The Curse of 100 Bottoms Ch. 06

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Bottom For Congress.
5.4k words

Part 6 of the 11 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 05/13/2021
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Note: This story contains themes of mind control, magic, and fantasy. All characters in it are 18+.


It's amazing the difference a good dildo can make.

Now that Willem could fill his hole anytime he wanted, he was starting to feel a little bit more in control. He was still powerless over the inevitable tidal wave of buzzing that swept over him, slowly clouding his mind until he submitted himself to whichever man the curse saw fit to send him to next. But with the ability to ease the incessant itching in his hole, he at least felt like he was starting to see things more clearly.

Resistance was futile. It always had been. Anytime he had tried to circumvent the curse, it would find a way to punish him. Well, he was through playing hard to get. He was going to meet his fate head-on and fuck his way through the City of Angels.

Because you see, Willem had a secret.

He wasn't an idiot. He was aware of the changes that were happening to his mind along with his body. He knew that the curse was wearing him down, trying to convince him that he was nothing but a bottom.

"Who would ever want to be straight?" said a voice in his head. "A boring life of average, vanilla sex. You're living the dream. You get to fuck real men, get to feel what it's like when a man gifts you with his seed. THAT'S real living."

And so, Willem pretended. He played the part, going through the motions of allowing man after to man to fuck him to completion as he rode the wave of that lustful buzzing. He even let himself enjoy the way it felt, to fully give in to the sensations in the moment as they happened.

Because all the while, in the depths of Willem's mind, he had carved out a small place where nothing could reach him, not even the curse. There he kept his memories of his old life: his first kiss with a girl; the night he lost his virginity to Allison Gordon; the series of hookups he and his friends racked up over their last year of high school, racing to see who could fuck the most girls before college.

This was his hiding spot, the place he would return to after every fuck to check in with himself. Just to make sure he hadn't lost himself. He would run through each of his heterosexual experiences in his mind, pulling them out one by one, running his fingers over them, then placing them delicately back on the shelf.

"I'm straight," he would whisper to himself when he was alone after the top had left. "I will always be straight." Then he would lock the door to his hiding spot, knowing that his true self would be there waiting for him the next time he needed it.

Willem was nothing if not pragmatic. He knew that the only way around the curse was through it, but he was confident that he could protect the precious seeds of himself that still remained. This was all just temporary, nothing more. And, if he were proactive enough, he would hopefully be straight again by the time that college rolled around in the fall.

Willem said nothing about his secret hiding spot, not even to Jake. He and Jake had started hanging out regularly since the day he fucked the cop. Jake was actually a pretty cool guy, plus he was understanding if Willem needed to step away for a few minutes to go fuck the bear who just walked out of the 24-hour fitness.

Since his parents had rescinded their offer to pay for him to attend Caltech, Jake had gotten a job at a coffee shop in Weho, trying to earn enough money to put himself through community college. Willem visited him at work frequently, taking advantage of the free coffee while he trawled for dick.

"How many guys are you up to?" Jake asked as he wiped down the espresso machine.

"32," said Willem. "Wait, no--33. I'm forgetting the sign spinner outside of Liberty Tax."

"Clearly he wasn't anything to write home about."

"Yeah, weird cock. Very curved."

"Have you heard from Josh lately?" asked Jake. "Or Dan, or Adam?"

Willem shook his head. "They can go fuck themselves. Homophobic assholes."

"You were one of those homophobic assholes too, once," said Jake with a raised eyebrow.

"Yeah, well, let's just say I have a better appreciation for what it's like," said Willem. "How are things with your parents?"

Jake shrugged. "Nonexistent. Ever since I moved out of their house and into the new apartment--which is shit, by the way--they haven't reached out to me at all."

Willem frowned. "I'm sorry."

"I'm not," said Jake as he leaned against the counter. "They made things pretty clear. Plus I should be able to have enough saved up to start at LACC in the fall."

Jake turned to greet the customer who had just walked in. Willem recognized him as Jin, a buoyant Korean guy in his early 20s who was a regular of Jake's. He looked around the coffee shop while Jin ordered, keeping his eyes peeled for the signature pink haze that would direct him to his next top.

"How about you? Are you going?"

Willem snapped out of dick-hunting mode to see Jin staring at him expectantly.

"Sorry, going to what?" he asked.

"They're protesting some homophobic douchebag giving a speech in Orange County tomorrow," said Jake as he handed Jin his latte.

"Not just any homophobic douchebag. John Hicks is like Satan incarnate. He's an asshole congressman from bumfuck nowhere who hates the gays, women, and pretty much anyone who isn't White Jesus. Me and my girls are getting a group together tomorrow to protest his speech. You wanna come?"

Willem made a face. "Sounds like a terrible time."

Jin pursed his lips. "If us gays don't fight tooth and nail for our rights, they'll be taken away before you know it."

"I'm not gay," Willem said defensively.

Jin stared at him dumbly. "I literally fucked you last week. In THAT bathroom." He pointed towards the back of the coffee shop.

Jake rolled his eyes. "I'm going to pretend I didn't hear that."

"Huh," said Willem. "I forgot about that one." He turned to Jake. "34."

"Whatever," said Jin. "I gotta get going. Jake, you have my number. Text me if you wanna go. I've got extra glitter for the signs."

Willem raised an eyebrow as he left. "What a drama queen."

Jake frowned, wiping down the counter with a rag. "I don't think he's being dramatic at all. Hicks is a fucking asshole, and he deserves a good protest. I'm gonna go."

"I guess. I just don't see what showing up and making a big fuss is actually going to accomplish."

Jake's eyes blazed with anger. "I know that you don't get it because you're just fucking dudes, and you're not actually gay. But guys like Hicks make life a fucking nightmare for the rest of us. You think my parents don't watch people like him on TV and eat that shit up like it's Gospel?"

Willem stared at him, at a loss for words.

"I'm going to grab something from the back," said Jake, throwing his rag down onto the counter as he walked away.

Willem sipped his coffee, looking guiltily down at the cup. Jake was right, he'd only been fucking guys for a month now and was already seeing how differently people treated you. He couldn't imagine what it would be like to have to deal with this for the rest of your life. Not to mention the fact that, when this summer ended, Willem would be off to UCLA on his parent's dime while Jake would be struggling to pay his way through community college.

Willem pulled out his phone. He searched for John Hicks, pulling up YouTube videos of his speeches. He played one from a speech Hicks had given at a national convention.

"Whatever happened to freedom of speech?" he asked. "Freedom of religion? Last I checked, this was still America, not Iran or North Korea. The Constitution guarantees us those rights, yet if you have the audacity to fight for the family, to promote the biblical institution of marriage as God intended, then suddenly you're labeled a bigot! Well, if that's the case, then I wear the label of bigot proudly."

As unlikeable as Hicks was, Willem had to admit the guy was pretty handsome. He had a sharp jawline and salt-and-pepper hair that lent a greater air of authenticity to the diatribe coming out of his mouth.

Willem watched as the video on the phone began to flicker. The little dots of light morphed from red, green, and blue into a dull pink that surrounded Congressman Hicks as he spoke to the crowd.

"No fucking way..." he whispered.

There was no doubt about it. Hicks was surrounded by the pink haze in the video. Willem could even feel the buzzing lurking underneath his skin, like a shark beneath the waves.

Jake walked back out to find Willem staring at his phone, his mouth agape. "What's wrong?" he asked.

"You're not gonna like this," he said.

Jake stared at the video on his phone, then back at Willem. His eyes widened. "Are you kidding me? Him?"

Willem nodded.

"Please tell me you're not gonna fuck him," said Jake.

"I don't have a choice!" Willem groaned. "Not that I have any idea how in the hell I could possibly get him to do it. The guy couldn't be more homophobic."

"Are you kidding?" asked Jake. "Seducing him is the easy part. It's letting an asshole like him fuck you that's gonna be a challenge."

"What are you talking about? You think he's gay?"

Jake shrugged. "The biggest homophobes always are. I mean, who cares that much about gay people? He's gotta be a self-hating closet case."

Willem groaned. "I can't believe I have to let that guy fuck me. This sucks."

Jake grabbed his arm. "Wait a second," he said, a smile spreading across his face. "I think we have an opportunity here."


They got to the venue around 30 minutes before Congressman Hicks' speech the next morning. The place was already packed with protestors carrying large signs saying "NO HATE IN MY STATE" and "IF GOD HATES GAYS WHY ARE WE SO CUTE".

They wormed their way through the crowd towards Jin, who greeted Jake with a kiss on the cheek. He handed a sign to Jake, then went to hand one to Willem when Willem waved him off.

"What's up with the outfit?" asked Jin as he stared at him quizzically. "You look like a Jehovah's Witness."

Willem blushed. He was dressed in his Sunday best, a white button-down shirt with dress pants and a paisley tie. He stood out like a sore thumb in the sea of colors and glitter that surrounded them.

"Don't worry about it," said Jake. "What time's he supposed to come out?"

"Any minute now," said Jin. "And when she does, we're gonna fucking eviscerate her."

By the time Congressman Hicks arrived and walked out onstage for his speech, he was greeted by an almost unanimous chorus of booing. Willem stayed silent, watching him with apprehension. The man was rippling pink light, the proximity of which made Willem's hole throb in anticipation. He closed his eyes to center himself. "Stick to the plan," he thought.

"Free speech is a Divine gift," Hicks said into the microphone. "It allows us to know and be known by others. Now some out there in the woke media will try to crush the opposition by labeling us racist or homophobic. But that's just not the case. There's nothing wrong with stating the Biblical Truth, which is that marriage is between a man and a woman."

The crowd booed. Jin waved his sign angrily.

"Let him speak!" yelled Willem. Jin stared at him in shock. "We love you, Congressman Hicks! Hicks for President!" Willem shouted out.

Hicks grinned and pointed at Willem in the crowd. "Good to see some of the youth of today's society haven't lost the faith. Now, as I was saying..."

Jin smacked Willem with his sign. "Are you kidding me? Get the fuck out of here with that bullshit! I did not invite you here so you could join the "Pray the Gay Away" bandwagon, bitch."

Jake grabbed Willem and pulled him away. "Come on, let's get out of here."

They walked back through the crowd towards the exit, ducking the angry looks bombarding them from all sides. Phase one of their plan was complete.

"You're sure he's going to stick around after?" asked Willem.

Jake nodded. "His website said he would be signing copies of his book in the conference center after his speech."

Willem rolled his eyes. "What kind of a book name is 'Woke Me Up Before My Guns Go?'"

"A gay one, if you ask me. What straight person listens to 'Wham!'?"

By the time Hicks' speech was over, Willem was first in line at the book-signing table.

"Ah, my biggest supporter," said Hicks as he slid into the seat behind the table. He smiled up at Willem. "Always nice to meet a young person with a good head on their shoulders."

Being so close to Hicks made Willem's mind start to cloud again with lust. He ignored the urge to grab Hicks' tie and straddle the man right then and there. He blinked, trying to ignore both his insane dislike for the man and an undeniable desire to taste his cum.

He nodded. "Absolutely, sir. It's a shame what they've done to our country. Pretty soon they'll have us all in dresses."

Hicks nodded gravely. "Let's hope it doesn't come to that. Now, how do you want me to address it?"

He reached his hand out to grab the book Willem was holding. "How about, 'To my number one fan, Alex'?" said Willem.

Hicks opened the book. His face blanched.

Willem smirked. He knew exactly what Hicks was looking at. He had taken the picture last night in his bedroom using the time delay countdown feature on his phone. In the picture Willem was on his knees facing away from the camera, his hands spreading apart his juicy cheeks to reveal the smooth hole in between. His face was hidden, his head turned away from the camera so all you could see were his bouncy blond curls.

Underneath it, he'd written the words: "Fuck me?"

Hicks swallowed nervously. He closed the book, looking up at Willem. "What is this?" he asked quietly.

Willem smirked. "You can keep it," he said. "My number's on the back."

Hicks stared at him for a moment, shooting a lustful glance down Willem's body. He slid the photo out of the book and folded it in half, slipping it in his suit pocket. He quickly signed Willem's book, then handed it back to him.

"Thanks!" said Willem, winking at him as he walked away. Phase two was now complete.

Willem was restless on the car ride back, rubbing up against the passenger seat as the buzzing sizzled through his body.

"Jesus, is it that bad?" asked Jake as he looked at Willem with concern.

"It's pretty fucking bad," said Willem, moaning. "Are you sure he'll text?"

"He took the picture, right?" asked Jake. Willem nodded. "Then he'll text."

"Ugh, he better text soon. I'm fucking dying for cock."

Willem reached down and unbuckled his pants. He took the dildo out of his pocket and slid it inside his hole, sighing as he sank down on it.

"You fucking carry that thing with you?" asked Jake incredulously.

"What? It helps me think," said Willem as he fucked himself on it.

"Just don't get cum on my car seat."

Willem spent the rest of the day at Jake's apartment, pacing restlessly and fucking himself intermittently with the dildo as he waited for Hicks to message him.

Finally, just before 6 pm, he got a text from an unknown number.

"Is this Alex?" it read.

"Yep," he replied. "Is this Hicks?"

"Send me another pic," said Hicks.

Willem pulled down his pants and held the phone out, taking a picture of his juicy bubble butt. He made sure he didn't have his face in the shot before he quickly sent it off.

"Fuck, boy," replied Hicks. "You free tonight?"

"What did you have in mind?" Willem texted back. He added a winky face and a devil emoji for good measure.

"I can get us a hotel room in an hour. Can't stay long though. My wife and kids are in town with me."

"Text me the deets and I'm there," responded Willem.

"Well?" asked Jake.

"Hook, line, and sinker," said Willem, grinning.

Jake drove him to the Beverly Hills Hotel shortly before 7 pm. Willem anxiously clutched the small paper bag he had with him, trying to focus his mind. He needed to be sharp if they were going to pull this off.

"Call me when he leaves," said Jake. "I'll be downstairs. And if anything goes wrong-"

"I know," said Willem, rolling his eyes. "It's not my first rodeo, you know."

Jake smirked. "Yeah, I'm well aware."

Hicks had told him to come to room 311. Willem was filled with nervous energy as he entered the elevator of the hotel, exacerbated by the electric buzzing that was already starting to cloud his mind with horniness.

"Focus," he said to himself. "Just a little bit longer and you can give in all you want."

He approached the door to the room and knocked three times. He waited for a moment, then heard the sound of footsteps. The door opened to reveal Hicks, standing there with a glass of bourbon and his tie loosened. He looked Willem up and down with a smirk.

"Get in here you little slut."

Willem went to enter when suddenly the man put his hand on his chest, making Willem's cock leak in his pants.

"You're 18, right?"

Willem nodded, the smell of the man's musk invading his nostrils and making his head swirl. "Yes, daddy," he mewled softly.

The man tapped him on the cheek. "Good boy."

He put his arm on Willem's back and ushered him into the hotel room. Willem could feel his mind starting to feel like cheesecloth again as the need to be filled overwhelmed him. He pinched his leg, trying his best to stay focused.

Hicks finished his drink and set it down on the nightstand, staring lecherously at Willem. He ran his fingertips down Willem's arm, making the blond surfer boy moan in delight.

"You like older men?" he asked as he tweaked Willem's nipple.

"Yes..." Willem moaned, his little nub standing to full attention in his pants.

Hicks reached his hand up and grabbed a handful of Willem's curls, yanking his head back. He shoved his tongue roughly in Willem's mouth, invading the boy with his probing tongue. Willem could taste the bourbon on his breath, feel his hands sliding down his pants and squeezing his bubble butt.

It took every ounce of Willem's willpower to put his hands on Hicks' chest and push him gently away, breaking the kiss. "Can I have a drink first?" he asked dizzily.

Hicks grinned. "Sure," he said. He turned back to the minibar, crouching down to rustle through it. While his back was turned, Willem pulled out his phone and opened up the camera function. He quietly snuck over to the dresser, setting it up surreptitiously underneath the TV facing the bed.

"I've got poppers too if you want 'em," said Hicks as he pulled out a bottle of bourbon and poured it into a glass with ice.

Willem hit record on his phone, then quickly turned back around just as Hicks turned to hand him the bourbon. He took the drink from him and smiled.

"Just the drink is fine, thanks," he said, sipping it.

"You know, I'm glad you're not all faggy like so many of the guys in LA," said Hicks. "I can't stand the screaming queens who need to rub it in everyone's faces. Nothing gets my dick softer." He shuddered. "You ever party and play?"

Willem had no idea what that meant, and he wasn't sure he wanted to. The buzzing was growing so intense it was making it hard for him to concentrate. Every inch of his body was screaming out to get fucked, but he knew that he still had something to do before he could get railed. What was it again? And why was Hicks staring at him? Oh, that's right. He'd asked him a question. Willem had already forgotten what it was. He shook his head dumbly.

"That's a shame. Makes fucking way better." He nodded at the paper bag that Willem was still clutching. "I hope you don't have condoms in there, cause I only go raw."

Willem looked down at the bag in his hand. He'd forgotten he was holding it. He reached in and pulled out a black rubber gimp mask and stared at it curiously.

That's right! The next part of the plan.

Willem smiled. "I was thinking you could fuck me in this," he giggled.