The Decoy Princesses Pt. 03


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"You're right... something is off," the elven ranger that Hiley found out was named Vaeri, said. "This village isn't normal. There should be people... even goblins... going about their business. Women doing their normal work for food and upkeep of homes. I don't even see any children outside playing."

"Children!" the half-elf priestess, Liliessa, gasped. "I don't see any children anywhere. In fact..." she cocked her head to listen for a moment. "I don't even hear ANY children!"

"Yeah..." the head warlock who'd been favoring Vaeri said. Hiley remembered someone calling him Geer. He was nodding somberly as he led the coffle down a walkway to what Hiley guessed was the main thoroughfare of the village. "You got it, toots. We don't have any kids here. We hardly have any women. We got the orcs and you elves to thank for that as we've been caught in the crossfire of yer little war. If our people don't get killed by you elves and that damn black paladin of yours out on the front lines, we get killed by the orcs for not being able to stand up to you all. Then they take our women for their own comfort and breeding while we're lucky to get sloppy seconds."

"And..." Saygra paused for a moment as she looked down at Geer. "The children?" she asked tentatively in her first moment of genuine concern for the goblins since being captured.

Geer simply looked away, unwilling to answer the question. "Let's just say that we're doing what we can to survive out here and leave it at that, huh?" he finally said in a subdued, somber tone as he led them the rest of the way into the village in silence.

In that moment, Hiley understood. It was why she was taken after she'd attacked Nox. It was why the three other women were taken after they attacked the cave. They were spoils of an undeclared war and they were needed... needed to help the goblins repopulate or else they'd die out. It was a sobering thought for her, realizing that while she was basically reduced to breeding stock she was also a valued member of the goblin society now... at least until their numbers increased. After that, who knew what would happen to them. When they stopped at the largest building in town that reminded Hiley of a inn combined with a brothel, she couldn't help but looking down at her bare, plump belly that Nox had been filling with his seed over the past week. While Saygra, Vaeri, and Liliessa were put into some open doored rooms... slave rooms, she thought... next to those that already belonged to a couple of orc women looking back at them dispassionately, Hiley had a mixture of emotions. Part of her still wanted her freedom back yet part of her now wanted to help. She'd taken her lifestyle for granted because she wasn't facing possible extinction like these goblins were. After all, it wasn't like gnomes were hunted and treated like vermin like the goblins were.

It was a real sobering thought.

She was surprised when Geer got to her that she wasn't put into another hut alongside the other five women. Instead Geer took her leash, which had been attached to Liliessa's collar, and led her elsewhere into the village. "Wha-?" she asked, confused as she looked back at the slave huts, now behind her as she followed Geer. She could see the other three now looking at her with a mixture of fear and anger. "Where are we going?"

"You belong to the boss," Geer told her. "You're going to Nox's house." He smirked at her confused look. "Why else do you think none of us fucked you while we took breaks in the tunnel? You belong to the boss and so we were under orders not to touch you. The other three, however, were fair game."

"Oh..." was all Hiley could say as she processed this in her head now. Now she understood that when they'd stopped for breaks the other three had been taken while she'd been left alone to watch. She'd seen the resentment in Saygra's eyes... and even in all three of their eyes just now as they'd left the slave inn. Hiley was getting obvious preferential treatment ever since she'd submitted to Nox.

They got to what had to be the largest, goblin-sized house in all of the village. Geer opened the door and pulled her inside. After taking the ropes off of her, freeing her arms from behind her back, he chanted some words and waved his hand all around the door and then pressed it to her collar. Then he led her around the four room house that consisted of a living area, a kitchen, the bedroom, and a bathing chamber. Geer repeated the same little ritual at every window and opening that could possibly lead to the outside and that included the chimney in the living area. "There, all done," he said, taking the leash off of Hiley's collar and hanging it by the door. You're now attuned to the boss' house. You won't be able to leave unless this leash is on your collar and one of us goblins is holding it. So don't try to escape. Got it? Otherwise, zap!" he pointed a finger at her and pulled the trigger as if firing a crossbow. Hiley nodded empathetically to show that she got the message loud and clear. Geer nodded back and then he was gone.

Hiley looked around Nox's home and let out a despondent sigh. The house looked newly built and there weren't many things in it. It was, at least, well stocked with firewood and provisions so that she wouldn't starve or freeze to death. She explored the bathroom area and she was shocked to find that it had running water and even sewage drainage in it. That was something that she'd only seen in the bigger cities and even heard of from far off places like Baldur's Gate, Neverwinter, and Waterdeep. These goblins were really inventive! Her gnomish inquisitive mind went to work and she looked out the windows to see the network of piping cleverly hidden amongst the boughs of the trees. Further study showed that the water was magically heated and cooled by some kind of gizmo that was attached to the spigots. Hiley filled up the large tub with hot water and jumped in, cleaning herself off thoroughly with the soap she'd found before relaxing in it with a sigh of contentment.

Maybe... just maybe... this wouldn't be so bad for her after all.


Forna was glad that there were new arrivals. It meant that she was being left alone for the time being so she went to bed to rest. By the looks of it, that goblin bastard responsible for her enslavement bagged another orc, two elves, and a gnome while he was gone. She felt for her orcish sister but could care less about the elves and the gnome. After the gnome was led off to who knew where, Forna could hear the plinking of gold coins being put into the cans outside of the new arrivals' rooms followed by the sounds of grunting, moaning, and the slapping of skin upon skin as the goblin men made quick use of their new women slaves. The damnable thing about it was that the whole thing was making her aroused all over again... especially thinking about the haughty elves being used as goblin whores.

There was a pink of a coin in her can at the doorway. Forna rolled on the bed and saw one of the warlocks coming in. It wasn't the one who'd led off the gnome but he was one of the ones who'd brought the group of women back from wherever they'd come from. Her eyes narrowed on him. "Figured that you'd want some of the new stock, goblin," she growled.

"My name is Jald and I'd already had my fun with those three after capturing them and bringing them back here," he said casually and with an eloquence that she didn't think was possible with goblins. Was it possible that they'd all been putting on an act all this time and that they were actually more intelligent than they really were? Jald pulled the curtain closed on her door to give them some privacy before taking off his robes and clothes, folding them in a neat little pile by the door.

"Whatever..." Forna sighed, rolling to her back and splaying herself wide open in every direction. "Shove your little prick into me and let's get this done already."

"Little?" Jald scoffed, sounding offended. "Punishment. Get your orc bitch ass down on this floor right now, slave," he ordered her, pointing to a position right in front of his feet.

Forna hissed in pain as the punishment geas activated in her cursed collar thanks to his command word that he used. She rolled out of bed and went down onto all fours. "Yes... Master..." she grit out before crawling over to him and kissing his feet. She'd found out the first couple of days of being here that was the only way to get the pain to stop and that it only got worse every second that went by. The longest she'd lasted was about five to six minutes. She'd heard Irga next door last a whole ten minutes but she was then rendered unconscious shortly after that point as the pain had become too intense for her. "I am sorry... Master..." she then added with a resigned sigh.

"You know... just for that insult..." Jald said thoughtfully. He walked around behind her, sliding his hand up underneath of her sex to feel her lower abdomen. He spoke a few words and she suddenly felt warm, tingly, and very ready to fuck... the damn goblin. Then he placed his hands down on his crotch, grabbing his cock and balls, and chanting a few more words. Forna looked back to see his balls swell in size just a bit to the size of a couple of small apples, and his cock elongate and thicken to the size of an orcs. He smirked as he glared back at her. "Let's see you handle this, toots," he said as he stepped up to her, grabbed her hips, and impaled her with his now magically imbued cock.

Forna reared back, arched her spine, and cried out as she was suddenly speared by his more impressive manhood. At the same time, Jald grabbed her hair, which had grown longer since being brought here, to keep her in that position. He grunted and spoke as he rammed his cock deep into her. "We're... tired... of... being... treated... as... inferior!" he told her.

"Ack! Ugh! Fuck! Ah!" Forna replied as a mix of pain and pleasure erupted from her loins as this goblin showed her who was on top of their little relationship here. "I... am... sorry... Master..." she grunted out. And she really was. She'd been underestimating goblins for her entire life and here this one was putting her into a subservient and submissive position. Jald might be half her size but he was fucking her with all of the fury and the savagery of an orc. When he then came inside of her a minute later, unleashing a torrent of cum up into her with such force and volume that she didn't even think was possible for a goblin, she found herself climaxing right along with him.

This time, however, she doubted that it was because of the magical geas that she was under.

Jald released her hair and Forna sank her torso down to the floor, moaning pitifully as her body trembled violently from the orgasm. To her surprise, Jald made her stay up on her knees with his still throbbing cock still buried inside of her. Her pussy seemed to quiver in time to his pulses as if it were milking his cock for his seed. She felt the stuff flood up into her womb and noticed that hardly a drop was leaking out of her. Only once she felt his balls stop twitching and his cock go still inside of her did he finally pull out and allow her to collapse. She hated to admit it, but it was the best damn sex she'd ever had in her life. Jald moved over to the bed to sit on her pillow. There, he grabbed the chain that attached her collar to the headboard and jerked on it twice. "Get up here and suck me to get me hard, slave," he ordered her. "When I get hard, I'll fuck you again."

"Yes... Master..." she breathed, her loins still throbbing hard. This time, she was secretly looking forward to it.


Nox got back to Underbrush late in the night. He went by the brothel where he found that not only were all five of the women there being fucked, but there was a line for them as well. Not bothering to stick around, he then went through the village finding Lumy, Saly, and the handful of other women that he'd managed to liberate from the orcs already paired up with a lot of the guys. It didn't surprise him in the least, after all, all the women had stayed here while he was out getting things done. It made him happy to see that the women were already hooking up with guys that they liked but at the same time he would've liked to have one more go at them. The next time he went out, he'd have to bring more goblin women home with him. Half breeds were all well and good, and they typically took after whoever the goblin parent was, but his kind did like to permanently mate with his kind and fuck the other races as a bonus.

Ah well. It was a good thing that he had a personal gnome slave. Truth be told, he was finding Hiley's pluck to be cute and even admirable. As he approached his house, he saw smoke billowing up out of the fireplace. Well, at least the gnome made herself at home, he figured. Even so, he peeked in through one of the windows and saw her sitting by the fireplace looking through one of the few tomes that he owned, wrapped up in a blanket. She'd even cleaned herself up and done her pink hair up in those poofball pigtails that he'd found her in originally. Satisfied that she wasn't laying in wait for him to off him, he walked though the door as normal, drawing her attention as he entered.

"Master!" she said, surprisingly happy to see him, as she hopped up from her chair to rush over to him. She dropped to her knees before him and bent over to kiss his boots. "You were gone a long time."

"Yeeeeeeah..." Nox said cautiously as he arched an eyebrow at her, kicking the door closed behind him. "You, however, are acting weird," he noted. "Did the warlocks do something to you?"

Hiley straightened up but remained on her knees. She looked up at him and shook her head. "No... Master," she said softly. "I saw the others as they were taken into rooms at the brothel and I can hear what goes on there all the way from here. I then realize that I could've been one of them, just like you'd said, and realize that I have it good here where all I have to do is serve you. I want to make you happy with me, Master, and bear and raise your children..." her voice trailed off. "What the orcs did to you... well... I want to help. And if offering my body to you is the way to do it, then... well... so be it."

"And you thought of this all on your own?" he asked skeptically.

"Yes, Master," Hiley nodded. "That, and seeing how the orc women were being punished for resisting helped make up my mind. The one that came in with me tried to escape earlier today. They put her on a pillory in front of the brothel, whipped her bottom, and then I watched all the men line up to take her." She shuddered at the memory. "I don't want that to be me, Master. I want to be only yours."

"Works for me," Nox said, willing to take victory where he could get it. He got hard in the knowledge that he now had a willing, naked slave that'd be waiting here at home for him. Once he was naked, leaving his clothes and gear in a pile at the door, Nox took Hiley to bed with him. She rolled flat onto her back, spreading her legs wide for him. Not only that, but she even reached between her legs to spread her pussy wide open for him. What is that saying that the humans have? He wondered as he took his cock in hand and brought it up to her wet and waiting opening. Ah yes; it's good to be the king!

Instead of plowing right into her as he'd done for the past week, Nox eased his cock into her, gently sliding deep inside of her pussy. Hiley pointed her feet and lifted her legs to either side of him as she felt every inch of him fill her up. She let out a long, low groan of passion in the process. As he lowered his body down to hers, she even slid her hands up his arms and wrapped them around his neck. "Ooohhhh... thank you, Master," she breathed as their bodies came together.

Nox groaned with pleasure as he felt her legs wrap around his waist as he proceeded to drive into her, listening to her little squeaks the entire time. He lifted up just a bit, snaking a hand under her head to grab the back of her neck. Then, on impulse, he twisted his head to the side and planted a deep, probing kiss right onto her mouth with his tongue now wrestling with hers. Again, to his surprise, she moaned in passion as she kissed him back, even wrapping her arms and legs around him even tighter as their bodies moved together. The fact that she was now giving herself to him so freely drove him wild. He bucked his hips into hers as hard as he could and she reciprocated by arching up into him. When his cock started to swell within her as he got close to release, Hiley dug her heels into his back right above his ass. He let loose deep inside of her pussy, blowing his cum right up into her waiting womb and Hiley held onto his body for all she was worth as she came right along with him. Their bodies shuddered as they held and kissed each other passionately until they were both totally spent.



A few days later, the young human clerk from Riverrun was meeting with Nox in the middle of Underbrush. Nox noticed that there were a few human women, five in all, standing with him and his militia. "We didn't get properly introduced when you... uh... promoted me to mayor of Riverrun," he said, still looking around as if he expected Nox and his goblins to attack at any moment. "I'm Cyrus, and this is my daughter, Bridget, and her friends who all just came of age this past year," he said. The petite redhead behind him merely nodded but otherwise kept her eyes downcast. Cyrus paused as he looked in the direction of the brothel, seeing the five women who the goblins had captured and recognizing the three adventurers that Riverrun had sent. He turned back to Nox. "We're prepared to trade because, I won't lie, we need the lumber and you're now the closest village here who has it."

Cyrus gestured behind him to his daughter and the four other women. "My daughter... and her friends... volunteered to be the first group to come up here to... mate... with you," he said in a pained voice. Nox could tell that it was taking every amount of composure that the human had not to fly off in a angry tirade. "However, I want your assurances that they will not be treated like some common whores like you're doing with that lot over there," he added, pointing towards the brothel where the five women there were now watching with curious interest. "And I want your assurances that they'll be returned to us once they've spawned your kind."

Nox shrugged indifferently as if Cyrus had just demanded a duel with water buckets. "Have my people done anything to your village to make you think that we'd mistreat you or your people?"

"No..." Cyrus ground out, "but I see what you're doing to our adventurers that we sent after you," he said, gesturing again towards the brothel.

"Have I, or any of my people, outright attacked you?"

"The elders..." Cyrus started to say.

Nox held up his hand. "Ah, wait, killing them was in retaliation for sending people to kill us... who did succeed in killing some of us. I lost a lot of good miners who were helping me defend our tunnel that we made. We never once attacked you, did we?"

Cyrus let out a low growl but shook his head. "No..." he said at last.

"So then," Nox continued, "It's fair to say that throughout all of this, we've been the ones who have been attacked and have kept our word, yes?"

"Yes..." Cyrus conceded through grit teeth.

"Now, with that said, you make reasonable points that I'm happy to honor." Nox looked around at his brethren and spied Lumi. "Hey! Lumi! Who you shacking up with?"

"Stos, boss," Lumi said at once, cozying up to the strapping goblin lumberjack next to her who was also one of the village's warriors.

"Take the Mayor's daughter," he told them. "Treat her well since she'll be livin' with you for the next six months." Nox then did the same for the other four human women, assigning them to homes that already had a goblin couple living in it as the babies born from them would be staying as the human women returned home. Once he was done, he turned to Cyrus, who was taking one, last fleeting look at his daughter before she disappeared for half a year. "I trust that this arrangement is to your liking?" Nox asked him.
