The Curse of the Scots Ch. 05


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Caprice slid her sunglasses back on, "You'll be sorry."

"Well he hasn't asked yet."

I had left the rear window open. Through the screen I'd heard every remark. It was time to pay Mr. Devereau a visit. Maybe I should say something to Angie first? No, not a chance; she still won't talk to me, not directly anyway. I guess I should feel privileged she agreed to allow me to stay in my own house when she comes to see Caprice.

I brought out the coke and tea. I handed the tea to Angie and then the coke to Caprice, "The Fire Hall dance is next week. I'm looking for a date. Caprice, Angie, you girls up for a dance?"

Angie, ignoring Cayden, looked at Caprice, "Matt asked me to the dance. Would you like to ride along with us?"

Caprice overlooked Angie's cutting remark. She turned to Cayden, 'What should I wear?"

I grinned, "Oh just a pair of jeans and a pretty blouse or shirt."

Caprice smiled softly, "I'd like to go with you Cayden."

I thought, fuck the pastor, I had Caprice, but I thought I'd up the ante a little, "You may want to shop for something new. I got you your own credit card. It's in on the bedroom bureau. The limit's the same as mine," I watched the eye contact between Angie and Caprice. They were horny. I wanted to give them some time alone so I added, "I'm going down to the stable. I want to check on my horses. Be back a little later." I took my light weight jacket and went out the front door.

Angie smiled at Caprice, "It's just us."

Caprice grinned. Though Cayden was still playing the diaper game her vagina was completely clear. She got up, tilted her head toward the bedroom and started off. Angie followed right behind.


They'd evolved a predictable little pattern. Both women stood in front of each other. Angie would go first and slowly undress Caprice. Then Caprice would undress Angie. Since Caprice was wearing a simple sundress; what retailers used to call a bra dress, it was an easy matter for Angie to reach up and slip the straps off her shoulders and let the dress fall to the floor leaving her paramour completely naked.

Caprice stood still while Angie put her hands on Caprice's soft shoulders and leaned forward to kiss her breasts. Angie knew just how to kiss and use her lips to softly nibble on the other woman's nipples.

Caprice sighed, then she took her hands and lifted Angie's black Tee-shirt over her head. Braless it was easy to lean ahead and engulf each tiny morsel in her mouth. While swallowing and sucking her girlfriend's precious little boobs she reached down and undid the smaller woman's jeans. Angie's jeans and cotton panties silently fell to the floor. Caprice dropped to her knees. She braced Angie's ass cheeks in her hands and pulled her crotch to her mouth. She sucked on the woman's labia and pushed her tongue deep inside her vagina.

After a sensuous kiss and a penetrating tonguing she whispered, "You need a shave." She led the smaller woman to the bathroom where she used Cayden's safety razor and his shave cream to denude Angie's puss of all its hair. Each razor stroke was like a caress. She made Angie stand completely still while she performed this little ritual. Any movement, even the slightest shift, was always greeted with a sharp, but loving, smack on her ass. Angie anticipated the punishment; each painful swat was a pleasurable experience. And as usual, her soft cheeks were soon a bright pink, each one emblazoned with the distinctive marks of Caprice's hand and finger prints.

Once Angie was hairless Caprice took a soft warm wet cloth and wiped her body from head to toe; taking extra time at her delicate little breasts, her smooth flat tummy, her beautiful navel, and of course her perfect ass and puss. Then she stood up, she placed Angie's face between her two hands and feverishly kissed her lips. Then taking her by the hand she walked her back to the living room.

Sometimes she ordered her to her knees. Caprice would tightly fasten a small dog collar around Angie's neck. She'd snap a leash to the collar, and after taking a mascara pencil and coloring in a black circle on the tip of Angie's nose and drawing thin black whiskers on her cheeks she'd walk her smaller companion around the house. She'd whisper, "Come girl. Be a good girl. Heel, that's a good girl." Occasionally she'd take her fingers and scuff the back of her childlike girlfriend's neck and head.

Then Caprice would lead her back to the bedroom. For several hours Caprice worked her magic with her smaller companion; nibbling, kissing, biting, sucking, and kissing every vital place. Sometimes she tied Angie's feet apart at the foot of the bed. Thus restrained, unable to press her thighs together, Angie found herself completely at the mercy of Caprice's insistent tongue.

Angie loved it. She loved the gentle dominance of her sweet girlfriend.

Angie would repeatedly try to reach for Caprice's special places, but the outcome was always the same. Angie would be engulfed, overwhelmed with passion and emotion, but her attempts to bring pleasure to Caprice were repeatedly rebuffed. Her small hands would be smacked away. At the end, as had happened a dozen times before, Angie would curl up and go to sleep in Caprice's protective arms. She breathed quietly, a gentle contented restorative sleep.

Caprice kissed Angie's head while she so blissfully slept, but her thoughts always drifted away. They'd wander off in the direction of a late model pick-up truck and to a sandy haired mid-statured man; a man-boy, a lonely man who'd as yet not won a single fight in the defense of his girlfriends, yet a gallant hero who had won the heart of a worthless whore. Yes, he was her hero, her knight in shining armor, her brave protecting defender; the man who was everything she ever wanted, yet a man she knew she could never be good enough to satisfy or call her own.

While her little companion slept she quietly wept, "I could be so good for you Cayden. I'm just not good, not good enough."



It was the night of the big dance! Everybody that was anybody was going to be there. Angie arrived on Matt Devereau's arm. Bernard Keith had a girl. All the rats were there. So were the better people in town. I pulled up, parked the Lexus, I helped Caprice out.

I looked her over as she sidled toward the front door. She was ravishing; she had on a new pair of dark brown jeans and a brilliant white blouse. She'd left the top three buttons undone, it was impossible not to get a glimpse of her succulent 34Bs. Her hair was pulled back in a tight ponytail. She had on her garnet earrings and necklace. She'd bought a pair of tight fitting pointy toed boots with a sharp looking elevated heel. She wasn't hot; she was absolutely torrid.

When we got there the place was already hopping. It might have been the east coast, but the music and dancing was all country-western. No hip hop, boogie, hard rock punk noise tonight. This was line dance, two step country. The D.J. had his tracks; Old Possum, Lady Antebellum, Allan Jackson, Alabama, Toby Keith, Reba, Martina, Kathy Mateo, a little Miranda Lambert, and of course George Strait.

I found us a table and helped Caprice in her seat, "Can I get you anything?"

She smiled and replied, "Just an iced tea thank you."

I sauntered off to get my date her tea and myself a beer. By the time I got back Caprice was encircled by an army of admirers.

Barry Campbell grinned at Cayden, "You don't mind if I ask your lady to dance?"

I wasn't much of a dancer. I smiled at Caprice, "It's not up to me."

Caprice smiled delightedly, "You don't mind?"

I blew her a kiss and whispered, "No go ahead."

And that was that. Caprice was easily the prettiest girl at the dance. First to ask her to dance was Barry Campbell, then Bert McCabe, after that Curtis Murray. Caprice got a short break, but no sooner had she put her feet up before Campbell had her back out of the floor. Then it was Oren Camel, followed by Weldon McKinley, who was not to be outdone by Lacy Carey. One after another after another after another; Caprice danced and danced. She knew all the steps. She was whirled and twirled and promenaded all around the dance floor. Wow was she graceful!

I first watched from my seat at the table. Then I moved to a side spot along the wall. Last I found myself alongside one of the kegs. While she churned up the floor I chugged down the beer. Dance after dance, brew after brew she danced while I drank the night away. I kept score, and I hate to admit it I got pissier and pissier.

I enjoyed watching her dance, but every time I tried to get close somebody intercepted her. I couldn't help but notice that the bastard Barry Campbell kept getting more and more of her dances. I never liked Campbell much before; I hated him now.

It didn't help that every son-of-a-bitch I knew had to drop by and compliment me on my date, and then comment on how everybody was getting their hands on her. I hated it!

I heard every line.

"You sure got a hot one there Cayden."

"Better keep an eye on that one Cayden."

"Wow Cayden where'd you find her?"

"Looks like you won't have her long buddy."

"Christ Cayden you hit the jackpot, too bad looks like she'll be Barry's girl after tonight."

I wanted to tell them all to fuck off.

What was almost as bad was the way Devereau seemed to monopolize my former wife. Few people asked Angie to dance, but that didn't deter Devereau. Christ he could've out danced Fred Astaire. I didn't like the way Devereau's hands kept drifting down to my ex's ass. I watched as she politely pushed his hands away, but it seemed like, as the night went on she was less reluctant to ward him off. Yeah I'd probably have to have a talk with Mr. Devereau.

I noticed Campbell's hands too. They were a little too tight around Caprice's waist, and I didn't like the way he kept groping her hips. I didn't know what to do about that though. Should I say something to Caprice? No I better not. Pastor Cook would make a big deal out of it. I had to let her...oh fuck I thought, this is for shit!

I looked around. Damn! Everybody was having such a good time; everybody but me! I couldn't help but notice the happy smile that was plastered all over Caprice's face. Fuck; the old son-of-a-bitch Cook was right. She was already half way out the door. I'd punch somebody, but I knew I'd only get my ass kicked. I wanted to leave. I bet if I left nobody, not even Caprice would notice.

I half thought Angie would come over. This would have been a great opportunity for her to make fun of me. She didn't though. Oh she watched me. I caught her watching too. But every time I caught her looking at me she looked away. Well at least she was having a good time.


Angie watched Cayden and Caprice with growing alarm.

She thought, 'He saw me looking at him. I didn't want that to happen. I'm glad Caprice is having a good time. I don't think she's missed a dance, but not a one with Cayden. In a way I feel good, but in a way I feel bad. It's cool when I get his goat, but I think Caprice should be a little more loyal. I've seen the way they look at each other. It's one thing for me to hurt him, but I don't think he's ready for this from her.'

Angie watched her ex-husband, 'Oh hell, he's left the hall. I should've said something to Caprice. No wait, she's following him out. Maybe...'


Cayden couldn't handle it anymore.

'Damn it; I needed some fresh air. I gulped down the last of my beer and stepped outside. I wasn't outside more than five minutes when I saw Caprice. She'd followed me out. Barry Campbell was on her heels.'

She found me up against a pole, "Cayden what are you doing out here?"

I half turned. Shit, I was afraid to look at her, "I needed some fresh air."

Campbell stepped up beside us. He sort of edged his way between me and Caprice. Caprice gently took her hand and pushed Barry back, then she spoke to me, "Cayden come on back inside."

I tried to be amicable, but I knew I sounded pissed, "Why, you're having such a good time?"

Caprice asked, "Aren't you going to ask me to dance?"

I replied, "I don't know how."

Campbell got close again, "Come on Caprice."

Caprice pushed him away again, "I'm with my date now Barry. You go back inside."

Barry glared at me, then smiled at Caprice, "Later?"

She smiled at Barry, "Not now," then she looked back at me, "Come inside I want to dance with you."

"I told you I don't dance."

She inched up close to me. She placed her hands on my waist and started to sway slowly from side to side. She started singing an old Sam Cooke song in my ear, "You can dance with the guy who gives you the eye in the pale moonlight. But when he gets you alone and asks to take you home you must you must tell him no. Cause don't forget whose taking you home and in whose arms you're gonna be. So darling save the last dance for me."

She stopped singing, "It's the last dance Cayden," then she took my hand and led me back inside.

The DJ was playing a slow one by Reba McIntyre. Caprice whispered in my ear, "You can fake it. Right now I want everybody to see you're my guy."

Man oh man, she had me. I didn't feel like a million bucks; I felt like a billion bucks. She took my arms and pulled them tightly around her waist. She made sure my hands rested comfortably, and obviously, on her ass, a place I knew nobody else's hands had been all night. She pressed her face up against my cheek. She started kissing my ear. She started whispering, "You're my guy, and I'm your girl."

I held her as tightly as I could without crushing the air out of her. I wanted to tell her I loved her. I would've too, except I was so scared.


Caprice lays it on the line.

We were dancing. I held him as tight as I could. I didn't care about tomorrow. I didn't care that I was a whore and he was this great guy. I didn't care that I wasn't good enough. Right now, in this moment, I was right for him and he was right for me. I could tell he was scared. I knew and I didn't that care that he didn't say anything. I knew how he felt. Still, just as the song was about to end I knew I needed to hear him. I whispered, "Tell me you love me."

He did better. He leaned forward and kissed me. He kissed me right there in the middle of the dance floor, right there in front of god, and Angie, and everybody he kissed me. Cayden kissed me. He kissed the dirty filthy whore he'd bought in a greasy dirty saloon. He had a piece of paper that said I was his because he bought me; he'd paid money for me. I didn't care. At that moment I was the happiest girl in the world.


Cayden succumbs.

I had to kiss her. She's so beautiful. She smells so good. She's so perfect. Yes I kissed her, and then I did it. I whispered, "I love you."

She kissed me again. Then the music stopped. The dance was over. I was king of the world! I glanced over to where Angie and Devereau were seated. I never saw so much anger. I knew it. I was fucked. I'd never get to be near Emily. I thought, 'Oh fuck! I'm fucked!'


It was a little past midnight when Caprice and I got home. I parked the car, and helped her out. I really wanted something to happen tonight. She must have changed her mind. She kissed me once we got in the front door, and went straight to the bedroom. I followed, but she locked me out.


Caprice had plans of her own.

I had decided tonight was the night. I knew Cayden wanted me, but I wanted things to be perfect. I locked him out of the bedroom and went directly to the bathroom. I showered, found this sexy nightie I'd bought for just this occasion. I put on some perfume, my makeup, redid my hair. I tied a white ribbon around my neck, and stepped back outside. Cayden had gone to bed. I heard him in the bedroom across the hall. I walked over to the door and tapped on it, "Cayden." It got real quiet. I called again, "Cayden?" He opened the door.


I saw her. She was standing there in this dark red, no maroon, two piece night gown. The top buttoned up the front. It had this shirred lace or something. It was very feminine. It was short sleeved with these translucent shoulders. It came down to just above her navel. She was still wearing the garnet earrings and her garnet necklace. Her panties were sort of ballooned out a little. They had lacy hems. God she was the most feminine looking woman I'd ever seen in my life. I didn't know what to say.

I said, "Hi."

She could see it in my eyes; the nightie was a success, "Cayden there used to be a person named Caprice. She was a whore. I don't know where she is anymore."

I was too stunned to say much, but still got something out, "You're beautiful. Caprice I swear you're beautiful."

She answered, "I don't know who I am anymore. I don't even know my name. I feel brand new; like a virgin and yet I know I'm not."

I knew her real name. I dare not mention it tonight, not yet, maybe tomorrow, maybe soon. I responded, "Hello, my name is Cayden McLeish. I don't know who you are. I know you're new, you're special, and I already told you I love you," I reached out and put my right hand on the back of her neck. I pulled her toward me. I leaned forward and, touching her nowhere else, I kissed her lips. It was the softest, warmest, most wonderful kiss I ever experienced in my whole life. I looked and I saw the thin white ribbon around her neck. I knew what it meant. I reached out and slowly pulled it off.

Caprice felt wonderful. He kissed me like I was somebody special. I stepped into his arms. As I crossed the threshold into his bedroom I felt like my past life, the old me, just died. It was like it had never happened. I was new, fresh, and pure. I was clean. This was my first time. I told him, "This is my first time."

She was so soft. Our arms wrapped around each other. Our bodies embraced. I kissed her neck, her right ear. I kissed her eyes, her nose; again I was at her sweet lips. I took her hands and slowly pulled her to my bed. She was a young girl to me, an innocent virgin, she was completely without guile.

Caprice sighed as he took her to his bed. She felt new. Her vagina was small, untouched, she pretended she'd never been with another man. She was his. It was the beginning of the most wonderful night of her life.

This is the end of Part Five.

I hope you're still around. There are two more parts. Please leave a comment; vote if you like. Part Six will be up soon.

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ncdeepdiverncdeepdiver27 minutes ago

So far I am not liking Pastor Cook or Angie.

AnonymousAnonymous10 days ago

I’d say that Pastor Cook is actually an antagonist. Angie was in real trouble and he did not do a single thing to help a clearly messed up young woman who he counsels. There was a three year old in trouble and he couldn’t try anything to assist for an innocent child’s sake? Pathetic hypocrite.

AnonymousAnonymous20 days ago

Transformative. When the dying vine recovers and blooms? Angie wants both to fall in love again and still cling to Cayden. (Insecure and possessive?)

TonyspencerTonyspencer12 months ago

A sweet end to the chapter. I just hope they find the happiness they deserve.

Horseman68Horseman68over 1 year ago

Really hope this great story and these absorbing characters are heading in the direction every reader wants.

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