The Day Of The Pigeon


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"Wowwwwwwwwww, that was fucking fantastic." Steve groaned.

Claire smiled and also wiped her messy face on the sheet; reaching for her beer she guzzled it to rid herself of the lingering and bitter taste of her husbands cum. She then looked down at her husbands triumphant face, and decided it was time put him in his place.

I'm glad you liked it darling, I wanted our last time to be something special." Claire said.

She watched as the smile slipped from her husbands face and the uncertainty set in.

"Yes, that's right, the last time." Claire said with all the conviction she could muster. "When I come home from work, I want you gone with all your belongings. Take it all, because you're not stepping back inside this house."

"Jesus Claire, I thought you were alright with this. You joined us for fucks sake."

Claire scowled down at her husband, "I just wanted to understand why you did this. You had all the sex on tap right here, but you bring this slut into my house and my bed and fuck her." Claire shifted her eyes to Alison who sat with a startled look on her face. "And as for you. You were supposed to be a friend; you've got a husband and children. You've no right to fuck my husband and be unfaithful to yours, what sort of woman are you? You should be fucking ashamed of yourself."

Alison's eyes hardened, "There's no need for my husband to know about this."

Claire met her gaze with venom, "Oh, wouldn't that be convenient? My marriage is fucked, but you want me to preserve yours. What a fucking cheek." She turned her attention to her husband, "Let me get cleaned up and dressed, then how about getting this saggy-titted, pot-bellied whore out of my bed and house."

"Fuck Claire, can't we talk about this later? Please, please don't do this." her husband pleaded.

"Sure, much later. Preferably through your new lawyer, he'd better be a good divorce lawyer because he's gonna need to be."

Claire turned and walked to her wardrobe, picking out a replacement dress and accessories, she walked from the bedroom towards the second bathroom at the other end of the house; she had no intention of setting eyes on the adulterous couple again anytime soon.

Walking back into the lounge, Claire eyes found Alison's brown leather handbag beside the couch. She bent down and opened it; there in a side pocket was Alison's Nokia cell phone. Removing it from the bag, she turned it on and waited for the display to pop up, scrolling through the contacts she found 'John Office', the entry she was looking for. She selected it and pushed the green call button.

Now it was here that fate played another hand. Alison's husband John was an executive with a large power company. At that precise moment in time, he was chairing a business meeting in the boardroom. In the centre of the boardroom table sat a sophisticated Polycom speaker phone, and it was to that speaker phone that John unwittingly diverted his office phone to. In his defence, he was expecting an incoming conference call, and wasn't exactly expecting the call he was now about to get. When the speaker phone rang, he just signalled to the closest person to answer it, and with that simple act would go his marriage. His stricken face would later be remembered by all else in that room.

"Hello is that John?" came a familiar voice via the speaker.

"Err yes. This is John Bishop." he answered wondering who it was.

"John, this is Claire Oram."

"Oh hi Claire. Look, I'm sorry but I'm in the middle of a meeting. Can I call you back a bit later?"

"Oh, there's no need really. I just thought I'd let you know that I've just found your wife and my husband in bed fucking each others brains out. Apparently they've been at it awhile."

A shocked John looked around at the mix of embarrassment and sniggers of those around the table.

"What's this about Claire; is this some type of joke or something?"

"No John, it's not. If you don't believe me, I'll get Alison for you; she's still in bed with Steve. Just hang on a sec."

Claire walked back into the room to find Alison and Steve still sitting on the bed where she'd left them.

She handed the cell phone to Alison, "Your husband doesn't believe me; he wants to talk to you."

A now desperate Alison took the phone and placed it to her ear, "Hello."

Claire watched her face crumble as her husband's voice echoed through the cell phone. With a smug look she turned to her husband and mouthed the word OUT.

Claire quickly showered and dressed; she then stumbled out to her car and drove sedately down a block before stopping. It was only then did she lower her face to the steering wheel and begin to sob. She allowed herself suitable time to cry for a supposedly good marriage that was over, for she could never forgive Steve for what he'd done, never in a million years. Then with all the calmness of a professional, she opened her business diary and called her lawyer with instructions to commence divorce proceedings on the basis of adultery.

It would also turn out to be the worse day in the lives of John and Alison Bishop, but all for different reasons. John Bishop was successful business man; he controlled people and made important things happen. He was a man to be looked up to with awe and maybe a little fear. But, as he had looked around at the people sitting around the boardroom table; he saw their mirth and ridicule, and rushed from the room. For nearly two hours, he walked round his large office tormenting himself with the images of his wife spread-legged under another man. In the end he could take it no longer and he headed for his car. The rage boiled in him as drove into his driveway, and within seconds he confronted his wife as he'd not done before. The neighbours concerned at the screaming called the police; they in turn called the ambulance when they arrived minutes later. Alison went to hospital with substantial injuries, and John went to jail for her assault. That day, John lost his wife and his career, for his employer didn't take well to wife-beating husbands for whatever the reason.

As for Claire and Steve, well he was gone on her return from work that day, and the divorce went swimmingly well as far as Claire was concerned. Her house was safe in trust and out of reach of Steve, he managed to get half of the contents and their savings, but that was about it. Funny thing was that Steve's real estate sales suffered after the word got out, as it seems like a lot women don't want to deal with an adulterous male for some reason, something to do with a lack of trust and family values.

Claire settled down to the lonely life of a divorcee, the only other living thing that managed to crawl into her bed was a small dog named Shaggy that she procured from an animal rescue organisation. The two seemed to understand each others sadness and loneliness, and a formidable bond was formed. Some of Claire's good friends remained close, but others drifted away, married friends were sometimes split sympathy wise between her and Steve.

It would be another two long years before another man entered Claire's life, and like most relationships, it was born by chance. When Claire wanted to extend her wooden deck and install larger windows and doors to capture more sun, she went through the classified work wanted advertisements in a local newspaper. She picked four and contacted them, and on a sunny summer evening, builder Mark Speedy entered her driveway and her life. At first Claire didn't know what to make of him; he was a big powerful man with large arms and legs, and a thick barrel chest. But he was quiet and polite which somehow belied how he looked. He watched and listened to what Claire wanted and then made a few very good suggestions. After some in-depth discussions, Claire asked for references from any previous jobs. Mark went to his vehicle and returned with a photo album of work he had completed. He upfront told her that his work was expensive but of excellent workmanship, he then gave her a list of people whom she may wish to talk to if she was interested in his quote. True to Mark's word, his quote was received a few days later and it was more than the other quotes. But Claire had a good feeling about Mark and made a few phone calls, his references were glowing, she was bombarded with words such as hardworking, honest, polite, excellent workmanship. In the end, her decision was easy.

To be truthful, Claire was a little uneasy about having a strange male around the house when she wasn't there. She snuck home a few times only to find Mark busy working and content with her dog for company. Shaggy stuck close to Mark even when using his noisy power tools, and they seemed good friends. As the weeks went by, Claire would arrive home from work and spend a little time talking to Mark before he packed up his tools and headed home. She withdrew him bit by bit from his shyness to find that he was also divorced, but many years ago. He was eventually asked to stay for a meal and the relationship slowly developed; a few restaurant meals and a movie or two. Claire really liked Mark, for there was an easy and gentle manner about him that she enjoyed. He was honest and warm, and even though he towered over her, she felt safe with nothing but reassurance in his presence.

For the first time, she felt a longing to be held and comforted, and maybe even taken to bed for a little loving. She waited patiently for him to make the first move, but alas he seemed the perfect gentleman. One brave night while at the movies, she reached over and placed her hand on his, his big paw opened and took her hand in his and gave it a gentle squeeze. At least it was a small beginning she thought to herself.

That night they sat in her lounge and sipped whisky laced coffee as they chatted. Eventually Mark stood and carried their empty cups to the kitchen, then returned to the lounge for his car keys. Claire picked them up for him, but instead of handing them over, she slipped them down the front of her jeans. She grinned at his surprised face and stood her ground.

"If you want them, you'd best come and get them." she whispered before turning towards the bedroom.

She stood waiting beside the bed as he gingerly entered her bedroom for the first time.

"Claire, do really want to do this?"

"You wouldn't be in here if I didn't. I want you right here and right now, but you'd best hurry in case I change my mind."

He stood with uncertainty a few steps away and Claire made her move. Her arms were soon around his neck and her lips seeking his. Their fist kiss was tentative, little pecks and the meeting of tongues, but it quickly grew with intensity. Claire stood on tip-toes to reach, but Mark placed his big hands under her buttocks and lifted her effortlessly to the correct height. Claire chuckled and kicked her shoes off before wrapping her legs around his thighs to support herself. There they stayed kissing and nibbling at each other until Claire suggested the bed would be more comfortable.

They were soon laying in each others arms, contently kissing and cuddling. Again Claire had to take the lead by manoeuvring Mark's hand to her breasts where he gently fondled them but went no further.

"You can take my clothes off, I won't bite." she whispered after awhile.

She sat up while he removed her top, and then turned her back to him so her bra could be released. Holding it in place, she turned and nodded at him to complete the task. She grinned as his shaking hands slipped the material from her shoulders and arms.

"You like?" she asked placing his hands onto her breasts and jiggling them.

"Mmmmm, I do."

"That's good, now if you must know I really like my nipples sucked. Can you do that?" she asked lowering herself to the pillow.

Claire closed her eyes in pleasure as Mark's warm inquisitive tongue explored her breasts; it had been along time since that had happened. She felt his hand sliding up the outside of her thigh and waited patiently for him to get more confident. Eventually his hand moved between her thighs, and Claire signalled her approval by opening them a little. He caressed her pussy through her jeans for a short time before his hand found her belt buckle which was quickly undone. The top button was soon released as the zip below, and his car keys rescued from their hiding place. Mark lifted his lips from her breasts and jingled the keys in his hand.

"I've got them now, maybe I should go home." he said with jest.

Claire grinned, "Well that's one option. But if you wanna be paid for all your hammer work around here, you just might wanna consider the second option."

"Oh yes, what's that?"

She raised her hips from the bed and looked down at her jeans, "You just take these off and I'll show you."

Mark slipped his fingers in the waist of her jeans and eased them downwards exposing her lovely long thighs. Claire held her panties in place as she had no intention of making it too easy for him. Mark gazed down at the beauty below him, large full breasts, a narrow waist and a pair of skimpy black panties below. Her thighs were full and shapely tapering down to her knees. His hand wandered up between her thighs and he could feel her warm arousal and dampness through the thin material. Claire sighed with pleasure as his hand slipped down the front of panties and through her triangle of curls to her lips below. His finger slipped over her clitoris and gave it a gentle tweak before seeking her opening below, and when it found the right spot, Claire eagerly pushed her buttocks upwards to engulf it.

"Ohhhhhhh." she moaned as her pussy was assaulted by another person for the first time in countless months.

Claire managed a smile, for it didn't matter how much she had masturbated in those long lonely months alone, there was nothing like having one's pussy tormented at the hands of someone else. She turned towards Mark and quickly removed his shirt before slipping her hand downwards to the front of his trousers. She was greeted with a rigid pole which was straining against its confines; her hand caressed the bulge briefly through the material before moving upwards to his belt. With one hand, she deftly undid the belt, button and zip; she then ventured inside and grasped his manhood.

Oh dear, she thought to herself as her hand encircled his shaft and measured his girth with fingers and thumb, this was going to be somewhat challenging. She released him and eased his trousers down to further release his discomfort. She watched in silent amusement as his substantial erection swung back and forth, it was long and thick but Mark was a big man and therefore it was in proportion. She placed her hand around it again and looked at the gap between her thumb and finger, her pussy was indeed going to be stretched like never before. She had experienced a few lovers before she had met her ex-husband; she couldn't count them on one hand, but could easily on two. Not one of them would measure up to the one now in her hand, she leaned forward and rubbed her cheek over the elongated circumcised head before slipping it into her mouth. He sighed with pleasure as her tongue caressed the head as she gently sucked him.

Claire felt her panties being eased downwards and shifted her body weight to make it easier, once down to her knees, she lifted her ankles so that they could be dispensed with. She then eased herself upwards so that they could kiss, they soon adjusted themselves so that they were lying facing each other. Claire parted her legs a little to allow his erection to slide between her thighs, she could feel the welcoming warm hardness on her pussy lips. Closing her thighs tight, she rocked back and forth enabling his cock to slide up and down her the length of her lips which only aroused her further.

"I've got condoms." Mark stated.

"Thanks for asking, but I'm on the pill, so do we need really them?"

"I don't think so."

"Let's do without them; I want to feel you inside me." Claire replied as she rolled onto her back and offered herself to him.

Mark rolled over between her open thighs taking his body weight on his powerful arms. Claire reached downwards and took his erection in her hand, waiting for him to correctly position himself she directed his large head between her pussy lips and moved it up and down for a little lubrication. With a little trepidation, she then directed it to her opening and lifted her pussy upwards. The large head slipped inside her after the briefest of resistance, with her hand remaining around the shaft to control its entry, she allowed Mark to slowly and gently ease himself inside her. She felt her insides being stretched as never before, but it wasn't unpleasant, maybe just a little strange. It'd been a long time since a cock had been in her private little place, and it was good that the wait was finally over.

"You okay? Mark whispered. "I'm not hurting you?"

"Nah, just take it easy and I'll be fine. It's been a while since I've done this. A bit out of practice I reckon."

Claire released her hold on his shaft and bent her knees a little to make the angle easier on her. It took but a short time for uncertainty and discomfort to wane, and the pleasure to come to the fore. She had accepted his length with ease and his strokes were full but gentle. She began to move with him, her hands wandering over his wide back. Their faces were close and little kisses, licks and nibbles went with it. Mark began to build up a little speed and Claire matched every stroke, and then with little warning, he gave a deep sigh as he ejaculated deep inside her.

Oh great, Claire thought to herself. My first fuck in over two years and I get a premature ejaculator. Just my luck.

"Sorry." Mark exclaimed. "I just couldn't help myself."

Claire gave him a kiss, "Its okay."

"Can I keep going?"

"Sure, you go for it and I'll tag along for the ride." she replied.

Claire was pleasantly surprised when Mark began to ride her once more. Each stroke was met by a noisy sloshing from her cum lubricated pussy. She hooked her legs around his buttocks as he rode her, their bodies were soon glistening with sweat but ignored in the heat of passion.

"How about letting me have a turn on top?" she asked after a while.

Mark rolled sideways onto his back and waited to be mounted; Claire raised her body to a sitting position and reached to the bedside cabinet for a tissue which was placed between her thighs to catch his leaking cum. After a quick wipe, she lifted a thigh over his torso and sat on his thighs. Her hand slipped around his erection and gave it a loving squeeze before sliding it up against her navel; she smiled when the head stood well higher than her belly button.

"It's a big fella ain't it?" she commented.

"I haven't had too many complaints about it being too small."

"I bet you haven't." she replied while lifting her buttocks and moving forward over his cock.

With a little wriggle to get it in the right place, she eased herself down on it. When it was in to the hilt, she sat upright and rotated her pussy to get a good feel for it.

"Look ma, no hands." she commented flippantly.

Mark laughed heartily, "I'm sure your ma would be real pleased to see you now."

"Nope, she'd be horrified. She'd still want me to be her innocent little girl, you know, happily married but still a virgin."

Claire lowered herself onto Mark's chest and gave a quick kiss, "You're the first man I've ever met who can cum and then keep it up for a second shot. You do this sort of thing often?"

"Only when I'm really excited."

"Oh, so I excite you just a little do I?"

"Well, I've been fantasising about this ever since I first laid eyes on you. I was kinda hoping my dream would come true."

"Really?" she asked with interest. "If you were so interested, why was your quote so high?"