The Daisy Chronicles Ch. 04


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Jasmine hesitated, realizing that appealing to Daisy this way was a nonstarter, so she switched tactics. "What if I call him? If he says you can spare them, that'll be an order as well, right?"

"Whatever. Do what you want." Daisy's words came out a little more spiteful than she intended. But it was just... the fact that Jasmine had Alex's phone number. Sure, Daisy could contact him telepathically but the concept of being given a way to contact him rubbed her the wrong way.

Jasmine was completely oblivious to Daisy's irritation as she quickly pulled out her phone and scrolled to find the number. She gave Daisy a few cursory glances as if to make sure the thrall was still there. Eventually a look of relief washed over Jasmine's face as Alex picked up.

"Hello little one. To what do I owe this most unexpected pleasure?" Even through the phone, Alex's voice was laced with a lust that made Jasmine's clit throb before she got a hold of herself.

"Um... Hi... Sir. Um..." Jasmine was flustered and it didn't help that she did notice Daisy's irritation this time. "D... Daisy's here. To kill my family."

"Ah. Are you feeling lonely now?" Alex purred. "As you know, you are more than free to pay me a visit while the slut is busy. I can... fill in that hole for you."

Jasmine audibly moaned. But she quickly bit her bottom lip and reminded herself of what he actually just said. "Alex, no! I want you to spare them!"

Through the phone you could hear Alex's soft chuckle. "They were not part of our deal, Sweetness."

"Alex... Sir... please. Please do this for me. I'll do whatever you want. I'll do anything." Jasmine could feel her eyes welling up. She didn't know what this would entail but she was just hoping that this would be enough. She tried to not think about what was going on with her town... her friends... everyone else she knew. And she could do that because she still had her family. The idea of them not being there for her wasn't an option. "Please Sir... Please... Please..."

"Mmmm." Alex moaned. "You're sexy when you beg, little one. If you took me up on my offer, you could see just how hard you made me." He let that image stew in Jasmine's head for a moment before he finally spoke again. "Fine. Your very... tempting offer won't even be necessary. I'll make this a freebie for you. It will be up to her. Slut's choice as it were. Is that better?"

"Thank you, Sir! Thank you! Thank you!" When Jasmine looked up again, Daisy was gone and relief washed over her. She still felt like shit at some level about everyone else, but she would unpack that later. With her family. "I promise I'll make it up to you."

Alex's chuckle went through the phone. "Oh. I'm sure you will. Sweet dreams, little one."

And then the line went dead.

A chill Jasmine couldn't explain went through her. There was something in the way Alex had said that. It was condescending. And not in the way she liked. Jasmine quickly went back inside and relaxed to see Jai still sitting there.

"Is Daisy okay?" He asked cautiously.

"I'm fine." Daisy purred, coming down the stairs that lead to the bedrooms. "Never been better."

"I thought-" Jai began, quickly looking at the front door that he could have sworn he'd seen her leaving from, but he quickly accepted the unusual, assuming he'd missed something while watching TV.

"Daisy... why... why were you up there?" Jasmine's voice cracked as her face once again lost its color.

"I was getting a bite to eat." Daisy shuddered slightly with an aftershock. She gave Jasmine a knowing grin, flashing her teeth. "It was a very quick bite. Honest. One and done. Well... three and done, technically..."

Jai blinked for a second in confusion. "But the kitchen is that way." He motioned to the hallway across the room. "Jazz, are you hiding snacks in your r-? Jazz? Jasmine, what's wrong?"

Tears were running down Jasmine's face as she looked at her "friend". "You didn't... Daisy please... please tell me you didn't..."

"Slut's choice." Daisy grinned widely before turning to Jai.

"What's going on?" Jai got with the program a little too late but by the time he realized that Daisy's eyes were glowing, he was already compelled.

"Stay right there, Sexy. I'll be with you in a moment."

Panic. Jasmine's mind was nothing more and nothing less than a swirling storm of panic. The sorrow hadn't even completely hit her yet. She was just coming to terms with the fact that her older brother was all she had left now. He was it. She looked frantically between Daisy and Jai and quickly realized how helpless she really was. Alex knew. He knew what Daisy would choose. That's what he found so funny. He was laughing at her naivety.

And even worse, there was nothing Jasmine could do to physically stop Daisy. She didn't have anything that could hurt a demon, much less kill them. And as she looked at the sadistic glee in Daisy's face, Jasmine finally realized that a demon was exactly what she was looking at. She only had one move left.

Jasmine fell to her knees. "You win! You win! I'll leave him alone! I promise! I swear to any god you want me to swear to that I'll never see him again, just..." Jasmine's chest was heaving with sobs as she pleaded, a broken, desperate girl. "Please don't take him from me... Just let us run away and you'll never see us again. Daisy, I'm begging you. Jai's all... He's all I have left..."

Daisy looked down at her friend, who'd begun muttering nearly undecipherable words through her sobs, the intent more than clear. Walking up to Jasmine, Daisy took her hand. It would have seemed tender if Daisy hadn't still been smiling. "Silly girl. Do you really think that me being responsible for chasing you away would make things better for me? Besides, I'm dead either way. You having feelings for Sir was never the problem. I get that. Of course, I get that. I get that more than anyone. The issue is that Sir returned them. Think, Jazz. Where would you go where he couldn't find you?"

"At least let me try! Daisy... please... This is your choice! Yours! I'm begging you. What do you want me to do? What do you want?!"

"Unfortunately for you... you're already giving me everything I want." Daisy used her finger to wipe away some of Jasmine's tears. "All you're doing now is scaring your brother. He isn't part of this. Not really. So I promise to you, I'll be... gentle with him. You don't want him to die a virgin, do you? I will be the best lay he'll ever have and he'll die very happy."

"Daisy... you know... You know my family isn't like yours. I get how you'd feel nothing killing yours, but mine have been nothing but kind to you. Jai has been nothing but kind to you! How can you do this? How can you be so cruel?!"

Daisy smile never left throughout Jasmine's heartfelt speech. "What do you want from me? Compassion? Fine. I say this as your friend. Go. You don't want to watch this. Unless you do, but your crying is going to throw him off. There. Compassion."

"Fuck you..." Jasmine finally spat out.

Daisy giggled as she rose and walked over to Jai's very confused face and began giving him a few scattered kisses, all of which received pleasured groans from him. She then turned to Jasmine, grinning anew. "Last chance. It's about to get really messy."

"Daisy..." Jasmine begged desperately through her tears.

"We. Are about. To fuck." Daisy snarled, losing her patience. "Get the fuck out."

Jasmine would later question how Daisy was allowed to compel her and not disobey Alex's rule. At a push, she'd assume that forcing her to leave was actually a kindness in a weird sort of way and as such, it counted as not hurting her.

"Jazz?" Daisy called out, forcing Jasmine to stop her forced march out of the door. "Say goodbye to your brother. You'll hate yourself for it if you don't."

"...i... hate... you... so much..." Jasmine mewled painfully.

Daisy grinned back. "I won't make you do it. But it is your last chance. I didn't give it to you for everyone else. Tick tock."

Jasmine's death glare at Daisy faltered just enough to turn her gaze to her brother. "...goodbye Jai... I'm sorry... I'm so sorry..."

Daisy turned to nibble on Jai's earlobe. "Say goodbye to your sister."

"Bye Jazz..."

Daisy waved Jasmine off, forcing the mortal to leave her home, knowing it would never be the same after tonight. After the door closed, Daisy focused all her attention on the older boy she was straddling. "I know. I know. This has to be so confusing for you. You must be so terrified. Let me help you with that..."

Daisy's eyes glowed again with hellborn power. "I want you to forget about everything that you just saw. Everything you just heard. I just want you to think that your sister left us alone and that your parents and Mia are sleeping very deeply." Instantly Jai's tense expression melted into one of predominantly desire.

"That's better." Daisy purred, thankful that she could now at least somewhat take her time. She was very curious about an interesting look of... shameful recognition that Jai had been giving her since she came in. "Now, be honest with me... Did you see that video of me at the party?"

Jai's eyes bulged and his cheeks immediately gained a pink hue over his olive complexion. "Y... yeah..."

Daisy reached between her legs to unzip Jai's pants and pull out his cock. "Did you watch all of it?"

" I only watched a few minutes... I felt guilty..."

"Ooooh, Sweety... You so could have watched all of it. I'd let you watch it now, but I kind of want your focus on me. So tell me, Jai..." Daisy began to gently stroke the hard shaft in her hands. "...did you jerk off to me?"

"Yes..." Jai panted. "That's... that's why I felt so guilty..."

"Oh, no need to feel guilty." Daisy reassured, steadily putting more force into her stroking. "Tell me... what did you think about it?"

Jai once again seemed embarrassed and tried to look away.

"Now now, none of that." Daisy forced Jai to look at her again with her free hand as she slowly licked his lips. "Come on... I asked you a question."

"I... you seemed so... you acted like such a..."

"Slut?" Daisy gleefully offered.


"Did you like me being a slut?" Daisy asked seductively, teasing the head of Jai's cock with circular motions against her palm.

"Yes... and no... I... know you. So, it was weird... seeing you like that."

"You're such a sweet guy, Jai. And you've got such a nice cock. So, let's just stick with the 'yes' part of that, shall we? Because I'll be your slut too. You can have me all to yourself under one condition."

Genuine desire flooded Jai's face as he looked into Daisy's eyes. "What's that?"

"I want you to be very vocal, okay? When I make you feel good, I want you to say it. Loudly. Loud enough that if someone is outside the front door even though I told them to leave that they'll hear all of it. That they'll hear how good I'm making you feel."

"Okay, okay!" Jai cried out. "Your hands, they... feel so good! It's the best handjob I've ever had and you've only just started! You just touching my cock feels... it feels... Heavenly..."

"Oh..." Daisy grinned wickedly. "So you're not a complete virgin."

"I've gotten a handjob... and a blowjob... Neither felt this amazing!"

"Don't worry, Sweety..." Daisy chuckled softly. "I'll do whatever you want. Anywhere you want to touch me, you go right ah-... Oh!" Daisy cried out in surprise as Jai's hands went right for her boobs.

"Wait, wait!" Daisy quickly and viciously threw off all her clothing, tearing at what couldn't easily be pulled off in her straddling position, as well as doing the same with Jai. Neither of them would be needing clothes anymore. With a shrill giggle, she smiled widely at him. "Okay, now you can have at it."

Jai's hands pawed at Daisy so eagerly, she was almost drunk on the attention. They caressed her boobs, pinched and flicked her nipples, grabbed and spanked her ass. They were everywhere. Meanwhile, she continued to slowly and sensually run her hands up and down Jai's shaft. "Tell me what you want me to do, Jai. Tell me!"

"I want you to suck my dick!" Jai roared.

Daisy laughed both at the eagerness and the sobs from the other side of the front door. "Oooh yes, Baby! Just like that! You want these lips wrapped around that big dick of yours? You want me to take it down my throat? You have to tell me to do it then. None of this, 'I want you to' shit. Order me. Order me to do what you want. Tell me to suck your fucking dick like the slut that I am."

"Suck my fucking dick, you filthy slut!" Jai loudly groaned.

Daisy let out an eager squeal of joy as she dismounted him. Feeling more than a little adventurous, she decided to kill two birds with one stone. Thanks to Steve, she was a little more educated in the ways of titfucking and with Jai being suitably endowed, she not only wrapped his cock between her tits but as the head poked out of her cleavage, she was able to eagerly accept the offering in her mouth.

"Oh my God!" Jai shuddered.

Daisy growled back. She wanted him to be loudly voicing his pleasure more specifically.

"Sorry!" Jai moaned out. "Your tits... your... mouth, they're both on my-... holy shit, I can't think straight! Oh my God, I already want to cum!"

"Nnmph-mmm!" Daisy shook her head before releasing the Jai's cockhead with a pop of her lips. "No cumming. Not yet. You can fuck me all you want, wherever you want but you don't cum until you're in my pussy. And you do that last."

"Okay! I promise, just put it back in your mouth!"

Daisy looked seductively up at Jai and smiled. "Make me."

"Fuck!" Jai moaned as he grabbed Daisy's hair and forced her back onto his dick. As she bobbed up and down on his cock, she made good use of her breasts, sandwiching and massaging the phallus between them as her mouth took care of the head. Even without the souls accentuating every movement she made, she could tell that Jai was on cloud nine.

"It feels too good! Fuck! I can't- I- I can't-!"

Daisy chuckled and released him for just a moment. "It's okay, Sweety. Just moan for me. You don't have to say the words."

"Oh thank you! Thank you! Fuck fuck fuck!" Jai groaned, pumping his hips. He lost track of how long he spent like that. Moaning and bucking. Daisy hadn't been lying when she said she'd make it messy. Drool and precum were dripping all over her breasts as she just used it as more lubrication to pleasure him. He didn't know how he hadn't cum yet but he was getting desperate for it.

"I want your pussy! I... need your pussy!"

Daisy smiled painfully wide as she looked up at him. "Don't you want my ass first?"

"No!" He cried out impatiently. "I don't need to. I need your pussy!"

A thrill went through Daisy as she stopped and immediately stood up to grab Jai by the neck. "Say that again! Yell it at me! Scream it at me! Make her hear it every time she closes her eyes! Do it and my pussy is yours, Baby!"


"Then fucking take it." Daisy snarled.

Nothing mattered. Jai grabbed Daisy and threw her to the floor, pinning her down with both his hands and his cock as both of them cried out in ecstasy when Jai's cock entered her for the first time.

"That's it, Baby! That's it! Fuck me! Fuck me like you're never going to fuck anyone ever again! Treat me like your slut! Use me like a hole! Yeah! Yeah! Just like that! Fuck me! And when you're ready... when you can't take it anymore! When you feel like you'll go crazy if you don't do it! Cum! Cum inside me! Fucking breed me!"

Jai didn't need the encouragement. He was ready to pop. He was desperate. The only thing that held off his orgasm was her saying to wait until he couldn't anymore. And even that only made him last a few more minutes. "I'm gonna cum! Fuck! I'm gonna cum!"


"I'm gonna CUUUUM!" Jai groaned loudly as he finally released his seed, shaking and shuddering as spurt after spurt of his cum filled Daisy's tight hole. Daisy followed suit, cumming hard. She screamed at the top of her lungs to her audience of one. Yet another monster orgasm to add to the list. It went on for minutes. But eventually she came down from it and gave a few affectionate pats to the source.

"Good boy..." She purred, before standing up with a big stretch. Wasting no time, she went out the door to see the damage she caused. Surely enough, by the door was a broken woman. She didn't look up. She didn't even acknowledge Daisy's presence. Or at least it seemed that way at first.

"How... how could you do that... to me? ...I was... the last person... who would have given a shit when you die..."

Daisy giggled and tilted Jasmine's head, forcing the numb girl to look at her one last time. "I'd say that you and Sir can fuck over my grave, but... I highly doubt Sir will care enough to give me one. You win. After I feed him, he's all yours. Enjoy."

With that, Daisy left and headed back into town.

It was feeding time.

(A/N: And there you have it! Daisy Chronicles done and dusted. For anyone who read this story on it's own and is thrown by the open ending, I would suggest reading "Corrupted Desire" to get a more complete story. I won't go over that too much because if memory serves, I already did that in the first chapter.

As for this story in general, I had a blast writing it and I'm hoping that showed. On one side I suppose this could have just been part of Corrupted Desire in the first place but given the overall feel of these chapters I actually kinda dig it as it's own thing. Something people can choose to read or not depending on how deep into the rabbit hole they're trying to get.

That said, for those reading Corrupted Desire and not Overly Familiar, hi! I don't think there are many of you lol. But I'll definitely be working in the next part of Corrupted Desire soon...ish for those of you fully invested in Daisy and Jasmine's future stories. Depends on how things go. Trying to work on a lot of different projects. Looking for a new job. There's a lot of shit going on, in short, but part two of CD is absolutely on that list.

I think that's all there is to be said for now. So I'll see you in whatever I write next! Thank you so much for your reviews, feedback and votes. You're all awesome!)

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

The real winners here are the people who were on vacation when the quarantine hit or who moved out just before.

basicbrat181basicbrat181almost 3 years ago

Haha yeah jasmine is too stubborn for her own good. Thank fuck it’s near the top of the list I have been waiting since it was published…… but you’re writing is worth the wait

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Ka POW!!!! Sorry Jasmine. As always, you leave us wanting more. I strangely still sympathize with Daisy.

- PlanetaryNebula

marx810marx810almost 3 years agoAuthor

Lol well to be fair, Jasmine could have left anytime she wanted to. Daisy only ordered her to leave the house. Still deliciously vicious though. I do agree.

And yes, Corrupted Desire is close to the top of the list, so worry not. And thank you for the luck! Very much appreciated.

basicbrat181basicbrat181almost 3 years ago

Beautiful ending to the daisy chronicles daisy is one cruel bitch for making jasmine listen abd I love it

I hope the next part of corrupted desire is near the top of the list abd best of luck with the job search

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