The Dangers of an Open Marriage

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A young couple experiment with an open marriage.
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A big thank you to my friend, who edited this story for me.

There is very little sex, so if that's your thing. I suggest you move on to the other wonderful stories on this site.


"What do you mean... You can't be serious, Cody. I'm not getting an abortion."

"The fuck you ain't. There's no way of knowing if the kid in there is mine."

"For god's sake, we used condoms every time, of course it's yours."

"We don't know that, Dani, I'm not taking a risk. Get the fucking abortion. End of story."

"This is ridiculous. Jesus, Cody, this whole game was your stupid fucking idea. I wanted nothing to do with it from the start."

"Oh yeah, righto. Lying bitch. You've been having a fine old time banging what's-his-face."

"His name is Aaron. It was your idea, Cody. I never wanted this stupid open marriage shit, especially while we were trying to have a baby. And don't stand there throwing accusations at me. You only wanted this open marriage so you could bang Maryanne."

"I'm not arguing about this, Dani. Get the abortion and then we can talk about the other stuff. I admit, it was stupid to open the marriage while we were trying for a baby."

I decided on a softer approach, the yelling wasn't working. "Love, come on. The only other guy I've been with is Aaron, and we always used a condom. Shit, I've only had sex with him three times."

"It doesn't make sense, Dani. We've been trying for six months, then you fuck dipshit and boom, miraculously, you're up the duff. Come on. I'm not a fucking idiot. You're trying to trick me into raising that arsehole's kid. Fuck that shit. It ain't happening, no fucking way."

"You can say what you want, Cody. I'm not killing our baby."

"If you don't have that fucking abortion, then we're done. I'm not raising someone else's kid. I'm not a fucking charity house."

Angry and frustrated, I walked away. "I'm going to bed. You can say what you want, but this is my body. I think we need to calm down and think about this before we say things that can't be taken back. I do love you, Cody, but lately you've been a proper jerk."

In bed, wrapped in my fluffy PJs and a nice duvet, I let the darkness embrace me. This whole mess started when Cody approached me about opening our marriage. I knew what it was about: we lived in an apartment complex close to the hospital. It wasn't our forever home, but without children. It was handy for work.

This whole open marriage thing came about when Maryanne moved in. The apartment complex was also close to the University, and it did draw in a lot of students. We had a little social group of friends. We got together and had dinner parties, barbecues. It was good fun, but that changed.

Maryanne was a very pretty girl. All the guys droned on and on about her. Even Cody fell under her spell. Shit, all she had to do was flutter her eyes, and men fell around her. I caught him out so many times drooling over her. At first it was funny, but once I realised that his flirting was being reciprocated, and I caught them together talking in hushed tones in dark corners, I started to get worried

Then, out of nowhere, he sprang the open marriage thing. God, we argued for over a month before I simply had enough and gave in. If he wanted her that bad, he could have her.

Maryanne was nice enough, a little shallow, but being so young and beautiful probably created that curse. She got everything she wanted. At parties, there was always a group of guys hanging around like bees on a hive.

The first night Cody told me he was going on a date, I knew what was going on. I didn't like it, but, that's where we were: in quicksand of our own making. I hated it, I went to bed early. Cody arrived home about one in the morning smelling sweeter and fresher than when he went out.

He'd had a shower, and the shampoo he used wasn't one that we kept.

"Hey babe," he said, snuggling up against me.

"Have fun did you?" I asked bitterly. "Was Maryanne as good as you thought she would be?"

He sniggered snidely. "Better actually. She's really good fun. Did you know she's bisexual?"

"No, I didn't," I replied, moving away from him.

"Ah come on, babe. We talked about this. You said you were okay with it."

"Yeah, I guess I did. It's one in the morning and I have an early shift in the morning. I need sleep."

He moved closer snuggling up against my back. "Sorry, I'll let you get some shut eye."

Work at least kept my mind off of things. Being a radiologist is full on. We worked as a team, always throwing in together. Our little band of friends were mostly employed at the hospital.

That was the first time Cody had sex outside our marriage. It wasn't the last. He and Maryanne had quite a torrid affair. It only lasted a month before she got sick of him and moved on to a fresh target. Cody, though, had always been a charmer, and working as an administrator at the hospital meant he had a good career and a decent income.

Finding sexual partners in a building full of single young professionals wasn't hard for him.

It wasn't hard for me either. I may not be a startling beauty, but I am attractive. At first, I accepted Cody wanted to spread his seed. I, on the other hand, was focused on making babies. It seemed weird that he would accept me having sex with other men while I wasn't taking birth control, but he said just make sure you use condoms.

When Aaron moved into our department, things changed. He was handsome, charming, single and bloody good fun. I liked him. The fact he flirted with me outrageously didn't hurt. He was a natural flirt.

I wasn't stupid; I knew he dated some of the nurses, but his attention was fun. The day he said to me "Why do you let Cody sleep around on you?" changed our relationship. The embarrassment raged through me like a wildfire. My face burned with shame.

"We have an open marriage," I muttered in my defence.

"Hey, chill. I wasn't judging, simply trying to understand. He is quite open about it. I wondered, that's all."

"Yeah, I know. He's supposed to be discreet. In hindsight, I'm not sure he understands the meaning of the word."

He laughed along with me. "Do you mind if I ask you a personal question, Dani?"

"After that, no. What do you want to know?"

"Do you have the same privileges? Are you allowed to date?"


"Do you?"

"No, I haven't met anybody interesting enough for me to step outside my marriage."

"Ouch," he said playfully. His face twisted to show his mock pout. "That puts me in my place I guess."

"What... You... Don't be ridiculous. You're already dating half the nurses in the hospital."

"Hey, I'm single and horny. What am I supposed to do?"

"I was joking, Aaron. You are free to date whoever you like."

"Good, then would you like to go out sometime?"

"Why me?" I asked anxiously.

"Dani, you're a beautiful woman. We get on amazingly well. You're good fun, we laugh so much, and you flirt outrageously."

"Me..." I gasped. "You're the bloody flirt."

"You didn't answer my question. Would you like to go out sometime?"

"You're a sweet guy, Aaron. I don't think I'm ready to make that move. I love Cody, and I hope he loves me. I don't want to spoil that."

"Oh dear, sorry. I won't ask again."

"No, you can ask. Sooner or later, Cody is going to push me too far." We hugged and went on with our jobs.

Cody did push me too far. It came out of nowhere. "Dani, Maryanne invited us over for a few drinks Saturday. Do you want to go?"

"What... Fuck no. Why would I wanna go over to that skank's place? She want to rub your affair in my face?"

"No, remember when I said she was bisexual... She likes you and wanted to know if you'd be up for a threesome."

"Oooooh, yuck. Hell no. Jesus, Cody. If I was interested, she would be the last person on my list. Plus, I have a date Saturday night."

That took the wind out of his sails. "Whatya mean a date?"

"A date, date. You know what a date is. You've been on enough of them recently."

He muttered something I didn't hear before asking, "Who is it with?"

"None of your business. You never told me any names. That works for me."

"This is different, Dani. You're a woman, and it's not safe. At least tell me where you're going to be."

"I won't be leaving the building. Satisfied?"

He wasn't, but that was his problem. Now I just had to organise a date. I couldn't believe bloody Maryanne. She never even spoke to me. It made me giggle, though. I had experienced my share of kisses with other girls at Uni, drunk and chasing free drinks at pubs. I always wondered what it would be like... Not with that bitch, though. She might be attractive, but her personality dripped judgemental bullshit and condemnation.

At work the next day, I hinted that I was going to be alone Saturday night. Aaron played dumb for a while, letting me throw out more and more hints. In the end, he said, "Just ask me Dani."

I played dumb. "What are you talking about?"

"Oh for the love of god. You've been hinting all morning."

"I have not," I snapped indignantly.

"Bullshit. Let me put it another way. Would you like to come over to my place Saturday? I'll cook us a nice dinner and maybe we could stream a movie?"

"Cheeky devil. As if I would go out with you."

"Well, do you want to?"

I smiled. "Oh well, if you're going to keep pestering me I suppose I'll have to."

He laughed. "Sweet, it's a date. What would you like me to cook?"

"Grilled salmon, a nice salad, baked potatoes, and capsicums."

"I can do that. Be at my door at seven sharp."

Saturday found me running around crazily trying to get ready. Cody wouldn't leave me alone. He followed me everywhere. Question after question. He watched as I ran the razor up my legs, as I put on my makeup on, as I rustled through my wardrobe.

"Why aren't you wearing panties?" he asked.

"Figured they'd just get in the way?"

"Shit, Dani. You don't have to be so in my face about it."

"Hey, you're the one who asked. Cody, you've had sex with at least six nurses that I know off, plus Maryanne. You're the one who wanted this bloody open marriage. You tell me right here and right now that it's over and I'll cancel my date."

He growled something unintelligible and wandered away. "Fuck." I mumbled. The reality is, I hoped that's exactly what he'd say. I played my bluff, hoping all the while that once it was real and in front of him, he would call the whole thing off.

But there I was in bed with Aaron, his nice big cock sliding in and out of my very lubricious pussy, his mouth locked on mine, my legs wrapped around his taut toned waist, his thrusts deep and powerful, his sexy deep voice urging me furiously towards my second orgasm.

The first had been amazing: his face mashed against my sex, his tongue and fingers deep inside me, my clit ruffled by his face.

Now, here I was encouraging him to fuck me harder. My orgasm was one of those never ending body comes... I couldn't stop the trembles as they ricocheted through my body. God, it went on and on, long after Aaron climbed off.

I watched as he slid the condom off his penis. It was quite sexy; I didn't mind condoms. When Cody and I started dating, we used them. Mostly because we didn't know each other that well. I was on the pill, I just wanted that extra protection.

We invented all sorts of sexy games and methods of rolling them on.

Now, watching Aaron remove it, looked sexy and fun. We cuddled for a while before I showered and went back to our apartment.

Cody already in bed and pretending to be asleep suited me well. I pulled on my PJs and snuggled up behind him.

Aaron and I dated three times before I became pregnant. When I missed my period, I was ecstatic. It was what Cody and I had been trying for. It had taken six months, but I was warned after having taken the contraceptive pill for eight years that it might take a while.


Hearing Cody go on and on about an abortion destroyed me. I knew it was his baby, and I wasn't going to abort it. There was no way in the world, even if there was doubt. Which there wasn't. I hated the thought of taking a life; I wasn't doing it.

My refusal seemed to anger Cody even more. I did my research, and it seemed the easiest way to calm his nerves was a non invasive DNA test. All they needed was a mouth swab from Cody and a mouth swab and blood sample from me. Easy peasy...

The only thing was the wait, I couldn't have the test until baby was seven to nine weeks along. Even with Cody's indifference I was excited. We had talked about becoming parents, and we wanted to do it early, while we were still young.

Personally, I hoped that once I was pregnant, Cody would forget all this crazy open marriage shit. I liked Aaron and he was good fun, but before agreeing to date him, I was nervous about how our relationship would survive.

Working together, and being occasional lovers... How could we make that work?

I think it was Aaron's carefree personality that made it work. He never bragged to his mates. He was always respectful, and unlike Cody... nobody knew. It was our little secret.

He was crazy at work, though. His flirting took on a far more sexual tone. Not openly, but when we were alone, which in truth wasn't very often, he became very naughty.

Cody's mood sank lower over the next few days; he refused to talk sensibly to me. It seemed we were only going to communicate through fighting.

It came to a head three days later. He got home from work quite late, and it was obvious he'd been drinking. "I've organised an appointment for you to go into the abortion clinic tomorrow."

"Oh no you bloody haven't," I snarled. "I told you, Cody. I'm not having an abortion. It's my body, and my choice."

"I'm not asking, I'm fucking well ordering you. I'm not fucking around any longer, Dani. You're having the abortion."

"Calm down, for heavens sake. I can get a DNA test done once baby is seven weeks along. That way we can prove it's our baby. So stop going on about a bloody abortion."

It stopped him in his tracks. "You can do that?"

"Yes, dip shit. Duh... You work in a hospital, ask around. You can do your own research."

"How accurate is it?" he asked, his voice taking on a more conciliatory quality.

"I don't know exactly, about 99%. The same as other tests."

"How long does it take to get the results back?"

I shrugged casually. "Two to three weeks."

I could see him doing the math. Even in his drunken state, his brain was functioning. Numbers wise, at least.

"So it could take up to twelve weeks before we would know?"

"Yeah, something like that."

"Fuck, that's a long time. How long before it's too late for an abortion?"

"Twenty weeks, I think. I don't know exactly. I've never researched it."

"You researched DNA testing but not the abortion. Why's that?"

"Because, I'm not having a bloody abortion."

"What if it's his?"

"Same answer. I'm not having an abortion. I'm pro life; you know this already. I'm one thousand percent positive it's ours, Cody. Aaron and I used condoms, and we only did it three times. Christ, you're just being paranoid."

Ignoring everything I said. He snarled. "So even if it's his you're having it?"

"Yes," I said with grim determination. "This is my body."

"Fuck you, bitch. We're supposed to be married. My opinion is supposed to matter."

I tried to embrace him, hold him in my arms. He kept slapping my hands away. "Fuck off, bitch."

"Cody, sweetheart. You're all wound up, baby. Relax, take a breath. We can get the DNA samples and do the test. It will prove you are the father. It will be our baby."

"No, don't you see? I don't want to take the chance. What say there's a screw up, and it's wrong?" He stomped around the room like a crazy man. "What the fuck does it matter. You said you were going to have it regardless."

"I'll take the test so you can feel comfortable. I love you, Cody, and we're about to become parents just like we wanted."

"No we're not. No fucking way. You're having that abortion."

"No, you need to calm down, take a breath and listen. We, are going to have a baby. We, as in you and me."

He stormed off into the bedroom and slammed the door. I collapsed on the sofa. What a complete stuff up. I should never have let him talk me into this bloody mess in the first place. I was now stuck in a mess of his making. He was happy so long as he was off banging nurses left, right and centre.

Different story when it was me, though. Men and their double standards. Men are wonderful studs, and women are sluts...

Our once happy home descended into a place more like a war zone. Cody was grumpy every day. He never came home from work unless he'd stopped at the pub, never made an evening meal. I heard through a friend who worked in the admin department that he was having a fling with one of the data analysts, and that pissed me off.

Maybe that was what was driving this whole thing: He just wanted out and was using the abortion as a tool. That's when my mind started playing real tricks. Maybe he wanted me to have the abortion so that he wouldn't get lumbered with child support. Maybe he was going to divorce me anyway so he could move on with the analyst...

The mind, it plays dreadful tricks on us. Especially when we're stressed.

I tried not to focus on him. I moved on to looking for a proper home. We always said once we had started our family, we would buy a house and make it our home.

Sitting in the dining room just having finished my dinner, I was alerted to Cody's arrival home by the door slamming.

I looked up to greet him. "Hey sweetheart. How was your day?"

His face burned red, his eyes bulged in apparent anger. He slammed a folder with documents down on the table in front of me. The table shook violently under his assault, the plate bouncing noisily.

"It's this fucking simple, Dani. You either get the abortion or sign the divorce papers. It's your choice."

My heart pounded, my pulse rate shot up, my breathing became stupidly impossible. Trying to remain calm. I opened the folder, and sure enough, it was an application to dissolve our marriage. He had already signed. There wasn't much to argue about.

We owned nothing except the furniture and two cars. We'd only been married two years. I read through them, taking my time, allowing my heart rate to fall. Finally, with my racing heart under control, my anger starting to take control.

I glanced up at him, hoping my glare was unwavering. "Is this what you want, Cody? Is this more about your relationship with Megan from accounts?"

His face dropped, his skin losing its colour. "How do you know about Megan?"

"Oh please. The whole bloody hospital knows. Discretion isn't one of your strong points. One of the men you bragged to told me."

He slumped into the chair opposite me. "Megan is just a little fun. She means nothing too me. This is a separate issue."

"But you're still having sex with her, like today. It's where you went after work isn't it?"

"How the fuck?"

"I have my ways, Cody. Like I said, you're not making it hard for me. You're so pleased with yourself, bragging about her, walking around holding hands. Bloody hell, you stupid git. Everybody's laughing at you. They think you're a dickhead."

"Envious, more like," he snapped contemptuously.

"You think what you like, so answer my question. The divorce isn't about my pregnancy, you simply want out of our marriage. Is that right?"

"No, it's fucking not. Megan means nothing to me. This is all about you disrespecting me. You refuse to take my concerns seriously."

"All right, Cody. Let's make a deal. You stop seeing Megan, and I'll have the abortion if the DNA tests prove you aren't the father."

The look on his face: priceless. He spluttered away without saying anything sensible. "Why are we even talking about Megan? For fuck's sake, what's the connection?"