The Crusader: Daughter's Return


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The cold expression on Hayden's wife's face would have sent chills through a lesser woman. Cayden expected it. She supposed that she deserved it. She was a vixen now. She chose her lovers and perused them until they were helpless but to give into her desires. She had never perused Hayden, but she also knew their relationship had nearly destroyed them both. She had been able to redirect her obsession until Hayden was no longer a temptation. Apparently he had not been as successful at forgetting his addiction. His wife paid for his fixation. She blamed Cayden, so the warrior shouldered the responsibility.

Seeing that her enemy was not going to wilt beneath the icy reception, Hayden's wife answered, "It's not as if I have a choice."

Cayden allowed the corner of her lip to curl into a smile. "He takes you for granted, when actually you have great power over him."

"You are the only one who has power over Hayden de Witte. He even rejects his father's authority because Lord de Witte sent you away. His whore downstairs has no power over him and neither do I."

"If you feel helpless, you must create your power. I am Cayden."

"I know who you are," she spat viciously. The silence between them was heavy, but Cayden refused to be the next to speak. She blocked the doorway so Hayden's wife had no escape. "I am Deliah," she finally answered. "How do you suggest I create this power you insist I have over my husband?"

Cayden strolled into the room, unfolding her arms in a gesture of openness and trust. She slowly circled Deliah, her green eyes inspecting every inch of her sister-in-law's body. When she spoke again, her voice was a whisper in Deliah's ear, her body pressed against the tall woman's back. "You are not as ugly as you think you are, Sister. You must make yourself desirable to your husband." Cayden's skillful fingers dug against Deliah's scalp, freeing the thick folds of hair from the severe braid that pulled her skin taut. "Tease him and then deny him." Cayden's blew a stream of hot air against the back of her sister-in-law's neck. She laid her hands on Deliah's shoulders, gliding her palms over the rough material on her back. Her talented fingertips brushed against the sides of Deliah's bound breasts before resting on her broad hips.

Deliah's answer was breathless. "If I deny him, he will visit his kitchen whore. He is the one with the choices."

"I will take care of Ava," Cayden promised, her hands sliding to Deliah's front. Her fingertips met at the front and moved downward, taunting the secret folds on her sister-in-law's private quarters. "You must want him, but pretend that you do not. Can you do that?" Her fingers were massaging against Deliah's mound as she spoke in a soft voice. "If you can, I will teach you to please you husband so that he will never seek another's bed." A moan escaped from Deliah's throat. "Can you?"

"Yes," Deliah replied on a rush of air. "Please, keep touching me."

She felt Cayden smile against her cheek, but then her sister-in-law pulled away. Deliah felt cold where Cayden had touched her. "For the evening meal tonight, wear a low bodice. Let your hair flow around her face. Smile, wet your lips, lower your eyes, and laugh. He will wonder about the change and come to your chamber tonight. Bolt your doors and do not let him in no matter how much he begs."

"They say you are the devil's pawn," Deliah said. There was no venom in her voice. Cayden raised one eyebrow and shrugged. Later, she would contemplate the meaning of her sister-in-law's words and wrestle with the truth buried inside them.

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