The Dinner Party


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"Oh, same old thing." I said.

I thought I detected a sound that was like someone crying. There was silence for a second, then he said, "I wish you had not left me."

"I'm sorry honey. Did you and Casey have fun last night?" I said.

"Casey had plans. She had a sleepover with Alyssa. I spent the evening alone." He said.

All of a sudden I felt that something wasn't right. Greg had been all alone while I was in bed with another man. I had the feeling I needed to get home.

"Greg honey I am so sorry. I feel awful that you were alone last night. I miss you so much. I think I will see if I can change my flight to this afternoon, and come on home. I don't feel like staying until Sunday."

"Why would you want to come home? Don't you want to stay another night so you can fuck your lover boy Rick. I mean that is the real reason you left me. There was no seminar. I called your office. Your boss didn't know anything about it. In fact, you were supposed to be on call this weekend, but requested to be off." He said.

I almost dropped my phone. Oh my God, did Greg know all along my reason for coming to San Antonio? I had to get home. I had to explain.

"Listen Greg, I can explain. Please baby, you have to listen to me. I will catch the next flight home. I love you Greg. This was just a little fling that didn't mean a thing. It is over now."I said.

"Yea, well I'm afraid it's not that easy Tanya. I hope you and lover boy Rick have a nice life together."

He hung up.

"Greg! Greg! Please, I can explain. I don't love Rick. It was just sex."

He wasn't there. I had to get home. I was hurriedly packing when Rick walked in. He saw me frantically packing and asked what was going on.

"Greg knows about us. I have to get home and try to save my marriage." I said.

"Do you think he told Ann? Oh shit, this is not good. I'm leaving also."

I went online and was able to change my flight to 2:00 that afternoon. I started out the door.

"Wait, I will go with you," Rick said.

"No. As of this minute, we are no longer to be seen together. I bet Greg has a PI watching us. Sorry Rick, but this is it. I never want to see you again." I said.

I walked out without saying another word. I got a cab to the airport, and waited for my flight. It was the longest wait of my life. As I sat there crying, I hoped and prayed I was not to late. I had to make Greg understand it was a stupid mistake, and meant nothing.

I arrived at DFW at 3:00. I got my car and headed home. I tried to call Greg, but he didn't answer. I left him a message that I was back in Dallas, and on my way home. I pleaded with him to be home so we could talk.

I got home a little before 4:00. Greg's car wasn't in the driveway. I opened the front door, at which point I broke down and cried. The house was empty. No furniture, no nothing. There were some boxes in the middle if the floor with my name on them. It was all my stuff packed up.

I heard someone behind me say, "Are you Tanya Gordon?"

"Yes," I said very weakly.

"You have been served," He said. Then he walked away.

It wasn't supposed to happen this way. It was just a little fling to spice up my life a little. Can't a girl have a little fun after 21 years of marriage. It didn't mean anything.

I must have sat there and cried for about twenty minutes when my phone rang. It was Greg.

"Please Greg, I don't want a divorce. We have to work this out. I love you, not Rick. Please, let's get together and talk. I will do anything to save our marriage. Please, baby, don't do this. I am so sorry for what I did."

"I will listen to what you have to say, plus I have some questions I want answered. I will be there in about twenty minutes." He said.

He hung up after his last word. It was then I saw a box marked wedding stuff. It had my name on it. It was all our pictures and albums. He kept nothing.

I walked out to the porch, then saw my next big shock. It was a for sale sign in the yard. I sat on the porch, then cried like a baby.

When Greg drove up, I'm sure I looked like shit. I was a broken, and defeated woman.

He said, "Come on, I left the backyard furniture. We can sit and talk there."

I followed him to the backyard.

"All right Tanya, say what you have to say."

I told him everything from the dinner party up to his phone call in San Antonio.

Then I said, "It was just a stupid mistake that I cannot explain, but I deeply regret Greg. I know I deserve all this, but I am asking you to find it in your heart to forgive me. We can go to counseling. I will do anything to save our marriage. Please call off this divorce."

"Do you understand the pain and hurt you have caused? You and Rick have destroyed two families." He said.

"Wait, what do you mean two families?" I asked.

"Did you honestly think I would let dickhead Rick off scot free? Ann knows everything. She is serving him divorce papers also. Did you think about your daughter?"

"Oh my God, Casey? She knows? You told her?" I said.

"Yes. She is old enough, and has a right to know. I did not show her the pictures and videos."

"What pictures and videos!" I said.

"I got a tip last Monday about your motel meeting. I didn't want to believe it, so I hired a PI. Ann was in on it too. We had to find out what went on in San Antonio. He sent us pictures of you two kissing and being intimate in public. The killer was his peep hole camera actually recording you two fucking in the hotel room. That just about killed me to watch you riding another mans dick and enjoying it so much, not to mention your induction into the Mile High Club."

Greg started crying. I really had hurt him a lot. I could seen the pain on his face. I felt like such a shit head of a wife. He even knew about fucking in the bathroom on the plane. I guess I never realized the pain all this would cause.

"Was I that bad of a husband Tanya? Was I that bad of a lover? Did I treat you that bad, that you had to turn to someone else? I have always tried to be the best husband you could ever hope for. I always thought I was your knight in white shining armor. What a dumb ass I was."

"Oh my God Greg. Please believe me when I tell you that you are the best thing that ever happened to me. You are a wonderful lover, and husband.

You are my knight. This was all my fault, my own selfishness, and stupidity. You have done nothing wrong."

Greg looked up from crying and said, " Was he better than me."

"Hell no he wasn't better than you. He was different, but certainly not better. No one ever made me feel the way you do after making love. I can't explain what made me do it. I wish I could turn back the clock." I said.

"I still don't understand how you could have done this, but you did. Someday, I might be able to forgive you, but I will never forget. I do know that you destroyed any trust I could ever have in you. For that reason, I am divorcing you." He said.

"Oh please no Greg. Please don't do this."

"I'm sorry Tanya."

"The divorce is very fair. I did not file using adultery. We will split everything 50/50. I suggest you read over it, and if it's ok, we will sign next week. You can get a lawyer if you want. There is one thing I will not budge on, I'm asking for full custody of Casey."

"She is old enough to know, and old enough to decide. She told me was coming with me. She doesn't even want to talk to you right now." He said.

"I have really fucked up Greg." I said.

"Yes, and quite literally I might add. I think if you would have confessed after that first time at the motel, and ended it, we might have had a chance. The overnight trip to San Antonio was the nail in our coffin. I have to know one last thing, are you in love with Rick?"

"Absolutely not! It was just sex, and was not worth it. I never want to see him again as long as I live. Even if we divorce, I will never see him again. He ruined my life."

"Casey and I have moved into a condo near here. You will also need to find a place. I will try to get Casey to talk to you at some point. She does need her mother, and I know she loves you. I will work out a fair visitation schedule, and get Casey to a point where she can spend some weekends with you."

"Thanks Greg, your are being nicer than I deserve. I will always love you."

Greg left me there crying in the backyard. It was the lowest point in my life. I still held out a faint hope we could work it out before the divorce was final. We didn't. I signed the papers with Greg the following week. He was right, it was a very fair divorce on his part.

Casey called me a couple of weeks later. After a lot of crying, tears, and hugging, we finally came to good terms. She started spending every other weekend with me. I got an apartment nearby. It was the best I could hope for.

Rick did call to ask me out. I told him to fuck off, and haven't heard from him since. His wife divorced him, but she was not as nice as Greg.

It all started at that stupid dinner party. How could I have been so taken by him? I had it all. A good husband, a wonderful daughter, and a great family. I gave all that up just to experience another man's dick. It wasn't worth it.

It just fucking wasn't worth it. Case closed!


Even after our divorce was final, I was hoping maybe Greg and I might find our way back to each other. Well, it became apparent pretty quick that it was not going to happen. Greg started dating Ann. He eventually moved into her house with her. About a year and a half after our divorce, he married Ann. It was the second worse day of my life.

As for me, I dated a few guys, but they were losers. None of them came close to measuring up to Greg. Most were divorced who only wanted a sex companion.

It has been two years now, and I'm still alone. Casey is in college, and Greg has Ann.

My life sucks, and it's my fault.

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