The Decoy Princesses


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"Before then?" Sharia looked up at him, brow furrowed in confusion.

Darian sighed, uncomfortable with the subject. It wasn't something that he'd talked to with anyone to this day. "It was no coincidence that I'd come to be at Eshandell when I did. Selune had come to me in a dream and gave me a vision of you. She told me that I was to find you and to protect you no matter the cost." He placed a hand on her belly. "I can see why now."

"Kerug forced me to bear his child. He had one of his shamans concoct a potion that would make him irresistible to me and promote fertility in us both so that I could have his heir." Sharia said sadly. Then she let out a hollow laugh as she wiped tears from her eyes. "An orc with the agility of an elf to rule over both races. At first I cried and I mourned knowing that my life was over. If I wasn't killed by Kerug if I bore a son then I'd actually be there to watch him grow... being twisted and corrupted by Kerug. If I bore a daughter then I'd probably either be killed or forced to mate with him again until I bore a son."

She shook her head. "And if I were saved I'd be killed by my own people because of the half-breed growing inside of me. You told me your story; you know how it is. But then when you were defending me I realized that this child is as much mine as it was Kerug's and I do want to fight for it's life." She rested her head on his shoulder.

They sat there in silence for a while, neither one of them moving or even making a sound. The playful giggling and the moans of passion met their ears as other couples from the elven guard were in the throes of their romantic interludes. "I wonder how Celeste does it?" Sharia mused.

"Does what?"

"Get back into a physical relationship with Rhys," she clarified. "From what I've found out in talking with her today she had it worse than I did." She shuddered. "I couldn't imagine going through what she went through. I thought I had it bad. She was worse."

"People cope in their own ways and she broke free and was rescued sooner." Darian pointed out. "I wouldn't say either one of your ordeals were better or worse than the other."

More silence reigned and Sharia just snuggled in closer to him as much as possible. "Do you remember me telling you that Selune had spoken to me and said that she was sending a protector my way?"


"I think that Selune wants us to be together." She looked up at him and smiled. "And the fact that you were ready to die for me the moment you saw me tells me all I need to know about you." Sharia shifted until she was in front of him. "I want to try again," she said, reaching down and groping him under the water. Her hands pumped back and forth, bringing his shaft to life in a hurry and making him groan in the process.

"Are you sure."

Sharia nodded. "Yes. If Celeste can move on, so can I." She moved to straddle his lap and looked him straight in the eye, maintaining contact, as she lowered herself down onto his cock. Both of their bodies shuddered in response. Darian placed his hands on her hips but did not apply any pressure, instead letting her guide the action. Sharia closed her eyes and hummed appreciatively as her body became accustomed to his with her sex molding around his.

She started gyrating against him, feeling the water lap up against her midsection while the tiny tingles of pleasure radiated out from her loins. Oh Goddess... this feels nice... much better than... than... Her train of thought faltered as she tried to will the images away of her former orc captor. Sharia continued to ride Darian but her moans of pleasure were degenerating into whimpers of distress. She wanted to please him. She wanted to be totally Darian's but the specter of Kerug kept on coming back to her, laughing at her from the dark corners of her mind, mocking her and saying that she'd never belong to anyone else.

"Sharia," Darian's gentle voice cut sharply though the fog of her mind. "Sharia, look at me." Her eyes popped open and she looked back into Darian's eyes. His gaze was hard, commanding, but had a gentle touch of compassion behind them. He reached up and cupped the back of her neck. "I think that I see the problem now." He pulled her head closer and she let out a sudden, involuntary gasp of pleasure that shocked her as Darian became possessive. Their foreheads touched and he continued looking right into her eyes. "Don't look away from me," he told her in a firm voice that demanded obedience but without the violence that she'd become accustomed to when she tried to avert her gaze. "Look me in the eyes while you ride me."

Swallowing hard, Sharia did as instructed; her green eyes locking onto his steel grey ones. She continued moving her hips up and down while she fucked him, their bodies melding together until they were so close that they were almost as one. Yes, this was what she was missing and the way he looked at her was almost as if he'd invaded her mind and banished the orc from it. Her face twisted and contorted, mouth opening into a wide, silent O, as she now rapidly reached her peak.

"Come for me." Darian ordered her.

With that command Sharia's body exploded into the most earthshattering orgasm she'd ever felt. She jerked around in Darian's grasp while her pussy quivered beneath the water. Her body seemed to spasm endlessly and she cried in relief, thankful that she was able to get off in such a way. Finally, she seemed to melt against him and he held her lovingly in his powerful arms, stroking her golden hair while whispering soothing sounds in her ear. "There you go," he said at long last.

"Thank you," she whimpered. "Master..."

Darian let out a little harrumph in amusement. "If that is what will help you, then so be it."

Another thought ran through her. Darian was still hard and inside of her. "But... you haven't got off yet."

"Don't worry about me," Darian said with a smile. "I'm close."

Sharia wondered just how close as she flexed the muscles around her pussy once. At the same time, she felt his hips pull back slightly and then drive up into her suddenly. Then she felt his cock pulsate and then spray his load deep inside of her. Her pussy then clamped around it, milking it for every drop of his seed that it could get. "Oh if only I weren't already pregnant," she whispered. "I'd gladly bear your child."

With a final grunt, Darian's orgasm subsided and he held her closer while he rode out the aftershocks. "Well, we'll just have to work on that after you given birth then."

"Really?" Sharia perked up at that and looked at him. "You'll keep me then?"

"So long as you'll have me," Darian said, matching her smile. And then they shared a passionate kiss.

Not long after that, they made love to rival that of the other Elven Guards around the pond.



"The triumphant return!" Ellisar said as his Elven Guard walked into the throne room in the wake of Darian and Sharia. "I never thought that it was possible at first and yet here you all are now with the last of my Gwyndolyn's maidens." He smiled as he rose from his throne to receive his heroes. Ellisar's eyes then narrowed when he saw the slight bulge of the handmaiden's belly from underneath the single cloak that she wore over her shoulders. His worst fears were confirmed and the color drained as his face fell into dismay. "She is pregnant with the orc's bastard spawn, isn't she?" It wasn't really a question.

Knowing already how this line of conversation goes, Darian immediately stepped in front of Sharia and drew his sword that glowed and hummed with sudden renewed holy energy. He silently dared Ellisar to do something. "It's an innocent child, not a monster." Darian challenged. "I believe that if raised properly then it will grow to be a very valued member of society." He kept Sharia close as he wasn't sure what the guards were going to do. Then, much to both his and Ellisar's surprise, the entire contingent of Elven Guards closed ranks around Darian and Sharia with Rhys in the lead alongside of Celeste. But they weren't facing him as if to arrest him.

They were facing outwards in a royal protection formation.

"What is this?" Ellisar rose from his throne and demanded. "You protect a half-breed that is tainted with orc blood? And you protect the mother that carries it and the human that protects them?"

"Show him your ears," Rhys said over his shoulder to Darian. Darian obliged him by reaching up and removing his headband so that the whole court could see his elven heritage. Ellisar gasped at seeing the elven heritage on Darian. "No," Rhys said resolutely. "We are protecting our own. We are protecting Elves." He lifted his chin in defiance of his king that he wouldn't have thought possible months ago until after he'd gotten to know Darian the Black. "Behind us stand an elven couple who are protecting an unborn elven child. We have all sworn that we would no longer just merely be at the royalty's call. We have sworn that we will follow the lead of this Paladin in that we will uphold justice and protect those who need it... no matter the cost."

Ellisar couldn't help but just stand there and blink. Suddenly the human King's mocking laugh came into his mind. He's your problem now... not mine! This was what Rayden was getting at. Darian did not play by the rules nor did he follow orders that contradicted what was morally right to do. Ellisar's mind was at war with itself as what was good and proper to be done in accordance to their laws conflicted to what was the right thing to do. Selune above... what do I do?

Accept it... a soft feminine voice resonated through his mind. A beam of moonlight trickled in from the glass dome above to first illuminate Darian and Sharia. Then it expanded to encompass each and every one of his guards who were in tight protective formation around them. The moonlight seemed to form around them like a shield. And accept my Paladins as they take the first steps of their new order...

"Selune..." Ellisar gasped, voice barely above a whisper, looking from where the moonlight was coming in down to the group below.

Then he felt a hand on his elbow and turned to see his wife there with a smile on her face. "Long ago you asked for a miracle to save our lands," Gwyndolyn pointed out. She motioned to Darian and the guards who were waiting on their edict with a nod of her head. "Selune obviously heard it and sent them. Look at what they have accomplished in such a short time. With a couple of precise strikes, they managed to drive the orcs back to the Storm Citadel where even now our armies are marching to meet them. We have taken back our lands and might be able to totally liberate our lands within the year thanks to their heroism. Don't turn your back on all that Selune has done for you... for us." she said, free hand dropping down to her own abdomen.

Ellisar's eyes unconsciously dipped to Gwyndolyn's own belly that was ripe with their own child, conceived the very night of their nuptials. He would do anything to protect his woman and his baby. Looking back at Darian, who met his gaze with a hard Your Move, Asshole look about him that seems to be the Paladin's trademark look. Ellisar couldn't figure the man out. What kind of temperament did it take to love and protect something that he didn't wasn't even responsible for in the first place?

"It's the same reasoning you used to start wooing Gwyndolyn," Darian said, his voice echoing in the hall. "It's the same reasoning when you took it upon yourself to help the other besieged elven kingdoms. It's the same reasoning that you used when you took in all of the refugees from orc held lands." Darian shouldered his way to the front of the guards and Ellisar noted that he walked up hand-in-hand with Sharia. "You took responsibility for others because it was what was right."

"Are you psychic?" Ellisar shook his head in amazement. "Are you reading my mind or something?"

"Psychotic, maybe," Darian admitted with a half shrug. He smiled and shook his head slightly. "You're not the only person that Selune is talking to right now. I wasn't kidding when I told you that my armor and weapons were blessed by the Goddess above herself. And I see now the path that she'd laid out for me for me to be here... now."

Ellisar looked down at their clasped hands and noticed that it was not a gesture made out of mere convenience. It was tender, loving, and caring. There was a protective quality that emanated from Darian and a trusting quality that was emanating from Sharia. The two were joined by Selune if not by the laws of either men or elves. "You two truly love each other," he said at long last, "and you, Darian, I can see are ready to die for her and the child."

"Being ready to and actually being able to are two different things," Darian pointed out. He lifted his sword so that it was tip and pointed slightly at the king. "The only question is how it's going to play out? Are you going to let us live in peace or do I make my heroic last stand here and now?"

"Peace," Ellisar held up his hand. "You are right; it is an innocent child." He let out a long, slow breath through his nose as he gathered his thoughts. "King Raiden told me how you were a defender of half-breeds which was how you came to be in his employ." He said at long last, trying to keep the contempt from his voice at the term 'half-breed'. Everything in his upbringing screamed that this was an unholy abomination and that the thing should be destroyed at once. But then Selune was indeed speaking to him and telling him that he was, essentially, wrong.

Goddess above... it is so hard to let go of what I have been taught...

I know... the musical voice came back in his mind. But change is good. Be an example to all...

"I'm going to need new guards," Ellisar then clucked in amusement.

"Sire?" Rhys asked. Rhys and Darian exchanged confused looks.

"I said; I am going to need new guards since it seems that all of mine have decided to become Paladins over the past few months." Ellisar said, louder this time. "With the blessing of Selune; I hereby decree the founding of a new Paladin order: The Shield of Selune. I will order the construction of a new building at once to suit your needs for lodging and training and task you to do what you have already demonstrated that you are capable of; the defending of those who need it no matter what misguided laws we may have. You are further charged with the location and liberation of any elven citizen that is still in orc custody from their invasion of our lands." Ellisar pointed at Darian and Rhys. "And I place the two of you in command of the order."

It took a moment for that to sink in to Darian. Slowly he lowered his sword, stunned at the sudden turn of events. Ellisar then laughed outright. "The Paladin with a Mouth has nothing to say for once?"

"Uhm... no... your highness," Darian finally got out. He wasn't used to people in power suddenly reversing their positions like this let alone putting him in charge of anything.

"So," Ellisar said with a wicked grin crossing his face, "do you feel like you can follow my orders then as head of this new order."

"Hell no," Darian scoffed.

Ellisar let out a bark of laughter. "Now THAT's the Paladin I've come to know!"


(Darian-Sharia sex/Ending)

Darian carried Sharia over the threshold of their temporary quarters, kicking the door closed behind them as he headed straight for their wedding bed. Shortly after King Ellisar's proclamation then came the impromptu marriage. Ellisar wanted to ensure that Sharia's unborn child would receive full protection as an elven citizen and as a child to a wedded couple and so asked Darian to marry Sharia. As that was already what Darian had in mind he had no problems dropping to a knee to ask her right then and there. Not wanting to be left out of it, Celeste had elbowed Rhys hard in the side and Rhys got the idea. Ellisar performed the double ceremony right then and there for both couples.

Now Darian dropped a still laughing and gleeful Sharia down onto the bed, allowing his cloak that was still the only clothes that she had right now to fall open. Darian was out of his armor in record time, descending upon her nude body with gusto. Ever since that night at the pool they'd been making love every night as they tested the limits of their tentative, fledgling relationship. Sharia was already spreading her legs wide and lifting her hips up as he was mounting her. Darian wasted no time in plunging his hardness down into her wetness. Both gasped and sighed with pleasure at the feeling.

It was amazing how one's sex drive increased after coming so close to the prospect of being hacked to pieces by one's own people.

It was equally amazing at how one's sex drive also increased when you realized that you'd get to live life with someone you cherished after all.

Sharia wrapped her legs up around Darian's waist and pulled him close, not that she had any worry of that as Darian had bent over to take her supple breasts into his hands and start teasing one nipple with his mouth. Her hands drifted up to the headboard up underneath of the pillows. At the very least, it gave her the illusion that she was tied up and being held prisoner by him. It was a guilty pleasure of hers now after having spent time as a slave to be treated like one now that she was free. She worried what that meant for her but ultimately decided that she didn't care so long as she belonged to Darian. And now that she did belong to him in every sense of the term, maybe she'd reveal it to him... one day.

Darian released his new bride's breasts to take up a good position to drive down into her at a good rhythm. He moved up her body so that they were as close together as possible; forehead to forehead, chest to chest, hips to hips. Their bodies moved as one and they reveled in the feeling of the moment. When she finally reached her peak when he moved his hand under her neck, he was ready to go right along with her to join her in orgasmic bliss.

Hours, and a few more rounds of hot passionate sex later, they lay intertwined with one another. Sharia was one her side, sprawled out across his body with her head on his shoulder. Darian was flat on his back with his arm wrapped possessively around her, idly stroking up and down her bare back.

"We make a strange group, the three of us," Sharia commented, hand down at her belly. "A full blooded elf, a half-elf/half-human, and a half-elf/half orc."

"Eh... could be worse," Darian said, already half asleep. "Could be that half-gnome I knew..."

Sharia laughed for the first time in a long time and it felt good.

Although not half as good as the sex with Darian first thing in the morning... and the day following that... and the day following that. After all, she had her whole life ahead of her now and she had Darian to thank for that.

And she looked forward to every day that she'd have with him.


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AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

I enjoyed this story very much. Now for part two.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

how typical hero story, raising another people child, bah!''

darian is closeted cuck

UncertainTUncertainTabout 2 years ago

That was interesting and fun, and funny in places.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

There is a lot to like about this story. Good plot. Interesting characters. Vivid storytelling. Sweet ending. It was a good read. That having been said, I have to second the opinion of my fellow Anonymous commenter. The occasional tendency to ignore the 4th wall and lean into catch phrases and cliches was a little funny, but it took me out of your story every time I bumped into one of those "Clear? Crystal." kind of moments. Ultimately, it detracts from your talented storytelling, IMHO. And it also hurts the integrity of your tale. The only other thought (that I hope is constructive) has to do with rhythm. Most of your writing flows well. Occasionally, there's a sentence or phrase, though, that reads so awkwardly that I have to stop and re-read it before I can grok it. To sum up, I'd give it a 4. With a good edit, it could be a 4.5. Thanks for sharing it!

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

The imagery is amazing

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