The Crusader Ch. 07


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Tully broke in, "We investigate and watched Jackson; we weren't hampered by legalities so we could do more than the police. Rollie had one of his Confidential Informants, know as CIs, give the intel to the Narcotic Squad and they busted several of Jackson's men."

"They almost got Jackson too, but his lawyer pulled some kind of legal shenanigans and got the charges dropped," Rollie added. "During discovery Jackson's lawyer learned that I," he reversed himself at a nudge from Tully, "I mean we, cost him a lot of money; I guess this is his way of getting even." Rollie rolled his wheelchair next to Jessica's bed and took her hand. He stared at her face for a couple minutes.

Julie heard him say in a very low voice, "He should have let things go. This is going to cost him."

In spite of being across the room, Tully heard his friend. "Damn right," he agreed as he walked to the bed and put his hand on Rollie's shoulder.

"But won't he hear about this Rogers talking and take off?" Julie asked.

"If he runs, he'll just die tired," Tully replied.

Julie watched the interplay between the two men. It would be good to be that close to someone, she thought. Shaking herself she said, "Rollie sit back and let me take care of your wound. Then you can sit with Jessica for a while, but I want you back in your room and resting within the hour. Do you understand?"

Rollie stood so Julie could work on the wound in his side. "When is Jess going to wake up Julie?" You said the doctors stopped the drugs, so when will she wake up?"

"Sometimes the body sort of tries to hide from a trauma," Julie answered. "But her brain activity is good and her vitals are stable. Could and should be anytime, Rollie. We'll just have to be patient."

Rollie climbed onto the bed next to Jessica, took her in his arms, and began to talk to her in a low voice. Jessica smiled in her sleep as Rollie talked. The trip to Lutheran Hospital had exhausted Rollie and he fell asleep holding onto Jessica.

"At least he's resting," Julie said and motioned Tully to follow her out of the room. "What did you think you were doing, taking him out of the hospital?" Julie asked with a little anger in her voice.

"I was helping my friend," Tully answered. His voice was not apologetic. "Besides, if I hadn't taken him, he would have gone by himself. At least this way I was there to keep an eye on him." Tully looked into Julie's eyes, sighed and said, "Guess our date's not gonna happen now."

Julie shook her head and smiled. "Do you always make dates and then cancel them Marine?" Before Tully could answer she stated, "A man that wouldn't help his friend is a man I wouldn't want. Pick me up at 7."

Tully returned her smile and looked at Rollie lying with Jessica. "What about getting Rollie back to his room?"

"That's the deepest asleep I've seen him and her vitals are excellent when he's with her. They're good for each other; we'll let them be for a while."

Rollie was officially discharged the next afternoon, but when he was released he just camped in Jessica's room. Her vital signs continued to be normal but she hadn't awakened yet. Rollie refused to leave her side even to go get something to eat. The on duty guard from William's Security would bring food and drinks to him. Rollie would use the bathroom in Jessica's room to clean up every morning; the nurses brought him clean scrubs to change into the second day of his vigil.

On his third morning, as Rollie changed into another set of clean scrubs he asked Tully, "I forgot to ask, how did your date with Julie go?"

Tully grinned and stared at Jessica for several seconds. "Well...If we had gotten along any better, we'd still be on the date. Hell, the way it was, I barely got her back to her place so she could go to work the next morning." He shook his head at his swiftly developing relationship with Julie. "We've stayed at her place the last couple of nights." Tully shook his head and smiled. "I'm beginning to understand your connection with Jessica."

Rollie walked to his friend and put his hand Tully's shoulder. "I'm glad you've found someone."

"Might be too soon to think like that, but I hope there will be more evenings like the last few."

Several minutes passed as each man thought, Rollie about Jessica, and Tully about Julie. Finally Tully shook himself.

"I think I'll stop the security detail," Tully said to Rollie. "If you're not going to leave, then between the two of us we can cover Jessica. You can sit with her during the day and I'll watch the hall at night."

"I can't let you do that Tully. You've got Missouri Tactical to run."

"My partners and instructors can handle it for a spell. Besides you can't stop me Rollie." Tully stared at Rollie for a few seconds. "Jessica means as much to me, in my own way, as she does to you. If you're gonna continue this death watch, I'm staying with you."


"Yeah Death Watch. Rollie, you're waiting for her to die." Tully held up his hand to stop Rollie's response. "I know all about your former wife, Susan, dying; I know you didn't get a chance to say good bye and how that's torn you up all these years. And I know you're worried you're going to lose Jessica too."

Tully took a deep breath and continued, "Sitting here instead of letting the doctors do their job is like a death watch. If you weren't so afraid, we'd be going after the assholes that did this."

"I can't leave her. What if she wakes up and I'm not here? What if something happens to Jess and I'm not here?"

"Julie and the docs can handle any problems better than you. You're just making excuses now Rollie."

Tully put his hand on Rollie's shoulder. "When I was just a grunt, still wet behind the ears, and would start complaining or making excuses, my First Sergeant set me straight. He'd say, 'Solider, shut up and solider." Tully paused and then added, "That's what I'm saying to you, 'Solider, shut up and solider'."

Rollie stood and looked at Tully for almost 10 seconds. He sighed, rubbed his hands over his face, wincing at the pull in his side, and sort of shook himself.

"Smart man," Rollie said with a very small grin. "Leave the security and let's put an end to this." He leaned over and kissed Jessica tenderly. Then Tully followed him out of the room; Rollie had his head held high, his shoulders back and he walked with a purpose. Rollie was wearing green scrubs and carrying his personal effects in a small satchel, including his back up .45 thanks to Tully; his clothes had been destroyed by the EMTs and the blood. "When are the police going to release my gun, do you know?"

"Why asked me?"

"Because you know everyone and everything Tully. When?"

"Frank says it'll be about a week to ten days; he's pushing it through the investigation. Shouldn't be a problem."

Rollie was quiet for a moment as they walked. "It's them that's on a death watch," Rollie said. "But they don't know it...yet."

"Where to?" Tully asked when they got to his truck.

"Let's go see Calvin."

"You're CI?"

"Yeah, Calvin usually knows everything of any importance that's happening on the street. He'll know or be able to find out about this Bert and Sammy that was with Rogers."

Tully started the truck and they drove toward one of the seedier parts of St. Louis. "Thought you should know, the DA is getting ready to file charges against Jackson and has issued a warrant for his arrest; but he's gone to ground someplace." At Rollie's questioning look Tully added, "I've got a friend in the DA's department; she gave me a heads up.

"Do yo know someone in every department?"

"Not all, just the important ones. Anyway Rogers has cut a deal to testify against Jackson; he's in a safe house until the trial." Tully glanced at Rollie and added, "I told you so you'd know we don't have much time to find Jackson before the cops do."

"Calvin can get us a lead on Bert and Sammy; when we find them, they'll give us a lead on Jackson."

"You sure they'll talk?"

"If they want to live," Rollie responded. His eyes were icy and his face was like stone.

They pulled up in front of a rundown store front on Chouteau Ave. The area had once been a thriving business district but now was a typical inner city slum with boarded over stores and derelict buildings and people. "This is Calvin's place," Rollie said.

"While you're inside I'll call Frank Wendt and see what I can find out about the Department's investigation," Tully told him.

Rollie entered the building and walked toward the counter in the back. His CI, Calvin, saw him coming and sighed. "I thought we were done when you quit being a cop," he said.

"We're never going to be done Calvin. I know too much about your little fencing operation for you to shine me on." Rollie leaned against the counter. "You've heard about my little adventure, I take it?" Calvin nodded. "I want Bert and Sammy; I've already got Rogers."

"I don't know anything about them." At the look on Rollie's face, Calvin added, "But I'll find out and call you."

"Do it today Calvin," Rollie ordered, turned, and left the building.

While Rollie was inside, Tully called Detective Frank Wendt. "Hey Frank, it's Tully. What's going on with Jackson?"

"No hello, how are you or anything huh?"

"Sorry if I hurt your little feelings, but Rollie is looking for the guy and I don't have time to be social."

"Okay, I understand," Frank said. "Jackson's gone to ground; we can't find a lead at all."

"Well...Rollie and I can do things the police can't. We'll find him."

"Is there anything I can do to help?"

"Dig a hole for Jackson. When Rollie finds him, that's all Jackson will need. Talk to you later."

"As a police officer, I should warn him not to take the law into his own hands," Frank said. But as his friend tell him I've got the shovel. Let me know if I can help."

Rollie slowly walked back to Tully's truck. It was obvious that his wound was bothering him. "Find out anything from Frank?"

"Nope, he said they're at a dead end."

"Let's head to my place," Rollie requested. "I need something to wear besides these scrubs."

An hour later he had just finished changing into his normal jeans and a polo shirt when the phone rang. "Chambers," he answered. Rollie listened for a couple of minutes and said, "Thanks Calvin. Give me a call if and when you learn something." Turning to Tully he said, "Let's go, there are a couple of other CIs I can talk to."

"Hold on Rollie. You've already got Calvin working on it; you said he was the best there is. You need some rest. You're running on empty my friend. Take a shower, get something more substantial to eat than hospital food, and take a nap. Calvin, or Frank, or one of my people will call if they find out anything. "

Rollie started to object but Tully cut him off. "If you keep on like this, you won't be able to do anything when the time comes."

After a few seconds, Rollie gave Tully a rueful grin. "Like I said, you're a smart man Gunny. Okay, I'll eat, shower and take a nap. But you wake me if anyone calls and don't let me sleep more than two hours." He turned to walk down the hall to his bedroom.

"Leave your cell with me," Tully ordered. Rollie grinned and tossed the phone to Tully.

Close to three hours later, Tully gently shook Rollie's shoulder to wake him up. As Rollie sat up, Tully handed him a cup of coffee.

"Calvin called back; said he hadn't found anything but he'd keep looking," Tully told him.

"And you didn't wake me?"

"What for? He didn't know anything and none of my people have learned anything either. Besides you needed the rest." As Rollie stood, Tully said, "Take another shower, I'll wait for you in the living room."

"Yes Mother."

"It's a good thing I'm not Julie; she'd hold you down and wash behind your ears." Tully left the room.

He refilled Rollie's and his own coffee cup when Rollie entered the living room.

Rollie's cell rang. "Chambers." After a minute he said, "Thanks. Keep on it please."

"Calvin?" Tully asked.

"Yeah, he's still trying to get a location. But he said Bert and Sammy usually hang out down on the Cherokee Strip. There's a bunch of bars and strip joints there.

The area known as the Cherokee Strip had at one time been a prosperous shopping area. With people moving out to the suburbs it had fallen on hard times. Now less savory business operated there.

"So what now?"

"It's what, 5 o'clock? We'll go back to the hospital to see Jess, you can see Julie while we're there, and then we'll do a little scouting on our own. How would you like to visit a couple of strip joints?"

"Not my first choice of entertainment." Tully grinned and added, "But we're not going for the dancing, now are we?'


For the next week, the schedule was the same. Rollie, and usually Tully, would go to the hospital in the mornings to see Jessica. They would stay until around noon and head out for a scouting trip. Returning to the hospital about 6PM and stay until visiting hours were over at 9.

Jessica was still in a coma, sleeping is what Julie called it, but her vitals and brain activity were good. Rollie spent the time either sitting beside her bed talking or lying next her and holding her. He sometimes drifted off to sleep himself.

Rollie and Tully had visited every strip joint and sleazy bar on the Cherokee Strip. They decided to expand their scouting trips to include the more upscale bars along Euclid Ave. These places were a step above the ones on Cherokee but still not top drawer establishments.

On the morning of the eight day, Jessica woke up.

Julie stopped Rollie as he walked past the nurse's station toward Jessica's room. "Rollie, hold on a minute please." He stopped, smiled at her, and waited.

"Jessica woke up. Now wait," she said as Rollie turned to go see Jessica. "She woke up but she has amnesia." Rollie's face turned white and he grabbed onto the counter.

"Amnesia? Do you mean she won't know me?"

"She doesn't even know who she is. We've explained everything to her; her name, who she is and what she does. I even explained who you are and what you two have together. But right now it's just information we given her."

Rollie stood staring into space for about a minute while Julie waited for him to respond. "Are you saying I shouldn't go see her?"

"No, I'm saying to go easy. She understands who you are but she doesn't know you; so take it slow and don't get too intense."

Rollie nodded and slowly followed Julie into Jessica's room, not knowing quite what to expect.

Jessica was sitting up in her bed. The hair on the right side of her head had been shaven off. There was bleeding in the brain cavity and the doctors had bored a hole in her skull to relieve that pressure. Other than the missing hair, a small bandage, and some minor bruising she looked fine. Her remaining hair had been combed and she wore a little makeup. She looked up as Julie and Rollie walked in, gave Julie a smile and nodded at Rollie.

"Jessica, this is Rollie Chambers; the man I told you about," Julie said.

Jessica smiled and extended her hand to Rollie. "I understand we're friends....well more than friends from what Julie tells me."

Rollie took her hand. "Yeah Jess, we're more than friends."

"I'm sorry, I don't remember." Jessica frowned and seemed to withdraw into herself a little.

Julie quickly stepped closer. "Now don't get yourself worked up. I told you it would just take some time."

Jessica took a deep breath. "You called me Jess," she said to Rollie.

"That's what I've always called you. Is that okay?"

"Yes, they tell me my name is Jessica and that's what everybody has been calling me, but from you Jess just seems right. Here sit with me for a while and let's get to know each other again."

Julie watched for a few minutes and then left them alone. Maybe their talking will help her, Julie thought. It can't hurt I guess.

Two hours later Rollie came back to the nurse's station. "They're giving her some therapy and a sponge bath. I'll be back later this afternoon."

"Good. I thought you might freak out," Julie said. "But you handled it fine." She gave Rollie a quick hug. "I think you're good for Jessica."

Rollie visited with Jessica from 6 until 9PM. He spent most of the evening describing how they met when Rollie's wife died, how they worked together, and finally how they became close. Rollie kissed her on the cheek when he left.

"Meet me at Stilettos," Rollie told Tully on the phone. "It's that so called restaurant on Euclid and Page. I hear the boys we're looking for sometimes meet there."


Two more days of Rollie spending six to eight hours a day with Jessica resulted in her regaining part of her memory. She recovered her memory except for the last four years of her life. Jessica still didn't remember Rollie or their life together, but she was very comfortable with his visits.

The scouting didn't have as good of a result. Neither Rollie or Tully, or any of their people, or the police had been able to get a line on Jackson's whereabouts. The two friends were sitting in the hospital cafeteria over coffee discussing where to look next, when Rollie's phone beeped. He answered and talked for a couple of minutes and hung up.

Rollie looked like a big cat that had just spotted his prey. "Calvin gave me a lead on Bert and Sammy," Rollie informed Tully. He finished his coffee and stood. "C'mon, we'll take my truck; the Corvette stands out too much."

"I'll drive," Tully countered. "You're still a little tender. Where are they?"

"The Holiday Inn at Interstate 64 and Kingshighway. Room 120."

"Boots and saddles," Tully said. "Let's roll."

The Holiday Inn was one of the older type motels. Instead of going into the building to enter the rooms, their doors all faced the parking lot. Room 120 was at the end of the first level.

Tully parked in front of the room, walked to the door, and listened. He also peeked through the window. Returning to the truck he said, "I can hear the TV. They didn't close the curtains all the way and I saw both of them in the room. One is lying on the bed and the other one is sitting at a table on the far side of the room. How do you want to do this?"

"I think the motel management would be upset and call the cops if we busted down the door," Rollie answered. "Why don't you go knock on the door, tell them you're the manager, and that you've got a message for them? I'll be on one side of the door and when they open it, we'll push our way in."

Rollie situated himself on one side of the door with his .45 drawn. Tully put his finger over the peephole then knocked and drew his weapon.

"This is the manager; a guy left a message for you at the front desk."

Rollie and Tully heard one of the men say, "What the hell?" just before the door started to open. Rollie stepped in front Tully and pushed the door completely open; knocking the man back into the room. He pointed his pistol at the two men in the room. Tully followed and closed the door.

"Hello Burt and Sammy. Remember me?" Rollie asked.

"'re the guy in the Corvette," one of the men stammered.

"That's right. Johnny didn't get the job done. I'm here to even the score."

"Wait. No one was supposed to get shot. Johnny went ballistic when you started around the car. We didn't do nothing."

"And you are?" Rollie asked.

"I'm Bert, that's Sammy," the second man said. "He's right; Johnny's the one that did the shooting."

"And you two were just suppose to beat up a woman, is that it?" Rollie pointed his pistol at Bert's head. "Where's Jackson?"

"If we tell you, he'll kill us," Bert replied.

"If you don't, what chance do you think you have of getting out of this room alive?" Rollie asked, cocking the hammer on his weapon.

"Enough of this crap," Tully said in an angry voice. "Let's just cap them and get it over with."