The Cuckold Diet Challenge Ch. 05


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I have to admit, she had me thinking. I'd been hurt. Hurt bad. But I couldn't argue with what she'd said. And as for apologies, she and Danielle together, with no holding back, was a hell of a 'mea culpa'.

~ * ~ * ~

Danielle called, explaining she'd be late, again. The new job was more difficult than she'd anticipated. Big surprise there. It was about time she found what the real world was like.

I dealt with the kids, and Francine made another of her wonderful dinners. She set aside some for Danielle, and congratulated me on doing such a terrific job on my diet. I credited her with the nutrition part.

The kids were in bed, and I was getting a late night workout on the treadmill. I heard her arrive home, and within moments she was rushing down the stairs.

"What the hell did you do!" she shrieked.

I wasn't sure what she was talking about. Had Shelly read her that wrong, that she'd be so upset? "Do about what?"

She slapped her palm against the stop button the treadmill. "You sent a video to Tina's husband?"

Oh that.

"I figured he deserved to know he was married to a cheating slut. I would want to know. Do you think that's wrong now?"

"Why? Why would you seduce her, film it, and send it to him? Why?"

"Seduce her? I did nothing of the kind. From the very first night she's been teasing me about my fucking punishment. Joking about my cock-cage. Telling me I deserved whatever I had coming, for cheating. How the hell did she know so much about what was going on?" I growled.

"That was just girl talk. It didn't mean anything," Danielle said, stepping back a bit, nervously.

"She knew everything! How the fuck do you get off telling her about my humiliation? She knew all about what you did, and what you made me do that first night you cheated. Why the fuck would you do that? Wasn't it bad enough you tortured me? Did you have to tell the whole world?"

Danielle blushed. "I didn't cheat, and I didn't tell the whole world. Just Tina, Jenny and Anna."

"Anna! You told your fucking cousin?" I shouted.

"I...I stopped. I didn't tell them anything after the first week. It was a mistake."

"Tina said you told her it was alright to tease me. Really? You thought that was right? You gave her permission?" I was practically screaming at her. Reminding me of the humiliation had my dander up.

"I didn't think she'd go very far. It was just meant to be a little flirtation. Get you worked up a little, when you couldn't do anything. That was all. Nobody was going to get hurt."

"God damn you Danielle! She was a total bitch to me. Made fun of me. Grabbed my cage, laughing at how you ever found one small enough. She wanted to see it, play with it. She started everything. I finished it."

"But you've ruined her marriage! Her husband threw her out!"

"Why not? She's a damn cheater. Cost me 5 damn credits to prove it. Credits better spent on Jenny or Gina."

Danielle looked confused. Upset. Good. "She says she didn't want to have sex. You made her."

"She was naked in my bed, making me go down on her. That's not sex?"

Danielle looked upset. "She made you?"

"Didn't force me. Not physically. She wanted to play with my cage. She took off her shirt and started teasing me, putting my hand on her breast, telling me she'd reward me if she could play with my locked up cock. She said it was going to happen whether I liked it or not. The bitch called me a good little cuck. I told her the price to see my cock locked up. She told me to undress her. So I did. I went down on her, and when I got tired of that, I screwed her. Three times. You think I made her have sex with me three times?"

"Did you have to film it? Tell on her?" Danielle whined.

"No. That could have been avoided very easily. You could have kept her out of it, and it never would have happened. She could have been nice, instead of teasing and insulting me. She fucking wiped her cunt slime on my face a week ago. You got her involved. She took it too far. She got what she deserved. Bitch." I hit the start button on my treadmill, and began walking again.

She leaned back against the desk, watching me silently. "I guess Anna's next."

I shrugged.

"It's you, isn't it? First Jenny gets fired, then the guys disappear, and now Tina. You're punishing all of them, aren't you?"

I just glared at her, admitting nothing.

"Why the guys? They didn't do anything to you. I went after them," she said softly.

"You told them my name, you faithless cunt. Asshole's like that like to brag. I couldn't have them around spreading word of what a slut my wife was, and how they'd cuckolded me. The things they said about me were unacceptable. They were dealt with."

She looked anxious. "What did you do, Rick? You didn't hurt them, did you?"

I just grinned maliciously, and upped the pace, jogging instead of walking.

She walked over slowly, stopping a couple of feet from my machine. "Please don't hurt Anna. She didn't do anything. I swear. She defended you, tried to make me stop. She hasn't told a soul. You don't have to...punish her, please?"

"Is there anyone else I need to know about? Anyone out there who's going to throw this filthy stunt of yours back in my face?" I snapped.

She shook her head. "No, Rick. I swear. Just them and Angela, but Angela didn't hear of it from me. I...I guess Tom knows. Nobody else though."

I grunted. Not sure I believed her. The woman seemed to have forgotten how to tell the truth, as soon as she started whoring herself. "As long as Anna doesn't fuck with me, and keeps her mouth shut, she'll be fine," I said.

"Will there be more? Are you done with them? Is it going to get worse?" Her voice was trembling.

"I'm done with them for now. Anything else happens, it's because they started it. If you decide to get any new boyfriends, you can expect that relationship will be very short-lived. I hope you don't, it's getting expensive to deal with your idiocy."

"No. No more men. I've stopped that. I told you." She started pacing in front of me. "What if I wanted to punish your girlfriends? How would you like that?"

"Do what you have to. But let me ask you this. Did they make fun of you? Humiliate you? Tease you, insult you, lie to you, go out of their way to hurt you? Have they ever said anything to anyone else?"

She stopped walking and leaned against the side of the treadmill. "Can we stop this now? Stop hurting each other? Please?"

"I never wanted any of this, Danielle. You forced the issue. You got your friends involved. You couldn't be discrete in your punishment of me. Did you really think your actions would have no repercussions?"

"No. That's the problem, isn't it? I didn't think. I reacted. Overreacted. But don't you claim for one minute I started this. You fucked a hooker. Spent $3000 of our money on her. You let yourself go. That wasn't me. That was all on you."

"I did. And I'm sorry about that. I'll regret it 'til the day I die. I hate that I hurt you. But I was discrete, never rubbed your face in it, and I paid dearly for that mistake. I was careful, I used a condom, and nobody else was ever going to know. I'll admit it, I wounded our marriage. I shot it with a .22. You used a fucking bazooka, and had your friends help."

"So is this it? Is our marriage over? Am I wasting my time waiting for things to get better, trying to fix things?"

"I don't know. I don't know how many more 'surprises' I can expect. Secret rendezvous with big-dick assholes. Evil sluts trying to humiliate me. Lies and more lies, never-ending. I can't take much more."

"Me either. Destroying my life and my friend's lives. It keeps escalating. You screwed up. I screwed up, punishing you, going too far. You had to take it beyond that, destroying everyone. Where's it going to end, Rick?"

"It can end now, if you're telling the truth. If there's no more humiliation and torture."

"What about you humiliating me, torturing me? Is that gonna stop?" she asked.

"If you're talking about using my credits on anyone but you, that's done. No more credits. If you mean retaliating against the people you involved, I don't see any more need, unless things change. If you're talking about our relationship, and what's left of it, I don't know. I'm willing to work on it, but I'm done being punished. We'll have to put the last few months behind us if we're going to move forward."

"Can we get rid of the girls? Please?"

I stopped the treadmill, and wiped my sweat off with my towel. Was I willing to get rid of them, to give my marriage a chance? Was it even fair to the girls? Were the last few shreds of my relationship with Danielle worth the effort? Worth anything at all? My first instincts were 'no', but thinking of my beautiful twins and the possibility, no longer a certainty, but the possibility of losing them outweighed everything else.

"I'd like to keep Jenny around until I lose the weight. That's still an issue, and I think we can both agree that I'm making progress. I'm willing to stop having sex with her. Is that enough?"

She nodded slowly. "Your intern?"

Gina. Sweet Gina who had a crush on me. Smart, beautiful Gina. "Let me break it to her gently. I'll see if I can help her land a job. She's very good, really." I didn't think Tom would mind putting her on the payroll early. Let her get broken in before I returned. It would help with any rumors which might occur if we went back at the same time.

"Shelly was very good at her job, and you ruined that for her," Danielle observed.

"Shelly's lucky she's still alive, after the shit she pulled. I also helped her afterward, if you recall. Once she stopped acting against me. Hell, even before she stopped."

"No more sleeping with Gina, either?" Danielle asked.

"I'll stop. You have a problem with Francine?"

"I...I don't know if we can afford her."

"How about if I get a job in the next six weeks," I offered. "I've already paid her for this month, so it would be only one more month. I think we can manage that."

Danielle smiled. "The kids do love her cooking. She spoils them."

"And I don't suppose you enjoy it at all," I teased.

Her smile grew larger. "Maybe. A little." She reached out and touched my arm. "How about us?"

"We need to talk. Communicate, and no more lies. Get some things out in the open. Figure out how we ever got to this point in the first place. Make sure it never happens again." I took her hand in mine. "Let me take you out to dinner, Sunday night. We'll get a babysitter. I promise, I'll do my best to hold my temper, and I'll never leave you stranded like I did last time. I...I'm sorry about that. That was uncalled for, and I wish I could take it back. I never thought I could get so angry. I hope you'll forgive me."

She gave my hand a squeeze. "I think there needs to be a lot of forgiving going around. It's a date. Sunday. I'll tell Francine to skip your cheat meal, so you can go a little wild that night. Maybe even have a glass of wine and dessert."

"I've missed dessert."

She grinned. "God, I hope that means what I think that means. I know I've missed dessert. A lot." She let go of my hand. "I need to go see Shelly. Tina's staying with her, she had nowhere to go. I feel responsible, and need to help if I can. Is that Ok?"

"Are you asking?"

She nodded. "I don't want to make things worse. Obviously she upset you. If my helping her would damage any progress we might be making, I won't go."

"Go ahead. Maybe she can work things out. I don't know. You know she told me she wanted to put her husband on the same program as me? She was going to buy him his own cock-cage. That doesn't bode well for them long-term."

She looked surprised. "No, I didn't know that. God, how many ways could I fuck things up?"

"That's not your fault. She seemed very bitter and angry. She may think her husband was cheating. I don't know. I'm guessing they both needed a wakeup call. For the sake of their kids, I hope they can work through their issues."

She stepped up onto the treadmill, and I couldn't help but think back to Shelly's actions, earlier that day. "Can I have a hug, Rick?"

I took her in my arms, and hugged her. I held her for a good long time. When I released her, I gave her a kiss on the cheek. "I'm looking forward to Sunday night."

"Me too. I want this to work. Desperately."

I surprised myself when I admitted I did too.

~ * ~ * ~

I got a call at 11:30.

"Rick? Would you mind if I spent the night, baby? Things here are...intense. Can you trust me to be out all night?"

"Just you and the girls?"

"Yes. The three of us, and Mrs. Smirnoff."

"Are you drunk?" I teased.

"Not quite, but getting there. Seems like I have a lot of reasons to be drinking."

I wondered if that meant Shelly had talked to her about our day. I would love to be a party to that discussion. "Let me know if you need a ride in the morning."

"I love you, Rick. I don't think I told you that recently. I do love you."

"I know, Danielle. I love you too."

It was after 3:00 am when my cell phone rang. I immediately got nervous, was there an accident? Had they gone out? I answered the phone, clearing my throat. "Danielle?"

"Rick? I...I'm bein' good. I promise. Me and Shelly. I'm sorry I've been a bad wife. I'm sooooo sorry," she was sobbing drunkenly.

"I'm sorry too, baby. I never should have cheated on you."

"Never 'gain, Ok? No more cheatin'. I'll be a good wife. I will. Do all the nasty things. You don' have to go to anyone else. Don't leave me, Rick. Don't..."

I heard the phone fumbled, and crying in the background. "Ricky?" Shelly's voice asked hesitantly.

"Hi Shelly."

"I...I'm sorry I wasn't a better friend," she mumbled. "I love you both, and I'm so ashamed I didn't help and made things worse."

I sighed. Drunken confessions. I wondered how much they'd remember the next day. "Water under the bridge, Shelly. As I recall, you already gave me a very nice apology. Very nice."

She giggled. "Your pee-pee isn't small. It's just right. Much better than Meat. He hurt. S'why I stopped with him. You don' hurt. Just a good hurt. Sorry I said mean stuff. Din't mean it. Love you, Ricky."

"I'm sorry too, Shelly. You know I didn't mean the nasty things I said. You're a good friend. Except when you're picking out big cocks for my wife."

"No more biggies. Nope. Not for Dani. She's already got a good one. No more teenagers..." She was cut off and I heard tussling over the phone.

Danielle's voice came over the phone. "Only you, baby. Forever and ever. I'm your dessert. Make you sooo happy. Promise."

"Promise?" I teased.

"Cross my heart, hope to die," she whined.

"It's late, beautiful. You girls should get some sleep."

"Do you love me, Rick?" her voice was cracking.

"I love you, Danielle. Even when I was angry, I still loved you."


"Cross my heart, and hope to die. Get some sleep, Danielle."

"G'night. I love you, Rick."

You sure have a damn strange way of showing it.

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

The sex with Shelly was just stupid. Undermines Rick's position and is just dumb. Why didn't you just run Rick out on the plank of a pirate ship and just bury him at sea......... Good Grievous..... Not like he was drunk or something.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

Rick more asshole ahaha 5 thumbs

onecuriousreaderonecuriousreader3 months ago

this all started with danielle being too much of a coward to speak up.. bring attention to her problem, while overlooking her role in it.. she saw he was growing over weight, and instead of thinking, lets help him with a diet.. she chose the passive aggressive approach.. the manipulative approach.. honestly, that contract was an expression of who she really was and what she really desired. I lost respect for rick, the moment he let himself tangle with shelly.. maybe he is not a cuck, but certainly, he is not thinking logically.. but emotionally.. he needs to go back and talk with tom some more, toget his head set straight..

Norseman123Norseman1234 months ago

5*****. But I have an issue with the fact that he wouldn't have sex with his wife until she had been tested but fucked her skanky friend without a condom. Also, what's with the teenagers Shelly spoke about?

RePhilRePhil8 months ago

Worthless Cuckold. There a men and there are males. This one nearly qualified as a male. Glad you have moved on to greener pastures LW says goodbye

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