The Decision

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Husband and wife discover the consequences of sharing.
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*This is the second part of a series. I suggest you read Beginnings first.


Unable to sleep, I watched Lexi in her slumber. She seemed so peaceful, but my mind was in turmoil over the events of yesterday and the decision that was before me. We've had a good marriage, not perfect, but strong and trusting. How could something that seemed so right, go so wrong? I hate that I allowed this to happen and that I in fact, even encouraged it.

Henry took all that was precious from me last night. Plus, he has given me this audacious proposal to surrender my wife over to him, and virtually relinquish all my spousal rights. I can't believe he would think I would be crazy enough to even consider his proposal. I've never even met the guy.

Lexi stirred and sleepily asked, "What's the matter?"

"Nothing, hun. Go back to sleep."

I keep remembering the incredible sex we had last night, and how Lexi seemed like a different person. I guess it was naive to believe that we could push the parameters, and do it with no consequences. That video Henry made was a slap in the face of reality. As much as it angered me, Henry was correct in much of what he said. I had never once considered that by sharing my wife with another man, I would actually abdicate my marital contract. Another thought was, would it be fair of me to me to stop it on my own? It should be our decision. After my initial encouragement would me now saying no be tantamount to offering a child a cookie and then saying no sweets?

The dawn light was starting to break through the curtains, and I realized I had been up all night, struggling with this whole scenario. If I could take it all back, I would. I looked at her asleep, so relaxed, with her hair fanned out on the pillow. Just a few hours earlier, however, she was willingly used as a fuck toy by a man she barely knew, and who was a total stranger to me.

His video said I passed my first cuckold test. That took me by surprise. It was never something I had even considered. I don't think of myself as some wimpy cuckold. I'm a six-three muscular man, not some sniveling little submissive weakling, scared of his own shadow. He was right about one thing though, there was no denying that last night was the most incredible sex of my entire life. The feeling of his cum squeezing out as I pushed into her well-fucked pussy was indescribable. It was more erotic than anything I've ever dreamed of, but I also knew a repeat might destroy our marriage.

I tried to slip out of bed, in a way so as not to disturb Lexi, but as soon as my feet hit the floor, she rolled over.

"Why are you getting up so soon, sweetie? Why not come back and snuggle with me? It's Saturday," she asked, extending out her arm.

"I'm gonna go down and make some coffee and get the breakfast started, hun," I replied, kissing her lips and patting her butt.

"You tease. Come back to bed. I'll make it worth your while," she grinned.

"Come down when you can. We need to talk," I said, cinching up my robe.

"You're no fun!" she called out, as I made my way down to the kitchen.


I have always loved the quietness of the early morning, with the breaking sun waking up the world. The birds start to stir and chirp their song of life. The dew glistens on the flower petals. The smell of the coffee and frying bacon was tantalizing my senses. The morning-after seemed in contrast to the turmoil that was churning my insides all night. The toaster went ding, just about the time Lexi walked into the room, stretching and running her fingers through her hair.

"Morning, stud!" she yawned.

"Morning, princess," I replied, buttering the toast.


"I already fixed your cup. Your eggs will be ready in a jiffy."

"Why'd you get up so early? We were up so late."

"I couldn't sleep. I've been up all night. I got up and watched Henry's video again."


"He says, I have to make this decision, but that's not fair. We got into this together, and I think this is our decision to make. I realized you said nothing during the video last night. What is it that you want? Would you even consider taking his proposal of being passed around like a common whore?"

Lexi looked at me, saying nothing. It was like she was studying me. Then she said, "Let's talk about this after breakfast. It's getting cold."

"Okay, but I'm not deciding this on my own."

We ate in polite silence. It seemed every click of the dishes or sound was amplified. Finally, I asked, "Do you want some more coffee?"

"Yeah, I'll take a warm up... Alan, I only have one question to ask."

"Sure. Shoot."

"After seeing that stark presentation on the video and what he is asking, why are you having a hard time making up your mind?"

"What he is proposing disgusts me. I can't believe you would even consider becoming his sex-slave, and being used by him and his friends. This is not what I envisioned when we agreed to this. Lexi, I love you, and don't want to lose you. My gut says no, but I still want your opinion."

Lexi sat there quietly, thinking. I could tell she was contemplating what to say, and I patiently waited her reply. She shifted uncomfortably in her chair, took my hand, and looked up into my face and said, "Alan, I love you too, and don't want to lose you either. What happened last night was probably the most intensely erotic thing that has ever happened in both our lives... Right?"

"Yeah, it was hot at the time," I agreed.

"I think we discovered some things about ourselves. I'd lie if I said what happened wasn't the most mind blowing experience of my life, but it is not worth ruining our marriage over. He really wasn't anything like I thought."


"Hun, you're so sweet and sensitive to me. I know you love me by the way you take care of my every need. He was so... opposite of you. He was forceful and demanding. His big cock hurt like hell at first, but he wasn't phased in the least by my cries of pain. He just took me. He fucked me like a whore. He used me, and I hated myself because...liked it."

"Is that true?"

"Yes, but I equally liked how you made love to me so tenderly later. By the way, the thing about his friends totally took me by surprise. He never mentioned any of that."

"Sweetheart, don't be angry with me, but I can't agree to his proposal. You're the most precious thing in my life, and the risk is too much."

"Then that's it. The answer is no! I think you should call him, if that's your decision. I support it!"

"Okay, I will, but I'm still bothered by what you said last night when you said things could not go back to normal. What does that mean?"

"You know what I mean. We've both tasted forbidden fruit and loved it. It's going to be hard to keep it off the menu," she grinned seductively.

"I'll call him later. Right now, I'm gonna take you up to the bedroom and make you forget all about him. All this talk has me worked up," I pulled her hand.

She dropped her robe on the bar-stool and said, "Okay, big boy. Let's see what you've got."

I slapped her butt, swaying so invitingly in front of me, as she climbed the stairs. I don't know if it was the erotic talk or her increased confidence, but Lexi looked prettier and more desirable than ever before. Perception is everything.

As we entered the bedroom, I picked her up and tossed her on the bed. She looked startled as I grabbed her by the hair and pulled her head toward my waiting erection.

"Suck my dick, bitch!" I commanded.

Lexi broke out laughing and said, "Serious? Did you say, suck my dick, bitch?"

"Well... you said he was rough and forceful, and you liked it... So..."

"Hun, I love you just the way you are. Just be you. You're a wonderful, attentive lover. You're not him, so please don't try."

"I was just thinking that..."

"I know, sweetheart. Just be the Alan I married and love. Now come here, handsome. Make love to me."

I don't think I ever wanted her more. As I put my hands on her cheeks and turned her face to kiss her, I wondered how he kissed her. As I felt her breasts and pinched her erect nipples, I wondered if he was rough or gentle. Did he eat her pussy like I do?

"Ohhh, Alan! That's it! Ahhh, just like that!" she moaned, as I tongued her deep. She bucked around as I tickled her little button, and squeezed my head with her thighs.

After several minutes of mutual oral pleasure, Lexi moaned out, "Fuck me! Now!"

I lifted her knees on my shoulders and held my cock in my hand as I stroked my head up and down in her wetness. She raised her hips to show she wanted me. It slipped in as normal. The looseness of last night was gone. She was back to normal, alleviating my fears. As I pumped her, I couldn't help but think about, how long did it take for him to work in that monster dick?

"Fuck meee! Fuck me hard! Fuck your slut wife. Please don't stop! Keep going!"

I seemed empowered to hammer her like I had something to prove. Our bodies were colliding with a ferocity previously unknown between us. Our skin was slapping, and I could feel her vagina constricting around my erection. We worked in unison, both reaching for the same goal. The bed was squeaking and the headboard was hammering on the wall.

Questions flooded my mind. Was I so energized now because I was trying to claim back what I was so willing to surrender? Was she thinking about him while I made love to her?

"Ohhh my god! I'm coming. Fuck me!" she cried out, in a demanding voice, like I had never heard before.

Her orgasms were intense, pulling me over the top. It was at that moment that I realized Henry was with us, even though he was not here. His influence was apparent to both of us as I dumped my seed into my wife. Spasm after spasm gripped me, as I flooded her.

"Ahhh," I said, gasping for air.

I rolled on my back. Lexi was panting like a marathon runner. She smiled and snuggled up to me, holding my hand like we did when we were newlyweds.

"Wow, Alan! That was incredible! Where has that been hiding?"

"You too. I've never seen you any more passionate."

"My encounter with Henry seems to have supercharged you."

"Talking about Henry, I'll call him later."

"Okay, but remember it's you're decision."

"I thought you agreed. Wouldn't that mean it's our decision?"

"What ever... that's all semantics."

"It fries my butt. Where does he come off saying he owns you?"

"He doesn't, and neither do you! I'm not anyone's property," Lexi said resolutely.


The afternoon was pretty much back to normal. I washed the cars and cleaned out the garage, and worked out on the universal gym. Lexi paid some bills and straightened up the house. I embraced the normality, taking my mind off the events of yesterday.

Lexi was cooking when I finally finished my chores and came into the house. I pulled off my shirt and wiped the sweat off my chest with my shirt. Lexi looked at me and grinned. It's been awhile since she's flirted with me.

"I'm gonna take a shower, sweets. Be back in a couple minutes."

"Okay. Dinner is almost ready," she replied.

When I started to climb the stairs, the phone rang.

"Alan, it's for you."

"Take their number and tell them I'll call them back."

"I think you might want to take this now," she said, holding out the receiver.

"What the hell?" I replied, going back down the stairs and taking the mobile phone from her. Lexi looked anxious.

"Hello, this is Alan, can I help you?" I said.

"This is Henry," he replied, followed by a long pause.

"Why are you calling?" I said, icily.

"You know why I'm calling."

"We've talked it over and our answer is a resounding no! We won't be discussing this any further."

"Well that's extremely disappointing to hear. It's too bad you won't be joining us."

"What the fuck are you talking about?" I replied in a raised voice.

"What I'm talking about is picking up your hot little wife and taking her to meet my friends."

"The hell you are. Come to my house and I'll call the cops."

"Well, before you do something rash, I suggest you look on your computer. I sent you a video-file in your wife's email. Look at it in its entirety, and we'll talk further what your options are. I'll be waiting your call." He hung up.

"Lexi, what the fuck is going on here? He wants us to look at a video he sent to your email."

"Hun, I really don't have a clue what he's talking about."

I retrieved the lap-top from the office and set it on the table, then opened it up, and turned it on. We waited nervously while it booted up. The whole time, Lexi looked at me. I sensed something was amiss. I rolled the mouse and searched her files and saw nothing. Finally, I found the file in the junk-mail. There was a link that said, 'Lexi's Debut.' I clicked it.

My mouth dropped open. It was a video showing Lexi being helped out of her dress by a large, muscular black man. I paused the video.

"What the hell? Did you know he was filming you?"

"No! Of course not!"

I restarted the video. It was apparent there were multiple cameras in the room. It was edited from several views. I watched as he unfastened her bra and reaching around her, cupping her breasts. Lexi moaned her pleasure, then she turned and kissed him. She unbuttoned his shirt. He pealed it off and threw it on the chair. She let out a gasp when she saw his muscled physique and ran her hands over his chest. Then, she dropped to her knees and unfastened his belt. When his trousers dropped to the floor, she hooked her thumbs in the top of his briefs and pulled them down in apparent urgency. His monster semi-erect cock sprang forward flopping in her face.

"Oh my god!" She gasped.

"Wait a second. I've got to take a pic. Alan will never believe this," she said with a giggle. She rummaged through her purse until she found her phone. He stroked his cock and made it grow even bigger. She clicked the photo.

"So this is when you sent me the dick pic?"

"Yeah. I'm sorry, I didn't know I was being filmed."

By now, they were nude and he easily lifted her on the bed. She spread her legs and he dove his head between her thighs. She lifted her knees, and he began to tongue her. I was taken back by how photogenic she was - almost like a pro.

"Ohhh yes! Ohhh, my God! That's it. Don't stop! Don't stop! I'm coming! Ohhh!" Lexi cried out. The sound quality was perfect. It suddenly occurred to me that this was as professional a video as I had ever seen.

She pulled at his head, grinding her pelvis upward. This was an extremely hot scene, but I had to remind myself that this was my wife, not some actress.-

I looked at Lexi, and she appeared uncomfortable, to say the least. Then she said, "We don't have to watch the rest. You get the idea." She reached out for the mouse.

I put my hand on hers and replied, "No, I want to see more. He said to watch it all."

"Alan, this is embarrassing for me."

"He set this up really well, considering these were hidden cameras. The video quality and sound are impeccable. The editing seems professional. I think we should watch the rest. He said to watch it entirely and call at the end. You really had no clue he was doing this?"

"No! I already told you that I didn't know."

In the video her was kneeling between her legs, positioning his massive cock head at the entrance of her pussy. She told him that she was scared that it wouldn't fit. Then he took a squeeze bottle of lube, poured it on his fingers, and pushed them into her pussy. She moaned loudly. He assured her that the lube was a special product that had a numbing effect, and that he'd take it slow. She actually looked scared.

"Okay, here we go," he said as he pushed in an inch or two.

"Ouch, that hurts!" she moaned.

He pushed a bit more and said, "Don't worry bitch, it'll fit."

"Please stop, it burns."

"Stop the fucking bitching slut!" He screamed putting his hand roughly over her mouth.

He began to make slow pumps in her, with each one going a little deeper. He never asked if she was okay. She struggled and moaned. After several minutes, it appeared he penetrated her as deep as she could take it, even though a full quarter of his cock length was not in.

"Ahhh... Fuck! You're so damn huge!"

"Want me to continue?" He asked, pausing his movement.

"Shut up and fuck me!"

I looked at Lexi on the couch, reliving her experience. I could tell she was getting upset watching this unfold. I put my arm around her and kissed her cheek. I glanced back at the video. He was pounding her like a man on a mission. Admittedly, watching this was hotter than any video I'd ever seen.

"Damn, sweetheart! You look like a pro."

As I continued to watch, he fucked her for several more minutes. Then the scene shifted to him trying to fuck her ass. After some success he finally gave up when she screamed it hurt too badly. Then suddenly the video stopped, and flashed a phone number on the screen.

When the screen froze, Lexi was staring at me intently, but saying nothing. I finally said, "That was pretty fucking intense. How do you feel? Are you wanting this to continue?"

After a long silence, she replied, "Alan, you'd know I'd be lying if I said it wasn't an unforgettable experience. You could see that, but there was so much deception. I can't trust him. He wants to drive a wedge between us. I love you and can't risk our marriage, or watch him humiliate you."

"I feel the same way. We agreed to begin this little adventure together, and we are going to end it together. I'll call him." She handed me the phone.

I put it on speaker and punched in the number on the screen. It rang several times before he picked up.

"I see you finished the video, because you called this number. So what do you think? Your wife's a star. Have you changed your mind?"

"Actually, the answer is the same. We are both in agreement. The answer is no! She will not be continuing."

"That is really too bad to hear. I'm sad you won't be joining us. It's better for her if you're involved."

"What the fuck do you mean? We both said no!"

"Listen to me, you cucky. This is how it's gonna be. I'm coming over and picking her up. She is due in makeup at six. We're shooting at seven. I suggest she lube well before we arrive. If you even think of calling the cops, a copy of this video will be sent to your family, friends, and employer."

"What the fuck? Why would you do such a thing? If you smeared her at work, wouldn't that hurt you too? You work together."

"Look, this is goin' nowhere. I couldn't give a shit about that job. I'm just a temp. I only take that work to expand... my stable. Why do I do it? You saw the video. I'm a video company. Big Bull Production Company. Don't worry, she will be paid plenty. Fresh faces are what the industry wants."

I was stunned, but Lexi finally took the phone and shouted, "Look, asshole, I'm not going anywhere. We just recorded this whole conversation. What you are doing is breaking the law. I might be a law clerk, but I know the law."

"Clever little bitch, ain't you? You didn't even ask how much I'll be paying you. If you sign over the rights to this video, I'll pay you ten thousand."

"Ten thousand?" Lexi exclaimed, wide eyed. I was mouthing 'no'.

"Yeah, ten grand, and tonight even more, 'cause you're gonna be with my boys. Your cucky can watch."

Lexi look at me and then said, "We need to talk this over. Give us a few minutes."

"You got ten minutes."


To be continued

liz33ndliz33ndalmost 5 years ago
great story

you know your story is a hit when so many comment, in so many ways. i loved it, great writing style.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago

Hot story but how will he send it to everybody except people at work and if tells them all he’s blackmailing her they will have him arrested. She’s allowed to fuck whoever it’s not against the law . She’s now obviously going to talk her dumb hubby into letting her do this for the ten g’s pulse the extra for his boys . How many and how much . This isn’t life changing money for her to be a giant black cock whore porn star . Which he’s spelling it out that’s what she will be . Her husband is already getting abused and had to watch her be violated like a abused pig . Now the group of them will break down his manhood by humiliation, emasculateing, belittling him . Hope he keeps his balls and doesn’t let her do it . He doesn’t own her but they are bound by a legal contract through marriage and if he doesn’t consent to what she wants to do than divorce it should be .

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago

Looks like Lexi will be turned into a BBC slut with Alan batting cleanup.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
re: HEY ANNONY bet you can't say

A) It didn't mention WHICH annony. (I stand by my pronoun choice.)


B) Does it have the brains to realize it also is annony?

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago

In love with your writing. Here is a soft sensitive man, a poet.

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