The Crystal Pt. 01: Teacher is a Pet

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Hot teacher is hypnotized by her students.
5.1k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 07/25/2021
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Our laughter rang out through the empty classroom. We were alone with Miss Campbell, Jamal and I, thirty minutes after everyone else had left for the buses and their rides home. It was something we had been doing once or twice a week; she was always eager to stay late, to help one or the other of us with a problem we might have, or a question about that day's lesson. Miss Campbell was just that kind of a teacher. She genuinely cared about her students. It didn't hurt that she was gorgeous; a super-vivacious twenty-four-year-old with lush black hair that cascaded over her shoulders when down. During classes she kept it tied back, but we usually could persuade her to let it down once school was over for the day.

Our question-and-answer sessions usually didn't take long, then we would joke around with her for a few minutes, go home and, inevitably, fantasize about her. Jamal was just as enthralled with her as I was. Today we had gotten into "knock-knock" jokes, some of which were a little dirty. She knew she had to draw the line.

"You guys better watch it," she warned, after her laughter had diminished into a chuckle. "I'm not supposed to encourage you to talk like that."

Jamal had put his jacket on, ready to leave soon, but now he slipped it back off, eager to pursue this. "Heck, these ain't nuthin'," he laughed. "I got some you wouldn't even tell a gang member!" He smiled at his own joke, and absently reached inside his shirt to pull out the crystal necklace he had taken from his grandmother's jewelry box. He planned on giving it to a girl he liked. Miss Campbell's eyes focused on the luminous jewel immediately.

"Oh my gosh, Jamal," she said, reaching for it, "where did you find that? It's beautiful!"

Jamal held it out, and I watched Miss Campbell's eyes as it swung back and forth. She didn't touch it, but held her hand just away from it, watching it intently. "You like it, huh? I'm gonna give it to Shondra," he boasted.

"It's...entrancing..." she breathed, her eyes glued to the slow arcs the crystal was making. Then she seemed to collect herself, and suddenly looked up at the clock on the wall. "Oh my gosh!" she exclaimed, "I've got to get going. I have all your tests to grade tonight!"

"Mine shouldn't take long," I quipped, "just mark an "A" and go on to the rest of the idiots."

She laughed again, glancing at Jamal's crystal a couple of times. "Well, I'll have to give you this, Billy. You're certainly..."

Jamal was still holding the crystal out, also entranced by its refracted light.

"What?" I asked.

She suddenly turned to me. "What...what?" she asked, laughing again. I loved the sound of her laughter. It was so sensual, in its own way.

"You said I'm certainly...something?"

"OH!" she suddenly said. "What I meant was, you're...confident" She laughed again at her own lack of focus, as Jamal slipped the necklace back inside his shirt.

She was watching his every move, I noticed.


As we walked away from the classroom, I said to Jamal, "My god! Did you see that? Miss Campbell was staring at that pendant like some kind of zombie!"

He turned to me. "Yeah, I noticed that," he confirmed. "That's why I didn't put it away right off. She seemed sort of...hypnotized by it."

"Shit! That's it!" I exclaimed.


I stopped, and grabbed his arm to make him stop with me. "She was like, THIS close to being hypnotized, man!" I held up two fingers, not a quarter inch apart.

Sudden awareness dawned on Jamal's face. "Damn, you think so?" he asked. "Oh my god, that gives me so many ideas," he laughed.

"Exactly my thoughts," I said. "Can you imagine what we might get her to do if we could hypnotize her?" I pumped one fist in the air. "Dude, this is epic!"

We began to walk again, and a plan was hatched. We only needed the opportunity to put it into action.

Friday afternoon came, and I looked at Jamal as the bell rang. He nodded, and then looked up at Miss Campbell as the other students began to file out of class, laughing with each other and glad that school was over for the week. He hadn't given the pendant to Shondra. In fact, he was having misgivings about giving his grandmother's necklace away at all.

Miss Campbell had her back to us, her lovely round ass swaying provocatively as she erased everything on the board. The fact that she had worn a barely-approved short tan skirt and high heels had not escaped either Jamal's, or my own, notice. She wore a knit, sleeveless black top, as well. It displayed the sides of her nice little breasts to full advantage, encased as they were in what looked like a lacy black bra. I wondered, for like the thousandth time, how they would feel if I could wrap my hands around them.

We slowly picked up our books and jackets, and were just approaching the front of the class as Miss Campbell finished with the board, and turned around to gather up her own belongings.

"So, got a date tonight, Miss Campbell?" Jamal asked.

The question seemed to catch her by surprise. Her voice faltered a little as she said, "Well, yes, actually. My boyfriend is taking me to dinner at Arthur's." She smiled at the two of us and asked, "Why?"

Jamal had taken the crystal out again, and was holding it by its chain in front of his chest, letting it swing. "Oh, I just noticed how nice you looked today," he said. "Like, some lucky guy is gonna have the prettiest lady in the room with him."

She smiled broadly at the compliment, and thanked him. Then her eyes locked on his crystal necklace, and it was obvious to both of us that she had a hard time pulling her gaze from it. She did, at last, and glanced at me, as if coming up for air from beneath water.

"I really like that top," I added, nodding at her clothing. I saw the blush come into her face, and wondered why. We didn't normally bring color to her cheeks, but she was blushing furiously, now. Her eyes darted back to Jamal's crystal, still swinging.

"I...uh, OH!" she said suddenly. "Thank you, Billy. I'm...I'm glad you like it." She blushed even harder. "I'm going to grade papers in my car, and then go straight to Arthur's to meet Danny."

I wondered what she was thinking about as her eyes came to rest once again on the crystal. Jamal had taken it off his neck now, and held it out between them. "I bet this would look good with that outfit," he said softly, letting it swing six inches from her eyes. She was absolutely locked onto it!

"Miss Campbell?" I whispered softly, "isn't that beautiful?"

She hadn't even blinked, but she sighed under her breath. "It is..." she breathed.

I took the opportunity to further our seeming success. "Don't you want to just look at it all the time?" I asked quietly, not waiting for a reply. "You can, you know. Do you want Jamal to just hold it for you, so you can look at it?"

This time her answer came in the form of a long blink. She was under, just like that!

Jamal whispered, "Dude, keep talking."

I nodded and told her softly, "You feel tired. I bet you would like to close your eyes, but you can't. There's too much to see and too much to do." I hesitated, then asked, "Do you want to do those things?"

"Things?" The question came out almost as a sigh.

"Yes, Miss Campbell. Things. Do you know what things I'm talking about?"

She shook her head no, slowly.

"Would you like to know?" I asked, keeping my voice level and soft, and she nodded her head absently, still staring at the crystal, reflecting different colors in the afternoon light. "Good," I said, smiling to myself.

I steadied my nerves, determined not to blow this, now that she seemed to be under our control. Jamal held the crystal and I did the instructing, working her as a team.

"First," I said, "why don't you take off that top? Wouldn't that feel good?"

She didn't even nod, just reached across her shoulders with her hands and pulled upward. Her top slithered up and over her bra, then her shoulders and head. She held it absently, seemingly unaware of what to do with it.

"Drop it on the floor," I instructed, and she did.

Jamal and I stared at the black bra, bordered in lace along the top and sheer from just under her nipples to the bottoms of the cups. Her breasts were in there, moving as she breathed! It was almost more than I could stand!

Jamal nudged me with his foot, and I spoke again. "Shouldn't we get that bra off?" I whispered, "wouldn't that feel good?"

This time she nodded, but made no move to take her bra off. I prodded her. "I think it would feel really good," I said softly. "Go ahead." She seemed to ponder this a moment, then reached behind her and undid the snaps, still staring at the crystal as if her entire world depended upon her watching it.

I couldn't believe my eyes when she slipped the bra straps off her shoulders and pulled the bra forward. Her breasts were fuller than I had imagined, and her nipples were standing straight out, erect! They looked as hard as pencil erasers. I had to touch them.

I reached out and took one between my fingers. She sighed, but made no move to stop me. I looked at Jamal, who gave me a thumbs-up with his free hand. I took the other nipple between the fingers of my other hand. Her eyes were looking straight at the crystal, and I suddenly thought, what if Jamal removes it from her sight? Would she come out of her trance? I had to do something. I squeezed both nipples hard and saw her eyes flinch, but she remained as passive as ever.

"Miss Campbell," I said softly, "you like looking at the crystal, but you don't need to."

Her eyes stayed just as focused as ever. "You can look at me and listen to the sound of my voice, and whatever I tell you to do, you will. Do you understand?"

Her eyes swung towards me. She smiled and said, "Yes."

My silly hypnotist's voice was working! I turned to Jamal and nodded. He put the crystal back inside his shirt and smiled at me. "You got this," he said, and I nodded again. Miss Campbell was, indeed, under my spell now.

She was still looking at me expectantly. I said softly, "That's good. Now, when I say..." I thought for a moment, "'wakey, wakey' you will return to your normal state, and remember nothing of what happened. But when I say...'are you alright?' you will once again be under my..." I started to say 'spell' but it sounded so hokey I couldn't use that term.

"...influence," I corrected. "But, you will REMEMBER NOTHING! Do you understand this? Nothing at all."

She nodded, and I released her nipples. "Did that feel good?" I asked her, and she nodded, smiling at me.

"Well," I said, looking at Jamal, "whatever shall we do with our little pet?"

Fearing we would be caught out by the janitor or someone, we had her put her top back on, and I told her to take us to her car. Jamal stuffed her bra into his backpack. We both wanted to watch those beautiful full breasts bounce as she walked.

At her car, which was your standard grey SUV, I instructed her to open the doors and to get in between us. I didn't reckon on bucket seats and a console. "Okay," I told her, "get in the back seat. And while you're at it, hike your skirt up around your waist and pull your top up to show off those titties." She complied, and as I started her car, I watched them in the mirror.

Jamal had an even better view. Turning around, he could stare straight up her legs to her nylon-encased panties.

"Oh my god, I can see right through those panties," he gushed. "I can see her pussy lips!"

I couldn't see all that from my position, but I assured him he would see much more when I got us to my cousin's house. I had a plan.

"Hey, Donnie!"

"Yo, cuz," he returned, "what's happening with you guys?"

We had left Miss Campbell in the back seat. "Well," I said in as casual a tone as I could muster, "we just thought we might hang out here, if you don't mind. You know, like in the basement playroom?"

He nodded enthusiastically. "Sure, you know that. Me casa, su casa, huh? Wanna play some pool?"

I said, "well, the thing is, my girlfriend is with us. I thought we might get some 'alone time' down there, if you know what I mean."

Donnie grinned. "You guys," he lectured, "always up to something, aren't you? But, yeah. Whatever."

We high-fived and he waited for me to get my 'girlfriend' out of the car. I had her pull her top down and straighten her skirt before she got out. When he saw her, though, Donnie went, "Whoa!" He walked up to her immediately.

"Hey, I'm Donnie," he said, and she took his hand when he held it out.

"I'm..." she hesitated, as if she'd forgotten, then said, "Denise."

"Okay, introductions over," I interrupted, eager to get her into the house, lest someone see us that might recognize her. We trooped into the house and down the stairs to the combination playroom/laundry room. It wasn't big, but there was a sofa and flat-screen TV and a couple of beanbag chairs. The washer and dryer were along the back wall.

"So, Denise," I began, "what do you want to do to make Jamal and me happy?"

She looked blank. Good. She required a suggestion.

"How about taking all your clothes off?"

She began to strip off her clothing, starting with the knit top. We watched her breasts as they bounced into view once again. The nipples were still hard. As she reached behind her to unsnap the bra that wasn't there, I asked her, "are you enjoying this?"

She looked confused, her hands behind her back. There was no bra to remove, and it took her a few seconds to realize this. Then she smiled at me. "Yes," she said in a quiet tone. She blushed deeply, and I reckoned that this was something that she wanted, and probably had buried deep in her subconscious mind.

"Would you like to be used in a... sexual way, Denise?"

Her smile broadened for just a moment, then she put her head down. "Yes," she said again, this time even more quietly. Her face was flaming red!

I looked at Jamal, who was staring at her as she stepped out of the skirt and reached for the waistband of her panties. "Get ready," I said, "this is gonna be an afternoon you'll never forget!"

He glanced at me, then back down at her pussy as it came into view. "It already is," he agreed.

She was easy to direct. Whatever position I told her to get in, she did without question. I went first, taking her from behind as she draped herself over the edge of the sofa arm. I eased my throbbing cock into only the second pussy it had ever felt, and it was amazing. She sighed softly as I began to thrust, and I felt it actually tighten around my dick! I lasted about twenty strokes, then I blew my load into her. I told her she could talk if she liked, and she began to tell me how good it felt to be fucked; that she loved the feel of a man inside her. A man!

Jamal had her then, on her back, her legs sticking straight up in the air. Each thrust, she breathed huskily and uttered dirty comments under her breath; things such as "Oh yeah! Do that!" or "Fuck me like that." There was a sexual beast hiding in there! I could only imagine what she did for her boyfriend. I was determined to find out.

We did our best. After our first round of using her, and while resting from our delightful labors, we sat and had her assume positions so we could take pictures on our phones. Her cunt was dripping our combined loads of cum out in glistening gobs, and running down the insides of her thighs. I wondered if she was on birth control. We experimented by calling her names, and I asked her if she liked being a slut.

"Oh, god yes," she would utter, almost as if asleep.

It was obvious that this was something buried in her psyche somewhere; this desire to be humiliated and used by men in the most degrading ways. I've heard it said that you can't make someone do something under hypnosis that they wouldn't ordinarily do. Now I wonder how many of our female classmates have these hidden desires locked away inside, just waiting to be drawn out. It's a stimulating thought!

After getting our wind back, we decided to do Miss Campbell together. It's something I have often thought about; sharing some truly slutty girl with my best friend. I never had any idea it would be our teacher, though!

"You take her mouth," Jamal said. "Since my dick is bigger, I'll take her pussy."

I looked at him. "What do you mean your dick is bigger?" I asked, and we both broke down in laughter. It was an old joke, racially motivated. In truth, we were about equal. "I want the back," I told him. "I want to try that asshole." It was another favorite fantasy of mine, fueled by the porn videos I watched.

He laughed. "Go ahead, dude," he said. "While you're still trying to get it in, I'll be popping off all over that beautiful face!"

It turned out he was right. She had an absolute padlock on that asshole! Despite my 'suggestions' that she let me in back there, she didn't seem to be able to relax enough to grant me access. I put it down to never having tried anal before, and vowed that, if we could keep this up, I would find a butt plug for her, and 'coach' her into putting out back there.

It was not any less arousing for me when I slid into that well-greased pussy. Despite both Jamal and I having dumped our loads inside her, I was able to forget that for the moment; especially when the moment was this good!

Jamal finished off inside her mouth and all over her face. I told her to swallow his cum, and after that I could make out her voice as she urged both me and herself on.

"Yesss!" she uttered through gritted teeth, "fuck my pussy! Make me cum, you fucker!" Damn, this girl was nasty!

I went into overdrive, and within a couple of minutes I was groaning my pleasure as I filled her twenty-four-year-old pussy with the last of my eighteen-year-old seed. She was as stiff as a sawhorse beneath me, except that her legs were shaking and her head was up. I could hear her going "oooooooohhhhhh!" and I knew she was cumming. My god, was that ever hot!

Truly sated for the moment, we got her face and thighs cleaned up and told her to dress. Jamal reluctantly gave up her bra, and she re-dressed quietly and quickly. Then she stood there, smiling at both of us.

We took her upstairs, where Donnie again took her hand and told her it was a pleasure to meet her. She said, "yes" but offered nothing else, and Donnie raised his eyebrows at me. She really looked like she'd been ridden hard! He smiled.

"Any time, guys," he said and winked, and we drove back to the school in her car.

Once back outside her classroom, I reluctantly instructed her that she would remember nothing of what happened, and said the 'magic' words.

"Wakey, wakey"

She shook her head slightly, then turned to stare at us. "Oh my gosh," she said, "look at the time!" She picked up her purse again and said, "I'm sorry I kept you boys so late. Do you need me to give you a ride home?"

"Gosh, that would be great," Jamal said, "but don't you have a date?"

She replied that she would text her boyfriend that she was running late. We knew that she wasn't going to go home to freshen up first, and would meet him at the restaurant, which made Jamal look at me and raise his eyebrows.

Somebody was definitely getting sloppy seconds tonight!

And so, as we traipsed along behind her to her car, grinning and snickering the whole way, we were both envisioning her evening.

Inside the SUV, I told her, "Wow, this car is nice. You must make a lot of money as a teacher!"

She smiled and told us, "Don't believe that for a second. Waitresses make more money than teachers do."

Jamal, who was in the passenger seat, said, "Well, as pretty as you are, you could be a dancer or something, and make some real money!"

She laughed out loud. "I'm way too shy for that," she said, as she pulled up in front of my house.


The following Friday we planned to take her to a motel. We had been running out of her last period class every day up to then, afraid we would be tempted to use the words that would put her under again. We wanted to be prepared. I called the motel we planned to use, and we pooled our cash, making sure we had plenty. We also bought two four-packs of wine coolers, using a guy we found outside a Jiffy-Mart, since we weren't twenty-one yet.