The Crew Pt. 05


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Scooter smirked and looked from my face to my dick. It wasn't hard, but it was definitely awake. "Come on," she chirped, swatting me on the ass and pushing me toward the stairs to the little deck and screened-in porch on the back of their little "house by the river". Pete had snatched up the food bag and was halfway up the steps, already tearing into a piece of leftover steak.

Just inside the back door, Scoot tossed our clothes in a pile. Pete had the leftovers stashed in the fridge and was pulling out three beers. We went back out to the porch and collapsed. Scoot in the hammock. Pete and I in the adirondak chairs. We sat there drinking in the sounds and the feel of the night.

After about half an hour, silent, Pete walked over to see if Marcie needed help getting Maurice back up to their house. She did. So he was gone a while.

A half hour or so later, Scooter got up from the hammock and moved to the chair beside me. She took me by the hand and looked at me. Looked away shyly. Almost like she was afraid to speak. To break the silence. Presently, though, she whispered. "Jamie, can we talk?"

"Sure," I said. "Anytime. You know that."

"OK," she replied. "But I wasn't, you know, sure. You've been quiet and I know that I have been too, kinda. I wondered were, like, mad at me or anything." Even in just the light from the stars and the moon, I could see a tear running down her cheek.

"Oh, Scooter, no..." I said softly, standing and pulling her up into a gentle loose hug. Yes, I could feel her skin against mine, but there was none of the playful arousal I'd felt with Marcie. I rubbed her back lightly. "I was hoping that you weren't mad at me. About the other night at my place with Bobbi and Sal. I've been mad at myself. I've been sort of beating myself up about it all week long."

"Why?" she asked. "You didn't do anything wrong."

"I guess I feel like maybe I did. Like I let things get too wild. Like we all went too far."

"Maybe..." she admitted. "''s not your fault. We were all kinda drunk, and way high on your mom's 'no inhibitions' herb."

"I know. But I've never really watched another couple while they were doing...that. Or let myself be watched. And..." I sat back down and rested my head in my hands.

"What?" she asked.

"I don't know if I can say it."

"Say it," she said. "Don't worry. Anything."

"I feel like I let you down. Like we all jumped into the deep end without thinking. Like I shouldn't have been watching you like that. Thinking things I shouldn't be thinking. Thinking about you. Hell, looking into your eyes while Bobbi..."

"I was looking back, wasn't I?" she interrupted. Do you think I wasn't thinking the same thoughts about you when I came. I was loving watching you watching me cum and it scared the shit out of me."

"Me too. I really got off on thinking about you that way. It freaked me out. I don't...I can't let myself do that. We're cousins and family and love each other and I don't want jeapordize that. I don't want to hurt you in any way or have you feel like I'm some kind of creep..."

"I don't," she said, cutting me off. "And I won't. Ever. Let's just be honest about how we feel sometimes know...not cover up. Thinking about doing something is not the same thing as doing it. So we have thoughts. We're human. The other night happened. I don't want to let it make things weird between us. I love you." She tightened her hug.

"Thanks," I said hugging her back. "I don't want things to be weird either. I love you too much for that."

She gave a little happy wiggle against me. Kissed my cheek. Looking into my eyes, she said, "So, we're good?"

"We're good," I answered.

"So, you're sleeping here tonight. Right?"

"I was planning to," I replied. "It's such a nice night, I thought I'd probably sleep out here in the hammock if neither of you called dibs."

"Fine with me," she said. "Want to go for quick swim first, to cool off?"

We walked down to the dock and out to the end. Slipped quietly into the cool water and floated. The water there was a little over waist deep on me. Almost shoulder deep on Scooter. Her boobs aren't big enough to float, so they were completely submerged even when she was standing. We swam around and quietly teased and splashed each other. It wasn't as cold as the quarry but it still helped cool us off and relax us.

We didn't stay in the water long. Just enough. We climbed up the ladder and onto the dock, then back up to the house. We were already dry by the time we got there. Standing on the deck outside the screened porch, we heard a sound like a moan echo in from the water.

"Sssshhhh," Scooter shooshed me. She pointed toward Marcie's dock. The fishing lantern was gone, but the moonlight was still enough to show two people sillouetted out there. The sharply detailed forms, even from a distance, were clearly those of Pete and Marcie. We watched for a bit in silence. Marcie was seated on the bench where Maurice had been fishing earlier. Pete was on his knees in front of her with his face between her legs. His hands were on her tits and she was writhing. Suddenly her entire body jerked and she yelped. Scooter giggled, then shooshed herself. They obviously hadn't heard or didn't care. Marcie slid off the bench and pushed Pete down onto his back. From her position, it was pretty apparent that she had taken his cock in her mouth and was slowly bobbing her head. Another, deeper moan echoed over the water. A bird squawked and took off into the night.

"Poor Petey," Scooter cooed. "Still broken up over getting dumped by Karla. Marcie must have decided he needed some comforting."

"Are you being sarcastic?"

"Maybe. But only a little...Karla really did hurt him. He put on the whole tough guy act when he told me about it, but I could tell. He got high and went down and just sat on end of the dock by himself for over two hours afterward. Marcie saw him out there and went out to check on him. They talked and he let her hold him for a while. Then he drove out to the farm to talk with you. He avoided me before he left. He didn't want me to see that he'd been crying, but I knew. When Bobbi found out, she said we should kill the little bitch...slowly...with plastic sporks."

"I like that," I told her. "Creative. Original."

Another moan. Louder.

"So...should we be watching this?" I asked.

"Meh. Should they be doing it out there in front of God and everybody? Fair's fair."

"Point taken," I replied.

So we watched. Pete was up in a sitting position at that point with Marcie straddling his lap. She was leaning back with her hands on his knees and there was definite motion where they were pressing their groins together. Pete was leaned forward attacking her tits with his mouth.

Slowly, Scooter's breathing deepened. She backed up against me, reaching behind her and pulling my arms to circle around her in front, drawing them up to press against the lower swell of her breasts. "I'm really going to miss Sal," she murmered. "We both knew we were never going to be more than naked cuddle buddies. And he's been really cool about me not being ready for more. But now he's moving away. And I really liked the naked cuddle buddy stuff. Plus, he's a really good kisser."

"Are you going to be OK?" I asked her.

"I'm fine," she said, turning to face me. "It's not like I'm getting dumped. Sal and I are friends. And we'll always be friends. feels like something special is changing."

"I know what you mean. I just don't like to see you hurting."

"Of course you don't. You're Jamie. You care. That's who you are. That's why I love you so much." Her hug grew tighter. "And stop worrying about me. I'm OK. Really."

We went inside and Scooter headed straight for the kitchen while I grabbed a sheet and pillow. I took them out to the porch and arranged them on the hammock. I love sleeping out there. When I went back in to kiss her good night, I found her with her head in the fridge, digging through leftovers. I leaned against the doorway. Cousin or not, the view was spectacular.

"You're staring at my ass, aren't you?" she asked, not looking back.

"Admiring," I corrected her. "It's a lovely ass." She wiggled it.

"Is it making you hard?"

"A little," I admitted.

"Mm. Looks like more than a little to me," she said, turning and looking. "Creep," she teased.

"Fair's fair," I countered. "Is it making you wet?"

"A little," she shyly admitted. "Maybe more than a little..."

"Creep," I teased back. I gave her a quick kiss and made my retreat. Stretched out in the hammock. Slipped into the zone. It didn't take long. I could feel the day draining from my body and mind as my breathing slowed. I may have been almost asleep when Scooter stepped out to the porch.

"I lied. I'm not OK. I'm lonely," she said, approaching. She bent and ran her fingers down my chest. "Share...please..."

It wasn't fair and she knew it. She'd done this to Pete or me or her parents ever since she was able to walk. "I'm lonely" was code for "I'm not going away so you might as well skootch over make some room." Sharon's theory was that it stemmed from her being a twin. No personal boundaries. It came from sharing a womb.

Sharing a hammock is a little more complicated. It's a moving target. But it was a big hammock and I made room. She settled in with her head on my shoulder, an arm and a leg draped across me. "Are we still good?" she whispered.

"Mmm. Hmm," was my sleepy answer.

"Good," she replied, squirming a bit. Nesting. Scrunching her boobs to my ribcage. I could feel the moist folds of her pussy against my hip. She couldn't help feeling my dick as it started to swell beneath her thigh. She moved her leg slightly to let me know. "It's alright," she whispered. "Don't worry about it. Let's sleep." My arm was around her, my hand on her hip. When she shifted a tiny bit more, that hand slipped down and came to rest on her ass. I started to move it away but she stopped me, holding it in place. "No," she said. "Leave it there. Please. It's nice...this is nice..."

"It is..." I agreed.

She sighed and I could feel the tensions leaving her body. "Mmmmm," she murmered. "Since we're good, you should know I'm still gonna want to be able to snuggle with you. That's not going to change. That's about family."

Just then, another moan...from Marcie again...echoed over the water. I felt a silent laugh vibrate through her naked breasts to my ribs. She stirred. Then nested. Then snuggled some more. Then she began to sing...very softly...

"Suzanne takes you down to her place by the river. You can hear the boats go by. You can stay the night beside her..."

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AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

About Marci's nipples: my wife's are just like you describe, except they stick out a half inch instead of a quarter inch, and they are stiff all the time. The only visible change they make when she's aroused is that they go from pink to brown. I love them!

unparkedunparkedover 1 year ago

I wish I could just live in this world.

NightthawkNightthawkalmost 2 years ago

Another 5 stars, my friend. Your story telling is amazing...I felt I was there as I read. Keep going!

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