The Cucky Kip Channel

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Kip submits to BDSM to get… (bi).
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The Cucky Kip Channel (bi)

Dot came skipping into the room. Well, not literally, but that's how excited she was, "We did it, we hit 250,000 subscribers!"

Looking at my stamps with a loop I responded, "Huh what are you on about?"

"I Posted our videos, at first just to earn a few dollars. But then it was a thrill when people subscribed, or commented. Now we're monetized and we're on our way to a million viewers." Thrilled, she clapped her hands, practically jumping up and down. It's one of the things I love about my wife: how her enthusiasm dwarfs my introversion.

Even I knew a million viewers would be a lot. "How much money did you make?"

"Oh, at first it was just ten dollars a vid, or a hundred dollars here or there. But now one of our videos netted five thousand."




"No, a month."

"Wait a minute, you've been posting videos of us and you've been making a thousand dollars a month?"

"Haven't you been listening? One video made five thousand a month. And there's more than one video. But it's too soon to call it a trend. We need to keep the momentum going."

"I didn't know Youtube paid that much. But who in their right mind wants to watch you with your leathercrafts or me with my stamp collecting?"

She smiled wickedly, "Oh, you'd be surprised... I made a video with your newest stamp, and that's the one that got us the most views."

"Well, it is a very special stamp. The Scott 613 press production was supposed to..."

"Shhhhh, no one cares about that." She placed her sexy finger to my lips, "No one. And Youtube wouldn't pay for that video."

"But you said our video made a lot of money?"

"I know. It's not on Youtube. It's Porncool."

I was stunned. Frozen.

"Uh, er, um, people have seen what we do?" I fretted because we're into something that's pretty kinky. Not at all normal. See, in the privacy of our own home I have a need for pain and humiliation.

Then a bigger fear possessed me, "They've seen my... part?"

"Oh, baby, of course they've seen your little weeny. It wouldn't be much of a porn video if there weren't private bits shown."

I thought about the outfit she normally has me wear. A full leather head mask and more recently a penis cage. It would be the reason I didn't know she made videos: the way it blocked my vision.

Then I thought about the outfits she wears, a full-body skin tight leather bodysuit and a sexy lace face mask.

Hers was stylish, sexy, and basically covered anything private. Mine exposed everything I had, except luckily my face. Hers was bossy and strong while mine was emasculating and humiliating.

How else did you think I'd earned the money to get the two-cent president Harding stamp you've wanted for so long?

I thought about it. Right, how else could we have afforded a $1,500 stamp? Why didn't I ask that question before? Oh right, because she gave it to me just before the first time she tried out cock and ball torture and I got just a little - distracted.

"So you earned $1500 for the stamp from videos?"

"Not at all, Baby." She tapped her foot quickly, trying to decide just what to tell me, then added, "I bought the $8,500 version of the Harding stamp. Using it in the video made it tax deductible. And the theme of the video, as you know, was ball crushing."

I could never forget it! I pushed all thoughts about the stamp aside, I was crushed again but in a different way, "So PEOPLE saw you stepping on my balls?

"Saw it!? That was our channel's third most popular video. The shiny red stripper pumps... the anguished regret... People come back to see it again and again."

I felt weak, "Channel? Tell me more about that."

"Ok. Our channel is called The Cucky Kip and Mistress Maeve Channel. It's all our best videos edited and spliced together to tell an ongoing story."

"You, you used my real name - but not yours?"

"Of course. Yours is a perfect alliteration for Cucky. Mistress Dot just doesn't have the same ring. Besides, you've been calling me Mistress Maeve for months now."

This was too much for me. I needed a strong drink. But when I got to the liquor cabinet there was a padlock on it. Not only did it have a brand new lock on it, but there was a camera pointed right at me as I desperately tried to anesthetize my feelings with booze.

I whined, "You're filming this, now?"

"Natch! It's the reaction vid where you learn the truth."

All the strength drained from my body and I just slumped to the floor right there in the living room.

I was mortified. I needed to run away and hide. I knew I would feel sheltered in my outfit, "Where's my hood?

"Don't worry. I'll blur out your face until the big reveal."

This was sounding worse and worse.

"There. There. Let mistress Maeve take care of you." Dot picked me up by the arm, guiding me into the playroom.

Numbed, I let her place the hood on my head, zipping it up and shutting out all light. I stood passively as she stripped me naked.

Then a scary thought intruded on my thoughts, "Is there a camera right now?"


I almost cried, "Are you gonna step on my balls today?"

"Don't be silly. There's a progression. Remember how a year ago we started with toy handcuffs? Then real ropes? Then The Pain Chair?"

I nodded, remembering how each step seemed like fun, or no big deal compared to the previous. But how did I get here?

"Well I've got a whole sequence listed out. It's our channel's brand. Our viewers can't wait to find out what comes next!

"So they've seen it all from the start?" I still wanted to crawl under a rock despite the protective hood.

I shivered, and not just from being exposed, "And what comes next?"

"Bend over and I'll tell you while I put your butt plug in." She turned my body as she always does when she puts stuff up my ass.

More and more I understood things in a new light, "Are you turning me so the camera can get a better angle?"

"That's right. Now grab your ankles." She knelt next to me for a second, adjusting my head, "So they can see unobstructed."

Mistress Maeve lubed my ass and twisted a larger than normal plug half way up my ass.

My voice strained from its size. "Where's the jeweled one?"

"Ohhh, that one was VERY popular. But all good things must come to an end." She punctuated the word 'end' by tapping on the plug with enough force to drive it in the rest of the way. I yelped, and Mistress whispered to me, "Your fans are gonna love that little sound effect. Try to work it in more regularly. You want a new car, don't you?"

She stood me up, then addressed the camera in my presence for the first time, "Turn this way Kippy Cucky. Face the camera." I couldn't see the camera with the hood on, but she pushed on my hip.

I've never covered my wiener before, but this time I crossed my hands in front of my groin.

"You've all seen Kippy's little wiener. And when I say wiener - I mean cocktail wiener. You've seen it at its full THREE inches. You've seen it at one and a half inches. So small that I had to order a specially made cock cage. Or should I say wiener cage?"

She moved the camera closer to my dick and slapped my hands away. "For the first time we're gonna TALK to Cucky about how he feels about his tiiiiny micropenis."

"Cucky, do you wish you had a big manly dick?"

Mortified, I nodded. Then she flicked my balls, hard. "You have to say it out loud." I grew to my full length from the painful stimuli.

"Let's try that again. Cucky, do you wish you had a real cock?"

I whimpered, "yes. yes i do." She flicked my balls again several times, making me flinch each time. "i want a real cock more than anything. i want you to feel it deep inside. i want to, to just not be ashamed."

"Good little boy." Her finger caressed my testicles. I had mixed feelings about my balls. Thousands of people would be looking at my balls. Would they have the same thoughts as me? My balls were normal sized. But that only made my dick look that much smaller. And when she shaved me I just looked like a little boy.

"Well fans, we've got an amazing series for you all."

She faced me, "What would you say if I got you a penis pump? You see, we're gonna get you a real man's cock, one way or another."

I was overjoyed. I wept under the hood and Dot filmed it all, telling me privately that my sobbing just paid for our vacation.

"Ok people, we're gonna get Cucky all fitted with his pump and you're gonna watch it all as it unfolds. On our side it's gonna take a week or so. But due to the magic of editing you're gonna see it all in one two hour video. How big will it get?"

Using a remote she shut down the camera. I remembered hearing the sound the buttons made from before. I just didn't know it was a remote then.

"Let's take a break for lunch, Kip."

She unlocked my hood and we trotted off to the kitchen, "It's FOUR inches!"

"I know. I use a filter to shrink it. Makes for a better show."

"Are you really going to pump my penis?"

"Of course. That'll sell big time! And if need be I can just remove the filter and you'll get one inch automatically." I liked the idea that people would stop thinking of me as a three incher. But I wanted a real inch and had real hope that the pump would work.

I was overjoyed and fell to the floor to kiss Dot's feet. "We really have come a long way, Kippy. I love how you're turning into a real cuck both on film and off." I heard the sound of the remote just then.

Back in the playroom Mistress Maeve had me tied and kneeling with my hands yanked hard into the air behind me. "Here's what I promised you people. Cucky can't see but I'm opening the package with the penis pump. Here it is folks: The Hydromex 12. Look at that baby! I bet that'll pump up a dick nicely." I couldn't wait.

She brought it over to me and with the camera in close-up, she held the tube over my penis. I didn't even feel its sides. "Ooooh no! It doesn't fit. His wee wee is too small for the machine that's designed to be worn by small penises." I was crestfallen.

She tossed the pump away and we all heard it shatter and break along with my hopes.

"Don't worry everyone." She pulled out another box. "Here's the Minipump 2. I bet we'll get him pumped up with this one." Dot placed it on my penis and I was relieved to feel the plastic tube.

After some fumbling she turned to the camera, "This one goes over his teeny tiny wiener just fine." She waited a moment, "But it's failing to make any suction. He's still tooo small." She tossed and broke it too. My pride was as broken as my dreams.

"Never fear, I've got one more box." I heard the cardboard rip open. Here, let me get closer to you. This tiny device is the Princess Clitoral Pump. It's made to pump up ladies' clits, but I bet it'll be just right for Kippy Cuck."

She attached it to my dick and pumped it up with success. I could feel my dick being ecstatically pulled larger. I loved that woman.

"But hey everybody, we're only on day one of filming. We're gonna pump cucky here everyday for the whole series. But... what... should... we do...while we're waiting?"

I knelt there blinded by the hood but loving my new clit pump.

"Has anyone wondered why Kip is called 'Cucky' but has never been cucked?" I had wondered about that.

Where was she going with this? I thought 'Cucky' was just an alliteration. I didn't even really know the meaning of the word except that it was insulting.

"We've got a guest today. The winner from our last contest. I'd like to welcome Master Mike!"

"How are you Mike? And welcome to our ever more popular channel. Together we're gonna take the next step."

"Mike? We've got you for seven days, right?"

"You got it Babe. I'm looking forward to it."

"Ok, so we have to find just the right activities for seven days. And I think I know just what to do for day one."

"Come here Mike." I sensed the two of them standing directly in front of me. I could feel their heat. I could smell her leather. And lastly, I could smell a man's body so close.

I heard her voice come down to my level as she knelt in front of me, in front of Mike. The same man who no doubt had a normal cock and was the first man to see my wiener in person. No one could see me blush red hot behind the hood.

There were rhythmic but unknown sounds right there in front of my covered face. Then Mike started moaning with unmistakable sexual groanings. I feared my wife was giving this stranger a blowjob, except that she was talking pretty regularly.

"Mike you've got a pretty manly cock here, don't you?"

"You're Fuckin' right, Maeve."

"And it's getting close to doing what cocks do?"

"Any minute now, Honey." I didn't want the world to see my wife get shot in the face with some man's cum. Or worse - her mouth might be open.

There were ongoing handjob noises, then I felt the splats of cum hitting my leather mask while Mike laughed.

"Who likes how the cum is dripping down Cucky's hood? See the white streaks against the black leather? Leave your comments and don't forget to like the video and subscribe to our channel."

The two of them left me alone in my subjugation for a few minutes. A drop of cum fell from my hood, falling grossly on my knee. Then Mistress returned alone. As soon as my hood was off I couldn't stop complaining, "what was that? you just jerked off some guy - on my face..."

She stopped me, "It wasn't on your face. It was on the mask. And that was the money shot for today. I'm telling you, we're gonna hit one million with this series. Keep doing as well as you are and we're gonna be on easy street."

"for today? series?"

"Stop bitching. Just think about all the new stamps, the new cars, a bigger house... it's not like we're filming anything that wasn't going to happen anyway."

She had me speechless.

"Now hush while I let your arms down before you tear a tendon, and I should let the suction off of your pump before your wiener falls off."

"what? that can happen?"

"Oh, yes. You're not supposed to do it more than three times a day ten minutes each time." She let the air in and pulled the contraption off.

Dotty, bent down to examine my wiener for damage. Fondling it gently in its newly engorged state. "That's the whole reason we're not doing all the filming at once. You should be thanking me for taking such good care of your dick."

Worried, I looked at my weiner. It looked healthy enough. But shit! It was like five inches long! And for the first time ever Dot had called it a dick instead of a wiener. "Thank you Mistress Maeve!!"

Five inches was respectable. With five inches I could change in a public gym. I could pee at a urinal. I could reach depths in my own wife's pussy.

I ran around the house naked and cheering, "I've got a real dick! A real dick! A real dick!" It was ALL worth while.

When I calmed down Dotty hugged me close, "Kip, you know I love you. I like our game and I do it because you have some need to act out these dramas." She put her hand on my cheek, "But lover, the extra inch is temporary. With repeated use over a long time you'll get some permanent growth. But I don't know how much."

She went on, "But, Kip. If the pump fails. And we make enough money. We could get you surgery to make it bigger." I'd never dreamed we could ever afford THE operation. But, a million viewers...

I was still happy with the expectation that the pump could do the trick, the possibility was worth any risk. And I sure did like what I had right now. A happy tear ran down my face and wetted her finger, "Well, still, thanks for making it happen."

"One more thing, Kip, will you carry me upstairs and fuck the living daylights out of me with your big dick?"

I was so fucking excited. Thrilled that she'd called it a big dick! Thrilled that she wanted me to fuck her with my big dick.

I snatched her up in my arms and ran up the stairs to do just that for the first time in my life - with my big dick.

The next day I was feeling a new confidence. My wiener was back to about four inches, but I knew I would be showing my fans five inches by the end of the pumping session.

Dot was exasperated. "The filming isn't working. Something's off." She reviewed the footage. "Oh, I see it now.."

"Kippy. You're not acting meek. We're gonna lose the whole channel if we don't turn it around. You've got to step it up. You're the star you know. Anyone could play my part but there's only one of you. And you've got to be humbled."

I thought about it, "You're right. Abuse me more. Step up the humiliation." I needed it anyway.

I felt her breath on my neck as she whispered in my ear, "Do you trust me!" I did.

"Do whatever it takes." Whatever it takes to get me a big cock.

She told me she loved me. She kissed my wiener telling me she loved it. And when I was erect she flipped on the camera. In editing she blurred my dick to postpone the surprise.

"Welcome back Cucky fans. As you know we pumped up Kippy yesterday and, well, you're gonna have to wait."

She was right. I was ecstatic with the results so far, but no one else knew. No one on Porncool would see my big dick until the end of the video. For now they thought of me as a three inch cuck. I felt ashamed yet again.

"Lets get her clit pump attached and get on with the show. Aww, he's got a tiny boner." She bumped the clit pump against my stiffy a few times as if it wouldn't go on.

"Well, Mistress Maeve can fix that. Tiny wieners don't deserve to be hard." She stepped back, swung around, and delivered an exaggerated roundhouse kick to my wiener and balls.

Now, she hit it with her shin and not her foot. And she cushioned most of the blow by letting my thighs absorb most of the impact.

But it still hurt like hell. I crumpled to the floor clutching my dicky and sore balls. And while I writhed there, feeling that she was right, she attached the clitoral pump. Well, I had mixed feelings about it now.

"OK, now that we've taken care of that. What are we gonna fill our time with?

"I guess we always start with a little bondage." She tied my wrists, with me still immobilized on the floor. Then she put ropes on my ankles. "Let's see what hog tying is like. We've never tried that. But if you have, please leave a comment."

Mistress connected my wrists to my ankles, then ran the rope through a pulley she had me install in the ceiling last month but had not yet used. I heard the squeaking of the metal first, then it hoisted me up.

She adjusted it so I was upright then announced she had a new torture for me. "We all know how excruciating it is to leave your hand in ice water. Even for a few minutes."

Just to me she said, "I'll be right back, Kip. And I'll edit out the delay. Be sure to ham it up when I get back."

"OK, here I have a bucket of ice water. She shook the bucket so we could all hear it clink. "But I'm not putting his HAND in the frigidness,"

I heard the bucket scrape on the floor. I heard the pulley squeak. Then my body lowered and my balls descended into the cold water.

I gave a muffled scream for the camera. The truth was that the water was soothingly cold on my abused nuts and not frigid at all. It was a lie.

"I didn't hear you, Kippy Cucky. Let's open your zipper so you can 'express' yourself better." For the first time ever the mouth hole was opened showing part of my face. Surely no one I know could recognize me just from my lips? And our base was almost doubled just from yesterday.

"Now you can tell the world your deepest thoughts." She gave the bulb on my pump a few more squeezes, really amping up the suction. "Can you feel that stretching your dingus bigger?"

I could. I loved the promising pain.

"Let's try a few more." The suction increased dramatically and the size of my big dick increased dramatically. "I screamed through the mouth hole despite loving and hating the intense pain. My scream was mostly real.