The Cuckold Diet Challenge Ch. 02


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"Good. Leave. And please wear underwear next time, you skank. I can smell your last boyfriend from here, every time you move your whoring legs."

"You don't deserve her, you asshole!" Shelly shrieked.

"You're right. I deserve better. A lot better. I deserve a decent, faithful wife."

Danielle reached out and grabbed her friend's arm. "Enough, Shelly. Maybe you should go. I've got it from here."

"You were right. You should dump dickless, and take him for everything. Lots of bigger, better cock out there."

"You would know, slut, you've tried half of them. How's that working for you, a single whore, paying half your salary in alimony? Any new STDs lately?" That last one was a low blow. I remember how anxious she was not all that far back, but it turned out to be nothing but irritation.

She turned and stomped off. I have to admit, I felt a little better about things.

Danielle stared at me for a while. "Five pounds. You lose five pounds, and I don't go out. Five pounds earns you a turn with me, and I don't have to go somewhere else for it."

"No dear. You shouldn't have to settle for a poor pathetic fuck from your husband. A tiny dick you claim you can't even feel. You deserve better. I'm not going to hold you back."

"Make up your mind, Rick! I thought you didn't want me to fuck other men."

"I don't. It's not a trade. You're my wife, at least for now. I'd appreciate it if you were faithful. I'll be if you will."

"What's that supposed to mean, you'll be?"

"I won't fuck around, if you stop."

"That's not what we agreed to."

"It's not? Maybe I should check our contract again. I don't believe anywhere it said I couldn't get sex from someone other than you."

"No, our marriage vows say that."

"You can't have it both ways, Dear. Once you decided you can fuck around, you opened our marriage. What's good for the goose..."

She didn't look so happy. "Listen, Rick. Let's look at this another way. It's working. You're losing weight. You've never been able to before. I know you're not happy about it, but it's working! If we change all the rules, then you'll just go back to your old ways. No motivation, and you'll fail. You know it's true."

"Fine. We don't change the rules. I'll lose my weight. When it's done, we'll see what's left of this sick sham of a marriage."

She shook her head. "Please, Rick. Don't be this way. It's working. In a few months we'll be so much better. Let's call a truce. We have the contract. I won't even exercise my third option this month, as long as you keep losing weight. Even one pound, and I won't do it."

"And next month?"

"Forget about next month. Let's see what happens in the next two weeks. Don't you understand I love you, and I want you healthy and happy?"

"No, I don't see that. My happiness hasn't counted for crap so far. You couldn't love me and pull this shit."

She reached across and held my hand. "You've got eleven credits, big guy. For five credits, I'll make you very happy tonight. All you want."

"Did you get tested?"


"Tested. Since you fucked your new owner."

"He's clean."

"That's not good enough for me. Get tested, and we'll see about using up some of those credits."

"You could still do it tonight. You could use a rubber."

I laughed. "Really? I'm supposed to use a condom, while my slut wife gets fucked bareback by some guy she picks up off the street?" I leaned over. "How the fuck do you think it's alright to screw your bastards without protection?"

"I won't, Ok? I'll make them use a condom. He was clean, but if it bothers you that much, I'll use protection."

"Whatever. Are we done?"

She took her time getting to her next point. "You need to go back to work. What was that nonsense about having to quit your job because of Shelly? She swears she told nobody."

"Then how come I heard about your little escapade when I went to work on Monday?" I was telling the truth. I'd heard about it from Tom. She didn't have to know that.

"I...I don't know. Maybe somebody saw us at the bar."

"You fucked him in the bar?"

"No! I mean, we danced pretty close, and were, uh, kind of intimate. He left with us. Maybe somebody jumped to a conclusion."

"Either way. She told, or you were too damn stupid to be discrete. Hell, your friend Meat probably told half the world by now. How the fuck do you go about telling him our full names, and then humiliate me? At least your slut friend said no names. You're such a fucking bitch you spelled mine out to him. No, I can't work there. I can't face those people, or her. I won't."

"You can deny it ever happened. Shelly will, I swear. We need that job, Rick!"

"No. I'm not a casual liar like you and your slut friend. When I've lost my weight, I'll consider getting a job."

"That's not acceptable. You need to get a job, and do it soon. If you don't all deals are off. I'll be fucking the biggest dick I can find in one week if you don't."

"Sorry. I'm certain you'll be doing that anyway. Once a cheater always a cheater, you know. Sluts can't change their spots."

"Damn it Rick! Get a fucking job!"

"No. You're welcome to earn a living for once."

"You know my job doesn't pay that well. We agreed. What I do matters."

"We never agreed that you'd do it forever. Eleven years ago, we agreed. You think we need more money, you're welcome to get a real fucking job. Learn a little about what working full-time does, the stress of competition, daily commitments, paying clients, the need to keep earning more and more to take care of your family. I've had enough stress, from the job and from my so-called wife. If it matters that much, you can get a fuckin' real job."

"That isn't fair! I work hard. I'm excellent at what I do. You want me to throw it all away and start over?"

"Why not? You made me do it."

"Please, Rick. I'm trying to work with you here. Can't we compromise on this? We need your income. Even if I get a new job, I can't earn half of what you do. Hell, your annual bonus is way more than I could earn."

"Since when does working hard and earning a good living matter to you? I'm a fat pathetic useless fuck. All that matters is a big cock, remember? Maybe next time you cheat, you can charge your stud $3000. You're worth it. You'll only have to do about a dozen a month to replace my income. I'm sure your fuck-toys have that kind of money."

"I'm not a whore, you bastard!"

"Could have fooled me. Are we done yet?"

"You're not going to get a job are you?" she whined.

"Ask me forty-four pounds from now."

"Are you trying to destroy this family?" I could see she was on the verge of tears. Sadly, that didn't bother me in the least.

"No, Dear, you already did that. I'm just not going to go out of my way to save it by myself. You don't want a husband, lover, father and provider. You want a big cock. I don't have one. Sorry, you're on your own. End of story."

I stood to leave and she jumped up, standing in front of me. "Where are we? I don't even know anymore."

"Nothing's changed. We have a signed contract. I'll follow your traitorous, disgusting rules to the letter. I'll lose weight. That's all. Forty-four pounds from now we'll see where we stand. I guess you're going to get fucked once more this month, and three more times next month. Probably three more times the month after that. I doubt I'll be able to lose all that weight in the next six weeks."

"If I stop, stop completely, will you get your job back? Please?"

"No. It made me fat. Ruined my life and my marriage. Made my wife an evil conniving faithless lying slut. I lost her respect because of that damn job. What the fuck was I thinking, going to work every day, working those long hours, busting my ass, trying to get ahead? It certainly wasn't worth what it cost me."

"You didn't lose my respect."

"This conversation is over. I told you I wouldn't have you lying to me."

I walked away. She called after me. "We won't last four months. We won't last two, if you don't start working. You have to get rid of those two women. We can't afford them."

I turned at the door. "It's not my choice, it's in the contract. You agreed. Hell you insisted. Your terms, not mine."

"Fuck the contract. Get rid of them!"


I'll get rid of you first, you slut.

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~

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AnonymousAnonymous6 days ago

Totally fucking brilliant! I haven’t read anything this good in a long time.

AnonymousAnonymous6 days ago

Finally the story turns in the direction it needed to go. No way can a loving wife believe that being unfaithful can somehow be justified as in her husband's interest.

And finally he fights back.

onecuriousreaderonecuriousreader4 months ago

now this is a great story!! finally a man with balls! a man with back bone, a man worthy of taking seriously and respecting, you good writer, have earned my follow!!! great story again!

sbrooks103xsbrooks103x4 months ago

I know we have to suspend disbelief, etc., but there's no way to enforce such a contract. He even acknowledges that himself.

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