The Diary of a Whore Ch. 02

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A week in the life of a housewife & a whore - reflections.
9.4k words

Part 2 of the 7 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 01/31/2022
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Wednesday 8.53 p.m.

While Chris worked at his desk, I sat on my own in front of the television but even though my eyes were on the screen, I wasn't really watching the program that was on.

Instead, my mind had wandered back to when I first met my husband and how, in just a couple of short years, I had gone from being a naive young housewife to become the town whore.

Reflecting on my recent past I let myself consider everything that had happened to me. A multitude of questions like 'How had my life changed so much in such a short period of time? Why did my husband get so much pleasure from my chosen career? And perhaps the most worrying thing, why did I enjoy my new life so much?' filled my head.

5 Years prior to the present day

I was 18 at the time, working part-time as a waitress in a local pizza restaurant to earn some cash to help me get through college, when I first met Christopher Whitby.

He was 25 then, seven years older than me, so there's a little bit of an age difference between us.

Perhaps if I had known then what I know now I wouldn't have gone out with him but, as they say, hindsight has always been an exact science.

In fact, when I think back it was surprising that I did as I wasn't really into the dating scene as a teenager.

Partly that was because all the local boys had three main criteria that they looked for in a girlfriend; long blonde hair, big breasts and the morals of street whore. Unfortunately, I only had the long blonde hair while my chest has always been on the modest size, a 34B at best.

The other, probably greater reason, was that my morals, at least back then, were quite unyielding due to my upbringing.

That's not to say that I hadn't been asked out. I had. But boyfriends never lasted very long. As soon as they found out they weren't going to get anywhere with me I was dumped.

It was shortly after two o'clock on what was otherwise a pretty normal Friday afternoon. The main lunchtime rush had pretty much ended when Chris had come into the restaurant where I worked and sat at one of my tables. I thought very little of it at the time and just went over to serve him as I would any customer.

My first impression of him was one of indifference if I'm being absolutely honest. He was tall, well dressed and not bad looking but apart from that I really didn't give him a second thought, he was just another customer and would be gone in an hour.

After writing down his order I headed out to the kitchen with it.

"You jammy cow." Cathy the other waitress working that day declared as I walked by her.

"What?" I looked at her in surprise.

"The guy you just served, he's really cute. Don't you think?" she grinned at me.

I glanced back at the table and shrugged "Yeah I suppose he is. Do you want to serve him then?"

She laughed and winked at me "Nah, he's all yours hon. Enjoy."

"Enjoy what? He'll eat his pizza and disappear." I casually dismissed her comment.

Taking his meal back out to him I studied him in a little more detail and found myself agreeing with Cathy's assessment, he really was quite cute when you thought about it. He was also very polite and engaged me in a brief conversation about the location of an address he had to visit nearby.

As I cleared away the tables, I kept discretely glancing over at him while he ate until he caught me staring and grinned back at me, making me blush. After that I tried to be a little circumspect and the more, I watched him the more I found myself liking what I saw.

Returning with the bill as I cleared his plate, he started to talk to me again.

"Have you worked here long.... Abigail?" He looked at the name badge on my top.

"Umm... yeah.... about three or four months now I guess."

He smiled charmingly up at me "Paying for college?"

I couldn't help but smile back a little shyly "Is it that obvious?"

"Afraid so, although I have to say you're the probably prettiest waitress I've ever seen." His comment made me blush again as I stood there waiting while he took out his wallet to pay.

"My name's Chris by the way." Counting out the payment he continued, "I don't suppose you'd go out on a date with me?"

To say I was surprised would be an understatement, things like that never happened to me, but for some strange reason I accepted and we arranged to go out to dinner the following evening.

It really was that simple.

I guess Chris must have been keen to see me again because he arrived exactly on time for our date.

"Hi, you're here!" I opened the front door to him after he had rung the bell.

"Did you think I wouldn't turn up?" he chuckled at my greeting.

I cringed, embarrassed that my insecurities had manifested themselves so quickly.

"No... well I... umm... I wasn't sure..." stepping back I allowed him to enter.

"Do you live alone?" he looked around as he came through the door and followed me into the flat.

"No, I share this place with a friend, Jo, but she's out at the moment." I turned back to him and found him staring at my bottom encased in the tight jeans I had on.

"Oh err... I'm.... umm.... Are you ready to go" mumbling, he faltered over his words, blushing slightly at having been caught?

Trailing me into the apartment I deliberately wiggled my rear at him knowing his were eyes focused on my every movement before I turned back towards him and stepping closer brushed my lips against his cheek.

"Don't apologise. I'm glad you turned up." Giggling at his confusion I reached for my bag and keys, "Shall we go then?"

Not letting on about our planned destination, he guided me down the front steps of the building to his rather swish BMW, quickly stepping ahead of me to open the door.

"Where are we going?" curious to know I turned to look at him, before settling in to the soft leather seat.

"It's a surprise." Chris closed the door and dashed round to the driver's side to join me in the car.

"I hope you're hungry though." he added without looking over at me, instead, starting the engine he concentrated on pulling out into the flow of traffic, "It's Italian and really very good."

"Oh, we're having a pizza then?" I turned to look at him with a mock serious expression before starting to chuckle.

"Oh shit... I... I didn't think." his embarrassment was patently obvious to me, "We can go somewhere else....."

"It's ok." I couldn't help but giggle even harder, "I'll have the pasta instead."

After that I contented myself with looking out of the car window as he drove, nonchalantly chatting about nothing in particular and I was still talking when we arrived outside the very upmarket restaurant.

"Oh my! It's just it's a bit posh, isn't it? I'm not really dressed for it." mumbling quietly, I looked down at my ripped jeans and plain red sleeveless top.

"You look great," He complimented me, "but if you would rather go somewhere else?"

"No, no, it's ok. I'll be fine. I'm sure...." I answered somewhat meekly after a brief pause.

"So, are you sure you're ok with this?" he asked me once we were seated and browsing the menu's left with us by the waitress.

"I.... it's... I'm...", I mumbled trying to find the words as I looked about me before putting down my menu and clasping my hands together in front of me on the table, "It's the restaurant. No one's ever... taken me to somewhere like this, somewhere this fancy and I feel like I shouldn't really be here."

"What! Why would you think that? If anything, you're too good for this place." Chris tried to sound as reassuring as he could.

"I've had a very...... strict upbringing you see." I gave him a sad little smile, "I was never taken to any nice places other than the church when I was a child."

"What about boyfriends? They must have taken you out."

I shook my head.

He squeezed my hand again, "Abi you don't have to explain anything to me if you don't want to."

I studied him for a long while before responding, "No, it's ok I should really give you a reason for my weird behaviour."

At first my words were a little hesitant as I started to tell him about my background; how my parents, especially my father, were very devout and how they had always struggled financially as well. Whenever to problem with money came up, he had said that it was the Lord's will and that he would always provide for us.

Basically, I continued on to how my upbringing had been dominated by them and I had been sent to an all-girls school to keep me away from boys. Adding to that how my mother had always bought all my clothing and I was only allowed to wear what she picked out for me.

I could see the expression of shock on his face but now I couldn't stop and I let it all come out.

Carrying on I told him how my father, who was a very controlling person, became even worse the older I got and started dictating who I could see, where I could go and what I could do. This had meant that in all the time I was at home I had never even had a boyfriend.

"How about since moving here? You must have had a few dates with guys since you started at college?" he finally interrupted me.

Shaking my head at his question, I bit my lower lip timidly.

"No, not really, I've been out for a drink with a couple of guys but nothing serious." My eyes stayed fixed on my lap, "No one ever took me to a place like this."

"W... what...... you mean I'm like the first guy you've been on a proper date with?" his reaction was one of almost stunned disbelief.

"Mmhmm, pretty much. When I first got here, I wanted to concentrate on my studies. I did get a few guys asking me out and I went out with a couple but I wasn't looking for a boyfriend. If I'm being totally honest, they all seemed pretty shallow and didn't interest me."

"And I did?"

I nodded again, smiling at him, "I chatted to you in the pub and thought you seemed really nice and I kind of liked you."

"Well, I like you to" he grinned back at me rather sheepishly.

A little relieved I continued my story, telling him that moving away to college had been against the wishes of my father but I had stuck with my decision to study with the result that I now had little contact with my parents.

"Do you regret it?" he asked me.

I shook my head again, "No, it's probably the best thing I could have done and Jo, my room-mate, has been such a good friend to me."

He raised an eyebrow questioningly prompting me to continue.

"I mean she's helped me with buying some proper clothes." Giggling I pulled at the red summer top I had on, "I had no real idea about sizes and stuff."

"Well, that looks great on you."

"Thanks. Not that I've been able to buy much, just a few pairs of jeans and a couple of tops, I'm pretty broke. I mean the part-time job doesn't pay much."

"I guess that explains your nervousness about coming into the restaurant." Chris smiled supportively, looking around at the other diners.

"Mmhmm." I nodded my eyes starting to tear up, "I should be in a nice dress or something for you...... except......... well like I said, I don't have one."

"You don't need a fancy outfit. You're by far the most beautiful girl in here and every guy is envious of me. I feel privileged to be your very first real date." he told me taking my hand and I could tell he meant every word he said.

I blushed and wiped away a tear that ran down my cheek, "Thank you."

Now I had told him my story the atmosphere between us felt a lot more comfortable and the rest of the evening just flew by as the pair of us had a delightful time chatting, laughing and enjoying the food. But then all to quickly we were back in his car and he was driving me home.

Being a gentleman, he simply asked me if he could see me again, once he had walked me to my door.

I nodded shyly, "I'd like that a lot."

Then before he could react my arms encircled his neck and I leaned up pressing my lips to his in our first real kiss.

"Goodnight." I pulled away and pressed a slip of paper with my phone number on into his hand before I disappeared into my flat leaving him alone on my front step.

We began dating on a regular basis after that and slowly became more intimate although, because of my peculiar upbringing, I would always call a halt before things went too far.

Christopher was always the perfect gentleman, though gradually the kissing turned to touching and occasionally he would try to slide a hand inside my clothes. My response was always the same, a quiet but very determined refusal.

Four Years prior to the present day.

Almost a year after we started dating Chris proposed and, without a moment's hesitation, I accepted. I had known I loved him for months and it was becoming harder and harder to resist him and not give in to the desires that threatened to overwhelm me.

Everything took a bit of arranging, fortunately most of it being done by his mother, but a few months later we were married. It was the traditional big white wedding with all the trimmings and over a hundred guests.

By then I was nearly twenty.

On my wedding night I surrendered my virginity to my husband in what I can only describe as something of an anti-climax for the both of us. It hurt and he came almost as soon as he had entered me leaving us both with a feeling of utter frustration and disappointment.

Whilst I was completely inexperienced sexually Chris wasn't much better, only having had a couple of partners before me. After the disaster of our wedding night, I found myself drawing back from the physical side of our relationship and things didn't get any better in the bedroom over the next few months.

However, everything changed the first time my husband gave me an orgasm; we were both a little tipsy having finished off a bottle of wine between us and I guess I was feeling a little amorous. I'm not quite sure what happened but for some reason I found myself sitting on his lap, something I'd never done before, and we started kissing.

His hand slipped up under my top and he began to caress my breasts, teasing both my nipples into firm peaks. Perhaps it was because we were both relaxed but, for the first time, I didn't feel self-conscious as he quickly dropped his hand down and moved it up under my skirt.

Sensing my acquiescence, he hooked my panties aside and slid a finger up into my pussy.

"Oh yes, yes... Chris... oh Chris.... Aaaahhhhh!" I gasped, my eyes widening as my slit began gushing at his touch.

With the strangest pleasurable sensations beginning to radiate out from my clitoris and I started to squirm around on his lap.

"I... want... you. Please... Chris, please I want you to fuck me." My whimper took my husband by surprise as I had never been one to use swear words, even during sex, prior to that night that is.

Laying me back on the sofa I gazed up at him as he literally dragged my panties down my legs before pushing my skirt up around my waist. I didn't understand the feelings flooding my body but I knew that I wanted to be fucked and fucked hard. Biting my lower lip, I spread my thighs apart watching as he unfastened his pants and freed his erect cock.

"Fuck me baby... I want you inside me." I reached for him as he mounted me, his hardness sliding all the way up into my dripping cunt.

Sheathing his prick in my pussy in a single firm stroke he started to fuck me, taking me hard and fast, as I bucked and writhed beneath him.

"Yes... oh yes... yes, yes... oh god yes.... yessssssssssssss!" I began to squeal, my puffy outer lips clinging tightly around his shaft and cushioning his every stroke.

Settling in to an easy rhythm Chris took me. His arse rising and falling between my thighs as he thrust steadily into my slit, his hardness rasping against my sensitive pussy walls.

Beneath him I writhed in ecstasy, my eyes closed tight while my fingers gripped his biceps.

"Oh shit, Abi... I'm close.... I'm gonna...." Pistoning his hard length into me my husband, unable to hold back, started to moan, his cock pulsing deep inside me.

"Yes, yes.... Harder... fuck me harder... don't stop... oh god don't stop!" gasping desperately I could feel the sensations building inside me, threatening to overwhelm me.

"Abi... oh fuck... Abbeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!"

"Ah... aaahhh... I'm c... c... cummiinngggggggggggggggggg!" the earth literally moved for me as I experienced my first orgasm from actual penetration.

It was a real defining moment in my life and as I lay there enjoying the sheer ecstasy that flooded through me, I knew it had me addicted to sex forever.

"Aaaahhhhhhhhh... fuckkkkkkkkkkkk!" Chris grunted and drove every one of his eight inches of manhood into my pussy as he came, just moments behind me, filling me with his seed.

We began experimenting a lot after that and things began to progress quickly in the bedroom. Going from trying different positions to oral sex, which we both found we enjoyed, we even tried anal intercourse on a few occasions. It seemed that whatever we tried I usually loved it and I recognised that I had finally discovered the pleasure of sex.

Outside of the bedroom Chris was an excellent provider and I wanted for nothing. We bought a small house on a new estate. I had all the clothes I wanted and a car. In fact, he got me anything I asked for. Of course, all this came at a cost and we were mortgaged up to the hilt as well as having substantial credit card debts.

The main thing though was that, despite the money we owed, we were extremely happy. Chris had a great job and I was beginning to think about looking for something myself, just on a part-time basis, to occupy me now the house was set up as we wanted.

A Friday evening- Three Years prior to the present day

It was about a year into our marriage when it all really started. Although at the time I didn't appreciate how much my life would change because of the events that occurred.

Chris had been invited to attend a works party on the Friday evening that it all began. They were celebrating a very important client that he had helped the company sign. The invitation included partners so I found myself excitedly getting ready for the event.

I had never been to one of my husband's business functions before so I made an extra special effort to look my best and create a good impression, for Chris's sake. The little black dress I had bought for the occasion was quite short and showed a bit more cleavage than I was comfortable with, leaving me feeling more than a little conspicuous, but no one seemed to notice.

Mingling with the other wives was a lot of fun and I got to meet quite a few new people over the course of a very enjoyable evening.

It was during the latter part of that night that I found myself in conversation with Roger Crawford, the company CEO.

"You must be Abigail Whitby. I've been so looking forward to finally meeting you." He said, as he introduced himself, his hand in the small of my back allowing him to guide me slightly away from the main group of people I had been chatting to.

"Sorry, you are?" Slightly bemused as to who I was talking to I tensed at the familiarity of his touch.

However, I had been enjoying myself immensely at the party and I suppose I had had a little too much to drink which was probably why I didn't object to his hand on me immediately.

"Roger Crawford. I'm the company CEO."

"Oh well, it's very nice to meet you to Mr Crawford, Chris has told me so much about you." I replied sincerely, wanting to be as nice as I could to my husband's boss.

"Please, call me Roger." I found his rather lecherous smile somewhat unsettling.

"Oh right, ok then... err... Roger." I went to step by him but he quickly moved in front of me to prevent me getting past.

"I think we should have a little chat, Abigail. About your husband." Now he was openly leering at me and staring down my dress.