The Crush

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A re-write of A Typical Couple.
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This story is an account of a rather typical couple, Bob and Sue Carter, living in a small town in the Bible belt; the sort of place where lives are as dull as they are open to scrutiny. It seems that everyone desires their privacy, but relishes the scandalous gossip of other people's business.

Bob and Sue were childhood sweethearts and married after high school. They moved into a fixer-upper cottage and made due with the help of family and friends.

Bob worked as a salesman for a chemical fertilizer company, and Sue waited tables at the town's only diner. Their wages allowed them to save just enough to fix their home and maybe, someday, have children. At twenty-eight years old they were well on their way to achieving their goals. However, after ten years of married life, as any couple will attest, sex had become routine and pedestrian.

Sue was ever the dutiful wife and was always romantically receptive. Bob, on the other hand, often had to make an effort to become amorous towards his wife.

Bob would travel often to service his accounts and had to be away several days each month. Upon his return he would usually be in a frisky mood, and then within days revert to the routine.

Bob wasn't particularly taken with pornography. He found it stimulated him to masturbate but distracted him from his wife, and that he thought wasn't appropriate.

On a trip to Montana to service an account he found himself in a waiting room that had several men's magazines lying around. Leafing through a few with grisly pictures of ghastly women, he came upon one with articles from readers that had submitted "what should I do" questions to the editor. Many concerned cheating wives or husbands. A few were about odd likes and dislikes. But one article piqued Bob's interest just as he was called into the buyer's office. He closed the magazine and stuffed it into his briefcase.

That night he was staying at a motel before flying home the following day. As he readied for bed he remembered the article, he pulled the magazine out of his briefcase, and began reading. It recounted the trials and tribulations of a couple that had grown comfortably dull in their marriage.

As Bob read he realized this couple had some of the same issues as he and Sue had. Bob ascertained while reading that there were many things he was not willing to do in the name of love. There were toys and gadgets and escapades that made him uncomfortable as he imagined them. Still, there were ideas that he might consider trying out with Sue. He resolved to try and went to sleep.

Arriving back home by noon, he dropped off his sales orders at the office and headed to the house. He wanted to be showered and shaved when Sue came home at 4 o'clock.

When Sue walked in Bob was ready and waiting for her. He had already worked up an erection in anticipation of their rendezvous. She saw him in his bathrobe and took a double take before smiling.

"Aren't you comfortable looking." She said with a smirk.

"I thought that we could play around a little before dinner." Bob said, moving forward to embrace her.

Sue felt his erection touch her thigh as he held her tightly. They kissed passionately. Sue gazed wide eyed at her husband wondering what had come over him.

Bob maneuvered her to the living room floor and immediately went for the hem of her dress, trying desperately to move it up her thighs. The tight fitting waitress dress was complicating his intentions and frustration mounted. Forcefully, he lifted her up and simultaneously shoved the hem upwards. Now fully exposed, her panties glowed with the potential of her womanly virtue. Bob was frantic. He dove into her crotch and probed her with his tongue. Placing a finger under the band of sheer material obscuring his prize he pulled too forcefully and the panties ripped. Uncaring, he jammed his stiffened tongue into her delicate folds.

Sue was taken by his swift, violent movements. She felt his heightened stimulation and fell prey to its influence. She began undulating against his face and in short order began to orgasm.

Bob continued his assault, at the same time ejaculating down his leg, ostensibly from the heightened state of psycho-sexual stimulation alone.

Bob fatigued and collapsed between Sue's thighs. Sue gasped for breath as she drew the back of one hand across her forehead; the other ran through Bob's hair as he lay against her pelvis.

Sue spoke first, "What brought that on?"

Bob was slow to respond. He wondered how much to divulge to her about the magazine article, or whether he should say anything at all. But they had always been honest with one another, and he decided that she should know what he was thinking too.

"I was reading about how other couples spice things up and I had an idea that maybe we could too. That is, if you agree."

"Wow! If this is how you want to spice it up, I'm all for it."

"Well, I have some more ideas, if you want to hear them."

"Tell me while I make dinner, honey."

Bob explained his discovery in the waiting room and the odd things that some people do. He outlined what he thought might be fun, and things he felt were taboo. Sue agreed with him about the weird stuff and granted that they could use some stimulation in their love life; especially if it entailed what had transpired between them earlier.

Bob explained to her his interests and Sue accepted that she was open to try his ideas initially, and then as she became more comfortable with the concept she would make suggestions. Bob's first fantasy was to role play as other people that they found attractive. For several weeks they played the parts of Brad Pit and Angelina Jolie. But as all fantasies wear thin, this one became stale for them and they decided to try a different avenue.


In high school Bob and Sue were considered popular, but decidedly not the "in crowd". There was one guy though, a jock, that had been the envy of every guy and the romantic object of every girl in school -- Clark Jensen.

Clark Jensen was a high school football legend and was still living in town. He never was able to achieve the same success in life as he had in high school, but he was still a heart throb to many local women who remembered his exploits.

Bob suggested that he play the role of Clark Jensen having an affair with Sue. Sue demurred, she had a crush on Clark like all of the other girls, but Bob insisted and they began their "Affair". If there was a more revealing reason for Sue's reluctance it could not be imagined; she became animated as Bob acted the part of her illicit lover, Clark. She screamed as she came time and time again, telling "Clark" what a stud he was.

For Bob's part, he relished the idea of Sue being ravished by a stud.

The routine was now much more exciting and they were able to act out several scenarios with Clark as the central character.

One day, as Bob arrived home from work, Sue all but raped him as he stepped through the door. They thrashed on the floor and fucked wildly until their passions abated.

"Wow Sue, what got into you?" Bob asked, bewildered.

"You won't believe who stopped in the diner for lunch today!"

Bob mulled it over for a moment before it occurred to him, "Clark?"


"Holy crap."

"I know. I almost lost it. As he ordered his lunch I was thinking of him naked, I shook so hard I dropped my order pad. Then I almost dropped his lunch on him. Oh... god was I nervous."

Bob's libido was invigorated. He pushed his wife back onto the floor and began to penetrate her again. They talked as they fucked, about Clark and Sue and the make believe illicit affair. Their love life had begun to soar.

That night, as they lay in bed, Bob wondered out loud if perhaps Sue had really wanted Clark. It wasn't really a question as much as it was a suggestion.

Sue hesitated, thinking for a moment before answering, "Maybe... But I could never do it. Everyone in town would find out and then what? Game over!"

"I suppose you're right. Still...."

"Still?" Sue asked.

"Wanting to do it and doing it are very different things. I kinda like the idea of you considering it."


"Umm hmm, let me show you..." Bob crawled between Sue's legs and frantically demonstrated his resolution.


Bob had to travel for a few days on business. He called Sue at bedtime and for the first time in their lives they had very good phone sex while discussing the things Sue would do with Clark, given the chance.

In Sue's mind the question wasn't would she do the nasty things they imagined, but could she do them. The small town gossips would tear her marriage apart, they wouldn't survive the shame. The question then became allegorical; it must remain a fantasy.

For Bob's part, the question was always an erotic one; meant to stimulate the discussion. The thought of Sue actually acting on the suggestion was pure fantasy.

Over the next few days their imaginary affair became very real in very different ways to Bob and Sue. Sue had become the ultimate sexual being in Bob's mind. She was what he thought of throughout the day, he desired her completely.

Sue had begun to actualize the incessant focus on Clark as a lover, however unattainable; she had been imprinted by Bob's suggestion that an affair was acceptable, perhaps preferable, to the fantasy. She began to desire what she could not have, that thereby invoked a conflict, the resolution to which was not immediately apparent.

She made a decision that would seem quite familiar to the fox in the fable of the Fox and the Grapes. In the fable by Aesop, the fox comes to a grape vine and desiring the grapes to eat, tries in vain to reach them. But they are out of reach and so the fox rationalizes that he did not want the grapes because they were probably sour anyway. This is where the phrase "sour grapes" comes from when denied something you covet. Sue began to feel this way about Clark and asked Bob to consider another fantasy.

Bob arrived home and struggled with the need to alter their fantasy. Sue had not intimated why she really wanted the change just that she had tired of the same old thing.

Bob was silent on the subject and kept the thought of Sue making love to Clark to himself while they made love. This was sufficient for the interim, he thought; he would eventually come up with an alternative.

Sue had no such stimulus and she craved the heightened level of emotional stimulation they had been able to achieve previously.

On Bob's next trip away, Sue had devised a fantasy of her own. She tried it out on Bob without explaining it in advance to him. When he called before bed she told him an attractive stranger had stopped by the diner for lunch that day.

"A stranger?"

"Umm humm. He's only just left."

"Sue... What do you mean?" Bob sounded unsure of her assertion.

Sue reveled in her subterfuge. "I told him he couldn't stay. But I have his phone number if I ever need it."



"Why would he want to stay?"


"Sue?" Bob's voice quaked with nervous tension.

"Umm, are you naked?"


"I've been a bad girl tonight honey."

"How bad?"

"I invited him home with me."

"That's bad?"

"Well, it's what we did when we got here that was bad Bob."

"What did you do?"

"I seduced him, in our marital bed. Oh Bob, it was so exhilarating..."

"Sue..." Bob was agitated beyond belief. He was frantically masturbating while trying to come to grips with the uncertainty of his wife's odd confession. "Sue?" He asked again into the phone, no answer was forthcoming.

Sue was gripped with her own climax, unable to respond.

Bob heard her scream and feared for her safety.

Sue regained enough composure to talk and moaned breathlessly into the phone, "Oh, Bob, that was wonderful!"

"You scared the shit out of me babe."


"Sue, your story...?"

"Umm, did you enjoy it?"

"How real... was there another man...?"

"Ha! You wish."

"You really had me going there."

"Oh sure."

"Sue, I love you."

"I love you too, good night."

Bob recounted in his mind the act that Sue had put on. It was explicitly real to him and as stimulating as anything he had ever experienced. He was determined to continue the act as often as they could.


The following day Sue's little brother, Tom, had dropped by for lunch at the diner. He was ten years younger than Sue, a surprise baby for her parents. Sue was so much older than Tom they had little in common. Still, it was good to see him.

Bob and Sue's neighbor had a son that was best friends with Tom in high school. Charlie Banks had helped them do yard work in the summers, and even helped with the renovations of the cottage.

Tom had stopped in to inform Sue that Charlie had joined the army, deployed to Afghanistan, and had been injured. He was returning home for a short leave before joining his unit in Afghanistan once again.

Sue was traumatized, she had never known anyone in the military personally, and finding out this way shook her terribly. She asked for the remainder of the day off, and went to the small airport outside town with Tom to greet Charlie.

They waited for almost an hour before the small commuter plane taxied to the terminal building, and the passengers began to disembark. Charlie was the last passenger to leave the airplane and his family and friends were boisterous in welcoming their young hero home.

When he finally made his way though the throng Charlie hugged his best friend, Tom, as if they had been apart for decades, rather than months. The moment was an emotional one and the tears flowed from Sue's eyes. When she finally stood in front of Charlie, she grasped him in a loving embrace that made the young man blush.

"I'm so glad you're home Charlie." She sniffled as she spoke.

"It's good to see you too Mrs. Carter." Charlie said, just a little embarrassed by the whole episode.

The family swept him away, leaving Tom and Sue standing alone in the concourse of the airport, wondering what to do next.

"Sue, would it be alright if I stayed over tonight so I can hook up with Charlie later?"

"Sure, will he be able to get away from his family?"

"Yeah, he'll want to get away pretty soon."

That evening Bob called with the intention of replaying the previous evening's wicked little game, only to hear the sobering news. Bob asked Sue to convey his sympathy to Charlie and said goodnight.

The following day Bob came home to find Tom and Charlie at the house visiting. Charlie was banged up, but seemed to be mending well. That evening Sue made dinner for the small group and they visited late into the night. Charlie explained that he really didn't want to talk about what he was asked to do in Afghanistan, and instead talked of the friendships he missed, especially the friendship he felt for them.

Each of them, Bob, Sue and Tom were humbled by this quiet hero. His humility was authentic and his friendship genuine.

Tom and Charlie stretched out in the living room to sleep, while Bob and Sue slept in their bed.

The following morning Bob left for a long sweep of the west coast state fairs that were being held this time of year. With a kiss and a hug he told Sue that he would call when he arrived at his hotel later in the evening. Sue smiled and with a wink, said to be ready for a little excitement. Bob smiled, relishing the thought of their little game being back on track.

That afternoon when Sue got home from work she talked to Tom as they waited for Charlie to stop by. Tom explained to Sue how much it meant to Charlie to have friends like her and Bob. He also let slip that Charlie had a small crush on Sue from back when he was helping around their house.

"A Crush?" She asked bewildered.

"Well, yeah, but don't tell him I told you."

"Of course, but he's a kid!"

"He's almost nineteen Sue."

"Oh, of course he is, I just meant that I'm so much older than he is...."

"Yeah, you're really old sis, ha!"

"You know what I mean."

"Doesn't really matter does it?"

"No, I suppose not."

A loud knock on the door ended their discussion. Charlie had arrived and Sue went to prepare dinner.

Sue thought about Tom's revelation all evening, by the time that Bob called she had worked herself into quite a lather. She explained to Bob what Tom had told her and said she was still incredulous.

"Why shouldn't he be infatuated with you Sue? He's a guy and you're a girl, that usually makes sense doesn't it?"

"But the age difference Bob!"

"Sue, you're 28 years old, hardly an old maid. What's the harm of a guy finding you attractive?"

"None I guess. It's just that I didn't expect it."

Bob took this opportunity to fantasize about Sue and Charlie being together. But for Sue the idea was still too real for her to relax. Bob masturbated to orgasm; Sue went through the motions for her husband. She was too restrained emotionally to climax.

The following day Tom had to return home and was not there when Sue returned from work. Sue made a small dinner for herself and watched television. At about eight o'clock a rap came to the door, and upon answering, Sue found Charlie standing on the doorstep.

"Hi, Charlie, Tom's not here tonight." Sue explained.

"Yeah, I know, but I just had to get away from the house. Can I sit with you awhile Mrs. Carter?"

"Of course Charlie come in."

Charlie looked upset, so Sue just allowed him to vent his frustration.

"My family doesn't understand how I feel." He began. "I was trying to explain to them that I felt like I should be back with my unit, like I wasn't pulling my weight, you know?"

Sue didn't know. She couldn't fathom the bond between warriors in battle. The duty they feel for one-another. But she shook her head in the affirmative, supporting his premise.

"They said I had done enough already, that I didn't owe anybody anything." He looked away for a moment, his hand brushing something from his cheek, smearing wetly as he did so.

"Those guys..." He choked up, cleared his throat, and began again, "...they kept me alive, you know..."

Sue reached a trembling hand to his shoulder, and nodded, deliberately.

"Funny thing..." He said with a sad chuckle, "When I'm here, all I think about is being there, But when I was there, all I thought about was being here."

Suddenly the phone rang. Sue knew that it was time for Bob to call.

"One moment Charlie..." She stated apologetically.

She answered the phone and explained to Bob that she would call him back as she had company at the present time. Leaving him to wonder, she estimated it would increase his agitation if he was left guessing.

"I'm sorry, please go on Charlie."

"Well, I just don't think I can stay there tonight. Do you think it would be alright if I crashed out here tonight?"

Sue became uneasy at the thought. The town would be screaming if anyone found out he had stayed the night with her alone. But she also knew she couldn't send him off, her heart had broken hearing his lonely tale of anguish.

"Of course Charlie. There are pillows and blankets in the closet. Good night."

"Good night Mrs. Carter, and thanks."

Sue dialed the phone number to Bob's hotel. Bob answered on the first ring.

"Hi honey. Bet you can't guess who's staying the night with me?"

"Sue, you're teasing me again."

Sue began to explain what had befallen Charlie, and that he had asked to stay the night.

"That's sad Sue. But what if someone sees him, or he says something?"

"I know. I'll have to speak with him in the morning."

"okay, but now I'd like to play if you would like to."

They talked for almost an hour bringing each other to climax.

Charlie couldn't tell that Mrs. Carter was on the phone, but the sounds of sensually erotic behavior were unmistakable. Charlie masturbated, imagining he was with Mrs. Carter, Sue, his longtime fantasy girl.