The Crusader Ch. 03


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"You haven't found her yet Chambers," Vito said.

"Maybe not but I hope to know where she is by tomorrow and have her home by evening. That is if you keep your thugs away." Rollie stared at the Rossi's for a few seconds. "Frank, stay out of it, let me do my job. I'll find Angela for you."

Tully spoke to the Rossi's for the first time. "Rollie put Miss Reynolds under my protection gentlemen so I'll make it plain for you. Don't come looking for her again. Rollie's too soft hearted. Were it me, your man there would have never left that apartment." He looked at Leo, then Frank, and then at Vito with a hard stare.

"Ah yes, Sergeant Tully of the St. Louis Police Department and formerly of the Marines," Vito sneered. "What did you do in the Marines? Were you some General's orderly?" Vito was being insulting because of his anger at being told what to do.

"I retired as a Master Gunnery Sergeant after 20 years of service. For 6 of those years I was considered the best sniper in the Corp; for another two I taught others how to be a sniper. I'm very good with a long rifle gentleman, don't forget it"

First Frank and then Vito nodded.

"Let's go Tully before someone else slips and falls," Rollie said smiling at his friend.

Frank looked at Vito in surprise as Rollie and Tully left. He didn't understand why Vito let the implied threat by the Sergeant slid by; it wasn't in Vito's nature.

"I don't get it Vito," Frank said nodding toward Tully's back.

"Did you see the look in Tully's eyes? That man could be part Sicilian; he's got the stones to back up what he says. If we send Leo or someone to look for Greta we'll be short a man or men." Vito gave Frank an evil smile. "There'll be time after this is done to have a talk with Sergeant Tully."

Back at Rollie's apartment Tully, Jessica, Greta and Rollie sat around the kitchen table drinking the fresh coffee that Jessica had made.

"Something is kinky about this whole kidnapping," Rollie said.

"How so?" Tully asked.

"First it was a couple of days before Rossi got a ransom note; and why a note instead of a phone call? Greta said Brad and Angela were going to get 150 thousand but the note demanded 250 thousand. Frank made the call to let them know he had the money and it was still three days before the kidnappers contacted him." Rollie took a big drink of his coffee. "Then instead of wanting the money right away they set up a meeting in four days. This whole situation doesn't feel right."

"What could it mean?" Tully asked.

Before Rollie could answer Jessica said, "Greta got an answer to her text message." Both men turning to her. "Brad said he would text her tomorrow morning and tell her where to meet him." Jessica hesitated. "You notice he said where HE would meet her not him and Angela. I don't think Angela is in charge anymore."

Rollie thought, I don't think Greta will be safe meeting with Brad either. Could be he wants to cover his tracks and eliminate witnesses.

"That was my thought," Rollie said. "I think this started as a way for Angela to scam her father out of money and now Brad's taken over. Angela could well now be an actual kidnap victim."

Rollie walked over to the bar in the corner and poured a small glass of Gentleman Jack whiskey. "Tully want a taste? Jess, you or Greta want a glass of wine or something?" Jessica and Greta shook their heads.

"Thought you'd never ask," Tully replied with a grin. "I was beginning to wonder if you appreciated my talents and counsel." The big man walked over and accepted a bucket glass filled with ice and three fingers of whiskey." He took a big drink and smiled. "Smooth as mother's milk." Then he turned the glass up and finished his drink. He took his glass into the kitchen, washed it out and set it on the drain board to dry.

Tully turned and saw Rollie and Jessica watching him. "Habits I learned in the Corp can be hard to break," he said with a self depreciating smile.

"You'll make someone a fine wife one of these days Tully." Rollie teased. "Back to business," he said in a more serious tone. "I think we should stay together tonight, just in case the Rossi's didn't get the message. Greta you've seen your room, Tully you can take the other guest room, and Jess you can have my room. I'll sleep on the couch. He looked directly at Jessica, smiled, and added, "It's big enough for two you know."

Jessica returned his smile. "See you in the morning guys," she said and walked into Rollie's bedroom.

"Want me to take a turn on watch?" Tully asked.

Rollie shook his head. "If Rossi or his men come to see us they won't get through my door without explosives. It's a solid steel door covered in a wood grain veneer. Besides I'll wake up if I hear a mouse fart. Go to bed Tully, we're gonna have a busy day tomorrow."

He escorted Greta to her room and returned. Rollie took off his shoes, got a cushion for his head and stretched out on the couch. Glad I bought a big comfy couch, he thought as he placed his Glock by his side.


The unfamiliar noise woke Rollie. He'd had the knack of waking at any strange noise since he'd been a boy growing up on his family's farm in southeastern Missouri. On the farm there were always emergencies to be attended to and they usually seemed to come late at night. Animals, weather, fencing, or something would require Rollie to get up quickly and help his father and brother take care of the problem.

Rollie glanced at the digital clock; it showed 2 AM. The shadowy figure slowly came toward him and Rollie gripped his pistol, ready to use it if necessary. When the person was about ten feet away, he heard a whisper.

"Rollie," Jessica called in a low soft voice. "You awake?"

"Yeah Jess." He carefully replaced his pistol on the arm of the couch and sat up. "You okay? You need something?"

"I keep waking up. Guess it's sleeping in a strange place or something." Jessica walked closer. She was wearing one of Rollie's T shirts; it fit her like a short robe that stopped at mid thigh. "Could I maybe lay down on the couch with you?"

Rollie couldn't help but tease her a little. "I could join you in my bed just as easy," he offered.

Jessica giggled. "I don't think that would be the smart thing to do."

"If the couch is the only place I get to sleep with you then it'll have to do," Rollie said. "At least for right now Jess." His words were full of promise.

Rollie put his Glock under his cushion, then scooted to the back of the couch and Jessica stretched out in front of him. He pulled a woolen throw over them and spooned up against Jessica's back. She scooted closer to him, pulled his arm around her, and promptly relaxed.

"Now I'm really glad I bought a big comfy couch," he whispered.

"Me too," Jessica whispered back as she drifted off to sleep.


"Wake up you love birds," Tully called from the kitchen. "I made fresh coffee."

"I know," Rollie said as he and Jessica got straightened out. He looked at the digital clock and saw it was almost 7. "I heard you stomping around in there for over twenty minutes."

"And you didn't get up to join me?" Tully said in a pretend hurt voice.

Rollie leaned over and gave Jessica a quick kiss. "Would you have gotten up Tully if you were in my place?"

Tully smiled. "Don't reckon I would have," he admitted. "In fact I might have shot the guy that woke me up. Morning Jessica."

"Good morning Tully. I'll get dressed and get Greta up."

"I'm already up," Greta said as she came into the living room. "I didn't get much sleep."

As the four finished a light breakfast Greta's phone gave an alert that she had a text message. It read:

"Where RU? I'm at your place. Brad.

Greta showed the message to Rollie. "Tell him you got scared because of Frank's man coming to your place and you're staying with a friend."

Greta texted;I'm stayin W a pal.

MMA whse n an hour.

"He wants me to meet him at the warehouse where he was going to set up the money drop," Greta explained.

"Tell you're afraid you're being followed. Suggest he meet you at your friends; then give him my address," Rollie ordered. Greta hesitated. "Greta you've got to know this scam isn't going to work; it's time for you to get out from under what's coming."

I THK I'm BN FOLOWD. U cum 2 me.


2115 Park Ave Across from Lafayette Park.

Two or three minutes went by with no answer; it seemed like much longer to those waiting. Finally Greta received another message.

Okay, on my way. Be there in 20.

"Now we need to get ready for our friend Brad," Rollie suggested. "Jess, would you sit with Greta and play her friend for this character when he gets here?" He held up his hand before she could answer. "Tully will be in the hallway and I'll be behind the breakfast bar but I've got to warn you, things could go sideways here."

Jessica reached for her purse and pulled a Glock 26 subcompact 9MM pistol. "I can take care of myself," she said with a grin. "I'll sit on the couch with my Glock under my leg. If good ole Brad gets too macho, I can take care of him."

"Where did you get that?" Rollie asked. "You know it's illegal to carry a concealed weapon."

"Not if you've got one of these," she answered and showed him her concealed carry permit.

"When did you get this?"

"After that first night when you told me about the kidnapping and who the family was, I thought I better be able to protect myself. So I had a friend help me get a CCW."

"Why would you feel you need protection?"

"I knew you'd eventually want my help and if I was going to get involved in your case I wanted to be able to take care of myself."

"But how did you get your permit so fast. I mean I pulled a few strings and got mine right away. But how'd you....?"

"Like I said, I've got a friend that helped cut through all the red tape."

Rollie stared at her for several seconds and then had a thought. He turned to look at Tully who was leaning against the breakfast bar in the kitchen and was examining the ceiling. Looking down, Tully just gave Rollie a big grin.

"She's a lot prettier than you are and she paid attention when I showed her how to shoot," Tully said still grinning. "Smells better too."

Rollie went over his plans again and everyone got into their positions. Greta and Jessica sat on the couch, one at each end; that had them facing the door. Jessica put her Glock under a cushion next to her. Tully stepped far enough down the hallway to the guest bedrooms that he couldn't be seen from the living room. He pulled and held his pistol down next to his leg. Rollie stood behind the breakfast bar that separated the kitchen from the dining area; he also held his pistol. He would duck down out of sight when Brad entered the apartment.

It was closer to fifteen minutes after Greta got the text that the doorbell rang. As he knelt down Rollie muttered, "Our Brad must be anxious."

Jessica went to the door, looked through the peep hole and asked, "Who is it?"

"Hi, I'm Brad, you know Greta's friend. Is she here?"

Jessica unlocked the door, stepped back to her place on the couch and said, "Sure. Come on in"

Brad entered the apartment. For the mastermind behind the kidnapping he wasn't very impressive. The young man, about 24, was about 5' 9 with a slender build. He had pale blue eyes, dirty blond hair, and a patchwork beard. It was like the hair on his face couldn't make up its mind to be a beard or just a bunch of hair.

His eyes darted around the apartment after he entered. Brad was obviously nervous. "Hey Greta, good to see you," he said. "Who's this?" He asked pointing with his chin at Jessica.

"Hi Brad. This is my friend Jessica. Where's Angela? I thought she'd be with you."

"Oh you know Angela. She didn't want to get up this early so she's waiting for us back at my place." Brad smiled. "You ready to go girl? We need to get on the road."

"I don't think I'm going with you. What with the Rossi's sending goons out to look for Angela I think I'd better just cut my losses and get out of town. I'll go to my cousins in Cape Girardeau."

"Sure I understand," Brad said. "I'll help you get there. Come on Greta."

"You don't understand, I'm not going Brad. I'm out of this and I'll make it on my own."

"You're the one that doesn't understand," Brad said as he pulled a pistol out of his jacket. "You're coming with me. I can't leave you around for the Rossi's to talk to. You might decide to tell them all about me."

"I think it's you that doesn't get it Brad," Rollie said as he stood up from his hiding place aiming his weapon at the young man.

Brad looked at Rollie and paled. He saw a movement from the couch. Jessica was also holding a pistol on him. She pointed behind him and Brad looked over his shoulder. Tully was standing in a shooter's stance, both hands on his weapon, pointing at Brad's head.

"I suggest you put your pistol down Brad," Rollie said as he walked toward the young man. Brad dropped his gun onto an easy chair next to him and put his hands in the air. "Jessica get his weapon and step back," Rollie ordered. The was no please or could you in his voice. It was a voice familiar with command and she obeyed immediately.

"Hands behind you," Tully ordered as he stepped closer to Brad. He put handcuffs on the boy and pushed him to a seat in the same chair that had held his weapon. "All yours Rollie. Think I'll get another cup of coffee."

"Brad you're in a world of hurt right now and don't even know it," Rollie began. "There are three options available to you. All three of them have you telling us where Angela is but they each have a different outcome for you." Tully brought Rollie a cup of coffee and returned to lean against the breakfast bar.

"We can turn you over to the police and the FBI and they'll probably cut you a deal to find Angela," Rollie continued. "Problem with that option is Rossi can get to you even if you're in a Federal prison. Option two is my favorite; we turn you directly over to the Rossi's. I can guarantee you'll tell Frank where his daughter is and then you'll end up as a floater in the Mississippi. Or...."

"What's the third option?" Brad asked not liking either of the first two choices.

"You tell us where Angela is, we go get her, and we'll let you go. If the Rossi's find you, that's all on you but at least you'll have a chance to disappear. Who knows maybe Frank will forget about revenge once he gets his little girl back." Rollie knelt down in front of Brad. "I know none of them are what you want but at least you get to make the choice."

Brad thought about his options for almost five seconds. "Angela's in the office apartment of the warehouse on the corner of Mississippi Ave and Rutger."

"Who do you have watching her?"

"Nobody, I've got her tied up but she's okay."

"Let's go Tully," Rollie said.

"You promised to let me go," Brad begged.

"As soon as we get back with Angela you can be on your way. I'll even give you an hour's head start before I take Angela to her father." Rollie walked over and kissed Jessica. "We'll be back soon Jess, keep an eye on the mastermind here."

Rollie and Tully had been gone about five minutes when Brad asked Jessica to let him go to the bathroom.

"I've got weak kidneys and all this stress and excitement is hard on me," Brad pleaded.

Jessica looked at him for several minutes, pulled her pistol, and finally agreed. "But if you try anything I don't think you'd like the consequences. She stepped behind him and unlocked one of the handcuffs. "The bathroom is down the hall."

Brad brought his hands in front of him and rubbed his wrist. He turned toward the hallway and then turned back and lunged at Jessica.


Rollie and Tully drove around the warehouse checking things out. Pulling his truck to the curb, Rollie got out followed by Tully.

"Looks deserted," Tully offered. "I think good ole Brad was too scared to lie to us."

"Okay let's go get her," Rollie said.

Slowly they entered the building and made their way up to the second floor office apartment. They found Angela gagged and tied just as Brad had said. They freed her and got her on her feet.

"Where is that son of a bitch?" She asked in an angry voice. "Where's Brad?"

"He's at my place," Rollie answered. "C'mon let's go see him."

Rollie lead Angela into his apartment. The first thing he saw was Brad on the floor with his hands handcuffed behind him but now his feet were tied and a rope ran from his feet to the handcuffs. The side of his head had blood on it from a cut high on his temple. I think the cowboys call that hog tied, Rollie thought.

"Jess, why is our guest tied up like a pig for the spit? And what happened to his head?"

"Mr. Smart Ass there talked me into taking the handcuffs so he could go to the bathroom," Jessica explained as she wiped down her Glock. "He jumped me and I hit him upside the head with my new pistol. He got blood all over my gun." Jessica muttered as she put her weapon back in her purse, "Damn fool is lucky I didn't shoot him."

Rollie tried to hide his smile and not laugh. Tully didn't even try; he laughed and pointed at Brad. Even Jessica had to chuckle at Tully's reaction.

"Sit down Angela," Rollie ordered. "Tell us all about your scam."

"What scam? This asshole kidnapped me and tried to get money out of my father."

"That's not true," Brad protested. "It was her idea to get 150 thousand from her old man."

"Yeah I did, but you got greedy," Angela responded. "You really did kidnap me and demanded more money. That wasn't part of the plan numb nuts."

"Why would you try to steal money from your father?" It was Jessica asking the question.

"I wanted to go to Europe for the summer with my friends. Daddy told me he'd pay for my schooling, my apartment, and even give me a monthly allowance but if I wanted to go to Europe I had to get a job and earn the money." Angela looked around the room. "Can you image that? I'm Frank Rossi's daughter; I shouldn't have to work."

"So she came up with the idea of the kidnapping," Brad interrupted. "She said she'd give me 25 thousand dollars to help her. I didn't want to but she promised to take me with her in addition to the money."

"Yeah and then you got greedy, you bastard. You locked me in that office and sent a ransom note for 250 thousand to Daddy. You're an idiot. He would have paid the smaller amount but you just had to push him."

Rollie walked over and cut the rope around Brad's feet. He unlocked and removed the handcuffs and helped the boy to his feet.

"Wait, aren't you going to turn him over to Daddy?" Angela asked. "Or at least to the police."

"If I turn him over to the authorities, I'd have to turn you over too," Rollie answered. "Your father hired me to find you, not to arrest anyone." He turned toward Brad. "Okay kid, here's your chance just like I promised. I'll wait for an hour before I call Frank Rossi. I'd suggest you get the hell out of Dodge before he comes looking for you."

"You disrespected the Rossi's by just being involved in Angela's scheme," Tully said from the kitchen. Not to mention that you actually did kidnap his daughter. That's not something the Rossi's will let slide. You best get out of town and quickly."

Brad looked around and then looked directly at Angela. He started to say something but stopped. Shaking his head he quickly left the apartment.

"You can't let him go," Angela protested.

"Yes I can," Rollie said. "I gave him my word that he could walk if he told us where he had you. Now we'll wait for an hour and take you home to Daddy."


For the second time, Rollie beat on the big wooden double doors at Frank Rossi's home. This time Frank opened the door himself.