The Cupid Effect Ch. 08


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"Pardon the expression but I've got to be honest and call bullshit."

"Excuse me?"

"I'm talking about all this "born again" crap when you're over here trying to work yourself into asking for a look at my cock. Don't you think its suspect that we've never talked before today and all I'm hearing from you is how I fucked this girl and that girl; how I even turned the vice principal into my bitch. Can't you be honest about what you're looking for even once Savanah?" My stern words caught her by surprise and she took a few steps back.

"Well I uh; don't know if talking to you was such a good idea after all. Have a nice day Poindexter." She was going to walk away flustered but I snagged her wrist and pulled her into my body. She struggled a bit trying to snatch her arm back until I let it go seconds later.

"Look I'm sorry but I kind of like to speak my mind and you seemed like a nice person. Don't go away mad before you learn my secret Savanah." I maneuvered her back up against the wall away from general view of the teachers and students inside the gym. We were standing at the far end of the bleachers.

"What secret?" I motioned towards my tented gym shorts and she gasped in protest pushing her palms against my chest in an effort to run off.

"Come on Savanah don't be that way because we both know you want to take a peek at what's inside. Look baby all I'm saying is take a little peek and if you like what's down there meet me in the equipment room in five minutes. It's just a little itty bitty peek Savanah, no harm no foul baby." I smiled a snake's smile as she pondered my words.

"Well uh, don't get any funny ideas Poindexter."

"Call me Dexter." She carefully hooked her pointer finger into the helm of my slightly oversized gym shorts drawing the material out towards her body and took a look at my thick pulsing cock which was nearly touching my hip in length alone.

"Good lord, that's the devil's penis." She let the material of my shorts go like she'd been burned by a white hot flame and backed away looking into my face like she'd seen a monster. In a few steps she'd turned and ran off the gym floor as I watched and approved of the way her butt cheeks were exposed by the slightest movement of her thick legs. I adjusted myself laughing and turned my attention back towards the gym floor catching sight of Brian Lewis.

Agnes's boyfriend was talking on his cell and obviously arguing with someone on the other end of the line which was probably his older sister Rachel. I climbed up on the bleachers and enjoyed the show for a few minutes before sending him another "gift." He stopped arguing to check his messages grimacing at the video of his prized little league trophies being urinated on by me between sex sessions at his house the other day. He appeared to be truly mortified at what was on the screen sitting down and rubbing his head profusely. Some of his friends noticed and attempted to question him about it before he stormed out of the gym in a visible rage. I checked the time on my phone before climbing off of the bleachers and casually walking over to the equipment room making sure no one was watching as I turned the handle.

"Will wonders never cease?" I found Savanah sitting on an upturned wastebasket with a bewildered look on her face. I chuckled at the fact that her posture made it look like she was sitting on the toilet as I put a finger to my lips for her to be silent. It took all of a minute for her to gingerly pull my shorts down freeing my cock which sprung up hitting her in the chin and making her recoil in fear. She calmed down a bit as I rubbed her chubby cheek while sticking a thumb into her mouth for her to suck on. Savanah handled my thumb with some enthusiasm and transitioned nicely to my thick cock. She could only take a third of it into her mouth without coughing and gagging so I settled allowing her to work in her comfort zone. I only fucked her mouth for a few minutes before going after my goal.

"Let me see it Savanah." She looked up at me with her mouth stuffed and I made a twirling gesture with my finger motioning for her to stand up and turn around. Savanah was sweating and her flushed countenance told me that she was mine for the plundering. I found myself staring at her back looking down at the wide expanse of material that it took to cover her big heart shaped butt. Her gym shorts fit like a second skin with the very bottoms of her cheeks peeking out at me. I groaned as she hooked her thumbs into her bottoms and drew those overworked shorts down exposing her juicy ass to me. Savanah's posture and the manner in which she bent perfectly at the waist in a nearly ninety degree angle had my cock throbbing. My fingers sunk into her soft fleshy thighs playfully mashing the thick globes together and pushing them far apart with my greedy fingers exposing her plush lower lips. I pried them apart noticing the moisture and musk emanating from her cunt.

"OOOOOOWWWW IT HUUURTS!!" I could contain myself no longer pushing into her tight snatch until I bottomed out quicker than I would have liked. Even though only two thirds of my member could fit into her box I was undeterred as I began fucking her with measured strokes. Savanah only took six strokes before she seized up and came on my cock with a loud gasp. I cupped a hand over her mouth lest some student passing by the equipment room would be alerted by her sensual mutterings. I reached under her t-shirt to find an uncovered tit and squeezed lustily rolling the stubby nipple while her big ass cheeks bounced hard on my pelvis. She had no choice but to place her hands on the dingy lime green brick wall to balance herself while I did my absolute best to utterly impale her tight cunt. I eventually yanked the shirt off of her body to be pleasantly surprised by a set of perky baseball sized tits. The equipment room became steaming hot in short order with the musk of our union as I pulled out and exploded five thick ropes of cum across her reddened butt.

"I-I uh don't hurt a whole lot but it felt kind of good." She was leaning forward with one hand on the dirty wall while she ran her free hand through the thick milky glaze on her backside. She'd lapped it up in moments and slid down onto the floor with her legs spread wide apart examining her abused cunt.

"I-I was a virgin." Her words were true as I noticed a crimson coat on the surface of my penis. I quickly pulled my shorts up and considered bolting from the equipment room so that I didn't have to address the elephant in the room.

"Yeah, you were baby." I just leaned against the wall silent while she carefully pulled her pants up and walked by me exiting the equipment room without another word. A week later Savanah would make up with Derrick closing the deal with him finally in dramatic fashion. Unfortunately she'd be four months pregnant at the time of her graduation. Derrick for your information wasn't the father and before you go there neither was I. He wouldn't stick around, but Savanah would still manage to complete college while raising her baby girl.


Mr. Finkle shot me a look as I filed into class and I noticed a couple of the female students looking at me with a strange curious expression. I took my seat noticing in silent joy that "Brian Lewis was still reeling from the videos I'd sent him and I decided then and there that I'd have a little more fun with him before the day was over. No sooner than I took my seat Kelsey walked into the classroom wearing an over-sized long sleeved man's business shirt and a pair of cowboy boots. I had to give it to the beautiful blonde for having the ability to turn any rag into high fashion around the high school. She rubbed my thigh as she slid into her seat beside me with a warm smile.

"Before I begin class, I'd like Kelsey Taylor to stand and switch places with Tiffany St. Claire." If looks could kill the nerdy science teacher would have been stone dead on the spot.

"What; why Mr. Finkle?"

"I need to get control of this class and you've been causing too much trouble as of late Kelsey; Tiffany shouldn't have a problem sitting next to Dexter right?" I looked over my shoulder to see the lovely redhead barely stifling a wide grin.

"NO SIR MR. FINKLE SIR!!" She quickly stood and gathered her things approaching Kelsey who remained seated. The girls shot death glares at each other and no one in the class knew what would happen next. Agnes was busy staring at the side of Brian's head as he continued looking at his phone. She quickly shot me an evil look of her own as she took his arm finally getting his attention and a kiss.

"Now Kelsey you HEARD what Mr. Finkle said so that means you should probably get out of my fucking seat." Tiffany's voice carried a hint of the jealous aggression she'd been dealing with for days now. Kelsey remained silent as she took her time gathering her things before standing face to face with her former best friend.

"We'll talk about this later; that's a promise." There was some low rumbling ambient noise in the class as Mr. Finkle silenced the other students with a wave of his hand. I looked over at a beaming Tiffany feeling irritated by her apparent machinations and turned to give Kelsey a half smile making the blonde blush and look away.

"Dexter can you help me with this problem?" Tiffany grabbed my arm pointing at the interior of our mutual text book. I followed her pointing finger to the problem in question finding the equation somewhat challenging. I stared at the page for a few more moments before looking up into Tiffany's green eyes confused. My vision blurred a bit and I blinked profusely as my head throbbed.

"Hey, are you okay baby?"

"Yeah, I'm fine alright?" I shook it off taking a look back at the page as things came into focus. The answer finally dawned on me and I gave Tiffany her token answer. She actually clapped telling me that I was so smart and sexy earning an audible groan from the rest of the class. I really wasn't used to having my ass kissed in this manner and was concerned about my problem with what was basically a simple science problem.

"Tiffany we know you're fired up about science, but I'm going to need you to focus on the study plan for Friday's quiz." Mr. Finkle walked over to the dry erase board and began writing out an equation.

"I'm surprised she could learn anything with her face up Dexter's ass." Kelsey's snark was on point earning a few muffled laughs from a section of appreciative classmates.

"Hate and blatant jealousy can prematurely age you Kelsey; oops too late biatch. Better make that Botox appointment stat before those creases in your forehead get even deeper!" There was more laughter as the girls ramped up their rivalry.

"Somebody needs a fucking overdose of Midol but I'm not pointing fingers girlfriend; maybe you should stock up on Vagisil while you're at the drug store Tiff. Lord knows I can smell your nasty fire crotch even from back here." The class bust up into uproarious laughter until Mr. Finkle dropped a thick text book on the desk to silence everyone. He turned his attention back to the board and began writing out half of an equation before pointing his marker at Kelsey.

2 HCl + 2 Na →

"You know something Ms. Taylor, I like to laugh too; so I'm going to make you a deal. You solve the simple equation or go to Ms. Holland's office with my blessing." He'd had about enough of the blonde disturbance in his class room deciding to embarrass her by making her reveal how stupid she was to her peers.

"Uh Tiffany was talking too Mr. Finkle; this isn't fair." She looked like a deer caught in the headlights when she realized that her intelligence was being questioned.

"So you're admitting that you don't understand the "simple equation" written on the board here?"

"I'm not saying that Mr. Finkle, I'm saying that Tiffany should have to answer a question too." He had no intention of putting the stacked redhead on the spot. Unknown to Kelsey he'd received at least two mind numbing blowjobs from the obsessed cheerleader and had become somewhat addicted to her attentions whatever the reason.

"Well I'm the teacher and I make the rules here Kelsey; so either you come up here and finish the rest of this equation or you pack your things up and march on down to the principal's office." She almost looked as if she would cry as she slowly stood and walked the condemned walk of a death row inmate to the dry erase board.

"Good luck Ms. Taylor." He felt a pang of guilt as she hesitantly took the felt tip marker from him and stared at the white board for over five minutes appearing to zone out. Her big expressive blue eyes widened and narrowed for several seconds while a majority of the students mumbled about her chances.

"Stupid bitch." Tiffany's loud comment made her eyes water a bit as she pushed the marker against the sterile white surface of the dry erase board.

"ANY TIME NOW MS. TAYLOR!" She jumped at the harsh sound of his voice dropping the marker on the floor and quickly stooping down to retrieve it as the class burst into uproarious laughter.

2 HCl + 2 Na → 2 NaCl + H2

The answer just seemed to pop right into her head as she closed her eyes and scribbled the first thing that came into her mind sure that she was on her way to Ms. Holland's office not that it would be much of a problem considering that she and Dexter now owned the desperate mature. Kelsey hated being considered stupid and had earnestly did her best to study and stay on top of her grades. The problem was the demands of being one of the beautiful people, one of the most popular students on campus. Sometimes she had pretended to be just a little bit dumber than she actually was and after a while the fiction had become the truth. But Kelsey Taylor had never had the aptitude for science and it was a persistent Achilles heel for the former cheerleader. It was literally a foreign language to her and she worried that she wouldn't be able to pass Mr. Finkle's class without cheating.

"Who told you the answer?" He stammered clearly shocked that she had correctly written in the rest of the equation.

"What?" She opened her eyes looking around at the surprised faces on her peers before it dawned on her that she'd accurately figured out the answer.


"I didn't say or do anything sir." Kelsey looked as shocked as anyone as the science teacher turned to her in another attempt to catch her in some wrong doing.

"Alright Kelsey if you didn't somehow cheat, tell me the literal meaning of the equation on the board." She shivered a little bit feeling threatened by his aggressive stance as she screwed her eyes shut thinking as hard as she could.


"Uhm, the answer is...I-uh think the answer is that equation thingy is the reaction of uhm, hydrochloric acid with ah, sodium?" She was visibly nervous as she rocked back and forth on the heels of her feet.

"HOW IN THE HELL DID YOU KNOW THAT?!!" He stammered as his world became just a bit more bizarre.

"Well if you don't know that Mr. Finkle; then I guess you're not as good of a teacher as you think you are." She was insulted that he apparently thought of her as some idiot who had the misfortune of being seated in his holier-than-thou class for thirty minutes a day throughout the week. The class exploded into laughter as she walked to her desk and gathered her belongings heading for the door.

"And just where are you going Kelsey?" He was scratching his head in confusion at how his little ploy to embarrass her had been turned on its head.

"I'm going to the principal's office anyway because Ms. Holland should know just how stupid you think I really am." There was a tinge of hurt in her voice as she stomped out of the class followed by a slow arching smile across her beautiful face.


Ms. Holland was talking to the school superintendent about some budgeting problems when she noticed a certain hot blonde entering her office. Her mouth ran a little dry as she licked her lips while watching Kelsey Taylor sit her denim backpack on the floor and take a familiar seat. She put a single finger to her lips as she undid the buttons on the bottom of the long sleeved shirt she was wearing as a dress revealing a skimpy pair of Hello Kitty panties.

"Keep talking bitch." Kelsey whispered to the vice principal as she pulled the cotton material to the side exposing her clean shaven snatch. The mature educator formerly known for her stern demeanor flushed crimson at the sight of the student licking her fingers and rubbing the puffy lips of her sex. Rebecca Holland thought constantly about the threesome she'd engaged in with two of her students and it kept her up at night masturbating until she passed out from exhaustion.

"Yes sir I understand times are tough and the shaky economy effects our budget but we really need those afterschool programs!! Uhm, well I'm just saying that perhaps you could give us a bit of consideration regarding these budget cuts." She had started to sweat as her own neglected sex became sopping wet as Kelsey put on a private sex show for the principal. The athletic blonde used her fingers to pry her delicate flower open while her she caressed her button.

"Uh, uhm sir-I -uh beg to differ on that point...OF COURSE I'M LISTENING TO YOU!!" Kelsey worked herself into a frenzy leaning forward on the damp bottom of the wooden seat as the odor from her sex filled the office. Rebecca stammered a bit as she watched her teen mistress undo the rest of the buttons on the shirt revealing a translucent nylon brassiere. Her luscious breasts sat majestically on her chest visible to the naked eye and her nipples were erect. The matures fingers rubbed her crotch through her skirt and she longed to hang up on her superior who was going through some long winded explanation about why he couldn't give her the budget she'd requested.

"My pussy is so fucking wet Ms. Holland and you're gonna eat me." She was initiating an encounter on her own and it felt good to be in control. Kelsey had a natural mean streak and an alpha female aura that let her overcome and dominate most situations. Getting fucked by Poindexter Snodgrass a.k.a Dexter the Stud as he was jokingly becoming known around the school had been the first time someone else had caught her off guard. She had let herself be fucked nearly unconscious by the nerd and it puzzled and bewitched the young teen. She remembered him from earlier days as this irritating creeper that stayed in her shadow; remembered how he'd tried to get an up skirt of her underwear only to be caught and dealt with in humiliating fashion.

Things had changed drastically since then.

She stood up from the chair letting the shirt-dress fall to the floor and walked over to a woman over twenty years her senior planting her curvy rear in the principal's lap. Moments later she was giving the startled principal a lap dance while kneading her thighs. This only lasted five minutes before Kelsey sat on the desk facing the sweating woman and lightly snatched the phone from her hanging up on the superintendent.

"That was my boss." Rebecca offered wide eyed as she pulled Kelsey's panties free of her body.

"So what bitch." The teen's thin fingers grabbed a handful of the dirty blonde hair on the vice principal's head pulling her face first into her wet snatch. The vice principal went into auto pilot licking and sucking hard on the cute little clit of her young lover.

"OOOOHHHH Yeah Ms. Holland, you love my tight little hole don't you?" Kelsey groaned as the woman tried to answer humming into her narrow canal while she hooked her legs over Rebecca's shoulders. The mature's greedy fingers dug into the undersides of her fleshy thighs as she made a meal of Kelsey's snatch sucking and pulling on her meaty lower lips before penetrating as deep as she could go with her tongue.