The Devil and Jill Flaherty


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Jill's getting crazy was totally unforeseen. It wasn't that Ralphie was a stud. So, I was wondering what Jill's explanation was for going so utterly feral; and there had better be a good one. I blamed her, and her alone, for THAT.

But at the same time, something had to be done about Ralphie-boy. Ralphie had spent his life skating on the edge, counting on his diminutive size to protect him from people like me. But, no matter how ill-advised the act, the aim was impregnation, not pleasure. All of us agreed on that. Fucking Jill senseless made it personal between him and me, and he was going to get his.

I was also resolved about one other thing. I didn't know what I was thinking when I agreed to let Jill fuck him in the first place. I guess I really WASN'T thinking. Emotional decisions are always stupid decisions. Nevertheless, all of them had better hope that the first treatment took. Because this was going to be the ONLY time that Ralphie-boy would touch Jill on my watch.

And of course; if it DID take I couldn't imagine how I was going to handle Jill growing a baby inside her, especially one who had been fathered by that insidious little varmint. That was assuming that I was able to stay married to her at all.

Up to today, we'd had a wonderful happy marriage and the kids were the light of my life. But I didn't know whether I would EVER be able to touch Jill again, with the image of Ralphie-boy's man-juices smeared all over her lower stomach and thighs.

Nonetheless, I would have to cross that bridge when we came to it. Because the object of my ruminating had just appeared in the doorway. She was wearing a simple white t-shirt and jeans. Her gorgeous wheaten hair was pulled straight back, caught up in a ponytail. She was wearing no makeup. She was still perhaps the most beautiful creature I had ever seen.

She crept tentatively around the corner like she thought I was going to shoot her. It made me laugh, despite the direness of the situation. I said, "Relax, the Sig's still locked in the gun safe." I gestured toward the other chair. She walked silently over and plopped down, head hanging.

Then she looked up at me. There were tears in her eyes and she wailed, "I'm sorry!! I'm so sorry!! Please forgive me!! Please don't leave me!!"

I looked at her sincerely and said, "Honestly, there is no way I am going to be able to un-hear what I just heard. And THAT has totally changed the dynamics of our marriage." Jill looked appalled.

I said, "I still love you. But, that's irrelevant. I need to understand what happened before I can decide what I'm going to do about this. That was absolutely astonishing behavior on your part."

I added matter of fact, trying not to show how upset I was, "It was humiliating. You were wild with him, totally out of control. What happened? What made you act like such a slut?" Okay, the last remark wasn't constructive. That is, if we wanted to resolve this. But, it made me feel better.

Jill dropped her head onto the table and began to sob onto her arms. I just sat there looking at her coldly. She finally got control of herself and raised her tear-stained face to me. She said, "I don't know what happened. I have been incredibly horney since we stopped having sex, especially lately. I know that contributed. But the main problem was that I wasn't prepared."

I looked puzzled. She continued, "Over the past week, I had been trying to psych myself to respond a little. Just to encourage him to make it quick. I knew that the more excited I made him, the faster he would cum. I just wanted it to be over with. Maybe I thought about it too much."

She added, "I expected it to be a quick in-out. I would spread my legs and he would pump for a couple of minutes until he came. I was afraid that he'd hurt me if I was dry. So, I put in some of that lubricating gel. It makes things tingly down there. That contributed to the problem."

She gave me a mortified look as she said, "He attacked me the moment we closed the door. He ripped my robe off and pushed me on the bed. Then he jumped on me. Somehow, he was already naked."

I snorted and said, "It looked like his clothes exploded off him as he made his way to the bed."

She looked embarrassed and said, "He just shoved it in and started frantically humping me. I was telling him to slow down. But, he was a man possessed. I have never had a man fuck me like that and it wasn't enjoyable, at first."

Then she looked truly ashamed and said, "But he was like the Energizer Bunny. He kept pounding me at an irresistible rate; and he was hitting all my sensitive parts."

She added uncomfortably, "Eventually it started feeling very good. I tried to fight it, but a woman is helpless, once she gets in that position. I was flat on my back with him buried as deep as he could inside me and there was no stopping him."

Her tone of voice was like she was describing a plane crash. "He kept pounding me and I finally lost control. There were a couple of seconds of panic and then the first orgasm hit. After that, it was one orgasm after another. That's where all concept of right-and-wrong flew out the window. And I just wrapped my legs around him and rode the wave."

She looked at me pleadingly and said, "I haven't come in almost a month and the orgasms he was giving me were so irresistibly delicious. By that point, I had no idea where I was, or who was fucking me. I know what I did was unforgivable. But It was nothing I expected, or wanted to do. The combination of the long lay-off and the rate he was humping me just totally overwhelmed me."

She looked like she was going to cry, as she said, "I don't know what part of Nirvana I was in when he finally came. But it was a long way from sanity. Then, before I knew it he'd stuck it back in and we were off to the races again. I have no idea how he could do that."

I said matter-of-fact, "Your sister said that the little rodent took a couple of Viagras."

She looked contemptuous and said, "THAT explains it. I was already so turned-on that his sliding up into me simply blew my mind. I've got no idea what I did after that. But, I DO know I was totally out of control. Then he finally came in me again. At that point, I was so physically drained that I was almost comatose. The next thing I knew you were sitting there."

She looked anguished and said, "I know it must have been horrible. It would have killed me to overhear that. What did you do to Ralph? He wasn't there when I came-to. I hope the police aren't involved?"

I laughed and said, "I tossed his naked ass out on the front lawn. Last time I saw him your sister was dressing him. I told him I'd kill him if I ever saw him again."

I looked at her to gauge her reaction. I said with venom in my voice, "I mean it. A guy with so little honor needs to be put down. He broke every rule in the man code. He knew what you were in there for. It could've been a constructive thing, in a weird co-dependent way. But he chose to make it personal" Jill gave me a grim, approving smile.

I looked at her so she could see my anger and said, "I blame you and me. We shouldn't have let it happen in the first place. But fucking you like that was a totally self-centered and contemptible act. And Ralphie-baby owes me a serious debt."

Jill said timorously, "So, where do we go from here? I can't tell you how sorry I am. It seemed like such a simple thing. Now it's threatening our marriage."

I said, "Well, I know for sure that I still love you. But it will take some time before I can get over what just happened."

Jill looked stricken. She said, "What does that mean? What are you planning to do?"

I looked at her fondly and said, "I'm not planning on doing anything different. We agreed to stay celibate until we knew for sure that you were pregnant. That's going to be easy since, the one thing that I can assure you is that I will have a hard time touching you with the ghost of Ralphie-boy haunting our bedroom. After that, who knows? I guess we'll have to cross that bridge when we come to it."

She looked upset and said with tears in her voice, "Does that mean you won't make love to me after they confirm the pregnancy?"

I looked at her incredulous. Apparently, she didn't really grasp the situation. It wasn't the fact that she had fucked Ralphie-boy. I knew why she went in that bedroom. In retrospect, I still believed that her motives were altruistic; no matter how totally screwed-up the thinking.

It wasn't even the fact of her going off the deep end with the little shit. I could see, that was the result of Ralphie-boy's conniving and I could truly sympathize. I was horney as a billy-goat, myself. In fact, even Willy was starting to look good. But a rationale, no matter HOW logical, doesn't change how you feel.

I looked at her unsympathetically and said, "First - we don't know whether you ARE pregnant. If you're not, then Ralphie-boy has already had his shot. And if you want to do it with him again, you will have to do it after we've signed the papers."

She looked like she was going to argue. Then you could see sanity kick in. She stopped, considered what she was about to say, and made a decision. Her face hardened and she said, "I was thinking about that myself. I don't want him to ever touch me again - EVER."

Good girl, that was the only answer that would continue the conversation

I said, heartfelt, "This was a morally bankrupt idea from day one, and there isn't going to be a day two. At least, if you want to stay married to me. Once is circumstance. But, twice would be enemy action."

I looked disgusted and added, "And from what I saw, you've got enough of his seed in you to spawn a baseball team."

Jill looked mortified. But, then she added, "I put on a little pad to hold it all in."

That was waaaay too much information. I gave her an angry look and she quailed. I continued with, "So assuming you got what you and Willy want. Now, we have to deal with all the joys of pregnancy, morning sickness, back aches and swollen feet, plus all those doctor visits."

I grimaced then added, "That's going to pull me screaming-and-kicking into the situation."

The problem was that we had both overlooked long-term reality. It was summer now. It would be early spring when Jill gave birth to the antichrist, which I assumed Ralphie's demon seed would produce. That meant she would be showing for the holidays and waddling all winter.

I said, "The future really hinges on a couple of things. First, I want you to understand that you are married to me, not your sister, I know your deep connections and I respect your commitment to her. But, from now on she has to be kept out of our marriage. Your duty is to me and the kids, not her."

Jill said nervously, "What are you trying to say?"

Sigh!! Still Willy; I gave her an angry look and said, "From now on, Willy's needs come second to me and the kids.

I added with emphasis, "First, I'm going to kick them off the gravy train. I am not going to be their personal ATM machine anymore. That means Ralphie will have to get a job, if they want a roof over their head. For God's sake, they're both adults."

Jill said tentatively, "I don't think Ralph can support them."

I said, "Then Willy is perfectly welcome to move in with us. I'm even willing to overlook the blasé attitude she copped, while you and Ralphie-boy were burning up the sheets. But I never want to see Ralph again. Because if I do, the only question will be where I'm going to bury the body,"

Jill mulled it over for a couple of seconds. Then she said with conviction in her voice, "I know that Willy will end up with us because Ralph will never be anything but an immature little creep. Willy might hate it, and she'll probably blame me, but it's the right thing to do."

The succeeding several weeks saw a lot of changes. Jill broke the news to two of them a couple of days later. As expected, Ralphie came barging into my house aiming to "straighten me out about a few things." I had planned on that visit.

The minute he walked in the house I grabbed him by the back of the neck and dragged him to the bathroom. I had already drawn him a nice deep tub. He was shouting obscenities as I plunged his head under water. I held him there until he stopped struggling. Then I added a count of fifteen just because he was a douchebag.

He was unconscious when I pulled him out. I slapped his face back and forth until he came-to and shoved him back under water. Almost immediately he began making "I surrender" gestures. I left him under water until I was certain that he thought he was going to die

Then I dragged him gasping out to the living room and threw him on the couch. He looked exactly like a drowned rat. I said, "Most people would kill you for what you did to my wife. But as you can see, I'm a kind and caring soul. So, I'm ONLY going to kill you if I see you again."

I added brusquely, "Nobody's going to protect you; not Jill, not Willy and certainly not the authorities. I'm way too clever for that; you'll notice there's no evidence of what just happened. Of course, it won't matter to you anyhow, because you'll be dead either way."

He said, "You'd never do that!!"

I said with all the hate in my heart, "Try me." He must have seen it in my eyes. Because, Ralphie-boy got the message. I could smell the fear, like a small rodent confronting by a very large cat.

I added, "You and Willy are on your own. If Jill is pregnant, then we are going to take care of the baby like it was ours. You are completely out of the picture now - AND FOREVER."

He started to object. I strode across the room, wordlessly grabbed him by the back of the neck and started back toward the bathroom. He said agitated, "Okay, I get it!!"

I turned, dragged him to the door, and launched him onto the same spot on the lawn as the last time. Jill and Willy were standing on the sidewalk. They had obviously been waiting to see what would happen.

Willy ran to Ralphie. Jill walked very smugly and self-satisfied up to me and punched me on the shoulder. She said, "Nice arm!" I put the arm in question around her and drew her inside. It was going to be difficult. But it was going to work out.


Two things resolved themselves in the next month. First, Ralphie-boy did a total disappearing act. That happened a couple of weeks after our last heart-to-heart. I was disappointed. I was hoping he WOULD come around again. Because, I was contemplating a horrible accident involving Ralphie and a wood chipper. Instead, Willy came home from work one day and discovered that the little reptile had done a runner.

Ralphie must have finally gotten the message that the gravy train was permanently derailed. So, he just scuttled off to greener pastures. My only regret was that I never found out what happened to him. I hoped he was living in a cardboard box somewhere. But guys like Ralphie are like the ubiquitous cockroach. No matter how bad the situation, they always survive.

Willy was devastated, and then the big news rolled in, Jill was indeed pregnant. That blew all thoughts of Ralphie-boy out of her head. Nevertheless, the two women's delirious joy was tempered by our need to explain Jill's expanding belly to the kids and all our friends.

We told our friends that Jill was surrogating, which was absolutely true, in an indirect sort of way. Words like "judgmental" and "disgusted" tend to describe how everybody took THAT news.

We told the kids a modified version of that. We said that we had put their cousin in Mommy's tummy, because Mommy was such a good mother. Both of them bought that explanation. Jill is indeed. a great mom. Jody was excited. Billy was at the age where he could care less about woman technology.

I got a good offer on our current one and I was no longer floating Ralphie-boy's lifestyle. So, we immediately moved into a newer bigger house. Willy moved into the finished basement. It had an outside entrance so it was like she had her own place. That was very convenient as the time grew closer.

The birth was the usual 20-hour ordeal. Willy was Jill's Lamaze coach through the whole thing. I couldn't bring myself to take part. Call me an asshole if you like. But, I had to make a point. Jill's only request, which was expressed as she was lying there afterward, was for somebody to tie her tubes!!

The baby was a little girl. Fortunately, she resembled Jill, not pig-face. Willy was ecstatic. She instantly took over the care of the child. Not unsurprisingly, she was an excellent mom from the beginning. It was like this baby was the only thing she ever wanted in life. In my book, her unadulterated adoration for a child, who technically wasn't really hers, atoned somewhat for the grief she'd caused me getting it.

Willy had a lot of help from the other two women in our house. Jill had to do the feeding, of course. But six-year-old Jody was trying to act like she was little Julie's mother. Maybe the irresistible motherhood gene was a family thing.

I know you have one more important question. The answer is yes. Eventually we got our married mojo back. But it wasn't easy.

We had an excuse to avoid sex during the pregnancy. But sadly, there was still nothing there, when the all-clear sounded. Jill was as noisy as ever. Unfortunately, that brought back memories of the loud "fuck-me's" that I had overheard that day.

So, even though the equipment still worked my heart wasn't in it.

Jill could tell and that devastated her. Most of the time we would just stop mid-act. I would roll over, pissed off, and try to sleep. Jill would cry all night. But we kept at it. Really??! What choice did we have? We loved each other.

The breakthrough came because liquor is quicker. We were at a party down the block. Willy was watching all the kids. Billy and Jody loved little Julie and so overnighting in their own basement was a major treat for them.

We drank a bit, and came rolling home, feeling no pain. Jill undressed giggling and I slipped under the covers naked next to her. She was still laughing as we kissed. Then the giggling abruptly stopped, she moaned and her mouth opened like a flower. We swapped tongues becoming more-and-more excited.

Usually this was the point where Ralphie's ghost manifested himself. But this time I was so wasted that Henry the Eighth's ghost could have been prancing naked around the bedroom and I wouldn't have noticed. All I knew was that I had this hot-bodied, bit-titted female in bed with me and that was the only thing my deprived libido cared about.

I rolled Jill on her back and slid it into her to the hilt. She emitted a loud groan of sheer lust, wrapped her legs around my waist and humped back, moaning, "Ahhhh Yesss Baby!! Ahhhh Yesss!!" That went on until she was just shouting, "Fuck me, Fuck me harder!! Don't stop-don't-stop-don't-stop." Then she emitted an ear-piercing shriek and began to buck all over the bed.

I was having a hard time staying in her, let alone completing the act. But, I hadn't come in almost a year. So, to say the least, the urge was there. I worked hard to get to where I needed to go. All the while she had her legs wrapped around me and was rhythmically digging her heels in my back urging me to. "Give it all to me!!"

Afterward, we lay in a sweaty heap. The exertion had burned all of the booze out of me. We were both ready to discuss this. Finally, my wife turned to me and said tentatively, "Welcome back."

I said, "You know what? I think I really AM back. I hope it's for good."

Jill said, "Well then, let's find out!!" And we did, several more times that night and thence for the rest of our lives.

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Cracker270Cracker270about 1 month ago

Second time. Quality of writing is, as usual, supurb. Hated the story line. Like other good writers you get me all invested in the characters and their foibles. I didn’t enjoy how my guts got all twisted up.

skruff101skruff101about 2 months ago

Perfect example of a man (I use the term loosely) that is quite happy for his wife to fuck other guys. How do we know this? He didn’t get a divorce and is still happily banging the bitch through sloppy seconds.

drnostydrnosty6 months ago

I laughed all the way through. Your depictions of Ralphie and Willy had me snorting. I don't think I'd have been able to let a hobbit, or anyone else for that matter, copulate with my wife, but to each their own. Thanks for the laughs.

MarkT63MarkT63over 1 year ago

He is a big, strong guy... but NOT A MAN!!! No real man would allow his wife to screw another man. SAD...

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Disappointing, hollow, and sad. Not one of your best. He should have left the entire trailer trash family behind.

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