The Cuck has a Brother?

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Cucks Brother shows up unexpectantly.
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Flash story about what happens when the Cuck's brother shows up.

"Get me another drink, Cuck, then you can go upstairs and clean her up."

"Yes sir," Tim said and then shuffled off to the kitchen.

Big Don chuckled as he watched Tim's naked ass shuffle off to do his bidding. Don had just fucked Tim's wife, Amy, and left her half comatose in their marital bed. He plopped down on the comfortable leather recliner that used to be "Tim's chair" and pulled a nice cigar from the silver case on the end table.

Just as he reached for the lighter the doorbell rang. "Get the door, Cuck!"

Tim was out of earshot and did not respond. Suddenly there was a fist pounding on the door.

"Fuck!' Don yelled and stood and stomped to the door. He wrapped one meaty paw around the handle and jerked the door open.

There before him was Tim, except he was fully clothed and he was holding something in his hand.

"How the fuck did y ... Uhhhhhhhh!" Big Don twitched uncontrollably as the voltage from the taser paralyzed him. The second Tim pressed the taser against Don's naked chest as he spasmed and fell backward. The second Tim stepped through the door and kicked it shut behind him.

When Big Don came around he found himself zip-tied to a metal post. He shook his head and slowly realized he was sitting on a wooden chair that was pushed up against the metal support post. He looked around, he was in the basement. "This is the same fucking post we had tied Tim to when I first came here with Amy! What the fuck is going on?" Don's foggy mind asked as his vision continued to clear.

"Well, welcome back, asshole. I'm sure you recognize this basement as the place where you and that bitch tortured my baby brother."

"Brother? I didn't know Timmy had a brother. Why the fuck are you here?"

"My brother and I have not spoken in three years. We last spoke on his wedding day when I begged him not to marry that cheating skank," Tom said as he pointed to the unconscious form zip-tied to another support pole.

"Where's Timmy? ... HEY CUCK, GET YOUR ASS DOWN HERE! "Don yelled.

Tom laughed, "Tim is sleeping and he'll be sleeping for several more hours. But he's no longer your concern. Now you have to deal with me."

Big Don laughed loudly, "So what? Do you need me to fuck your wife too? Shit Pal, all you had to do was ask."

Tom stepped closer. Don could see he was wearing tight leather gloves. While he couldn't see the brass knuckles sewn into the gloves, he surely felt them when Tom's fist smashed into his face.

"Ya see, Don, I'm here to help you make an attitude adjustment. You mistakenly believed you could smack my little brother around and fuck his worthless cunt of a wife and no one could stop you. Well, you were mistaken, and before I leave here tonight, I'm certain you will have seen the error of your ways."

"Wait! Please! She asked me to fuck her. She said he wanted it! I thought I was doing what he wanted."

Don tried to recoil, but the backhand was too fast. The blow spun his head sideways.

Tom leaned into his battered face. "So, you actually thought Tim wanted you to beat him when he tried to throw you and that bitch out of the house? That he wanted to be tied up and forced to watch you fuck that whore? And what? You thought he was just faking it when he screamed in pain while you held him and that sadistic bitch kicked him in the nuts?

"When she brought you home with her, she told you she wanted you to fuck him up, didn't she? Just a day after he had her served with divorce papers, she finds you to help her put Tim in his place. I'm sure she told you the plan was to torture him until he broke and agreed to serve the two of you."

"Yes! Yes, Oh God, she said she'd fuck me silly and pay me five grand. Please, let me go. It was all her idea. Please, just let me go and you'll never see me again."

Tom patted his smashed cheek, "There, there, Donny-Boy. I'm going to give you a chance to earn your freedom." Then Tom pressed the taser to Don's chest. Don jolted and then collapsed into unconsciousness.

When Don awoke, his chest was bound in a wide leather band that held him firmly to the post. His arms were free, but his wrists were bound together. Sitting directly in front of him was Amy, bound to a small chair with duct tape across her mouth. Don looked around wildly, trying to locate his tormentor.

Tom stepped out of the shadows. "Okay Donny, this is your only chance to get out of this basement alive. Put your hands around her throat."

Don looked at Amy as her eyes bugged out and she screamed into her gag. He reached out and fit his hands around her throat.

"Good, now here's the deal. If you strangle the bitch, I'll let you go. You have to kill her and then I know you won't go to the cops. If you don't kill her, I'll kill both of you, it's your choice."

Don looked into the terrified face of the woman he'd been fucking for the past three weeks. "You got me into this mess you crazy bitch and I'm not going to die for you!" He then began to choke Amy until she stopped squirming.

When Don awoke from the shock he'd received, he was sitting in his car at a roadside rest on the freeway. He got out of the car and looked around, he was alone. He got back into the car and looked for his keys. Above the visor was a note: "Keys in Trunk."

He pulled the trunk release and got out to get his keys.

When he opened the trunk he was staring at Amy's lifeless body. The keys lay next to her along with a long-handled shovel. He grabbed the keys and slammed the trunk closed. "Fuck me! I've got to get rid of that body!" He told himself.

Don drove back onto the freeway and didn't stop until it was dark and he was more than 100 miles away. He then exited onto a county road out in the middle of nowhere. He drove down a country lane and pulled over, killing the lights. There were no visible lights anywhere as he opened the trunk.

After burying the body, Don got in his car and made his way back to the freeway. He decided to put even more distance between himself and that crazy motherfucker at Tim's house. His face ached, but he was alive and he wanted to remain that way.

Tim answered the door and greeted the police officers. He then told them exactly what his brother had told him to say. The two officers, shook their heads as they gave him a pitying look.

"So after this big dude smacked you around, she laughed at you and told you she was leaving with him and she may not come back. Is that right?"

"Yes, She was angry because I had filed for divorce. She was mad because she was losing her meal ticket. She's run off before with other men and I always let her come back home, but she said she was going to move some guy into my house and I'd have no say about it.

"Well, that was the last straw, I filed for divorce and had her served. Then a couple of days later she shows up with some big dude. He smacked me around and then said he was taking my woman and there was nothing I could do about it. Hell, I didn't care, I wanted her out anyway! He just knocked me around because she told him to. Then they gathered up some of her stuff and left me laying in a heap on the floor."

"So she's gone and you filed for divorce. Do you want to file charges against her and her boyfriend? Is that why you called us?"

"No, I never want to see her again and I have no idea who her friend is. I just wanted to make a report in case they come back and something happens to me."

"Okay, sir, well, I can understand why you're scared, but there's nothing we can do unless you file charges. I suggest you get new locks installed and maybe an alarm system too."

Tim cowed as best he could and said meekly, "Okay, thanks for your help."

As the cops walked back to their cruiser the older cop turned to his young partner. "That poor bastard is scared shitless. I hope his old lady never comes back. It would be the best thing to ever happen to him."

One year later.

Tim opened his mail and read the final decree saying his divorce was granted based on abandonment. He could now remarry if he ever found a woman he could trust. His brother, Tom had tried to warn him about Amy, but he hadn't listened.

Tom told him he had read a report on Amy and begged him not to marry her. After they argued, and Tim told Tom he never wanted to see him again, Tom vowed to keep an eye out for Tim. When his people saw the divorce filing, Tim decided to go see his brother. En route, Tom got another report and so he showed up prepared for "Big Don."

Tim had a lot of questions about how Tom just showed up and convinced Amy and Don to leave. He was reluctant to take Tom's word about not asking more questions until two guys in ugly gray suits showed up at his door. They told him Tom was contracted to do work for the government and it would be wise for Tim not to ask any questions about Tom's job.

Tim believed them and took their advice.

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AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

Fun reading.

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Brotherly love at it’s finest.

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Why are cunts dissing Tim when hes the innocent victim that got beaten and abused.

Wife and her lover got what they deserved.

Tom is that crazy family member that many people have that will destroy you if you hurt their loved ones.

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

Should have been that 'Tom' was Tim's buried alter ego. Normally hidden.

Only let out in periods of stress

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