The Devil's Bargain Ch. 12

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Well, how did I get here?
8.1k words

Part 12 of the 16 part series

Updated 06/12/2023
Created 11/10/2022
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I saw Brenda once during the following week. There was a new Bachelor, and then the Masked Singer. I believe that one day in the future (assuming that humanity survives), historians and anthropologists will cite that program as proof that Western Civilization was in its death throes. And I say that despite the fact that I was getting a blowjob at the time.

We made love, afterwards, and I was especially gentle and tender with her.

The next night, Sue fucked my brains out.

We got together three times that week - outside of dog-walking. Each time, it led to prolonged and very intense sex. I learned that Sue needed long sessions of foreplay before she could reach orgasm. She had never had an orgasm from vaginal intercourse alone.

- "Never?"

- "It's not that unusual, Dan."

- "No, I know. But you seem..."

- "Oh, I love sex. Fucking. I just can't come that way. That's why I love it when you're willing to go down on me for half an hour." She kissed me.

Sue was sexually adventurous, and loved variety. She let me eat her on her leather sofa, and then fuck her on it, until she was practically sticking to the darn thing.

We would walk the dogs, with her wearing that same ratty old jean jacket and a baseball cap, but she looked different to me now. I'd seen her the night of that fundraiser; I knew that she could do glamourous, and beautiful.

Brenda also had two looks: the comfortable, track pants and sweatshirt attire, perfect for a BJ on the couch, and the dressed to go out, with makeup and a nice dress. But we just didn't have all that much to talk about. I never had to worry about that with Sue.

It wasn't just that she was ideal for me; I was perfect for her. I knew what she was going through, looking after her Mother, the dog, and two properties. I was in a position to help her out, and I would certainly never put undue pressure on her.

For example, no public displays of affection. Ron, of course, knew the very next day that we'd had sex. I have absolutely no idea how. Willy was oblivious, and Tanya was too busy complaining about something, but Ron just smiled at us.

- "You two had a late night last night?" Honestly, it was as if he'd been camped out across the street from Sue's place, on a stakeout.

I let Sue determine our schedule. I might suggest something that we could do together, but let her decide when. I fully understood postponements or even last-minute cancellations, when her mother got demanding, or had a minor emergency. I had experienced plenty of those myself, with Mom.

I followed her to the garage, where she left her car for a tune-up and a brake job, and then drove her to work. I picked her up later, and went to get her car. She did feed me and fuck me afterwards.

There was a time or two when I walked Gucci for her, because she simply ran out of time to handle all of her commitments. I remembered how selflessly Lisa had helped me out, and I tried to be that person for Sue.

Meanwhile, I had launched 'Operation Brenda'. I took Pete (and later Josh) to Jimmy's for souvlaki. Neither of them would touch grilled calamari, but they were still ready to come along.

Josh was still depressed after Kim. He'd proposed, and she had told him the truth: she wasn't ready to settle down with one guy. Months later, he was still dwelling on it, getting maudlin and asking us what he'd done wrong.

- "You didn't do anything wrong, Josh. She told you the truth: she isn't ready."

Pete would have had to be blind to miss our waitress. Cute, sweet, and stacked? After the first two occasions, I had no trouble getting Pete to join me for the Tuesday night specials at Jimmy's.

He did notice that Brenda seemed fixated on me. I admitted that we'd been dating. That, of course, gave me a perfect reason to tell Pete how wonderful she was.

We went to play billiards as a foursome. I consoled Josh while Pete complimented Brenda on how good she was - and how fantastic she looked.

People often say that you shouldn't try matchmaking between your friends, and they're right - until it works like a charm.


I don't remember if it was Sue's idea, or mine (it might even have been Ron's), but we decided to introduce Mom to Sue's mother. It was only three streets away, but I drove Mom because she couldn't have walked that far.

How do you spell 'disaster'? Mom was cranky because we were on unfamiliar turf - someone else's home. We should have chosen a neutral site. For added fun, Mom could hardly hear anything, because she'd left her hearing aid at home.

- "How could you forget it?"

- "It bothers me. It hurts my ear, and it makes noises when it touches my hair!" She hadn't forgotten it; she'd left it behind on purpose.

Mom made comments about the decor, the furniture, and even the cups and dishes. They might have been construed as back-handed compliments - or as backhands to the face. Mom also didn't realize that some of her criticisms, which she probably intended only for me, were loud enough for everybody to hear. Do people who lose their hearing forget how to whisper?

Sue's mother complimented me for living with Mom, and said that I must have the patience of a saint. It was a dig at Mom, of course, but also a shot at Sue. The old woman ordered her around like a martinet, sending her to the kitchen for things we hadn't asked for, or had even turned down.

- "Would you like cream with that?"

- "No, thank you. I take it black, and Mom just likes a spot of milk."

- "Susan, get some cream for our guests."

I could see another reason why Sue was in such good shape. But she must have been under considerable stress: the urge to throttle her mother, and to choke the life out of her must have been hard to resist.

Sue and I had an apology contest afterwards, asking each other for forgiveness.

The following day, Ron just had to ask.

- "How did it go with your two mothers?"

- "Fuck off, Ron." said Sue.


Holly kept in touch. So did Lisa, who let me know that she was seeing another grad student at UVic. In turn, I told her about Sue.

Sue and I were having a quiet night in when she surprised me with a question.

- "When you had three girlfriends at once, didn't you say that they all knew about the others? You let them know that you weren't going to be exclusive?"

- "That's right."

- "I was just wondering..." she said. "Were you planning on having that conversation with me some day?"

- "Yes." I said. "Would tonight be okay?"

- "Oh? You were ready for this?"

- "Sue, I haven't been with Brenda - not physically, at least - since you and I... started. I've still been going to the restaurant where she works - she's a waitress - but I've been taking two of my friends from work along, so that they could meet. And we've been going out together, as a threesome, or a foursome - ah, not in a sexual sense..."

- "You're trying to set up your girlfriend with one of your friends?"

- "Ex-girlfriend. Brenda and I broke up a month ago." I'd used the broken heart clause, but I also asked Brenda if I could still see her, from time to time, as a friend. She agreed. I was pretty sure that Pete was going to call her - even if I had to make the call and put the phone in his hand.

- "So you want to be exclusive? With me?" said Sue.

- "Yes."

- "But you didn't ask me?"

- "I wouldn't have wanted you to run into us somewhere, or hear it from someone else. It's not that big a town - and I suspect that Ron has spies everywhere. I wanted to get Brenda settled - if you know what I mean."

Sue had to laugh. "You're a strange man, Dan."

- "So I've been told."

- "Is Brenda still going to be in love with you, years from now - like Aarti?"

- "I... hope not?"

Sue got us another beer.

- "What would you say if I wanted to see someone else?"

I hadn't considered that possibility. When we finally connected, she said that she hadn't been with anyone for a long time. It never occurred to me that she might be considering somebody else. Was she?

- "I should have asked. I would prefer to be exclusive, but if you don't, I would have to at least consider it."

- "I'm just teasing." she said. "I don't want anyone else. Hell, I barely have enough time for you!"

That was true. Sue was very busy at work, and her schedule was just like mine used to be when I met Tansa, and made my bargain.

"But I have time for you tonight..." she said. Sue stood up, and offered me her hand.


I saw Alanna again - in her capacity as a real estate agent, representing the Bennetts. We met at my old house, which they were renting. Professor Bennett and his wife were there, and so was their daughter, Gabrielle. Alanna did the talking (as usual).

- "Dan, Professor Bennett has been offered a permanent contract at the University."

- "Congratulations." I said. "Are you going to accept?"

- "I am." he said. "We quite like the town, and the people we've met."

- "Professor Bennett and his family would like to buy your house, Dan." said Alanna.

They'd paid me $1,500 a month in rent. After utilities and municipal taxes, I'd cleared over ten thousand dollars. But if they truly liked the house, and wanted to live here, would it be right to deny them?

And would it be wise? Ten grand was nice, but the house was worth over $750,000 on the open market. I wasn't going to be around long enough to enjoy 75 years of rent. And who did I have to leave my money to?

We made a deal.


- "A present?" said Sue. "What's the occasion?"

- "Umm... call it an early birthday present."

- "It's only June. My birthday isn't until October."

- "I know. Listen - don't open it until you get home. And maybe... wait until you're alone. Just try it, okay. And let me know if it works."

- "What's with the mystery?"

- "Just try it, Sue. Please?"

She called me at home, later that night.

- "What the hell, Dan? You gave me a vibrator?"

- "I know. Did you try it?"

- "WHAT? What the fuck, Dan?"

Sue was a beautiful, amorous, passionate woman. But to my dismay, the only orgasms she ever experienced came via manual or oral stimulation - and those were hard-earned. It didn't take long to arouse her, but she needed a long, long time to climax. She loved to fuck, and enjoyed making love, because she enjoyed the closeness, and counted my orgasms as victories.

Our sex life had fallen into a predictable pattern: twice a week, with a blowjob to completion on one of those occasions, followed by a lengthy session where I worked to bring her off, with fingers and tongue. After that, intercourse, where I came, but she didn't.

- "Sue, can I come over?"

- "You'd better - you have some explaining to do."

Her house was a five-minute walk from mine. I was there in four.

"You ran?"

- "I'm sorry - I should have talked to you about this, first."

- "You think?"

- "I'm crazy about you, Sue. And I love having sex with you."

- "But? Is there really a 'but' coming, here?"

- "Sue, I'd love it if you could reach orgasm with me inside you. I feel like I'm ridiculously far ahead, when it comes to orgasms -"

- "Are you keeping score? Dan, it's not a competition, for fuck's sake."

- "Says the woman who calls my orgasms 'victories'."

She frowned. "I do do that, don't I? I'm sorry, Dan. I'm not trying to make you feel... aw, hell - you do it for me. You turn me on, and I'm very satisfied. Believe me."             

- "Thank you." I said. "But I'm just trying to -"

- "Give me more orgasms. Or help me to orgasm while we're fucking. And I'm being a bitch about it. I'm sorry, Dan. You just - caught me off guard."

- "I did. Sorry about that. I just didn't know how to... introduce the subject."

Sue started laughing. "How to give your girlfriend a vibrator - you should have googled it. Oh - I have to do that. Vibrator gift etiquette."

- "I didn't want to embarrass you. That's why I suggested you try in private, first."

She thought about that for a moment or two.

- "Okay. I get it. I see what you were trying to do. Weird. But good-hearted."

After a week of experimentation on her own, Sue was prepared to share the results of her research with me. She went down on me, but only until I was fully hard and thoroughly coated in saliva. Then she straddled me, and impaled herself on her erection. She was wet, too; Sue never had trouble getting aroused.

Then she had me put her on her back, and enter her again. Sue reached under her couch, and produced the vibrator. She turned it on, and used it to buzz her clit while I thrust inside her.

Two minutes later, she came with a wail.


We'd had good sex; now we had great sex. Unfortunately, it was only twice a week. I would have liked more, but Sue's schedule was a nightmare. I helped out as I could, but that only allowed her to keep up - we never seemed to get ahead.

A vacation was out of the question. Ron might have agreed to walk the dogs, but who would look after Mom and Sue's mother?

It was Lisa who first suggested to me that I could run one house, instead of two, if I moved in with Mom. Now I had a healthy bank account, quite a few investments, and more free time than I'd had in a decade. I broached the idea with Sue.

- "Are you nuts? I couldn't live with my mother. There would be a murder within the first three days. I'm not a saint like you, Dan. I know that you're trying to help, but trust me - it's just not possible."

On a brighter note, Pete had finally summoned up the courage to ask Brenda out - and she accepted. They'd been on three dates, in secret, before Pete admitted to Josh and me that they were seeing each other. I was very pleased for them - Pete could tell.

I went to Jimmy's for grilled calamari, but also to let Brenda know that I was genuinely happy for her.

- "Thanks, Dan." she said. "That means a lot. I... I still miss you, sometimes, but Pete is really nice to me. I like him, too."

The summer went by in a blur. Sue managed to come over for a swim all of three times. Her mother and Connie's Mom did have a couple of things in common: they were both getting crankier and more demanding.

The dog walkers still met regularly. Sue and I didn't broadcast our relationship, but it certainly wasn't a secret. We were teased for a bit, and then everyone got used to it. Freya was now one of the older dogs, at 12.

I had time - and the inclination - to socialize. When Sue wasn't available, I went out with Pete and Josh. Sometimes, Pete brought his girlfriend. It wasn't a problem at all. I also saw George and Anna, who kept me up to date with news from Victoria.

- "Lisa has been seeing this guy." said George. "I think it may be getting serious."

- "Paul?" Lisa had told me about her new boyfriend, just as I'd told her that I was seeing Sue.

- "She told you?"

- "I get an email from her every month or two. It keeps me up to date. She seems to really like it out there."

- "She's planning to come home for Christmas." said Anna. "She's already hinting that she may be bringing him."

- "I could make myself scarce, if you think that would be best."

- "Don't be silly. Of course you and Sue will be invited."

Just to be on the safe side, I mentioned that conversation - and my offer - in my next email to Lisa. She wrote back.

Don't be silly. I very much want to meet Sue. Paul has already heard a great deal about you, and I would like for you two to meet.

In September, I got a phone call from Holly.

- "I got it, Dan! I got the promotion!"

- "That's awesome, Holly!" She was thrilled; it was her second major promotion since she'd moved to Calgary, barely four years ago.

- "One more." she said. "One more, and I can write my own ticket - decide where I want to work. And I think you can guess where I'd like to be."

Holly knew about Sue, too - I wasn't keeping any secrets. But my old supervisor never tired of reminding me that one day she would be moving back to Southern Ontario - close to me. Holly was the only one of the women I'd parted with that I hadn't used the 'broken heart' clause on. It seemed like she was still carrying a torch for me, even if her job took precedence - as it always had.

Sue apologized to me about that same time.

- "I've been awful." she said. "I've wasted the whole summer."

- "You've been busy. Believe me, I understand."

- "I know. You've been incredibly patient, and I want to show you that I'm not only appreciative, but... deeply, deeply grateful."

- "Oh?"

Sue had gotten creative. She'd written down five 'adventures' that she wanted to have with me. Sexual adventures.

- "I know that we can't travel, just yet. And weekends away are... problematic. But that doesn't mean that we can't stretch our imaginations a little bit. Here: you pick the first one."

She presented me a coffee cup with five pieces of tightly folded paper inside. I couldn't even begin to guess at what was written on them, so I just took the first one I got my fingers on, and passed it to her.

Sue unfolded it, and then grinned. "Oh... good start." She showed it to me. It said: Four Senses.

- "What does that mean?"

- "Be here tomorrow at 8:00, and you'll find out." By that time, both Freya and Gucci would have been walked, and put to bed.

Anticipation is a wonderful thing. I had no idea what 'Four Senses' meant, but there was going to be sex involved. It sounded good to me.

The preparations that I could see were simple enough: Sue had spread two large towels on her leather couch (One on the seat, and the other covering part of the back). Then she asked me to strip naked, and sit down.

She produced a blindfold.

"I'm going to take one of your senses away." said Sue. "Let's see how you do with the other four. You can trust me, Dan - I won't do anything rude."

She blindfolded me, and then moved to her kitchen. I heard her open the fridge, and the rattle and clack of a variety of containers. I distinctly heard the unscrewing of a couple of glass jars, and then she unsealed a Tupperware container. A spoon made contact with glass. There were a few other sounds I wasn't so sure of.

Then silence. I was straining to hear the slightest sound. A slight rustle? Something light fell on the floor? The next sound was unmistakeable: a zipper, being drawn ever so slowly. I smiled. Sue must have been watching me, because she reacted instantly.

- "You bum!" she exclaimed. "Ah - it's my own fault, for wearing jeans." Believe it or not, the next sound I heard was Sue pulling off her socks.

A few moments later, she walked over, and I heard her place a loaded tray on the coffee table. She sat beside me, and stroked my bare leg. My cock gave a little jump, and began to thicken.

"Try this." she said. She had put something aromatic under my nose.

- "Vanilla extract?" I guessed.

- "Good. And this?"

- "Mmm. Cloves."

- "You know it?"

- "I've always liked the smell of cloves." I said.

- "How about this?"

It was in the same neighbourhood as cloves. Was it a combination of cinnamon and cloves? "Nutmeg?" I guessed.

She laughed. "Allspice."

- "Wow."

- "Open your mouth." she said.

It's a bit weird to do that, when you're blindfolded. But I wasn't expecting an earthworm, or anything gross - I trusted her. Whatever she put between my lips, it was sweet, and tropical. Like a mango. Or a pineapple? No, it was too stringy. I was stumped.

- "Jack fruit." she said. "Now try this one."

- "Mmm." This was sweet, with the consistency of a grape. But it was tart, too - almost sour.

- "Star fruit."

I'd heard of jack fruit, though I'd never tasted it. Star fruit was completely new to me. She had me smell and taste half a dozen other things. None were unpleasant.