The Device


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Julia decided to rent the entire ground floor Caroline also had to hire ten new lawyers who were specialists it Tax law. Julia explained her idea of taking their combined companies public. The two corporations would become one, the H & M Corporation, a unique corporation able to handle the Tax or Legal needs of any corporation; and they would sell forty nine per cent publicly as stock. She showed Caroline a spread sheet showing the value of the two companies at present, then the value of the new company as predicted by Solomon Bros. (who had already agreed to handle the stock sale). Solomon Bros. predicted that, within a year after the stock sale, the two of them would be worth almost three billion dollars. They were wrong. The corporation worth became closer to four billion dollars. They had become larger than KMPG.

Caroline was flabbergasted at how meticulous Julia's plan was. Every question Caroline raised was answered right there before her. They had entered the world of big business. A world dominated by men, and if everything went as planned they were set up to grow many times larger. Almost every day they had lunch together at the Four Seasons, that very upscale restaurant on the top floor of the building. They both envisioned their companies growing more than twice their size from their new association. They had grown closer than sisters for they loved one another dearly.

Their lunch usually took one and one half hours. Thirty minutes were spent on business the rest talking about their Master and his ability to drive then wild in ecstasy. They discussed what he did to them last night and what they hoped he would do to them that night. Caroline quickly agreed with Julia's plan. She declared that she would start drawing up the papers to join the two corporations into one.

David had decided to take Lynn and Janet out to breakfast. They were seated at that new 40's type diner on Lincoln Blvd. He had heard that the food was really very good, and it was. The three of them were laughing about something silly, when in walked a woman and two girls. The girls looked enough like the older woman to make it easy to see that they were related, a mother and her two daughters. The three of them had very blond, almost white, curly hair, and were all very pretty. Yet there was something, yes, a sadness about them. One of the girls had some shadowy marks on her face. David suddenly realized what the marks were. Someone had given her a terrible beating. The marks were the remnants of that beating. The hostess was leading them to a table adjacent to theirs. Janet suddenly jumped up and shouted,

" Megan, it's me Janet. What are you doing here?"

The three women were startled, and then the younger girl rushed over and hugged Janet. David seemed just as startled as the three women were. The older one was smiling now, she recognized Janet too. David said to the hostess can you have someone put their table and ours together.

"Of course sir, let me get a couple of bus boys."

In moments the tables were joined.

"You have to forgive the girls their manners, my name is Shannon Ireland, this young lady is Erin and that one is Megan."

" This is my sister Lynn, and I'm David Hunt. How long have you been in L.A, Mrs. Ireland."

"We just got here the day before yesterday."

"Are you here permanently or just visiting?"

"When we left New York it was for good."

"I never want to see that place again," said Erin.

Shannon said, "Erin calm down, don't lose control of yourself, remember what the doctor told you."

"Okay, no more talk about New York. Where are you guys staying?"

"We're at a small motel not far from here."

"It's a real dive," said Erin.

Suddenly Megan piped up. " M..M..Mom Okay?"

David suddenly shouted "That's it. No more talk about New York. No more talk about where you're staying. The three of you are coming home with us and then you can see Caroline again."

"Yes sir." Said Shannon.

"Yes sir." Said Erin .

"Yes sir." Said Megan.

David thought to himself, Jesus Christ, three natural submissives. The three of them sat there with their hands in their laps and their eyes on the table, not saying a word.

"Okay everyone, let's all enjoy our breakfast. Then the three of you will come with the three of us back home and you will see Caroline again."

"Yes sir," the three off them said in unison.

They all had a very quiet breakfast, David paid the bill and outside he asked, "Did you come by car?"

"No sir," said Shannon, "We came from that motel there." She was pointing at a small motel a half a block away.

"That's okay, that's our Escalade right there, it will easily hold us all. Have you checked out of the motel? Where is your luggage?"

"Yes sir, We were going to go looking for a cheaper place. I don't have too much money left. Please sir, don't take what little money we have left. We won't have anything left for food or lodging, please sir."

"I won't take anything from you, I promise. I'm only taking you home with me to see Caroline."

Just then Janet spoke up. "Mrs. Ireland, you know me, my David is a wonderful and kind man. He won't hurt you in any way. You can trust him."

She was still sniffling, she glanced up at David then looked back down at the ground. "Alright girls, get in the car."

"Lynn why don't you get in back with Erin and Megan and Shannon you and Janet can get in the front with me."

"Erin immediately started crying, please let my mother sit with us in the back, don't hurt her she can't take any more, please sir , please."

Janet spoke right up, "Erin calm down this instant, David is a good and kind man. No one is going to hurt any of you. Now hush up."

No one spoke in the car all the way home. David was wondering what someone had done to these poor girls. They seemed to be terrified of strangers or was it only strange men.

"Would anyone like something to drink, soda, water, iced tea, coffee, anything."

The three women sat staring at the floor, their hands tightly clasp resting in their laps. Shannon sat there trembling, had she fallen into the same trap that she had four and a half years ago. That was when she met Mark. He seemed so nice at first, helpful and kind. He understood right away that they needed someone to take care of them. To tell them what to do, what to say, what to eat, what to wear. Within three days he had them so tightly under his thumb, the three of them had to ask his permission to do or say anything. The first time Shannon tried to show some resistance he beat her so badly she was in bed for two days. After that the three of them showed no resistance to his control at all.

He moved into Shannon's bedroom and raped her that same night. If she tried to resist he would beat her until she was completely broken. After that he started on Erin. He bound and gagged Shannon in a chair and raped Erin before her. Deliberately hurting her. If she showed the slightest resistance he beat her, breaking her nose and blackening both eyes. He was now fucking both mother and daughter twice a day. He fucked them in every way possible. He used their pussies their ass holes and their mouths. When he fucked them up their asses they screamed in pain. He deliberately used no lubricant to make it hurt more.

He liked hearing them scream. The two of them were perpetually terrified and he like it that way. He had Shannon give him more and more money which he squandered on his so called friends in drunken parties. Like a big shot he always picked up the check. He remodeled the basement, painted the windows with black paint and lined the ceiling and walls with a rubber egg crate type of material. When he was done the basement was sound proof. He had a 'friend,' build him three cages of very heavy wire that had a solid metal bottom and a door at one end. The women were getting so disfigured from all the beatings he was afraid someone would turn him in. Erin's face was lopsided with her broken jaw and broken nose, one of her cheek bones was caved in from a punch so she did look grotesque. However she was a pretty good fuck so he decided to keep her in a cage till he trained Megan in the art of fucking and sucking. He told her, once I get your sister trained, I'm going to turn you into fertilizer for the fruit trees. Erin had been terrorized and tortured for so long there was very little of her mind left. The words meant nothing to her.

Once the cages were finished he brought them down to the basement one at a time. The women were so broken down all they could was obey any orders he gave them. He placed a leather dog collar around each of their necks and locked it in place. Then he had them crawl backwards into a cage. He had to get them inside this way because there was no room for them to turn around. Mark had some of Shannon's teeth removed because she accidently scratched his cock during a blow job, He found a guy who said he would do the extractions for one thousand dollars.

The man brought a bottle of chloroform and together they put her to sleep. He pulled out eight upper and eight lower front teeth. After they were removed he fitted a sort of muzzle on her head which didn't allow her to open her mouth. Four days later he felt she was healed enough. He pulled her out of her cage and held her in place in front of him, while he smeared Vaseline on her lips. Her gums were still sore so it hurt like hell. With her molars still in place there was just enough room for him to squeeze his dick into her mouth. It was tight but that was what he wanted.

When he was about to cum he shoved his cock all the way into her mouth. It went partially down her throat, so when he came the cum went directly into her stomach. She's got two pussies now and the upper one is better than the lower one. He fed the women each a can of Alpo dog food every day. He enjoyed fucking Shannon's mouth so much he had the same thing done to Megan. Except with Megan he had to whip her every day for a week. After a week of pain Megan would do anything so that he wouldn't hurt her any more. Now that Megan was just about trained to fuck and suck him he decided that he didn't need Erin anymore so he was going to kill her this weekend by throwing her into a wood chipper. That way he not only got rid of the body but she could be used as fertilizer for the fruit trees.

Mark was a real monster, in the three and a half years that they were prisoners he had also spent or squandered close to three million dollars of Shannon's money. When he bought a muzzle for Megan he also bought a cattle prod to use on the girls. He paid for everything by check. When the check bounced because of insufficient funds, the owner got so mad he called the police and turned him in telling the police he was keeping some women as slaves. When the cops arrived they wanted to search the place, Mark, as usual was drunk and attacked one of the policemen with a hunting knife causing a deep gash in one of the policeman's chest.

His partner shot Mark three times in the abdomen. They radioed for an ambulance and a doctor. The policeman who was not wounded started to search the house When he finally found the women in the basement, and saw the condition of the women he became enraged. He ran into the kitchen and kicked Mark so hard in the balls he ruptured his scrotum. The shock and pain finished Mark off. Shannon and the injured cop went in one ambulance, Erin and Megan went into the other.

In a matter of ninety minutes everyone (doctors and nurses) were talking about what happened to the women. Many doctors volunteered their services. The hospital the women were in was associated with Albert Einstein school of Medicine. Many of the graduates of the school served as interns in that hospital. When the chief of reconstructive surgery, (Aaron Cohen) heard about the women he came to see them, and after hearing more of their story he offered his services pro bono.

He got the chief or neuropsychiatric medicine, Selma Goldberg to examine them, inside of ten minutes she offered her services pro bono. Together they went to the hospital administrator and got the three of them transferred to the Albert Einstein Medical Center. They would need to be hospitalized a long time. Dr. Cohen estimated Erin alone would need 13 or 14 surgeries to get her face straightened out. All of the New York newspapers ran their story front page for over a week. One of the newspapers started a fund to help pay for the hospitalization. Within three weeks over two hundred thousand dollars was sent in with much more on the way. They were in their fifteenth month in the hospital when the market meltdown hit. Jobs were lost because money dried up, all types of city and county services were cut because of budget cuts. The hospital administration started to push the doctors to release the women because of the drain on the hospital funds. Finally they were given eleven thousand dollars and three plane tickets to New York.

Physically they were in pretty good shape. Their missing teeth were replaced with permanent implants, Erin's face had been rebuilt, and she was actually beautiful again. Shannon's scars were gone, the damage to her face repaired, and she too was beautiful again. Mentally, however they were very fragile. They found the motel on Sepulveda Blvd. near the diner it was the cheapest they could find. The next morning they found Janet at the diner. Now they were sitting with Janet, Lynn and David in his house.

It was his house because the women were his property therefore everything they owned was his.

David had started hearing whispering about two weeks earlier. There was nothing that was clear, that he could understand, just faint whispers. He was sure he was sick. Perhaps becoming a schizophrenic, hearing voices. Everything else seemed fine, more than fine. His understanding of things around him became more acute. He could get to the heart of a problem so fast it was as if there was no problem. He looked at Shannon and the whispers became a little clearer. He concentrated on her, The whispers became words, she was talking to someone. No, she wasn't talking, her mouth wasn't moving she .....

"Holy cow, I'm hearing her thoughts."

He concentrated on her a little more and now it was as if she was speaking out loud. She's praying, She's hoping this wasn't the beginning of a trap like the one they had just escaped from. It's the Device, it does have an effect on males, it just takes longer may two or three hours before the symptoms make themselves known. When he concentrated a bit more he could read her memories everything came to him in a flash. David became physically sick. He had turned white and sweaty. He also learned that the three on them had spent almost a year and a half in the hospital.

Lynn said, "David, are you alright? You look sick. Can I get you anything?"

"NO, no,...I'll....I'll be okay I just need a little water."

Immediately, Janet jumped up and ran into the kitchen. She brought back a glass and a pitcher of ice water from the fridge.

"Does anyone else want water or anything?"

"I'll take a glass of water," said Shannon and Erin simultaneously.

David's stomach growled in hunger, they hadn't had any lunch since that light breakfast this morning. He said,

"I'm hungry, how about a salad for lunch?"

Shannon seemed to perk up at that. She said meekly "Can I help?"

Erin, Megan, Lynn, and Janet followed them into the kitchen. He gave Shannon some Roma tomatoes,

"Here you can wash and dice these."

To Erin he said, "Take this lettuce wash and cut up the leaves into bite size."

He saw that Shannon was almost done with the dicing of the tomatoes so he gave her an unopened package of big button mushrooms and told her to wash and slice these. Then he gave Erin a half of a large red onion and told her to dice this and put everything into the salad bowl. To Lynn, he gave her a bunch of carrots and told her to wash and peal them and slice them into circles and add them to the salad bowl. Janet and Megan, he had them set the table for five of us. Shannon seemed more relaxed now that she was working in the kitchen.

"You seem to enjoy cooking, or am I wrong?"

"No, Mas... I mean no Sir,,.. er... I always enjoyed cooking and preparing food for my family. It's been so long since I did anything like this, I really missed it."

"Are you a good cook?"

"I always thought I was."

"What kind of meals have you prepared?"

"Just about every kind, I'm also very good at following recipes from any cook book, and I love Chinese cooking."

"You know, we have been talking about hiring a cook, what kind of salary are you thinking of?"

"I wouldn't need much but I would need room and board for myself and my two girls."

"Let me think about it till after lunch, Lynn could you get that bag of toasted garlic croutons from the pantry, and put them in a bowl on the table along with a serving spoon."

"Janet I think there is still a bowl of chopped, hardboiled egg in the fridge, please put that out on the table too."

Oh, Lynn, glad you're back , do you remember where Julia put that bag of sunflower seeds?"

"I think they are in the pantry. Do you want me to put a cupful and a teaspoon on the table too."

"Yes please. What kind of dressing do you like? Wait, we only have three kinds left, Zesty Italian, Ranch, and Blue cheese. I'll put out all three. Then everyone has a choice. I believe we are all ready, let's all go into the dining room."

By 1:30 PM that huge salad and two bottles of a very good Merlot disappeared inside everyone, plus almost all the fixings. By 2:00 PM the dining room had been cleared so it looked as if it had not been used at all. All the dishes were washing inside the dish washer. Megan and Janet were almost sound asleep on the love seat. Even Lynn and Erin were about to doze off on the couch.

David and Shannon were sitting side by side in two upholstered chairs, for the first time since he met them Shannon appeared to be relaxed. They were each holding a mug of coffee.

"Well, have you decided how much you want as a salary?"

" I'm sure I would need at least $150.00 dollars a week and the girls at least $75.00 dollars a week."

David managed to keep a straight face. I think I better let you take a look at your bedrooms. If you'll follow me please?"

He led Shannon up stairs to the bedrooms. "The one at the very end is the largest of these five."

Shannon couldn't believe her eyes. The room itself was huge more than twice the size of the room the three of them were sharing. In the sitting area was a 65 inch flat screen TV. About ten feet away, facing the TV was a love seat that was actually two electrified lounge chairs. At the push of a button, a foot rest came out of the bottom and the back adjusted to any position. Shannon pictured herself falling asleep watching TV in the chair every night. The furniture was by Henredon. It consisted of a four poster king size bed. A triple dresser. An Armoire. A dressing table. A ceiling to floor mirror. It had a walk in closet with room for 150 dresses, skirts, blouses, and slacks. At the back end was a wall with room for 75 pairs of shoes plus a button in the floor that lowered the front section and exposed an additional wall for another 75 pair of shoes. From the closet he led her to the bathroom. It had a steeping tub that also became a Jacuzzi. A full stall shower with a rain head and with a flip of a lever it would go from rain head to needle spray. That would spray the bather from three directions. The water was thermostatically controlled which meant endless hot water. A toilet and a bidet. It was the most sumptuous bathroom she had ever seen. In fact she had never seen a bedroom like this in her life.

" I could get away with $100.00 a week and the g...g...girls $50.00 a week."