The Dairy Pt. 02


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The machines around her came to life, and Angela descended into a hell made of pleasure.

The first to start was her mask. It began to whir and slowly the fake cock in her mouth was dragged back out. For a few seconds, she was able to breathe freely and Angela dragged in hurried breaths. Then the cock began to push back in. Filling her mouth. Stretching her throat.

As that machine reached its zenith, the dildo at maximum depth, the suction on her tits started. An unrelenting, unceasing vacuum that pulled at her flesh. The seals that held the tubes stuck to her flesh beginning to tighten even more, squeezing her new tits and making her groan around her gag.

Then as one, the eggs in her cunt started to vibrate, and Angela couldn't stop from crying out. Her muffled cries of pleasure made the men grin. She didn't know how many were in her, but she could feel them all.

Twisting, shaking, and buzzing around inside her pussy. They pressed against her walls, against each other, and shifted around again. But most of all, they buzzed against the plug in her ass. She could feel them shaking along its entire thick length, making her ass clench and sending bolts of pure ecstasy straight to her brain.

If it wasn't for that, she wasn't certain her mind could've handled the tube on her brand new cock coming to life. Just as it had been the last thing she'd noticed about her body, it was the last machine to come to life.

The seal started first, vibrating and rotating it teased the base of her cock, forcing her to flex and buck inside the tube. Then the sucking started. The same unrelenting machine driven vacuum that was tormenting her tits began on her brand new cock and Angela almost lost herself immediately. Her cock was so sensitive, the skin felt as if it was aflame and she could feel the need to cum building immediately.

Within moments of them all being active, Angela was lost. She was a mess of sensation and moans. Her body completely overwhelmed by what was being done to it.

Shorty and Brick stepped back, opening the fence to her stall and closing it again with a small click. Reaching into his overalls again, Brick placed a clock on the metal rail in front of her and tapped it before speaking.

"Remember now, Angel, fill the jars or you're gonna get punished. You've got twelve hours."

Twelve hours? Half a day of this? Angela's mind bounced away from the thought. She couldn't hope to endure this for that long. The pleasure was already overwhelming. Her first orgasm was only moments away.

"Nnnnngh!" she cried, and she felt her cock explode.

Cum poured from her and into the waiting tube. The vacuum sucking making sure it ended up where it belonged. For a moment there was relief as her body peaked. But it didn't last. The machines didn't stop. Her cock didn't soften and she could only moan and thrash as she tried to resist.

"You're going to have to do better than that, Angel," Brick said critically as he watched her cum trickle into the jar, "and you haven't even started giving any milk yet."

"Maybe those new tits of hers are useless after all," Shorty snorted.

"No, I'm sure Angel will do just fine. She just needs some more encouragement. I'm sure she will find some somewhere. But let's leave her be. She has to concentrate."

With those final words, the men finally walked away and Angela was left alone with her tortured body and a ticking clock.

The first hour was an exercise in limits. Angela found that there were none. Her body kept finding new peaks of pleasure as she was pushed to orgasm again and again. Her cock pouring cum into the waiting jar again and again. Every time she would buck and groan as her sensitive shaft was worked for more. Her ass and pussy scrambling her brain as they were tormented by the eggs whirring away inside her. Sometimes it was them who pushed her over the edge, and her cock would grow harder as she came without ejaculating.

The second hour was when her tits finally gave the machines what they wanted. A building pressure she had barely noticed beneath the sharp spikes of ecstasy that were coming from her cock and ass finally broke. Milk poured from her new tits for the first time in a sharp burst, and Angela tumbled into orgasm from that as well. After that they didn't stop. A constant trickle escaping her nipples to be sucked away into the waiting tubes.

Hour three was when she finally noticed Roxy. Trying to escape the deluge of sensations, Angela had focused on the pair of women across the gap that she had first noticed what felt like an eternity ago. It had only taken a few seconds of concentration for her to realise that it was her friend. Roxy was now dressed again in the attire of a cow. A collar and bell around her neck, skin tight print wrapped around her arms and legs. Other than that, Roxy wasn't restrained.

She was occupied though. A pretty little redhead was currently acting as Roxy's entertainment. Bent over and pinned beneath Roxy, the fat cock that had Angela's insides aching at the memory of it was pounding into the girl. Both of them were moaning wildly, obviously enjoying themselves as they fucked. For some reason Angela felt jealousy rise up within her. Was it because they were so brainlessly happy? Or was it because she wished that it was her Roxy was fucking again? She couldn't find an answer.

Unconsciously, Angela started thrusting her hips in time with Roxy's. Focusing on the swinging hips of her former friend, Angela fucked her tube as best she could. Her cock was aching, and she knew she was going to cum again soon. Her body was so hot, her thoughts scattered, she couldn't fight it if she tried.

"Good cow, good cow."

Angela heard the words clearly, carried across the gap by Roxy's rising pleasure. They burrowed into her mind and detonated in her core. She knew what they meant. Roxy was cumming inside her cow.

"Mmmfff!" Angela screamed as her climax hit harder than any before it. Her cock lurching and spitting thick globs of cum that managed to paint her tube completely white before it was sucked away. Her flow of milk increased and made her tits ache with the rush. For a few moments, her vision went dark and relief settled across her body. Then her cock, pussy and her ass dragged her back to reality.

By hour five, she was a husk. Her brain had melted beneath the unending pleasure forced upon her. There was only her cock, her tits, her ass and her cunt. Not even the still-going cries of Roxy could pull her from the depths she found herself in.

Hours six through eight, Angela lost completely. All she knew was the feeling of her climax and then the fall before it built again. A cycle that she couldn't end and couldn't escape.

It was only near the end, when the final hour was ticking by, that her brain reasserted itself enough for Angela to realise she was in trouble.

She was still stuck in her cycle of orgasm and release, but her body had reached a plateau, the time between them had finally grown long enough for her to become lucid.

Her tits felt swollen and tender, her stiff nipples slowly leaking milk had become aching pinpoints that were begging for some attention.

Her cock was an angry, overly-sensitive spear. Not once had it flagged or gone soft. It still jutted from her body and left her feeling a desperate need she could only identify as a wish to bury it in something soft and warm.

And her ass. She had never dreamed that it could provide so much pleasure. The eggs in her pussy were still vibrating away, keeping her wet and hyper-aware of the plug filling her behind. It was this that was causing her to cum more often than not now. Her tight ring, clenching and grasping at the plastic invader, sending the mind numbing bolts of pleasure up her body when it did.

And that was her problem. Her ass and pussy were making her cum and her cock was falling behind. The bliss of building towards ejaculating was now something she could recognize and her cock wasn't there. The buildup was taking longer and longer. She'd finally run out of cum.

Angela looked down at the jars in front of her.

All three were filled with white liquid, but despite the innumerable amount of climaxes she had experienced, none of them even made it to two-thirds full.

She shook her head in angry denial. She didn't want to cum anymore. She wanted to be free. But what would be her punishment if this was just her first day? She needed to fill the jars.

It was an impossible task. She could see the flow of milk flowing through the tubes. It was obvious she wasn't making enough, and she couldn't even touch her cock to try and get more cum.

The only thing she could do for more excitement was watch Roxy. The other woman was onto her third or fourth partner now. This one a tall, leggy, raven-haired beauty. Her cock was still hard, still producing unholy amounts of cum.

That was the future she was heading towards. Angela knew it. That thought made her cock flex, and she groaned in sensation. The foul realisation had made her inch just that little bit closer to climax.

With only the slightest bit of hesitation, Angela dived into the dark fantasy. She needed to cum. She couldn't be punished. She focused on Roxy. The red haired vision of beauty wielding her cock like a weapon. Would she be like her? Always wanting and needing to fuck? Would she have a line of girls just waiting to be filled with her cock?

Angela closed her eyes. Ignoring the clock as it ticked down. She tried to picture it. A harem of willing cows, all begging for her cum. It made her moan, the pressure starting to build.

The thought of their mouths swallowing her seed, their bellies swelling with her cum grew it more. Daydreams of burying her new cock in their tight cunts, fucking them till they screamed and begged for her to cum even more inside them had Angela nearing her peak.

It wasn't enough. No matter the girl, no matter the position she fucked them in. Nothing she could imagine was enough to tip her over.

Angela opened her eyes.

Roxy was watching her. Staring at her from across the gap. Very deliberately, the other woman pulled her cock free from her current cow. It was coated in cum and juices. Angela's tongue reflexively licked the replica of it that was filling her mouth. It was somehow longer, harder and thicker than she remembered. Roxy modelled it for her, making sure Angela could see every inch of it before she turned back to her partner.

Angela made a sound of need in her throat she didn't even know she could make. Roxy wasn't putting it back in her partner's pussy. Instead she pressed it against the tight knot of the woman's ass and pushed.


Angela came then and there. Her cock spurting another thick load.

Watching Roxy's cock spread open another woman's ass and wishing it could be her. That was the missing piece of the fantasies she had tried. She wasn't meant to be a bull. Her place was as Roxy's cow.

The thought should have made her angry, upset. But Angela didn't feel any of that. There was only the surging cum through her shaft, the waves of pleasure it was sending though her body, and the desperate wish that she was being fucked as thoroughly as the woman she was watching.

It was her longest orgasm of the entire ordeal. The desire in her mind helping her ride the crest of her pleasure for as long as she could. Her cock, jerking and shaking as it shot jet after jet of cum into the waiting machine. Her milk turned from a trickle into a stream as her chest was massaged and squeezed. She even felt herself squirt. Her juices erupting from a tired and abused pussy to splatter her legs and feet. Gurgling around her cockgag, idly wishing it was real, Angela collapsed as her body finally fell limp against her stocks. She had no more left to give.



The loud shriek of the alarm brought her back to wakefulness in a panic. Her body surging against its restraints as it responded to the shrill sound. Realising it was only the clock, Angela relaxed. Settling back down as best she could in her bent over position.

The sound of it clicking off as Brick and Shorty walked back into view renewed her panic in short order. The machines had stopped. Her body was no longer a mass of overwhelming pleasure. Now it was just a sea of tortured sensation and desire.

Then another realisation cut through her.

The jars. The quota.


Frantically she looked down, hoping against hope that her final massive orgasm had provided all that was needed.

"Nuuuuu, nuuu!" She whined pitifully when she saw the result.

She'd come up short. Just under a quarter of all three jars remained empty.

"Tut tut, Angel," Bricked wagged a finger at her, Shorty copying him mockingly.

"You didn't make your quota. That's a bad little bull."

"Easee! It wus oo ard! I ried!" Angela tried to plead and explain.

Brick ignored her pleas.

"You knew the rule."

Angela shook her head in denial, her fingers clenching and unclenching as she tried uselessly to escape her prison.

"Oh don't be like that, Angel, you don't have to worry about your punishment just yet. It can wait till tomorrow," Brick said almost soothingly.

"Yeah!" Shorty joined in, "you've had your fun for today and now it's time for dinner!"

Dinner? That got Angela's interest.

She couldn't even remember the last time she'd eaten. Before her infiltration at some point. They hadn't told her how long she'd been unconscious following her encounter with Roxy, but presumably they had fed her while they were doing god knows what else to her body. Her dreams of a hot meal were dashed when Shorty pulled another cart into the stall with him though. A trio of tall jugs just like the ones she had tried to fill were balanced on top and absolutely packed with white liquid.

"It's a liquid diet for you, Angel, until you're a good little bull. A few bottles of the company's finest cum and milk just for you. Roxy was more than happy to volunteer once she knew it was for you," Shorty explained with far too much glee.

Angela could only watch in turmoil as he started to swap the bottles out. Collecting the ones she had failed to fill and replacing them with the ones destined to be her dinner. It should have disgusted her, a meal of milk and cum. And it did. But there was also something else. A desire. A need to taste Roxy again, hiding away in the corner of her mind. It was only a small desire. But she knew that it would only grow. That was what they wanted.

Brick followed his compatriot into the stall, walking around the man as he worked and came straight to Angela. With a few metallic clicks, he did something to her mask, and then she was finally free of the cockgag. For a moment she felt a sense of emptiness, that something she needed had been taken from her, but she shook her head to clear the thought and took the easiest breaths she had managed in hours.

While she savoured the simple pleasure of filling her lungs properly, Brick continued his path around Angela. With efficient movements, some commentary, and accompanying pops and squelches, he divested Angela of all the machinery that had plagued her.

The milkers on her tits.

"They look tender, Angel, are your nipples aching?"

The tube around her cock.

"Nice and hard still. That's good, Angel, no flagging allowed for you."

The eggs in her pussy.

"Regret your choice, Angel? I'm gonna say no with how sticky these are. I gave you a full dozen to really maximise that stuffed feeling."

Finally he came to her tail. Slowly and carefully he twisted it out of her ass.

"Ughhh!" Angela moaned and shook as it made its way from her body. She couldn't stop herself from having a small orgasm as it popped free, her cock shooting a small load straight onto the floor.

"Heh, you really do enjoy that don't you? Maybe your punishment won't be such a burden for you after all."

Circling back around to stand beside Shorty, Brick took her chin in hand and made Angela look at him.

"Now, you make sure you eat all your dinner. We can't have two failures in a row now. That would be a very bad start to your first day, Angel.

"And believe me, you don't want that."

He stated it as such a simple fact that Angela had no choice but to believe him. Not a single doubt was in her mind. She did not want to fail a second time.

Angela nodded as vigorously as her trapped body would allow.

"Good cow," Brick said with a nod, and Angela was mortified to feel herself blush.

Had her body and mind been warped so much already?

"Now be a good girl and drink," Brick told her and he took the tube that Shorty handed him.

Reaching forward, he fiddled with her mask again. Angela went cross-eyed as she tried to watch him. Within seconds there was a new attachment on her mask. One of the long, opaque tubes funnelling into the hole in the front.

"We'll be back soon, Angel," he said, and Shorty pressed a button.

The mechanical sound of a pump started up and the jugs rattled against the floor. Angela had no choice but to watch as the first bottle began to push its load towards her.

Roxy's cum. Roxy's milk.

Her gaze flicked to where she had been. But the stall was now empty of Roxy and her playmate.

No. No, that was wrong. Rebecca. Her name was Rebecca. She had to remember her friend. Had to keep some hope that they would escape.

Angela's denials lasted till the first taste of cum hit her tongue. Thick and sticky, it poured into her mouth and then into her throat. Memories of Roxy using her mouth, using her throat came rushing back with the taste. This was from her bull. The one she was meant to serve. It was somehow sweeter than honey and more satisfying than water on a summer day. She started to swallow greedily, working overtime to get it down as fast as she could.

What she had failed to fill in hours was empty in minutes. The first bottle completely dry, all of its contents now sitting inside Angela's slightly bulging tummy.

The next bottle started to empty, and Angela eagerly tried to get to the tasty liquid. Her tongue flicking forward towards the hole in her mask, wanting more. She moaned in satisfaction as the cum poured into her, another deluge sloshing into her already full belly.

When that was done, Angela was panting, her body was on fire. Her ever-hard cock was a lance of wanton lust, ready to be used. She thought she could even feel her tits swelling, her milk building up and making them even bigger.

The third bottle was consumed just as quickly. Not cum but milk this time, but that didn't stop Angela slurping and sucking. It was Roxy's and that was more than enough.

Her mind was buzzing with something like intoxication when she finished. It was the cum and the milk messing with her thoughts. Something about it was weird, she tried to remember what, but it was hard to focus, the sensations of her body had amplified with every bottle she emptied.

Everything except her stomach felt distressingly empty. It was deliciously full. Almost as full as when Roxy had fucked her over and over again, till cum was spilling from her cunt to make a mess of the floor.

Angela squirmed in her stocks. She needed attention. Something to satisfy the cravings that were ravaging her body. She tried to angle her body enough for her cock to get some friction, but the best she could manage was a few taps against her now bloated belly.

It was enough to make her moan and try again, but not enough for relief.

Her eyes darted around. If Roxy was nearby maybe she could fuck her again. Angela tried to yell. To make any kind of noise that would draw attention to her. But the tube that had just delivered her delicious meal silenced her quite effectively.

In the end, all she could do was wait for her Masters to return.