The Cupid Effect Ch. 15


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"Just what I need." She hissed in his ear with a serpentine grace that made the hairs stand up on the back of his neck. Mr. Finkle realized that he hadn't moved, more accurately he hadn't been "able" to move since this strange woman made herself known in the darkness of the classroom. Even trying to think about the usage of his limbs was a futile choir. He wanted to cry out; scream for his life but he had been paralyzed.

The frightened science teacher's chair was spun around and he found himself looking directly at her deep cleavage barely contained by the cotton shirt. It was only at this moment did he realize just how tall this strange stood. She had to be at least six feet seven inches as his eyes dipped low to her exposed camel toe. She knelt before him evading the opportunity for another look at her face and took him whole inside her mouth. There was something intoxicating about her touch, something that caused him to immediately ejaculate into her hungry mouth while she continued to lick, suck and nibble on his sex with a rabid fervor. He could only see the top of her head as she reared back revealing his cock pointing at the ceiling. The veins on his cock pulsed and he could almost swear that he heard his own heartbeat.

"What do you want; why are you doing this?" his voice trembled making the question shaky as it spewed forth from his mouth.

"Isn't it obvious?" She rose up from her knees towering over the thin teacher as she ripped her shirt open exposing her incredible figure in all of its nude glory. His belt was snapped in two and tossed away from his body along with his slacks. Greedy fingers tore off his underwear off as the middle-aged educator found himself roughly handled. He tried to use internal reason to get ahold of the situation as she straddled him in a standing position with both feet flat on the tiled classroom floor.

"Kelsey, please." His voice shook and faltered as he managed a look up into her face noticing a faint illumination in her eyes. The hue matched the glare of the Androstenone-X on his desktop. She knelt down on a knee causing further panic and fright as he realized her face was still level with his own. For some reason, he still found it difficult to focus on details of her face. Her full lips were twisted in a knowing smirk as she handled the beaker examining its iridescence. Finkel's heart felt like it would explode as her large hand massaged his right shoulder as she looked over at him with mysterious intent.

"Drink." He began shaking his head profusely as the glowing beaker was placed against his lips.


Her large hand slid from his shoulder to the back of his neck. He could feel the raw strength in her elongated fingers sensing that she could snap his neck with minimal effort. Finkel told himself that Kelsey's condition had to be a side effect of the chemical wondering what would happen to him as the oily substance oozed down his throat. He gagged and coughed up some of the fluid but she never stopped pouring until the beaker was empty. His body was instantly aflame as every nerve lit up sending him into a jerking, trembling seizure. Every pore on his body opened as an agonized scream emerging from his lips was stifled by her own. Her touch was electric, sensual beyond any description as he became her willing savant. Their embrace however brief was abruptly ended as Finkel found his mouth stuffed with his own shredded underwear. Her face was inches away from his lapping up the excess Androstenone-X from his lips and chin like some animal savoring an impending meal.

The frail teacher was undated with intense heat as the giantess rose locking her legs in a sitting position over his pelvis. Suddenly a white, hot arch of searing pain engulfed his spine and pelvis as his cock became harder than it had ever been. His thighs seized up as he screamed into the tattered underwear gagging his throat. His member slid inside the huge woman already spewing several ropes of cum into her sex as she began to tighten around him in a vise-like grip until his profuse pubic hair was the only thing visible wedged into her mound. A strained, dry, gasping series of breathes followed as Finkel began to seize and jerk violently in the chair under her piercing gaze.

"KEL-SEEEEEEYY!!" He cried through the tattered cotton material that was halfway down his throat at this point. Her eyes were shut tightly as the giantess craned her head up towards the ceiling while her massive breasts bobbed and bounced in his face.

"PUH-LEEEAAASSSSEEEE!!" Her weight crashed down on his lap shattering his pelvis and the chair underneath.

Finkel's eyes glazed over as the powerful scent filled him to the brim renewing his vigor as all of the moisture left his lithe frame. There was nothing left to give but she didn't care; her abdomen flexed as her tunnel rubbed and massaged his enslaved length absorbing everything.


The water was steaming hot and relentless almost burning into her tanned skin, perfect body, and beautiful face. Her eyes, big and expressive were tightly shut as she did her best to avoid seeing -anything. Her clothing, a frayed, torn oversized men's shirt she'd borrowed from her father and a yellow bikini littered the floor of her shower were they'd literally peeled away from her figure as she washed herself clean of the caked up semen that covered her athletic form; the result of a fit of mass hysteria caused by her appearance at school in the aforementioned yellow bikini. Kelsey Taylor kept replaying the incident in her head, unable to focus on anything else beyond the face of her tormentor, one Agnes Newton and something else, something very dark residing inside her. Every since she could remember, Kelsey had always received preferential treatment, little to no resistance from the outside world and always found a smiling face pointed wherever she looked. There was little doubt that she rarely heard any actual truth or sincerity in her young life. Kelsey Taylor knew that she'd always be judged based on her appearance which many cited as the stuff of adolescent, hormone fueled fantasy.

From the time she could walk, Kelsey had been constantly told that she was one of the "Beautiful People", spoiled, coddled, and treated differently than everyone else. Even when she did wrong there were no real consequences to her actions due to a concerted effort by her father and the general expectations of others based on her rich girl status and appearance. Her academic achievements were overlooked early on in life with most repeatedly telling her how pretty she was instead of recognizing her hard work. Highschool had galvanized this narrative with her immediate induction into the upper echelon of the student pecking order beside her eventual best friend, Tiffany St. Claire. She'd honestly studied and worked hard until the outside world pressured her into accepting their evaluation of who she was supposed to be. Kelsey threw in her lot with the rest of these "earth bound" gods and goddesses ruling the campus as part of some entitled, millennial faction. Everywhere she went, eyes followed suffering from catty, jealousy, or salacious, self-imagined imagery from both sexes. The pressure started to wear on the beautiful blonde, who allowed the worst parts of herself to surface.

There was one set of eyes that bothered her more than anyone else. He'd watched her constantly or appeared to due to the fact that she always found his face forward in her direction wherever she looked. His pimply, weak looking visage became an undying irritant to her as she recalled a brief, yet pleasant exchange between the two the week before she became a cheerleader. The social tides of their respective echelons were insurmountable, wide as the Grand Canyon; Dexter never stopped looking though. Many times, she'd considered talking to him again to ask why he stared so much. Her boyfriend, Tad Remington would have none of it; she'd talked about the constant staring as a joke post coital which the jock didn't take kindly. She was obliged to patch up his fragile ego with a scintillating blowjob while he ran down Dexter, sounding every bit unnerved. The rough sex that followed secretly made her dislike him even more than she already did. Kelsey had talked with Tiffany St. Claire about dumping Tad only to be "talked down" with her best friend citing the possible social consequences in the negative. Kelsey never admitted to her best friend that she'd known Dexter in the past. Never admitted to exchanging phone numbers only to block his number when the popular set called. She'd always wondered if he ever tried to call.


Then there was that morning where she'd arrived early to school, purchasing a drink and a danish in the crowded cafeteria. She'd worn this cutoff jean miniskirt along with a sleeveless hoodie because she had practice later that morning, little considering the consequences of her wardrobe. Tiffany had ingrained in her to "Dress the Part" for the adoring masses (The rest of the student body.), a lesson Kelsey took to heart becoming a virgin's fantasy eclipsing the popularity of her own best friend. This would become a factor in the evolution of her storied hatred of the nerd, Poindexter Snodgrass. Waiting there in the crowded deluge of students, she became aware of someone standing a little too close for comfort. Kelsey shuddered as she recalled the frightened look on his face wondering why he looked that way until she peered downward noticing his phone under the hem of her skirt. Her beautiful face twisted into a mask of rage and disgust as she snatched the phone finding a blurred picture of her butt is on its face. His apologies meant nothing as she tossed the cell in his face grabbing a handful of his shirt. Someone had been there to stop her from pummeling him, but a candle had been lit under the embittered beauty.

Poindexter Snodgrass a.k.a Dexter was summarily destroyed in a widely public execution of his character pelted into obscurity by several soft drinks in front of the student body. The various multicolored drinks always seemed to take on this slow motion quality as they exploded against his chest. During this achingly slow recollection, the colors of crimson, powder blue and the vibrant colors of an orange icee marked the exposed nerd. Tiffany poked and shoved at her until she flung a large smoothie striking the shocked geek dead in the face. It was liberating or, so she told herself later until their science teacher decided to seat her next to the pervert. One glance at his face brought much bubbling to the top of her psyche, stuff she didn't want to face about her own foibles. He looked truly pathetic enough to tug at her heartstrings, regretful of the humiliation she'd caused him. But that fact along with his outing as a pervert left her inflamed and conflicted.

Wasn't he just like all the other guys who wanted to get in her pants?

It was a thought she hadn't wanted to face and looking directly at him filled her with an indescribable rage. Things became even more skewed as she tossed a beaker full of some chemicals in his face. Watching him flail about before crashing to the floor shocked her back to reality. Kelsey wanted to apologize but her entitled ego wouldn't allow it, replacing the remorse she briefly felt with more anger. She'd go at Dexter once more only to have the tables turned, ending up on the business end of his large cock. It was lie someone pressed a button inside as she came hard on his member again and again before realizing that he wasn't even satisfied. He cum all over her face, drenching her with a sweetness that she had to have again at any cost. She couldn't imagine going without the empowered geek, initially thinking that she'd snapped mentally.

"Ask him." She'd been prodded by her mortal enemy, but Kelsey Taylor had already surmised the answer to that question. Now she knew different, thanks to Agnes Newton.

"Dexter, I'm so sorry." She whispered to herself taking full blame for he part in the chaos engulfing their lives. The troubled blonde could feel herself becoming wet at the thought of him. She wanted to fight it, but the feeling overtook her quickly as she slid down the wall of her shower floor. There was a pulsing feeling that had remained hours past since her own public humiliation. It lingered making it hard for Kelsey to drive home. She was barely able to park the car sitting there for nearly an hour until the sensation settled down enough for her to stagger into the house. Her nipples were painfully erect as was her clit, demanding attention from greedy fingers. Kelsey was obliged to service herself in complete dismay with the memory of Dexter serving as motivation. Her mind always returned to that first time as he took her from behind, inadvertently treating her like an animal.

"OOOOH Dexter, I want your cock so fucking bad; want you." She spoke to herself softly, petting and rubbing her mound. Her fingers surrounded her clit while a single digit teased her button until she was close.

"Want you!!" Her thighs quivered and tightened as her breathes increased.

"DEXTER; I'M CUMMING FOR YOU!!" Three fingers pumped inside her tunnel, as every nerve in her body lit up enflaming her being. Flashes of white in her big, expressive eyes lingered as she moaned and gasped working herself ever harder.

"DEXXXX!! DEX-TER, CUMMING!!" Her thighs seized up as she began squirting in several short bursts until she was left panting. Her beautiful face twisted as images of Agnes Newton appeared in her mind's eye. Her gaze travelled around the steamy interior of her shower from the discarded clothing to the detachable shower head snaking around on the tiled floor. Sudden loud knocking interrupted Kelsey's inner monologue as she cowered for a few moments afraid that her enemy would appear.

"KELSEY ARE YOU THERE?!!" It was her father; Kelsey was relived as she climbed out of the shower wrapping a towel around her figure. He sounded worried as he continued trying the locked doorknob.

"Dad, It's me; I'm here!"

"Oh, are you okay; I thought I heard you screaming, honey?" Kelsey pulled the large bath towel around herself in shame, embarrassed that her indiscretion was heard. She leaned against the ornate sink facepalming.

"I'm okay, dad."

"Are you sure; we aren't having another episode like the one where you hurt that kid, are we?"


"Honey, you okay?" Kelsey broke down a bit at the sound of his voice. Her mother was a world away married to some business mogul south of the border, which was saying something since her father was pretty wealthy in his own right. She'd gone to Baja and decided to remain there even though she was leaving behind a daughter. He'd redoubled his efforts as a parent treating his little girl like a princess and spoiling her rotten in the process.

"Look, I'm fine; just give me a minute." The handle stopped moving.

"Kelsey, there's something going on and I've always been a straight shooter with you; so, I want a bit of honesty from you before I have to write another check to that school. Are you doing something, pharmaceutical?"

"No, I'm not on drugs, dad." She sniffled louder than she intended causing the handle to jiggle again.

"ARE YOU ALONE?!!" Her father sounded panicked at the prospect of finding his daughter entertaining someone sexually.

"DAD STOP!!" She jumped up quickly cracking the door so that he could see her face. Kelsey just wanted to put his fears at ease as she used a finger to move some errant strands of blonde hair away from her face.

"Kelsey, honey...what's wrong?" He saw right through her.

"Look, I just need a reset; I've been having some problems lately and it's been a bit much, dad. I-I mean there's really nothing you have to worry about. I really haven't done anything bad, so just let me deal." She was babbling, feeling light headed from playing with herself in a strange, unnatural way that she hoped wasn't visible to her parent.

"It's that boy, you've been talking about lately, isn't it?"


Mr. Taylor pushed on the door entering to enclose his daughter in a deep hug. She was overwhelmed, hugging him back, thankful for the nonverbal support. Kelsey always harbored doubt that he was particularly proud of her, wondering if she was a disappointment. He'd side-eyed her when her wardrobe changed to match her peers, apparently uncomfortable with confronting her directly. Kelsey played it off as part of her cheerleading aesthetic until he'd finally been forced to confront her as she appeared dressed to impress Dexter. It ended in a stalemate with the athletic teen reaching a compromise in the form of a windbreaker which she promptly deposited in her locker before running to class. She suspected he knew the whole time.

"You smell good." He took a deep whiff of her wet, blonde locks, following it up with another.


"Nothing, hey uhm, how about dinner at that little café' you like? I-I mean uhm, you could, talk about this stupid guy who doesn't know a good thing when he sees it. I mean you are my girl, after all, Kelsey." There was something a little off about the way he spoke that struck her, odd.

"I'm your daughter."

"Of, course you are; so, no dinner with your old dad?" He laughed nervously looking a little bit, fidgety. She tightened the towel around her body staring pointedly at him.

"Sure, just let me put some clothes on, alright?" She folded her arms, tucking her hands tightly into her arm pits as he scratched his greying, blonde hair seemingly sensing her apprehension.

"Aww, crap I'm being awkward with my little girl; sorry about that Kelsey, I-uhm, gonna go downstairs and call in the reservations, okay?"

"Yeah, sure."

"Hey, dad's sorry for freaking you out, okay?"


"I hope so, honey because you're all I have left after your mother "found herself" and I know I'm a poor substitute and it's her you should be talking about boys with. Sorry, guess I was a little in over my head, huh?" He didn't wait for an answer grabbing the door knob to pull the door up after himself.

"Dad, I'm sorry." She stepped forward wrapping her arms around his torso.

"Yeah, well, gotta call in that reservation." He took care in disengaging her arms stepping out into her bedroom. The fifty something appeared flushed a bit as he regarded his eighteen year old.

"You always say I'm pretty, but never tell me I'm smart." It was a candid admission that emerged from her subconscious.

"Honey, you're the smartest girl I know; a little over emotional though." He knew what she wanted to hear. It was a side of him that he rarely revealed outside of their little Mac Mansion. She managed an embarrassed little smirk and a bit of color to her cheeks as he reached in pulling the door closed.

That little sliver of support put the athletic blonde back on the road to sanity, although she couldn't get Agnes Newton's round face out of her mind. Kelsey kept seeing that face over and over again in her mind's eye as she stared at her reflection in the mirror over her sink. There was something in the air that seemed to envelope her body in a sheath of humidity that was familiar. She turned checking the thermostat only to find it was off. Her heart began to thump in her chest as she began experiencing a pulsing sensation between her legs coupled with an oily wetness. The bath towel fell to the floor as her hands cupped the undersides of her large breasts. Her nipples were painfully erect and uncomfortable as she became even wetter with some of her natural essence running down her inner thighs.

"Shit." Kelsey Taylor's big, expressive eyes widened as she hunched over the sink rubbing her mound. Her nails scraped the porcelain edge of the sink as she put a dip in her hip reacting to her lustful actions.