The Desire Principle Ch. 02


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He was, in a word, terrified. The pain in his chest had faded and was nothing but a memory, but he was entirely unprepared for dealing with a fully aroused and sexually deprived young vixen, and that was exactly what appeared to be headed for him. He knew that only in his wildest dreams could this happen, and that was when it clicked. His dreams, his desires. He was aware of the Heart of Gold again, though there was still no pain. He looked into the deep brown eyes of the intoxicating face approaching him, and he actually started to believe.

"Uh," he started to speak without really knowing what he was going to say. With a sudden movement of her hand, the vixen silenced him.

"Don't," she said, placing a finger against his lips like you would see in some old movie. "Don't talk, don't even think. All I want you to do is fuck me, and make me cum harder than I ever have."

Jake experienced a moment of disorientation as all of the blood in his brain vacated, migrating below the equator. He was sure that this couldn't all be happening, but even as he tried to deny it, he felt warm lips press against his own, and slender arms enfolded him and began to grope at his clothes. He had never, and was certain that he would never experience any sexual encounter of this sheer ravenous nature. He knew that he was totally unprepared for it, and yet some primal part of him was awakening. Instinct took over, and he found that his own quivering hands were beginning to shed the clothes of the lusty woman attacking him.

Within an instant he had forcefully shunted the cap from her head, taking with it the elastic band holding up her hair, and allowing her locks to fall around her shoulders in a way that added even more to her already sex-craved look. Her jacket was a memory, tossed somewhere into his front foyer. As he nervously tugged at her tucked-in polo, her more confident hands opened each button on the front of his shirt with relative ease, after which she yanked it away from his chest, pulling his arms in to his sides. She pressed against him, gently pecking at his neck and collar with her hungry lips.

Moments of pleasure were regrettably supplanted by an instant of intense pain. As this feverish femme fatal pecked at his chest and neck with her lips, shocking waves of discomfort rocked his brain. Though her intent was clearly pure, or at least not malevolent, she was all the same pressing her lips against his fresh bruises and cuts. Jake gazed downward, seeing her almost in slow motion as her hands groped his arms and sides, and her face drew closer and further from the various abrasions he had earned.

He noticed also that she was occasionally brushing against the Heart of Gold, and that became Jake's new focus. He worried slightly that her contact might somehow break or reverse whatever power was at work. But somehow, from somewhere, a sense of calm and reassurance fell over Jake. It was difficult for him to place, but he somehow knew that it would all be alright. As he allowed himself to relax, even the pain from his bruises and scratches subsided.

Jake struggled to free his arms and discard the cumbersome shirt, so that he could return to his previous task of disrobing his nameless partner. She seemed to have other ideas however, as she continued to press her body against his while at the same time popping open the button and quickly lowering the zipper of her jeans. With the tension around her waist relieved, she whisked her shirt up and over her head in one swift motion. This last maneuver left her breasts covered only by a lacy teal bra, and all intent that Jake previously had of continuing to move dissolved.

He stared at her, now able to take in the part of her form that had been most concealed, and was not disappointed. Flowing brown hair framed a willowy face with a hint of freckles on her nose and cheeks. He had previously categorized her as cute, and he couldn't rescind that, but there was more. She had a face that practically defined the 'girl next door' image. She looked innocent, but willing.

Her neck was slender and attractive, and it curved outward to meet her sloping shoulders in a graceful fashion, contrasted by the shallow angle that made up her collarbone. Her breasts provided the centerpiece for her intoxicating appearance. They were not what one would call large, but definitely more than a handful each. Even within their confining bra it was easy for Jake to tell that they were perky and firm, and her smooth skin practically begged for them to be touched.

Below her artfully sculpted beasts came the sloping curve of her stomach. She was well toned and as her abdomen slimmed below her ribs so did her stomach. The slight dimple of her navel elegantly complimented the otherwise sheer surface of her belly, appearing at the apex of the gradual arc that began below her breasts and continued down to disappear into her pants.

This final detail recaptured Jake's attention. Having already opened the front of her pants, she had been starting the work of completing their removal while Jake had been examining her other qualities. She moved seductively, feeling her eyes upon him, wriggling and pivoting her hips to and fro, generally making a show of peeling the tight denim from her hips and thighs. Jake idly tugged at his shirt sleeves, making a little progress, as he watched her pale pink underwear gradually slide into view.

The thin cotton garment served its purpose, but just barely. Through the material it was not difficult to make out the outline of a neatly trimmed diamond of hair, matching in shade to the strands that now hung down to tickle her shoulders. Jake could also insist that he saw the shape of her lips, and he could make a convincing argument that he was able to detect a slight moist spot forming at the lowest point. As her machinations finally yielded results and the weight of the pants carried them to the floor to rest around her ankles, she slithered out of her shoes and stepped out of one leg and then the other, confirming the presence of that damp point with a needlessly exaggerated movement.

Though Jake had already examined her legs from a distance and with the barrier of clothing, he was not hesitant to look them over once more now. Her hips, to his pleasure, followed the wave created by her waist. The borders that gently swept toward one another as they traveled from her torso to her midsection swung away again in the opposite direction to create the shape of her hips and thighs. Her inner thighs, to his great pleasure, proved to not have needed the aid of her garments to only gently touch as their edges gradually descended from her groin downward.

Realizing that she was now wearing naught but her socks and undergarments, Jake felt that he had better hurry to avoid being left behind. He was quick in accomplishing the final phase of extracting his arms from his outturned sleeves, and was going to focus on shucking his pants next, but was beaten to it.

In one catlike action his wanton lover fell forward onto her knees, tugging open the fly of his pants and drawing them open. Jake stifled a gasp as her fingers snaked inward, touching the flesh of his manhood. She tilted her head back and gazed up at him, a sly smirk spreading across her face as she realized that there would be one fewer obstacle between her and that which she sought.

Turning her attention back to the task ahead, her first hand began to tug at the waist of his pants to remove them as an obstruction, while her other carefully extracted his penis and allowed it to sway freely. He had long since reached a full erection, and the current attention that was getting him ensured that it would not change. His six inches, meager and average as he had always assumed, ticked in time as his pulse raced. He peered down at her looking for some reaction of disappointment, but none came.

With his pants around his knees in no time at all, she pushed forward slightly, and Jake felt himself begin to stumble, but was caught against the wall which he had not realized he'd been so close to until now. He let himself go, leaning on the cold surface for support, knowing that his legs alone would not keep him upright for much longer at this rate.

The wet tongue of the eager young woman snaked outward, testing the surface of Jake's throbbing prick. His gasp was not even remotely concealed, and the sudden sensation had him worried that he would erupt right then. He did not, nor did he when she tongued him a second time, only now she licked very gently but persistently along the underside of his sensitive head. The tickling sensation caused his knees to tighten, which resulted in the tip of his cock pressing suddenly between her lips.

She resisted at first, having not intended to give him any such gratification without at least a little more teasing, but seeing as how the damage had been done, she bobbed her head forward and completed what he began. The warm, wet sensation of her mouth enveloped him as she took the first half of his shaft into her, and then backed off a little to again swivel her tongue back and forth along the underside.

She bobbed forward a second time, pulling a little more of his cock into her greedy mouth, and he felt her teeth gently scrape his foreskin. He flinched just slightly, but attempted to remain still lest his reckless movement shatter this fantasy. This statuesque posture would take all of his efforts as the mouth at his groin began to apply suction. Jake's cock had been sucked before, but apparently by amateurs who had omitted the sucking part. His head fell back against the wall and he groaned as he enjoyed feeling.

The gentle sound of her mouth sucking on his dick repeated as she slid back and forth along the shaft, all the while rubbing her tongue along the underside. He felt himself approaching a climax and had the instinctive thought to warn her. He opened his eyes reluctantly and leaned forward to speak, but was struck dumb.

Captured by the sight of a beautiful face with enticing lips attached to his cock, Jake froze to watch. His head lolled slightly as she took a moment to press her teeth into him, just below the head, and he was pleased to get a better view. With his head angled slightly he was able to see the tops of her breasts, still concealed by a bra, and the taut slope of her stomach. He also found something he had not particularly expected.

While one of her hands was being used to brace her weight against his, index finger and thumb encircling his base while the other digits were splayed wide across his upper thigh, the other hand was busy at work as well. She had slid it into her underwear and was clearly working at herself with the same passion that she was applying to his cock. Recognizing just how erotic this experience was become pushed Jake to the edge. His eyesight blurred and his mouth opened in a breathless moan, and she pulled off of him.

Jake looked down again in fear that he was waking from the best dream he had ever dreamt, and sighed in relief to find that this was no dream, or at least he had not woken from it if it was. She gazed up at him with a smirk however, his firmness still held in place by her first hand. The other gently extracted itself from her panties, and Jake watched with rapt attention.

She brought one of her slick fingers up to the level of her chin, eyes locked on Jake's. He held his breath, hopeful of what might be about to happen. Slowly she rose the hand higher and parted her lips wider, and with the utmost grace she slid two of her moist fingers into her own mouth. Her eyes closed and she groaned with pleasure. Jake knew that this was a show for his benefit only, but he had stopped caring. As her eyes opened once more she gingerly drew her fingers away, licked her lips, and purred.

The hand, still slick with saliva and other lubrications, fell away from her face to drift between Jake's legs and relieve some of the weight of his dangling balls. Jake moaned lightly now, feeling exposed and bashful, but unable to remove his eyes from those of the beauty beneath him. She gently tickled and played with his scrotum, and he gasped and groaned as she stimulated each new bit of him that he had never realized could be stimulated. All the while he could not look away, all the while he was entranced.

Her lips, which were still glistening from her previous demonstration, turned into a slight pout. The appearance created was innocent yet distinctly naughty, and as she allowed her weight to shift forward, it was clear of what the pout was intended to signify that she was remiss to be without.

Her lips, fuller for their current shape, pressed against Jake's cock head. He felt slight resistance as she teased him with the notion of not allowing him to enter her orifice. His pleading eyes, still targeting her own, were apparently enough to soften her resolve. She allowed her mouth to open, just slightly at first, and pressed her body further forward. Jake's cock was thumping in time with his heart, and with each pulse it pressed just slightly more into her tight mouth.

Refusing to disengage the meaningful stare which they both were enjoying, she took more and more of Jake's shaft in until she could go no further, having a good portion of his dick in her mouth. She then began to bob, back and then forth, somehow managing not to blink. She moved quickly as she pulled away, applying the suction that Jake was growing to crave, and before she pushed forward to take more in she would swirl her tongue over his head. Each cycle would cause Jake to shudder as she found his most sensitive points, and he would occasionally close his eyes in reflex. When he opened them however he would find that she still gazed upward, almost expectantly.

Jake had a notion of what she was expecting, and he would deliver on that very soon. So close to something that he desired so much, he began to create little fantasies of what she would look like with his semen splashed across her face, but each daydream he enjoyed was ended with another swish of her tongue.

Suddenly her pace increased, and she stopped her little tongue swirls. Jake gazed on with held breath. She began sucking forcefully now, the slurping sounds all that could be heard in the house. Her left hand moved rapidly back to her crotch to resume its work, and was apparently so impatient that it simply pushed the fabric of her undergarment aside and began to press insistently into her pussy. Jake very much would have liked to see the show, but found himself unable to move or turn his gaze away from the mouth that was rapidly drawing him toward orgasm.

As she sensed Jake enter his final straightaway, her right hand stopped simply supporting her weight and began to stroke the last inch or two of Jake's shaft that her mouth was unable to reach. Slowly at first, to test her balance, but approaching the speed and tempo set by her mouth within moments. The added stimulation, and the knowledge that she was also pleasuring herself, sent Jake beyond rapture.

With the first shockwave of orgasm that shot through Jake's body, the experienced beauty on her knees before him pulled away, backing off just enough for Jake's prick to slip from her mouth. A jet of white cum shot out less than a second following, leaving its mark from the base of her upper lip all the way to the hairline above her left eye. Jake gasped slightly, and then again as he realized that this was her intent, and that she was completing the half-formed fantasy he had started moments ago.

Her hand continued to stroke him, not so quickly that she could not direct his aim, and she took his second spurt of cum on her right cheek, where it began to dribble down the line of her cheekbone back toward her mouth. Jake's eyes were practically bugging out, and he allowed himself to blink to prevent from losing them altogether. As he opened them he just managed to catch her direct his cock toward her mouth for his third convulsion. This shot met its target of her tongue, with the trailing end of it colliding with her lower lip and chin, where it dripped a little to land almost evenly between her breasts.

Apparently not wanting any more to go to waste, she popped the prick back into her mouth and resumed sucking, drawing out several smaller yet still sizable gouts of sperm from Jake. His knees shook and he struggled to remain on his feet. He closed his eyes and leaned his head back, every sensation in his body falling away apart from the odd, almost tickling feeling at the tip of his cock as she sucked and flicked her tongue back and forth in an attempt to pull even more cum out of him.

Jake relaxed into the sensation, and all of his thoughts simply drifted away. He was so content that he had no idea of forming a new fantasy. He was devoid of any desire for pleasure, having currently been receiving the greatest pleasure he'd yet known. And then it stopped. He slowly opened his eyes and looked forward, for the second time fearing that it had not been real. It was very much real, he saw, but not in the same way that he had before.

The attractive girl-next-door still knelt before him, looking up at his face. Her expression of lust had faded into confusion, and her eyes drifted down. The gaze passed the Heart of Gold, passed his bruised chest and stomach, and stopped on his slowly withering member. Her mouth, still slightly open, opened more as he jaw sank. She looked back up for an instant, and then around at the room, and after seeing her own shirt a few feet away, looked at herself.

The hand at her crotch came away swiftly, and went to cover her mouth. Finding there the slick cum that she herself had some adamantly put there, she pulled the fingers back and looked at them with a silent gasp of horror. Jake was not the least bit confused himself, and started to think of a way to form an explanation.

"So," was about all he got out before she leapt up and grabbed her shirt and pants. Her head swung around the room as she continued to collect her shoes, jacket and hat. Jake watched with the intent to say something, but he could not in a million years imagine what sort of something could help in a situation like this, as he had never before experienced a situation like this.

Before he knew it, she was at the door. Her head turned in one last glance of terror, and she fled. As the screen door gently bumped against its frame several times Jake was able to hear a car turn on and saw the headlights retreat from his driveway and fly off into the darkness of night. He slowly pulled his pants back up, buttoned his shirt in silence, and shut the front door. With one more little mystery to ponder, Jake figured that he might have better luck pondering it on a full stomach, and opened the box of pizza.

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