The Devil's Bargain

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Don't use the lawyer when you sell your soul!
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"Really, Mr. Ballard, why should we bargain for something we already can get for free?" Mr. Smith asked.

This wasn't going the way Stanley Ballard imagined! When he stepped through the doors of Lucifer, Satan, Beelzebub, and Smith, he had hoped to at least present his case. After all, weren't souls the most valuable thing a person had? Surely, they were worth something?

But other than the name on the door, nothing about this place bespoke to being an office of Hell! Even Mr. Smith appeared to be a small, unintimidating sort of man. At 3ft-6, he looked more like something from an old Looney Tunes cartoon than a representative of the second most powerful being in the universe!

"Mr. Ballard, we only bargain for those souls that would never think of coming to us. If you come to us, why...we already own you!"

Mr. Smith looked upon the crestfallen human standing before him. He thought how easily it was to manipulate these pathetic humans. Yes, Lucifer wanted their souls, but he had to get humans to agree to something more than a life in the fiery pits. Sometimes, he needed these souls for special tasks.

"Tell me what you want in exchange, and I'll run it by the senior partners," Mr. Smith offered hopefully.

Stanley wanted three things to improve his life on earth. He was not a handsome man, in fact, he was rather homely, with a huge nose, beady eyes, and sparse hair.! He was nearly broke! He couldn't even rub two nickels together: how could he possibly show a woman a good time, even if they would go out with him.

Stanley had nothing going for him. Women despised him. Men despised him. Why, he couldn't even get a blowjob through a glory hole! His sex life was almost non-existent! If it wasn't for that equally homely and pathetic woman that lived two doors down, he wouldn't have a sex life at all!

"One: I want to be incredibly handsome. Two: I want to be so filthy rich, everyone can't help but notice me! And finally, I want beautiful women for incredible sex!"

Mr. Smith paid scant attention to the first two requests: he'd heard these from men and women alike for several centuries, now. However, the third request had possibilities to help his boss out with another problem!

"Mr. Ballard, I will run these by my partners and get back to you in a couple of weeks."

Stanley had hoped to walk out with an immediate answer, but, being a bank employee, he understood that these things sometimes take time. He would be patient a little longer.

Two weeks later, he had his answer.

"Mr. Bullard, we are pleased to grant your price for the sale of your soul to us. Come by at your earliest convenience to sign the contract, and you will enjoy the benefits of your new life!"

Stanley was at the office at nine the next morning. He called in to his boss and asked to take his vacation: his boss was more than pleased to have Stanley out of the office for a couple of weeks. He now had a chance of banging that hot new temp some of the other managers were talking about!

"This form shows you agree to this transaction: initial here and sign here. This form releases us from any injuries you may incur with your new lifestyle. This form states we gain full possession of you once all three conditions of your request are met. Good luck, Mr. Ballard."

Stanley took Mr. Smith's outstretched hand and was surprised at the burn he received. He felt pain wrack his body as the transformation took over. He looked into the mirror and saw an incredibly handsome blonde haired, blue-eyed Adonis looking back at him.

Stanley used his vacation to get used to the new him. He'd emptied his entire savings account and flew to Atlantic City and blew it all playing craps.

The Monday following his vacation, he returned to work, excited about the new him. But he couldn't get in the door: his new face didn't match the picture on his I.D.! None of his co-workers recognized him. Security threatened to call the police. He convinced them to check his finger prints and his retinal files. Fortunately, those hadn't changed.

"I wondered why you needed the two weeks off. I understand why you emptied your accounts. Those plastic surgeons due incredible work, and you're over your scars so quick!" said one manager.

"You look incredible," said his one female boss. "Want to get a drink, later? Maybe come by my place?"

Stanley was pleased with the results: people were looking at him with respect and admiration. The first part was going according to plan.

"Stanley, would you step into my office, please?" asked the manager, Mr. Thompkins.

Stanley walked into the room to see two very serious looking men with Mr. Thompkins.

"Stanley, we seem to have a very serious situation here," he said. "These gentlemen are from the IRS and FBI. There appears to be some irregularities in your personal accounts. It seems you emptied them three weeks ago, but one billion dollars were deposited to them this morning. Can you explain this?"

Stanley gulped, and said, "My great uncle Morris passed away and left me his entire estate. He had no family of his own, but loved me like I was his own child. I expected he might leave me a few hundred dollars, maybe even a thousand. I certainly had no idea he was that rich!"

"You do realize you will have to pay fifty percent in taxes, don't you? And we can't release any to you until we get a copy of the will."

"I understand," Stanley lied. "I can get a copy from my lawyer for you."

Mr. Smith pulled out the proper forms and had them faxed to Stanley's bank. But the FBI froze the money until they could be sure Stanley wasn't selling drugs or money laundering.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Ballard, but the FBI and IRS work out of a different office in Hell than I do. My hands are tied," said Mr. Smith. "Here's some cash to tide you over until the funds are released.

Stanley was in bed with two of the most beautiful redheads he'd ever seen. Both had large breasts, narrow waists and nice round asses. In fact. One was about to let him butt fuck her, when her husband kicked down the door and beat him to a pulp.

When he recovered, two other women got into a fight over him and the loser tried to slice him open with a knife. When he got out of the hospital, he rushed over the Mr. Smith's office.

"I'm handsome, but no one really believes I'm me! I have a fortune I can't touch! And to top it off, I have beautiful women fitting over me and jealous lovers trying to kill me after I have great sex with their women."

"I'm sorry for the inconvenience, but I may have a solution that might help. See Joanie, my secretary? She's recently single. And I know she has been eyeing you every time you come in my office. She's hot and loves anal sex! Go ahead! See if it's not so!"

Stanley looked over to see a beautiful raven-haired young woman, barely into her twenties, looking his way with something that could only be described as adoration, or naked desire. She had nice, full breasts and a beautiful shapely bottom with legs to match.

"Oh, Mr. Ballard! I'd love to go out with you! Pick me up around eight!"

Stanley was walking on clouds the rest of the day. Mr. Smith's secretary was obviously hot for him. It should be easy to get Joanie into bed!

Joanie answered Stanley's knock wearing the sheerest negligee possible: nothing was hidden from his imagination. She had beautiful nipples and a cleanly shave mound. Yes, things were definitely looking up!

"I've been anxiously waiting for you," Joanie purred. "I'm so wet, my outfit is ruined. Why don't you rip it off me? Please, make passionate love to me!"

Stanley reached up to her neck and easily tore her gown from her body. He stood back and admired her. Joanie was nearly as tall as he was. Her breasts were full and ripe, topped with beautiful come-suck-me nipples. He grabbed both breasts and squeezed them roughly.

"Twist my nipples! Pinch them hard!"

Stanley never really got to handle breasts like these: and never on a woman who liked them to be treated roughly. The ugly neighbor had really small breasts and he rarely fondled them.

Joanie led him to her bedroom and lay back on her bed. Stanley lay next to her and began sucking her nipples hungrily. She guided one of his hands between her thighs and placed it on her pussy.

"Oh, Mr. Ballard, see how wet I am? Make me wetter; rub me hard! Please, baby"

Stanley rubbed her mound hard and fast. Joanie writhed under his touch. She held his head tight against her ample breast as he nibble and bit it.

"Mr. Ballard! I'm going to cream! Bit me! Bite me hard!"

The harder he bit, the more she thrashed on her bed. Soon she was screaming as she came. Stanley was a little concerned the neighbors might think he was killing Joanie. But, he was secretly pleased that she was so excited with him. So, far this part of the bargain was going smoothly!

Joanie pulled Stanley' pants down and was pleasantly surprised at what she saw. With his new body, Stanley also received a nine inch long cock that was easily 2-1/2 inches thick! After she finished undressing Stanley, she knelt between his legs and began to noisily suck him.

Stanley hadn't received many blowjobs: what few he had came from visits to glory holes at the local adult arcade. Joanie slurped his cock like it was the best Popsicle in the world!

Joanie bobbed up and down on him for nearly thirty minutes before he filled her mouth to overflowing. Stanley watched as she wiped up the excess and licked her fingers clean, all while gazing into his eyes.

Stanley was still hard: part of his request was the ability to fuck all night!

Joanie lay back on her bed, legs spread wide, and held out her arms in invitation. Stanley climbed on top and rammed his cock all the way in side. She gasped in pleasure a she filled her pussy. She wrapped her legs around him and pulled herself onto him with ach thrust. He held his face close and kissed him passionately.

Stanley fucked Joanie nearly an hour before he, once again, filled her with his load. She came several times while he fucked her. Stanley caressed her lovely round bottom while they rested.

"Do you like my bottom, Mr. Ballard?" she asked. "I bet you would like to stick your big pole in my ass, wouldn't you! I think you want to fuck my ass the rest of the night! Please, fuck me hard! Make my ass sore!"

Joanie rolled onto her stomach, a pillow beneath her crotch. She wiggle her ass enticingly! Stanley crawled on top and lined his cock against her tight little rosebud. He pushed hard and thrust all the way to his balls inside her.

"Oooh, Mr. Ballard!" Joanie cried out. "You're so big and thick!"

Stanley was pleased at her response and began thrusting into her with powerful, rapid thrusts. He ground against her nice round bottom as he tried to go deeper in her.

"Ungh...ungh...ungh...ungh," she cried as each of his thrusts drove into her.

Stanley rode her ass for several hours. In the past, he'd be lucky to last a couple of minutes! This was definitely worth selling his soul for! Finally, around three in the morning, he rolled off and fell asleep.

Stanley went work the next day, a refreshed and full recharged man. While his managers still were skeptical of his identity, and his money was still impounded, his sex life was nearly perfect! Best sex ever! And Joanie wanted him to come back tonight: she'd invited her sisters to join in the fun! Joanie swore they were every much as beautiful as she!

Stanley lay back on Joanie's bed. Sex with three beautiful sisters was fantastic! Joanie promised more surprises in round two! He couldn't wait to get started!

Joanie had dimmed the lights and crawled back next to him. She lightly nibbled his nipples. Carol, one of her sisters, was between his legs sucking him hard again. Nancy, the third sister was straddling his face, her wet pussy over his mouth.

However, things began to feel differently! First, Carol's tongue now felt long and slender and it wrapped several times around his cock. It felt as if a hand was now stroking it. , Secondly, Nancy's clit seemed to grow thicker and longer: it felt like a cock was forcing its way into his mouth and down his throat. And finally, Joanie had something long, thick and hard between her legs! And there were strange things on Joanie's back now! Plus, three long rope-like things were caressing his body!

Joanie turned up the lights.

"Is something wrong, Mr. Ballard?"

Stanley stared in terror at what used to be the three hottest women he'd ever seen! They were still hot, but, they weren't women!

All were now purple skinned. Their eyes were inky black pools! Their lips were a dark purple. And their hair was midnight black! They had small horns jutting from their heads and black wings on their backs. Each wore a red—gold chain around their waists!

All three were still beautiful. If anything, they were even more alluring: their breast seemed larger and fuller, their waists narrower, the hips wider, and their bottoms rounder. The trouble was, the all had really thick cocks that hung to their knees!

"You'''re..." Stanley stammered.

"Why, yes, we are!" replied Joanie. "Aren't we the most desirable creatures you've ever seen?" She asked and spun around.

"BUT, YOU"RE NOT WOMEN!" he screamed.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk," Carol replied.

"We certainly are women!" Nancy retorted. "Some men just don't appreciate the transgendered!"

"Yeah! We let him screw our asses all night, but let him see a cock..." Carol complained.

"But, you're not human! You are demons!" Stanley sputtered.

"The correct term for a female demon is demoness," Joanie replied drolly. "Actually, we're succubi. And we really, really want you!"

"But you have cocks!"

"Picky, picky!" Carol snorted. "We let you fuck us!!"

"But, you're too big!"

"And how many women have told you that, too?"

"But my contract...!"

"All it specifies is 'Women'!" Joanie said. "It doesn't delineate between types of women. And many of your human courts recognize transgendered rights! It's your own fault you didn't read the contract more carefully!"

"Silence!" Joanie yelled, when Stanley started to protest further.

"Mr. Ballard, please lay across the bed face down. Let your head hang off the side. And put a pillow under your crotch."

Stanley felt all resistance fade as his body responded to the succubus' command. He reached behind him and spread his cheeks. He heard Joanie spit and felt a scalding liquid land on his sphincter. A long, burning shaft forced its way into his ass. He felt it way up into his chest as Joanie's balls slapped his ass. She fucked him with long, painful strokes. He felt as if he was on fire inside!

"Would you like me to stop?" Joanie teased.

Stanley wanted to beg her to stop, but different words flowed out of his mouth.

"Fuck me harder, please!"

"Since you insist!"

The demoness fucked him even harder! Stanley thought her huge cock was going to come out his mouth! She emptied a scalding load inside him then moved around to his mouth. Carol stepped up next and rammed her cock inside.

Joanie started force feeding her cock to Stanley. He gagged as the red hot cock slid down his throat. Surely, one cock must be touching the other cock! He felt like a saw was being pulled through him! He couldn't understand why he was still alive!

Carol pulled out and lay to one side before ramming her flaming cock back into his ass. Nancy lay to the other side and worked her cock in alongside Carol's. They began fucking opposite each other's stroke: one cock was coming out as the other slid in.

"Damn, Sis, this is the best sex we've had in centuries!" Nancy claimed. "You need to try this!"

Joanie pulled her cock from Stanley's throat, then went around a shoved her cock alongside her sisters'. Stanley screamed in agony as three whit-hot pokers were fucking his ass.

"This is great!" said Nancy

"Mr. Ballard! Go ahead and scream! The neighbors can't hear you!" said Joanie. "Your screams just make me so fucking wet!!"

"I can fuck him all night!" bragged Nancy.

The pain was unrelenting as Stanley prayed for death. The three giggled and teased each other as they took great pleasure in torturing Stanley.

Near daylight, Joanie claimed she needed to go to work. Nancy and Carol pouted, but Joanie reminded them they could come back that night: Mr. Ballard wasn't going anywhere.

Stanley was hoping he could rest, or maybe even escape during the day! Joanie answered a knock at her door. She returned with three more succubi.

"Mr. Ballard, these are more of my sisters. They've heard all about you! I do hope you will keep them entertained while I'm away!"

The three newcomers immediately placed their huge members in one of Stanley's holes.

"See you tonight, Mr. Ballard!" Joanie called, over her shoulder.

The day was just as terrible as the previous night had been. Stanley's ass had no respite from the terrible pounding of three monstrous cocks! The day shift left in time for Joanie, Carol, and Nancy to take over.

Each day would see three new sisters: each night brought Joanie and the first two back. The three were insatiable, and complained when they had to let other sisters have him. This went on continuously for months on end.

One day, while a new group were trying to fuck each other, along with Stanley, Mr. Smith came by.

"You promised me great sex! Yet I'm the one getting screwed!" Stanley complained.

"Honestly, Mr. Ballard! I only promised great sex. I didn't say it would be you having it, though!"

"Well, I'm ready, take my soul!"

"But Mr. Ballard! Didn't you read the contract before you signed? Page 9823, line 145611, clearly stated we were purchasing your body! We even threw in eternal life to sweeten the deal!"

"My body? Why would you want my body?"

"Mr. Ballard, please try to understand! Hell is full of transgendered succubi: if we let them all out at once, mankind would be extinct in a hundred years! That would never do! And my boss was tired of all their whining and complaining about being horny all the time!

You were a trial: and a very successful one at that! We're going to sign up more! Why, my name might get top billing! Imagine - Smith, Lucifer, Satan, and Beelzebub!"

Mr. Smith started towards the door.

"Mr. Smith!"


"How many sisters does Joanie have?"

Mr. Smith stroked his chin and frowned as he gave the matter thought.

"I do believe the number is around thirty-eight million, give or take a hundred thousand."

"Thirty-eight million?"

"That's right, Mr. Ballard!" he replied.

Later that night, Carol was sucking Stanley, Nancy was sitting on his face, and Joanie was plowing his ass. He recounted what Mr. Smith told me.

"Oooh, Mr. Ballard! We're going to be together forever! Isn't that wonderful?" Joanie exclaimed excitedly. "I just can't wait to tell the others!"

Yes...wonderful, indeed.

Stanley thought to himself, "If I had this to do all over again, I'd bargain with Lucifer: I'd bargain with Satan and Beelzebub! But I would run like hell from Mr. Smith!"

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AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

By all means, if you ever use this type of succubus design in another story, minus the specialized equipment, cool! I love multi-colored demon beauties!

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

the truest evil in the entire world ( a seasoned lawyer).

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