was drunk off of the pheromones in the air. Oh. My. God... She thought as she moaned. Best. Orgasm. Ever... and he hasn't even touched me with that raging hard-on of his... I wonder what that'll be like?

Brad chuckled as her thoughts came through to him as if she were talking out loud. The smell of sex now hung in the air and he wasn't even remotely through with her. He grabbed his shaving kit from the bathroom and came back out to her. She was looking more coherent now that she was coming down from the sexual high she'd been on. It was an after-effect of his enhanced pheromones and he'd nailed her with a full blast of it right when he got her off. "Now we're going to take it from the top," he said, taking out a can of shaving cream and spraying a generous amount into his cupped hand. "Who are you?"

"Yours if you give me another orgasm like that..." Lucy panted, her eyes still wandering and not focusing on any one thing in particular.

"Cute," he said, dipping his shaving cream filled hand down between her legs to spread it all over her mound. Lucy let out a long "Mmmmm," as the cold cream covered her privates. She whimpered and shook in her bonds in protest as he removed his hand. "Now; who are you?"

"Lucy Alleyn, what's yours?"

Realizing that he failed to make introductions he smiled. "You can call me Brad," he said. "Now why are you here Lucy?"

"Right now? To be your little slave if you just touch me like that again!" she whined, now desperate for his touch again. She jumped up and down in the seat as much as she could for emphasis. She didn't know why, but she just had to have another orgasm from him just like the first!

"All in due time," he said soothingly, caressing the side of her face with his clean hand. "You get rewarded when you answer my questions. Now; why are you here?"

"I answer this already! Vacation. Trying to patch things up with my... boyfriend, I guess you could call him," Lucy repeated with obvious distaste. What the fuck is the matter with me? Why am I craving his touch like some love-starved teenager?

[Amusement] Because you are one... Another voice seemed to intrude upon her thoughts.

Brad shot an irritated thought towards his Lurker to shut up before continuing on. Oh, can it; she's twenty-one according to her driver's license...

[Inquisitive] What is it that you humans say... Po-tay-to, Po-tah-to...

Bite me.

[Amusement] We think that the female will be doing that for us... sometime tomorrow the rate that the two of you are going we figure...

With his back turned to Lucy, Brad rolled his eyes. Out of all the Lurkers in the world he had to get the one with a sarcastic streak. He'd moved back to the table to wipe the rest of the shaving cream off of his hand and to retrieve his razor.

Lucy looked apprehensive, but expectant when he returned with it, knelt before her in between her splayed knees, and slowly dragged the razor down her abdomen into the cream. With careful precision he lopped off the red curls between her legs until she was as bare as the day she was born. He then applied some lotion, rubbing it into the skin to prevent razor burn. Lucy gasped and panted under his touch and then whined again when he withdrew.

"Now; do you know what a Hunter is?" Brad asked, changing his line of questioning up and carefully avoiding the subject of her boyfriend.

"Uhm... someone who goes out to kill and cook Bambi?" Lucy asked, wondering where that question came from.

"Why did you come here?" Brad continued on. "Why not go back down to that hedonistic resort down on the coast?"

"Hey! You owe me some attention! I answered your last question!" Lucy complained.

"True," Brad walked around to behind her. There he placed his hands onto her shoulders and then slid them down to cup her breasts. Then he gave them a gentle squeeze and flicked her still hard nipples once. "Now answer my next question," he whispered, his breath hot on her neck.

"I... I... I didn't like the fact the guards would have to cavity search us and I didn't like the fact that any man could have his way with me if I wanted to or not... not that I'm complaining about such event happening now, mind you, as you're much better than they were," Lucy breathed, closing her eyes again and rolling her head to the side so that he'd have easy access to her neck. Brad obliged her by kissing and sucking on her nape while moving one hand back down to her now shaven pussy. "I... I also wasn't thrilled about being gangbanged... while Will watched..."

"You enjoyed it... Don't deny it... I can read you like a book."

"Yeah... I did..." Lucy admitted while he cupped her sex. She tried to gyrate against his hand but he held it just out of reach for her to find any satisfaction from it. "Touch me!" she whined. "Fuck me!"

"What didn't you like about the resort?"

"Nothing! I liked it! I enjoyed it! I wanted to be banged like a salvation army drum!" Lucy cried out while trying to find release from the sexual torment that was going on. "I was more pissed off at Will for springing it on me the way he did!"

As a reward, Brad rubbed her bare mound, getting her to hum in response. "Now... Who told you about the beach resort?"

"Mmmm... Will did... he found out about it from some friends." Lucy purred, reveling in his touch. "He's got friends that work there...:

Brad sucked on her neck some more before standing up and moving back around to her front. "Who? I want names."

"Oh don't stop now! Some guy named Edward!"

"Keep going. I want more information than just that."

"I don't know his last name! Please, I swear! Just Edward and that he's some kind of researcher who works outside of Metro. Will took a class of his back in college a few years back and they were friends."

"Oh okay, I guess I can work with that," Brad playfully conceded. He knelt back down in front of her and dragged his tongue once up her slit. Lucy shuddered in response.

[Amusement] We find this form of... torture... highly entertaining with yielding much better results... [Wonder] Why does your armed forces not employ such techniques...

It's a little something called the 'Geneva Conventions', now will you shut up already? I'm working here!

Meanwhile, Lucy was lost in bliss as Brad's tongue worked up and down the length of her opening while pausing every so often to swirl around her clit. This is insane! I shouldn't feel like this in the presence of someone who has me tied down against my will, her mind screamed in protest while her head swam with the intense pleasure she was receiving. "OHHHHHH!" she cried out when his finger then invaded her most intimate passage. She began to buck against her bonds before her body started to quake in her arms and legs as the orgasm built within her like a volcano before releasing. Lucy became delirious from the second intense orgasm in the space of minutes. She'd never cum in that short amount of time with anyone, including herself and her toys that she had at home. Bradly put all past lovers to shame.