The Dilemma


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I went crazy, slamming into her as she lifted her hips up and started shaking, her pussy spasming around my cock, and I felt my balls tighten.

"Cumming!" I gasped, and unloaded, jacking my hips rapid fire as the cum shot out of me. Then I fell forward, spent, panting and sated.

She mumbled, "Crushing me."

I quickly lifted my weight off her, "Sorry."

Then I slowly slid my spent cock from her and rolled on my back.

She removed the pillow from under her hips and threw it on the floor, and got on her side, facing me.

"That's a mess," she giggled. "I guess my dirty talk helped?"

"That it did...Perfect," I said, still sucking in oxygen.

"That was amazing, Sean. I love making love to you."

"Ditto, baby," I huffed out.

She laid a hand on my face, stroking my cheek as I lay facing her, taking in her beauty. We wrapped each other up and kissed, and kissed, deeply, passionately. Then gradually, we fell asleep. I awoke at three in the morning, bedroom light still on, Lisa asleep and wrapped around me with my bladder about to bust. I disentangled from her and made my way to the bathroom.

As I was standing peeing, I felt a warm body press against me and small, strong arms wrap around me.

"Good morning, lover. I have to go after you."

I flushed, and she sat and went while I washed.

"Want to shower?" she asked.

"Good idea. I'm pretty ripe," I answered.

She laughed, "Smells like sex in here."

After we showered and toweled off, we decided we were both hungry and went naked to the kitchen. Lisa put on an apron to keep from having hot bacon grease splatter on her. She looked awesome in the apron with her backside naked and exposed. What a lovely backside, too. After we stuffed ourselves, we went back to bed and slept till almost nine.

When we finally roused up, we got ready to go hiking, made a lunch and headed out. I took Lisa to a 'private' trail that mostly, only avid hikers know about. It winds its way up a mountain side, where, when you get to the top, you get a breathtaking, panoramic view of the valley and the mountains on the other side.

It was almost two o'clock when we reached the summit of the trail and stopped to eat.

"This is beautiful, and so peaceful. Thank you, Sean. And a workout, too," Lisa grinned.

"You're welcome. I'm glad you like it. And the trip down is a little easier, but still a work out."

"Well, I go to the gym, do the elliptical trainer and Pilates, but this showed me I'm not in as good of shape as I thought."

"Well I think your shape looks pretty good."

She lightly punched my arm, and smiled, "Back at ya."

We spent the rest of the weekend together, and I found myself falling for Lisa.


Monday, I started the work week feeling better than I had in a while. Of course, being a Monday, I was extra busy putting out fires and trying to get on track for the week. I called Rebecca to see if she could give me some time during the week. I wanted to pick her brain on ski properties. I was chatting with her when my cell rang. It was my ex.

"Becca, can I call you back? I need to take this call...Thanks."

"Hey, Candace, how are you?"

"I'm fine. How are you doing? Busy, I bet."

"Yes, it's that time of year, and we're pretty busy."

"I'll get right to the reason I called, Sean. I need some help, but if you don't have time, don't hesitate to say so..."

"No, I can probably make time. What do you need help with?"

"Moving some stuff, and not enough to hire somebody."

"What about Jerry?"

"Oh, that didn't work out. We broke up a couple months ago."

"Sorry to hear that. Well, sure. When did you need me?"

"Whenever is convenient for you. It should only take a couple hours."

"I can't today, but anytime this week..."

"Would tomorrow work?"

"Sure, what time? I can take off early, say four o'clock."

"Great. Meet at my place at 4:30? Oh, and could you bring your trailer?"

"Will do."

"Wonderful. Thanks, Sean. See you then."

The next day, I hooked up my trailer to my SUV, grabbed a dolly and headed to work. When I entered the office, Jan asked what the trailer was for.

"Candace called; needs help moving some stuff."

"What about her boyfriend?"

"She and Jerry broke up a couple months ago."

"Oh, well, I met him. I didn't think much of him. He was definitely a step down from you."

I smiled, "Thanks, Jan."

Around 3:30, I wrapped things up, changed into a t-shirt and jeans, then headed to Candace's. When I arrived, I didn't see her car, but she pulled up right after me.

"Sorry, I hope you weren't waiting long."

"Nope, just got here."

She met me and gave me a hug and a kiss on the cheek, our usual greeting.

"Well, come on in; I just need to change, and I'll be right out."

She returned wearing a t-shirt and cut-offs, and looked fabulous. Candace is tall, 5'-9" with long, perfectly-shaped legs. She did modeling in college, and that helped her with expenses; but after graduating, when we got married, she started in the appraisal business and quit the modeling. But she still has the body for it - slender and shapely, though not skinny like a runway model. She has a slender version of an hour-glass shape with full, C-cup breast; and with her long, dark auburn hair, light complexion and stunning good looks, she is a heartbreaker; and every time I see her, my heart breaks a little.

"You're looking good, Sean; keeping in shape I see."


"Thanks. It's getting harder, but I've kept up with the running you got me into, and I get to the gym when I can."

"Still burning the candle at both ends?" I asked.

"Oh no, I've hired two more appraisers and have things more manageable, finally. How about you?"

"I've learned to manage things better, and I have a good crew. I still do my share of listings and sales, but not like I used to."

"Too bad we didn't learn how to do that years ago," she remarked, dropping her eyes, momentarily.

We both had regrets, but 'water under the bridge', as they say.

"So, what do you have?" I asked, not wanting to dwell on that subject.

"Everything's in the garage. Can you back the trailer up?"

"Yeah. Give me a minute."

Candace opened the garage, and I got the trailer situated.

"Where are we taking this?"

"I have a storage unit. It's mostly stuff I'm planning on selling when I get around to going to the flea market. But for now, I want to get it out of my garage, and deal with it when I have more time."

We got everything loaded up and strapped down, then she joined me in my vehicle and we drove to the self-storage facility on the edge of town. After we unloaded, she asked if I wanted to get something to eat.

"Sure, but um, I'm a little grungy."

"We could pick up something and take it back to the house," she suggested.

"Sounds like a plan. Pizza work for you?" I asked.


We called the order in and picked it up on our way. It was a pleasant evening and we took the pizza to her patio. She brought out sodas and we dug in.

"So, you and Jerry called it quits," I said to make conversation.

"Mm, yes. We didn't mesh all that well. And he was a bit too...needy...overbearing, and jealous, you know. I felt like I couldn't breathe after a while. So, I broke up with him. He still calls me, and I try to be nice, but he doesn't want to accept that we can't be together."

"Sorry to hear that, but I understand him not wanting to break up with you," I said, with a small smile.

"Thank you, Sean," she replied, patting my hand.

"You know, Sean, I still regret that we got to where we did. I still don't fully we got there. I know we let too many things get in our way, come between us, but...well, I guess that's just how it went," she finished, taking another bite of pizza.

"Yeah, I feel the same way. I think about it sometimes, and I do regret how it happened. Honestly, I didn't see it coming until it was too late, but enough of that. How are you doing now? I know you said you've got business under better control. I guess we've both learned to do things differently."

"Yes, too late for us, as it turns out," she mused, almost to herself. "But, I'm doing well, all things considered."

After we finished eating, Candace asked, "If you're not in a hurry, would you like to have a drink. I'm enjoying visiting with you."

"Sure. I'm in no hurry. It is nice to catch up."

We went inside and Candace made Long Islands - my favorite. I don't drink them that often as I tend to overdo it with them.

I took a sip and commented, "Mmm, perfect, thanks."

"So, how's your love life, these days? I know the last time we talked, you weren't seeing anybody; that you had just broke up with, what was her name, Tammy?"

"Tanya. Yeah, she was nice, but I don't know, we didn't quite click."

"So how about now."

"I recently started seeing someone."

"Oh, is it serious?"

"I think it is. She's very nice, and she wants to pursue a relationship."

"And you? Are you holding back as usual?"

"No, I wouldn't say that. Just being cautious."

"Mm hmm. Holding back."

"Well, maybe, a little."

"You know, Sean, I really am sorry how things went. Like I said, I know we let too many things come between us, rob us of...what we had together...well, I just wanted you to know I'm sorry for my part in things."

"Mm, no, it's okay. We both made that bed...and I can't tell you how much I regret it. I guess I never really came to terms with what we went through."

What felt like out of nowhere, Candace said, "Sean, I do miss you."

"You do?" I was again caught off guard. That was happening a lot, lately.

"There, I've said it. I miss you. I miss what we had. I haven't found that with anyone else. I don't know if I will, and...I've thought about us a lot since Jerry and I started having trouble." She dropped her eyes, "I don't think I ever got over you...I know I haven't."

"Candace, I...I don't know what to say..."

"Say you've missed me, too," she said, looking up, her beautiful green eyes tearing up.

"Candace, I never got over you. I guess I never quit...having feelings for you, but..."


"I don't know. This is kind of bad timing. I mean, things are getting complicated."

"Your new friend?"

"Well, yes."

"I guess maybe I waited too long let you know how I felt. But, I wished that wasn't so..."

She stopped, took a napkin and dabbed at her eyes.

I was at a loss. The last thing in the world I expected was for Candace to tell me what she had just told me. And now, of all times. How could all this happen at the same time - Jan, Lisa, Candace...It wasn't fair. I wasn't equipped to deal with this.

Candace took a long swallow of her drink, "You said you still have feelings for me..."

"Candace, honey...I...I still care for you, yes. You will always be special to me. Before our problems, we were pretty terrific together."

More tears leaked down her cheeks. She wiped them away and smeared her mascara.

"Oh, Sean, I'm so sorry. I know I'm the one who gave up on us...I know I made a mistake...I was hoping that...that we could try...try again...but I guess, like you said, 'bad timing'. I just..."

"Candace, I don't know..."

She patted my hand, "Sean, I'm sorry I hit you with this, laid this on you. But if you are involved with someone else, well...I understand...but oh, how I wish you weren't."

I took her hand and held it, but I had no words; I didn't know what to say. I didn't know what to think.

Finally, I said, "Um, look, I'm going to get going. Maybe I'll call you, sometime..."

"Thank you for your help, today. Look, don't let this interfere with, you know, your relationship with..."


"Lisa. Pretty name. I guess she's pretty, too."

"Yes, she is."

"Of course," she said quietly and led me to the door.

"You take care, Sean."

"You too."

"I do hope you call me," she finished, and kissed me on the cheek, then opened the door.

I stepped out and she slowly closed the door behind me. I stood there, completely flustered. I almost turned and knocked, almost rushed back in to take her in my arms. But I didn't. I got in my vehicle and drove home.

I barely slept, thinking about Lisa and Candace. Lisa - had I rushed into that relationship? Gotten involved with her too deeply too soon? And Candace - what the hell? I mean, to find out she wanted to get back together? Could that even work? Honestly, I was completely at a loss. What I knew was - I cared for Lisa. She was terrific, beautiful, sweet. But Candace - seeing her stirred up old feelings. Damn it. But could we really go back, capture what we once had? Or would it end up being a mistake. I knew I couldn't handle that.


Wednesday, I was distracted, and it showed. At one point, Jan cornered me.

"What's wrong, Sean? We're okay, right?"

"Oh, yes, fine. No, this is about Candace. After I helped her move her stuff, we had dinner, and long story short, she made it clear she wants to get back together."

"Ohhh. And you're in this relationship now with Lisa...and it seems serious to me."

"It is."

"Hmm, I don't know what to tell you except you need to ask yourself what you really want, what matters most to you," Jan said, patting my hand.

Then she exited my office, "Good luck, honey."

After she left, I sat there and stewed. Candace had really screwed me up. I got on my computer and did some research on the ski resort properties, trying to take my mind off Candace and Lisa, and the conflict I felt over both of them. I called Rebecca again, and we arranged to meet later in the week. After two hours, I gave up on the research and went home, went for a run, then ate. I still couldn't quit thinking about what Candace had told me. Then, at eight o'clock, I called her.

"Sean? Everything okay. I'm surprised to hear from you."

"Yeah, I guess everything isn't okay. I need to talk to you."


"If you're not busy."

"No, not at all. Did you want to come over?" she asked.

"If that's okay?"

"Of course."

"I'll see you in a bit, then."

"Okay. I'll be waiting," she replied and hung up.

What was I doing? Was I doing the right thing? Regardless, I needed to know. I had to know. Was there any chance, any chance we could get back together? I needed to find out, and put it to rest one way or the other. I had no choice. I couldn't commit to Lisa while I felt the way I did. And that was absolutely not fair to her...or me.

I drove to Candace's not sure what I was going to say, what she would say. But, like I said, something had to give.

"Hey, honey, come in. Are you alright?"

"No, not really."

"Would you like something to drink?"

"Yes, something strong."

"Long Islands?"


When she brought the drinks out, I could see the concern on her face.

"This is about yesterday," she stated.


"So, what is going on? I'm sorry if I upset you. I understand if you..."

"Candace, I'm really torn. Lisa and I are developing a real relationship, but..."


"But, after what you told me, I'm really...messed up. If I thought we really had a chance to...get back together, to make it work, and I mean really work, well, I couldn't ignore that possibility; but that would mean I would have to break things off with Lisa, and that would be a very big deal, not something I would do lightly."

"Are you sleeping with her?"


"Is she in love with you?"


"Are you in love with her?"

"No...I don't know. I care for her deeply. She is very special."

I took a long pull on my drink. Candace took my hand.

"Honey. I'm sorry. I'm sorry for...putting you in this position, but...Sean, I'm afraid that if I don't see if we can be together again, that I could be making a big mistake. I'm sorry about Lisa. I really am, but that doesn't change how I feel, and what I want."

"How do you feel? I mean, really, and what do you want, Candace?"

"I...I want you. And how do I feel? I feel like I made a terrible mistake, that we made a terrible mistake, one I want to correct. I want a second chance, Sean...a second chance with you...Look, I know how things got, but we made a lot of mistakes to get there, but we know now what mistakes we made. And I remember how we were, what we had before that. I want that again."

"I don't know. What if we can't get there, again. What if..."

"There's only one way to find out, one way to know. We would have to try. I can't guarantee anything, Sean, but I believe we belong together, and I'm willing to try, to do whatever it takes to see if we can be together again. Since we separated, I've never felt about anyone the way I felt about you...feel about you."

I sat silent and continued to down my drink.

"I could use another."

"Sure. Just a sec."

She took my glass and refilled it. I took another big swig.

"Candace, if I wasn't involved with Lisa, I wouldn't hesitate..."

"Then don't. Don't hesitate. Damn it, Sean, I'm still in love with you. I tried to deny it. For two years I tried to deny it. I tried to find happiness with someone else, but I couldn't because they weren't you."

She set her drink down, took mine from me and set it down. She pulled me to her and wrapped her arms around me, crushing me to her. She started crying.

"I'm so sorry I ever let you go...drove you away...please, baby, give me a chance, us a chance."

I held her as she cried, and her sweet, warm body pressed into mine, brought back memories. Holding her was so familiar, so natural. I felt myself weakening, wanting to give in, just get lost in her arms. I started tearing up myself. After a bit, she calmed down, and released me.

"Sean, what if we dated. Just got together and felt things out. You wouldn't have to tell Lisa, I mean, unless things progressed..."

"I don't know how I could do that. I mean, I would be cheating on her..."

"I'm sorry; you're right. I shouldn't have suggested that. But I'm just trying to find a way, a way for us...Sean, we belong together. I believe that. And like I said, I'm sorry I ever gave up on us."

I was at a loss, and said so, "I have to think about this. I don't know what to tell you right now. I need some time. Okay?"

"Okay...I understand. Whatever you need to do, however much time you need. I just want you to consider this, to consider us. I'll long as it takes."

As I looked in her beautiful green eyes, my heart hurt. I knew this was not going to resolve itself. I had to do something, probably the last thing in the world I wanted to do. But I had a lot of soul searching to do before I took that step. I took the last swallow of my drink, and tried to think...think about how I really felt about Lisa, about Candace. And I couldn't think straight.

"Honey?" she questioned.


"I lost you there for a minute."

"Sorry, I was thinking."

"Would like another drink?"

"Um, probably shouldn't. Maybe a small one. I have to drive."

She got me another one, and I sat and sipped it as I looked at her. She was the most beautiful woman I had ever seen, and still was, but so much more. She was everything I wanted, everything I had ever needed. And I had instantly fallen in love with her when I met her. That never happened before or since. As I knocked down my drink, I remembered how things were, before they went off the rails. Could we really get back there again. It truly was the happiest I had ever been. Crap.

"I think I should go. Give me some time. I'll call you," I said as I stood.

Candace stood with me, and I swayed a little. I felt the room tilt, not much but enough to know I'd had a bit too much to drink. Candace realized it, too.

"Honey, you can't drive like this. Sit down, I'll make some coffee."

"You're right. Sorry. I guess I'm a lightweight."
