The Devil's Harem Outfit

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Bruce finds a Harem's outfit, and he makes Max wear it.
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Author's Note:

Hey guys, when I was finishing my last story I found a file with this story half finished and I thought, what the hell lets finish it. Now this is a very very dark story with strong erotic horror themes that some may not find pleasing. There is some strong incest thrown in too. If you are not into that this may not be the story for you. Otherwise this is purely written for entertainment purposes and does not reflect the religious views of the author or his views on the occult. So please enjoy the story and let me know what you think via the comment section.

* * *

David sits in his car looking at the store across the street for the longest time. He checked his watch, his heart pounding also thinking how stupid this is. He is in his late forties, has been married for twenty years to the same woman and has an 18 year old son. Recently though his marriage has been on the rocks, his sex life was lifeless, his wife stopped having pleasant conversations with him and he had heard rumors she was talking to a divorce lawyer. Therapy was one option, but then a guy at the office told him about this store on 7th Avenue, they sold strange things but he claimed he bought a potion that made his wife really hot for him, but he also used it on other girls for fun too. So here he is desperate to do something to stop his wife leaving him or anything to help him get laid. He checks his watch again and decides he has to get it over with.

He steps out of the car and walks up to the store which looks deserted and empty from the outside, then he pushes the front door and it opens easily into this dark and dingy looking shop with dim red lights being the only light source. The shelves are filled with hundreds of peculiar items. Shrunken heads, herbs, voodoo dolls, strange costumes, lingerie and all kinds of strange things. He reads a description saying this lingerie is cursed when he turns and sees a man in shadow at the counter. David can barely see him but he is there. "Welcome, how may I serve you today?" He asks in a raspy English accent.

David turns to look at the door. "Sorry, I think I made a mistake." He says having second thoughts.

The man laughs lightly. "I doubt it. Only one with a true purpose of entering this shop can enter. I sense you are a man with a great need, a need for companionship, a need for sex." He laughs again. "The things that drive people. What is your need? Try me and maybe I can accommodate your needs."

David just fidgets on the spot for a second. "Fuck it. Yeah, my wife is about to leave me and I want to make her stay. I want to take control and I want to have regular sex, and with young girls too. Yeah, that would be good." He says with a smile.

The keeper stares at him then starts to tap his fingers on the counter. "I think I may have just the thing." He walks to the back and returns within a minute holding a huge flat box. He places it on the counter and lifts the lid. David walks over and looks inside looking at a pink Harem outfit with lace pants and gold bracelets. "What do you think?" The keeper asks.

"A costume?" He asks disappointed.

The man laughs again. "This is a special item sir. It was made many centuries ago and very few of this outfit are known to survive. It is more than a mere costume, it is a slave maker. Anyone who wears this will be compelled to obey the one who makes them wear it. This has many magical properties, not only will it make you control who wears it, it obeys all instructions, even physical ones. You want your wife to be younger, it will make her younger, it will make her tits bigger, and it can do anything. It will even change her outfits to suit your mood. But she must never take it off or the control will be lost. The only way she can remove it is if you tell her to."

"So it can hide the fact she is wearing it?" He asks with interest.

"Yes, no one will ever know she is enslaved by you. Even when you instruct her to change her clothing via the magic of this outfit she will still be wearing it. It can only be removed by making her appear to be wearing it in its original form and then removing it. Otherwise she is always wearing it." He tells him.

"So I could tell her to become a cheerleader, it will change her into a cheerleader and if I undress her to fuck her she will still be wearing it?" He asks for clarification.

"Precisely sir. Only when removing it in its original form can it be removed. It adds to the convenience of it." The keeper explains.

David stares at it for a long time then smiles. "How do I know it will work?"

David can see the keeper nodding. "A fair question. All my stock works Mr Reid."

David steps back. "How did you know my name?"

He claps his hands and he sees the Harem outfit float out of the box and stand on the counter. "I know everything Mr Reid. This outfit will make your life better. There are instructions if you forget anything but I promise you, it's the best you'll ever get."

David stares at the outfit and just jumps to it. "How much?"

The Keeper laughs and the outfit returns to the box. "How can you put a price on anything so unique? Make me an offer, Mr Reid." He says smiling.

* * *

Stephen is finishing tying his tie ready for work, he is in his fifties and has a retrieving hairline. He is just finishing dressing for work when his wife Carole walks in. "Honey, before you go to work, you need to speak with Bruce."

Stephen shakes his head in frustration. "What has he done now?"

"He used our laptop to look at porn again, and not just any porn. It was Shemale porn." She says with disgust.

Stephen nods and checks his watch. "I'll go talk to him." He leaves his bedroom and heads to Bruce's room. Bruce is 18 with red hair and around 5 ft 11. Stephen knocks and enters to see his son packing his school bag. "We need to talk son."

"Dad, I'll be late for School." Bruce says in a rush.

"It will only take a moment. Why are you looking at Shemale porn on your Mother's laptop?"

Bruce groans and sits on his bed. "Because I don't have my own laptop!" He says in frustration.

"Son, it's not just that. It's Shemale porn. You do know they don't look like that in real life? They look like men in real life son. You are fantasizing over something that is more exciting as a fantasy than a real life thing. Sorry to ask, but..."

"No I'm not gay dad. I just find it hot. They are very feminine and that's what I like."

Stephen pats his son on the back. "Forget it son, try to fantasize about what you can have. And stop using your mother's laptop, understood?"

Bruce shrugs. "Fine."

"Good, now get to School."

* * *

David gets home holding the box and runs with it to his bedroom. He places it on the bed and rubs his hands together. He turns and there is his son Max at the door. "Hey Dad, where were you so early this morning?"

"Nowhere." He says rather quickly. "Where's your mother?"

"Work, won't be home till late." Max says looking sad. "What's going on with you two anyway?"

David leads Max out. "Working on it son, now get to School, I'll be at work today too."

* * *

Max is walking to School slowly in no hurry to get to School, when you're worrying about your parents the last thing you want to do is go to School. Max is 18, 5,9 with short brown hair and skinny. He isn't a jock or a nerd, just some kid in the background trying to finish senior year. He hears running and he turns to see Bruce running towards him. "Hey buddy, how are you?" Bruce asks with concern.

Max shrugs his shoulder. "Not great. I think my parents might be getting divorced." He stops suddenly to wipe his eyes and Bruce stops to pat his shoulder.

"You know what? Fuck School. When Parents go though shit they take a day off. Your parents home?" Bruce asks. Max shakes his head. "Good, let's go to yours and do what you want to do, how about that?"

Max thinks for a second then smiles. "Well, I do have the new Mortal Kombat game."

"Damn bitch, you took this long to tell me? Let's go." He says smiling and they both turn to go to Max's house.

They double check the apartment is empty before entering and they then cook a frozen pizza and boot up the Xbox and start playing. Bruce is letting Max win for awhile just to try and cheer him up and it seems to work, they are both enjoying themselves and laughing and joking. It is around noon that Max suddenly goes. "OK, I challenge you to another fight, loser must pay...the ultimate forfeit."

Bruce looks taken back, they haven't done an ultimate forfeit for years. The loser must do one thing that the winner tells them, if they refuse then they must walk down the School corridor with their pants down. They haven't done one for so long after Bruce damn near got poisoned drinking Aftershave in a forfeit. "What must I do if I lose?" Bruce asks mockingly.

"If you lose..." Max thinks for a moment. "You must call the School pretending to be a concerned parent and give a fake child's name and drive the secretary insane."

Bruce nods and tries to think of a good forfeit, for some reason he can only think of his conversation he had with his dad and a smile spreads across his face. He looks at Max wondering what he will look like dressed as a girl. "OK, if I win, you must wear any outfit from your Mom's closet I pick out for you until such time as I see fit. And I mean anything!"

Max nods. "Oh it's on bitch!"

Next Max is in shock, he lost two games, Flawless Victories, and he looks at Bruce with pleading in his eyes. "I'll be picking something out for you." Bruce says with a smile.

Bruce runs into Max's parent's room and immediately spots the box on the bed. Curiously he opens it and sees the pink Harem outfit. "Of this is perfect." He looks in and sees it has everything except underwear. He doesn't want to see Max in Y fronts in this and he knows Max won't go naked either. So he finds and opens Max's Mom's lingerie draw. After rummaging he finds a pink silky thong panties with enough room at the front to hold Max's cock and balls. He smiles and throws them in with the Harem outfit and runs downstairs with the box. He drops the box in front of Max who opens it. "Dude, I'm not wearing a sex outfit." Max says in disgust.

"I said anything and you know the consequences! Also, who else will know?" He asks.

Max resigns himself as Bruce takes the outfit out of the box and hands it to Max, and he leaves the room. Bruce is trying to calm himself down a bit and waits, after what seems an eternity Max enters the room, wearing the lace pants, the thong which he is fidgeting with, a tube top and a veil over his face gold bangle bracelets on both wrists. "Happy?" He says looking disgusted.

Bruce feels a sense of disappointment; maybe his Dad was right after all. "Well..." Bruce says in a mocking way. "No, you need bigger tits, wider hips, a bubble butt, makeup, no body hair, long blond hair and blue eyes instead of brown." He says smiling, but the smile goes when Max falls to the floor in pain.

Bruce watches in shock as Max's hair turns blond and grows longer, he chest swells and swells until he has at least a C cup of tits and his hips begin to get wider. He also spots that any body hair Max did have starts to disappear. Soon Max gets up and looks at his body, Bruce notices then that he has eye liner, eye shadow, rouge and red lipstick on. "What the fuck is going on?" Max half yells

Bruce is in complete shock. "Dude, I don't know."

"Well fix it for fucks sake." Max shouts.

Bruce sees a piece of paper in the box the outfit came in and so does Max. Max angrily storms towards it. "Stop, I got it." Bruce says and he picks it up, he notices that Max just stopped like he said. "Why did you stop like that?" He asks.

"Because you told me to master." Max explains.

Bruce looks really confused. "What?"

"Nothing, just read what it is please."

Bruce opens it up. "OK, you know that voice really doesn't suit your body, you need a woman's voice." Bruce just says suddenly.

He stops as Max has a sudden coughing fit and he holds his throat and coughs some more. He stops suddenly. "There was...something..." He says with a woman's voice. "in my throat, what the fuck?"

"Dude, that's..."

"Fix this!" He yells and Bruce gets back to the piece of paper.

He reads they are instructions for the costume, and he reads that he is technically the master of Max as he handed him the outfit. He also reads he can order and change Max as much as he wants and he can change him back and forth as long as he doesn't remove the outfit. Only complete removal of the outfit will break the spell and any items added to the outfit become part of it, so the panties are part of the outfit now. It is strongly recommended not to remove the outfit when having intercourse as it will break the spell. But any clothing that is removed that the outfit mimics on orders will not effect the spell as your slave will always be wearing it unless they physically remove the Harem outfit in its original form. You can order your slave to change outfits and the harem outfit will become that outfit and she will still be wearing it but it will be hidden, it will become a part of her. So you can disguise her in public. Bruce smiles and pockets the instructions. "OK, I can fix this."

Max breathes a sigh of relief. "Thank god!"

Bruce though is smiling and getting aroused looking at Max the way he is, so hot, so sexy he smiles. "But first, I want you to cum in those sexy panties!" He says.

Max looks shocked. "Well you can...can..." Max looks down and sees his cock is getting harder and harder and his nipples are now poking through the tube top. "Oh god." He groans and rubs his tits. "So hot, so..." He screams a lustful scream and Bruce sees the bulge of Max's erect cock twitching in the panties and he smells his cum as he ejaculates. Max breathes deeply feeling out of breath. He looks up at Bruce looking furious. "you can fuck off is what I was going to say."Max says out of breath.

Bruce is just smiling, never feeling more aroused in his young life. "Fuck off you say?" Bruce starts to unbutton his fly.

Max looks down in shock. "No, no fucking way!"

Bruce just smiles. "Why so shocked. You love to suck cock; you are getting aroused just thinking about wrapping your sexy lips around it. All you want to do is to sexually please me." As Bruce is saying this, he sees Max's face change from anger to longing, Max looks down at Bruce's cock which is now out of his pants and pointing upwards, he licks his lips and starts to rub his hands up and down himself not sure what to do. "What do you want to do Max?"

"I...want...I want to...suck your cock." Max groans saying it and moves a little closer.

"Good Max." He pauses. "Wait, while you are like this your name is Maxine and you think of yourself as a Girl. What's your name?"

She looks up confused for a second. "My name is... Maxine." She smiles at Bruce. "My name is Maxine master."

"Good girl, get on your knees." Bruce orders while smiling.

Maxine slowly gets to her knees and smells the masculine aroma of Bruce's cock and her re-erected cock twitches and she takes a deep breath through her nose. She looks up at Bruce who nods and she opens her mouths and engulfs his cock. Somehow, Maxine knows how to give head, like the outfit had given her instructions. Bruce groans aloud as Maxine works his cock like a pro. Hearing Maxine groaning with pleasure was also driving Bruce's arousal through the roof. Her tongue worked his tip, teasing him and she sucked and moved her head up and down. Bruce just enjoys the sensation and being a teenager, he doesn't last long and cums right into Maxine's mouth. "Swallow every drop!" He says and she does so. Soon he is dry and Maxine releases his cock. "That was awesome. Here are some instructions for you Maxine."

* * *

Max shakes his head looking at the TV seeing he beat Bruce. He had vague recollections of losing but he shakes that off and is relieved he doesn't have to dress as a chick. "Right, get on the phone and call the school!" He orders Bruce.

Bruce rolls his eyes up and heads to the phone. After a hilarious back and forth with the School secretary they hang up the phone laughing. They play and eat some more and Bruce leaves a little later and he looks at Max and says "Don't forget what I told you." He says and walks home.

Max is confused by this and closes the door. Later that day his father comes home from work. Max is in his room doing an essay for school when his Dad burst through the door. "Son, have you been in my room today?"

Max just shakes his head. "No. Why? What's wrong Dad?" He asks with concern for his Dad's strange behavior.

"I bought...something...forget it son, it doesn't concern you." He says sadly and closes the door. There is a shouting match between his parents later in the evening, and then a door slamming. Max sits in his room for the longest time when his dad walks in with dinner on a tray for him. "Max, we need to talk." His dad tells him that his mother has left for awhile; she needs some time to think. Divorce is possible but for now she is going away to clear her head and hopefully they will work something out. "This isn't definite, she is just tired Max. Sometimes people need a break to get themselves in the right frame of mind to get them back on track. We both love you son, and nothing will change that. So I'm going to ignore that fact the school called and said you weren't in today, you obviously have been affected by this and I'll let it slide. Now, are you sure you didn't go in my room today?" He asks again.

Max is staring down at the floor all the while he is being told this and he shakes his head. "No I swear. Bruce and I just played games and ate pizza. I promise you he didn't go in your room and neither did I. What's wrong Dad is something missing?" Max asks concerned.

His Dad shakes his head. "Forget it. Doesn't matter right now. Eat your food and get to bed." He leaves his room. Max does find it strange that his Dad is asking about his parent's room especially after the dare he and Bruce made earlier. He did beat him, but now he thinks he can't actually remember beating him in the game, they made the dare and the next thing he knows he won instantly. He shakes it off and eats the food his Dad gave him. Max finishes off his homework and decides to go to sleep. He steps away from his computer and takes his clothes off. He realizes he feels weird and he looks down and he is wearing a pair of pink thong panties, he recognizes them as his mothers when he helps fold the laundry. "What the hell?" Suddenly his head hurts as he hears Bruce's voice in his head.

"You will remain Max when you go to bed alone, but you will be wearing the thong and you will have erotic thoughts of me and when you eventually get overwhelmed and cum in the panties, you will sleep and have wet dreams about me all night."

Suddenly he is having thoughts of Bruce naked before him with a huge erection; he gets hard in the panties instantly. "No...stop it." He says trying to get the thoughts out of his mind. But he can't get it out. He is touching Bruce's cock and stroking it in his mind and his own cock is straining in the panties. "No, I'm not gay, stop...oh god." He says beginning to rub himself thinking about sucking Bruce's cock. He moans as he envisions being fucked up the ass again and again and of Bruce's cock spewing cum all over his face and suddenly Max cums in the panties and passes out falling on the bed. He spasms and moans every now and then as he dreams erotic dreams and he keeps cumming throughout the night.

* * *

David parks the car the next morning and marches up to the shop and storms in. The shopkeeper is there hiding in the shadow. "Welcome back Mr Reid, how may I help you?"