The Day I Caught the Flu

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A wife deceives and cheats on her husband.
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The following story took place three years ago and is largely told in first person with virtually no dialogue. There is sex but not till the end of the story. This is a BTB story so if that is not your thing please don't be offended. I hope you enjoy the story...

The following story is a work of fiction and does not depict any actual persons or events. Any likeness to actual persons or events is purely coincidental. All parties engaging in sexual activity are of legal age of 18 and consenting adults. This is for entertainment purposes and is not an avocation for the activities contained herein. Please take a moment and vote if you like the story. Keep on trucking if you don't. Thanks


Today was Monday and I left work early thinking I was coming down with the flu. I texted my wife to tell her I was going home sick and she replied to take some flu meds. I asked her what meds and where could I find them? She replied Tamiflu and it was in a container of meds in the second drawer under her vanity unit in our bathroom. I just texted back ok and went home.

Upon arriving at home I went into our master bath to look for her meds and found something else instead. I searched the drawer she indicated and found nothing that said Tamiflu. I opened the top drawer and in the back I found the flu meds and also found a foil pack of contraceptive pills. She had already taken the one marked for today. I was totally shell-shocked. She promised me that she had gone off the pill well over two years ago.

We had been trying, without luck, to have a baby for the past two years. My wife just said we were unlucky with our work schedules and sooner or later our timetables would coincide with her fertile period. This past spring, I decided enough was enough and we were both tested. After numerous tests our doctor declared there was nothing wrong with either of us.

My name is Jim Burks and I am 33 years old. I stand 6' tall and weigh about 190. Not fat but I could stand to lose a few pounds. Too many cheeseburgers and pizza for lunch. If you asked my wife she would say it is the beer that I love to drink. I've got sandy hair and always considered myself fairly good looking. I had several girlfriends in college and never had a problem attracting the opposite sex. All that came to a stop when I met my future wife while a junior in college. We dated exclusively until I popped the question and six months later she became Mrs. Jim Burks.

My lovely wife's name is Carol and she is the same age as me, 33. She stands 5'6" and weighs about 120 and has curves in all the right places which include D cup breasts. She is a natural redhead. I think she is stunning and had several suitors in college and was never short of male attention. She lights up the any room instantly and radiates energy; her bubbly personality is admired by everyone. I thought we were the perfect match.

We enjoy sex together, however, the only problem is we don't see each other enough to get all the sex we need. I am a systems analyst for a large IT company while Carol is a registered nurse on the orthopedic ward of a large hospital in Dallas. I typically work an 8-5 day although some days I have to stay late if working on an either difficult or time related problem. Because of our work hours we really only see each other at the weekends. When Carol works the day shift we see each other at night but she is always so exhausted that she is in bed by 9:00, which is shortly after arriving home. We try to make up for our lack of sex on the weekend and fuck like rabbits for two days. We often discuss fantasies and both agree that fantasies needed to be just that a fantasy. Carol was all I needed and she assured me that I was the love of her life. I have no time for cheaters and she knows my feelings on infidelity. Simply, I would not tolerate it.

Carol works four twelve hour days a week. Monday through Thursday and alternates shifts every four weeks. The shift is usually 7 to 7 either during the day or overnight. There is also a turnover period which, since she started in orthopedics, takes about an hour. So with the drive home she usually comes in around 8:30 both morning and night. I have asked for the past two years for her to get a day job but she likes what she does and didn't want to change jobs. So we just put up with her unsociable hours.

When we first got married we had both had student loans and agreed they should be paid before starting a family. When the loans were repaid we then decided to put off having children until we were fairly comfortably settled into a nice home and neighborhood. Two years ago we reached that goal and agreed the time was right for Carol to get pregnant. Except she didn't.

I stare at the foil pack of pills and wonder if it is just an old package but realized the days the pills had been popped corresponded to the month and the correct pill for today had already been popped out. Today was Monday the 17th and seventeen pills had been popped including today. The expiration date was three years in the future so they must have been refilled recently. Simultaneously, I run several different scenarios through my mind. Did Carol really want a family? Was she having some type of clandestine affair? Was there a health issue with her I wasn't aware of? Why had she been lying to me?

Our bodies weren't getting any younger and the longer we put off having a family the harder it would be. How would I approach her?

I took the Tamiflu and disappeared to bed. The next thing I know Carol is shaking me awake asking how I was feeling and if I needed anything. "I'm feeling better and no I don't need anything." I was really actually feeling hurt that she wasn't sharing something with me but didn't say anything.

I watched her as she, obviously thought I had passed out again, undressed to take a shower and I thought that parts of her body looked red, including her breasts and pubic area. Suddenly, I understood she must be having an affair after the turnover before coming home. When she worked on a different ward the turnover only took less than ten minutes, why should it now take an hour?

She didn't close the bathroom door and I moved over to where I could watch her reflection in a full length mirror in the bathroom. I thought she spent an ungodly amount of time washing her vagina. She scrubbed and even stuck two fingers inside trying to get clean. Was this usual? I had no clue as I had actually never watched her before.

Carol had undressed in our bedroom and her clothes lay where she dropped them. I picked up her sexy panties and looked at the crotch and yes they were still damp with what appeared to be cum stuck in the crotch. I returned her panties underneath her scrubs and got back in bed.

I was angry beyond words. To that point in my life I thought everything was perfect now I wasn't so sure. Around me, Carol acted like the perfect wife, however, I realized there must be a side I wasn't aware of. I needed more information.

She returned to the bedroom from her shower and got in bed with me. I was never in bed at this time of the night. Carol didn't even make an effort to hold or comfort me but stayed on her side. She was long gone before I got up the next morning. I called in sick claiming I had the flu. I had a ton of sick leave and needed time off to figure out what to do.

One of my best friends from college had become a lawyer so I called him asking for advice. I soon found out that Texas is a non-fault state and since we didn't have children we only had to split our belongings 50/50. The biggest thing was our house which had accumulated some equity which would have to be sold and the proceeds split. My friend did agree to represent me if I decide to file. He assured me it was a slam dunk.

That evening at 7:00 I was parked near Carol's car to follow her. We both have an iPhone and I checked her location with my find a phone app and decided she was still in the orthopedic ward. After ten minutes I could tell she was on the move so I phoned orthopedics asking to talk to her but was advised her shift was over and she had left for the day. I realized she had been lying to me about the turnover period which really did only take ten minutes or less.

I continued to watch the app on my phone and realized the blue dot had stopped in an area I was not familiar with but still within the hospital complex. I got out of my car and decided to locate her phone. This is not as easy as it sounds. I found the location but not the right floor. Finally, after at least thirty minutes I found myself outside one of the rooms used by doctors for rest periods when they work long shifts. I could hear noises of lovemaking inside. I needed to hide so I could see who exited the room and managed to find an open janitor's closet about fifty feet away.

About twenty minutes later Carol came out of the room and walked toward the parking garage. A few minutes later a man came out and while he was locking the door I approached him and asked directions which he graciously provided. He was several inches taller than me and looked like a Greek god. I looked at his name badge and got his name. Dr. David Baker.

I needed a plan. I called my boss at home and explained that yes I had the flu but an urgent personal family problem had come up and I needed to take some personal time to deal with it. He understood as he had been caught up himself in a nasty divorce the year before. He said take all the time I needed but keep him informed so he could cover.

I then called my friend the lawyer, Bruce, and told him I wanted Carol served as she left the bastard after sex on Thursday night. He said he could arrange it and asked if he could help with anything else. I didn't know what else I needed to do so he suggested splitting our money and canceling the credit cards. Did I have any plans once I left her? Did I have a place to go? I was trying to deal with things as they arose and I admitted I hadn't thought that far. He told me to come to his office the first thing the next morning.

Bruce had done this several times and he had a checklist of things for me to do. He even had a list of hotels with reasonable weekly rates. I had several things to do, starting with contacting a moving firm to schedule a small pack out the next morning. I had planned to just put my things in storage until I could sort out a more permanent place to live. The next stop was the bank where I withdrew 50% from all of our accounts and canceled our credit cards. I reestablished accounts in my name only and ordered new credit cards. Then I called and canceled her cellphone effective at midnight after being served.

That evening I was in my computer room saving files that I might need in the next few weeks when Carol arrived home spot on time at 8:30. We exchanged greetings then she went to shower and go to bed. I also got in bed early, well early for me, as I had a busy day ahead of me. Carol never acknowledged me getting into bed. I had totally missed how cold she had become.

The next morning Carol was out of the house early and the movers arrived promptly at 8:00. I had a list of things to take with me and had post-its on everything to be packed. I had my car packed with suitcases and computer equipment that I would need for work when the movers finished at noon.

I went out and bought a single black rose, because it symbolizes death and passing away, also indicates a major change or upheaval in the future. In that sense, the black rose also means the death of old habits and the old order. In this case it meant the death of our marriage. I placed it in the center of our kitchen table and wrote a short note:


If you remember on Monday I called to tell you I was sick and going home. You told me to take Tamiflu and where to find it, however, it wasn't in your second vanity drawer, it was in the top drawer next to your birth control pills. Suddenly, several pieces of a large puzzle just came together. You weren't even trying to have a baby because you have been having a two-year affair with a doctor at work. I guess your affair with Dr. David Baker was more important than our marriage and realize this has been ongoing on since you were transferred to orthopedics. So many lies, how could you? I thought we had a great marriage and trusted each other completely. I thought you loved me and now you have broken my heart. Surely you must have known that when, not if, I found out our marriage would be over. Guess what?

Texas is a no fault state so I don't need evidence of your infidelity, which, incidentally, would have been very easy to obtain. I have split our accounts, and taken what things I want from the house.

Have you discovered your cellphone and credit cards may not work? By the way, find a place to move as l will list the house in sixty days and anything left inside will go to Goodwill.

You are now free to do whatever you want...I bet the bastard is married and has a family doesn't he? You must realize his wife will find out. What will the hospital say? Do you remember me saying I will not tolerate infidelity? I am just preparing you for what might happen down the road.

No longer your husband,


PS. Here is my wedding band. I no longer have a use for it.

So, I left the paper with the ring and rose on top of the table and left the house.

I checked into one of the weekly rate hotels and waited. Carol was served by an off duty sheriff's deputy who worked for Frank during his off duty time. His specialty was serving. Apparently, she became hysterical and fainted. The doctor had to come out of his room in his underwear to attend to her.

She called about an hour later angry and wanting to know why I was serving her with a divorce action. I asked why she would even ask such a stupid question? I told her she had been cheating on me since going to orthopedics which had been over two years ago. She asked when I discovered her affair and I told her this past Monday when I was looking for Tamiflu I found her birth control pills. I heard her sigh over the phone. After that it was easy to figure it all out. I disconnected the phone call. Apparently, she had not read my letter.

I didn't get much sleep but decided to go into work the next day. I found a mountain of work that had been piling up. I had nowhere to go or nobody to go home to so I started working sixteen hour days seven days a week.

Bruce and I talked often and one day I asked him if the doctor was married and if so was there a way to let the wife know. He would look into it.

Carol was fighting the divorce action. I had not seen or heard from her but her lawyer was in contact with Bruce. The date for a hearing was approaching and I found myself in the same room with her although she would not look at me. I wore a suit with a black rose in the lapel. The judge was not friendly and disliked divorce cases.

Carol wanted us to go to counseling and Bruce asked what was the point of that since she had been having a long ongoing affair. I straight out told the judge I would not attend any counseling the court ordered. I didn't care if he put me in jail. As far as I was concerned my wife was a lying, cheating, deceitful bitch and I did not want to even be in the same room as her. I told the judge I had done nothing wrong and it was Carol that had broken our wedding vows which resulted in the divorce action. Send her to counseling as she was the one that needed it. I was quickly found in contempt of court and fined. I didn't care.

I was furious and Bruce had to lead me out of court before saying something that would put me behind bars. He reminded me that it was just a hearing.

I asked Bruce to find out if Carol was still fucking the doctor. I wanted to do some serious harm.

Bruce hired a PI who installed a video cam in the doctor's rest quarters and filmed them after work. She was also caught trashing me on audio. The sex would have made an X-rated movie look G rated. With hardly any foreplay they fucked for about fifteen minutes then he came then she gave him a blowjob to get him hard again and he fucked her again. There was hardly any kissing or touching. They were just fuck buddies. I could see her having several orgasms.

I asked Bruce if the hospital could be held accountable now that we had video evidence. He didn't think we could use the video in court but certainly the video, if leaked from an anonymous source, would bring the hospital into disrepute and would garner unwanted publicity. He advised me to wait until the divorce was finalized then send the video to the hospital administrators, the doctor's wife and our friends and family. He gave good advice because if she was fired before the divorce was finalized I would have to pay alimony. I certainly didn't want to do that.

The day of the divorce finally arrived and the judge ruled in favor of divorce without counseling. He said there had been too much bad blood spilt already and he felt our marriage was unrepairable so the divorce was granted.

The next day the video was leaked out from an anonymous source totally unconnected to me. The shit hit the fan quickly.

Carol called me and asked me why I did all that. I told her there was no proof that I leaked the video, however, I would like to thank whoever did. I also reminded her that I would not tolerate being a cuckold and she did it in my face, and even continued after I filed for divorce. She broke up two marriages. I said there may be worse to come and she said how could it get any worse.

The next day it got worse when our family and friends reacted to the video. Everyone sided with me and nobody had good words for Carol. Everyone thought we had such a perfect marriage.

That was three years ago and I haven't seen or heard from Carol since. She cheated and got burnt, badly.

I have remarried to a lovely woman and we have a year-old daughter. My new wife wants a big family and plans to be a stay at home mom. This is what I always wanted.

Carol's story:

Jim and I were married after getting our degrees. We both had college loans and we agreed to repay those before starting a family. When the loans were repaid we decided to buy a nice house and get settled then start a family. Things just did not go to plan.

I work as an RN in a large hospital in Dallas. I make good money as does Jim. I was happy with my job although I was constantly being hit on by doctors. I asked for a transfer to orthopedics to escape the constant harassment. I was wrong, it just got worse.

There was a doctor who looked like a blonde Greek Adonis. He was tall and muscular and very fit. He always sought me out and constantly hit on me. He continued until my resistance finally melted. Finally, I agreed to meet him at the end of my shift. I wanted to persuade him that I wasn't interested in having sex.

We went to his hospital quarters and he started kissing me as soon as he closed the door. I never had time to tell him I wasn't interested. I get really turned on quickly and I soon found myself returning his kisses. He must have spent ten minutes kissing me before doing anything else.

Soon we were on his bed and he had gotten my scrubs off leaving me in my underwear. He just pushed my bra down and started sucking and pulling on my nipples. My nipples are super sensitive and I have actually had orgasms from my husband sucking on them. By this time I had totally lost control. I could feel my panties soaked with my juices starting to run down my leg. I needed to be fucked so I slipped my panties off and just told him to fuck me.

He was out of his scrubs in seconds and started pushing his dick in and I felt like he was splitting me in two. I looked down and his dick was much larger than Jim's who always filled me nicely. How was I going to accommodate a monster this size? I told him it was too big for me and I couldn't take it. He said he would go slow and he did. He spent ten minutes pushing in centimeter by centimeter. Since I was so lubricated it made it easier but once in he gave me no mercy. He pulled back and rammed it back in which literally took my breath away. My first orgasm came after only a few thrusts and it was the first vaginal orgasm of my life. Jim always got me off but usually with his fingers or mouth. A vaginal orgasm is so different because it affects your entire body not just the clit.