The Doctor's Casebook Pt. 02 Ch. 02

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Kisses, Submission and Oysters.
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Part 6 of the 25 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 12/15/2020
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The Case Files of Dr. Randall Herringwick

The Case of the Melting Sister

Chapter Two - Kisses, Submission and Oysters


It was almost 3:00, and I was starving. As I drove to a small establishment on Smith Street, she looked around and smiled pleasantly. I heard her mutter "Nobody knows" softly to herself, but otherwise she was just another pretty girl riding in a car. There was a small parking lot in the rear of the place, and she waited demurely while I parked and walked around to open her door for her; then she held my arm as I led her around to the front door and inside. I asked for a table near the front window and held her chair for her while she seated herself. I chose a chair to her right. We were sitting like lovers.

She leaned toward me, as if to speak confidentially, and I leaned toward her, in return. "This is so amazing!" she whispered. "I am completely in your power, and nobody around us knows! You could command me to suck your cock, and I'd be on my knees in an instant ... but no one has a clue!" She smiled and sighed. "Do you want to try that?"

"Not right now. I want food. You should be hungry, too. What do you want?"

"Oh, anything. You order for me. That seems ... appropriate, don't you think?"

I ordered us both burgers and fries, plus a beer for me and a glass of Chardonnay for her. She smiled, but didn't react further. I waited for the waiter to bring us our drinks before I chose a course of action. "Men make you melt," I told her. "Tell me about that."

I had leaned forward, my forearms on the edge of the table. She kept her hands in her lap, but leaned until our heads were a scant foot apart. "It didn't really start until our first year at Brown," she told me. "All through high school, Mom and Dad wouldn't let us date alone. We had to double-date, all through junior and senior years. Of course, guys always tried to touch me ... pet me ... kiss me ... but, with other people always around, nothing ever really happened. I suppose that was what the folks figured ... that was why they made that rule. The closest I ever got was on the night of our senior prom, with Frankie Jessup in the back seat. I'd been pushing his hands off of me the whole evening; but Ralph Newsome, Merrie's date, parked on a back road, and the two of them started making out in the front. I always followed Merrie's lead. Always. In fact, I never even accepted a date with a guy before talking to her about it. So ... when they started necking, I guessed that I had to go along. And ... I let him touch me ... my breasts and my thighs. And he kissed me; kissed me longer than anyone ever had before. And I started to do it then, just a little. I started to melt, I mean. But then Ralph went too far with Merrie, and she hauled off and slapped him ... hard! And well, that was the end of that.

"But at Brown, things changed. Merrie announced that I was old enough to fend for myself. She said that she needed some space ... that she intended to experience life beyond the 'twin' thing. I was scared to death. For all of the first semester, and most of the second, I sat at home while she went out. I didn't mind. Not really. I love her more than I love anybody. It's always been that way. And, I really wanted her to have a good time ... to meet people, and maybe find 'Mr. Right.' I think she got a little pissed when my grades started getting better than hers, primarily because she went out and I stayed in and studied. And it wasn't like guys weren't interested, of course. They were always coming on to me, just like in high school. But being alone with a man terrified me!

"It was almost the end of our first year that it happened. Merrie said that she'd had enough ... that it was time that I grew up and went out with guys the way she did. She demanded that I accept the very next offer for a date that I got. And so, I did. His name was Bart ... I don't even remember his last name now ... and he was on the volleyball team. We went to a campus theater production, a set of three one-act comedies; and then he took me out for pizza in town. It was nice. But afterward, as he was driving back to the campus, he pulled into a park and found a really dark road ... and he parked the car. I asked him what he was doing, but I knew what he wanted, of course. He slid close to me ... which was hard to do in the front seats ... and he put his arm around me and pulled me toward him. And I told him that things were happening too fast ... that I wanted to wait and get to know him better, but he kept pulling me against him. He was a big guy, and really strong, but I struggled and pushed against him. Finally, he told me that if I let him kiss me, he'd take me home ... but that he wanted at least one kiss, and that after the play and the dinner, it was the least I could do. I told him okay, and I gave him a quick kiss on the lips, but he held me even tighter and said that I owed him a real kiss, not just a peck.

"And so, as he pulled me toward his face again, I just gave up. I turned a little more toward him, and I opened my mouth to say okay, but before I would utter a single syllable, his lips were on mine ... his mouth all over mine. I kept expecting him to let go, but it just went on and on. And I started to realize, slowly, that his lips were moving against my own ... and that mine were moving in response to them ... and opening ... and sucking ... and licking. And it was happening. I was melting. Nothing had really changed. Not really. I mean, I had told him that I'd give him just one kiss ... or at least, that was what I was going to tell him, before he started. But now ... oh, now ... I never wanted it to stop. I'd given in ... given up ... melted. And I could tell he knew it! His hands were suddenly everywhere: on my arms and sides and breasts and thighs. His tongue was in my mouth, and his hand was pushing my knees apart, and it was like I was made out of cooked pasta; I had no strength, no will of my own. Somehow, he'd unlatched my bra, and my blouse was pulled up to my chin, and his mouth was on my breasts and he was sucking on my nipples.

"Before I knew what had happened, I was outside the car. I was standing in the chilly air, and he was pulling my blouse and bra over my head. I protested weakly, but I was suddenly being crushed in his arms, my nipples rubbing against his shirt, and he was kissing me again. And I just gave up and melted all over again. I don't know how it happened, but I was suddenly in the back seat, and he was on top of me, squashing me, and his arm was down beside us, and his hand was between my legs, and his fingers were inside me, going in and out and rotating and smearing my juices all over the place. Every time I tried to say something, he smothered my mouth with his, and so I stopped trying to do that, too. I just lay there, helpless and dizzy and I melted all over the place. I don't think I really knew when it happened, but I realized it was his cock pushing inside of me instead of his fingers. It was bigger, of course, and it stretched me ... stretched me too much, and I cried out in the dark, but he smothered my mouth again with his own. There was a seat belt pushing painfully into my ass, and he weighed so much, and I wanted it to be over ... but ... I liked it, too. Does that make sense?

"So, anyway, he grunted and stiffened in my arms and pounded into me quickly a half dozen times, and pushed way inside me, and he held real still, and shivered while his cock jerked, and it pulsed inside of me, and he just sort of collapsed on top of me. I knew I was going to have a big bruise where that seatbelt buckle had been. And then ... it was all over. He pulled me out of the car again, and waited while I got dressed. It was really awkward, because there were leaves inside my bra and under the waistband of my skirt. We didn't have a flashlight, and we never did find my panties. He didn't say a word to me while he drove me home, but he gave me little kiss before he leaned across me and opened my door to let me out. Just a peck, you know? Like the one he wasn't satisfied with before?"

Sherrie fell silent when I held up a finger as a signal for her to stop, and we allowed the waitress to serve the food. "Are you still deeply hypnotized, Sherrie?" I asked.

"Yes, doctor. I am deeply hypnotized. Nobody else knows."

"Very good. Eat your lunch and continue, please. Did you tell Merrie what had happened when you got back to your room?"

She picked up a French fry and took a bite. "Yes, doctor. I tell Merrie everything."

"What did she say?"

"She laughed at me and called me a slut; then she laughed some more when that made me blush."

I nodded. I was beginning to understand the complexity of the relationship between the twins. "And what about dear old Bart? Did you go out with him again?"

"He never asked me. But one of the other guys on the volleyball team did. He took me out for dinner, but he never even tried to make it more of a 'date' than that. He drove me to the same park ... to the same dark lovers' lane. I asked him what he was doing, and he told me that he wanted to kiss me and then he wanted know if I thought he was a good kisser. I protested ... and I even struggled a little, but after he got his lips on mine, it was all over. I did it again. I melted. At least the back seat was a little more comfortable in his car. After that, I guess word got around. Guys just seemed to know that if they could get me to kiss them, I'd do anything. I'd spread my legs and give them anything they wanted once I'd been kissed. I was the girl who couldn't say no."

"And how long did this keep up?" I asked her.

She shrugged and took another bite of her burger. "A couple years. I tried to keep count, but I lost track after eleven. Then one night ... I remember it was a Friday ... Merrie and I were studying for our European History final together at the end of our junior year. She'd gotten a bottle of wine and some cheese, and we started laughing and joking about something ... probably one of my latest date-slash-fuckfests. She always made me give her all the gory details."

I interrupted. "Did she ever tell you about her dates?"

"Oh, no. Not then, anyway. And I never asked. It's just the way we were. But, the topic of me 'melting' came up again for the thousandth time, and she got one of her silly-yet-fiendish looks in her eye, and she said 'I bet I could make you melt! I bet you're that big a slut, aren't you?' And I must have look pretty horrified, because that made her laugh all the louder. And I said: 'Sis, don't!' But she'd got a really predatory look then, and I knew she'd had too much to drink. I'd had a lot, too, but I suddenly felt stone sober. I stood up and started backing away from her, and she just matched me, step for step, advancing on me like a cat who has spotted an injured mouse. So anyway, I backed into a wall with a big thump, and she took one more step so that she was pressed right into me, and our eyes were at the exact same level, and her lips were less than an inch from mine and she said: 'Haven't you ever thought about this just a little bit?' And I think I said something, but I'm not really sure. And she whispered to me, her lips brushing mine: "Relax, Sher. Nobody's ever going to know.' And she kissed me."

Sherrie closed her eyes and she shivered and sighed heavily. "And I melted, of course. I melted more than I ever did with any guy. Ever. We kissed and kissed, and she rubbed her body against mine, and I put my arms around her, and we kissed some more. We'd only been wearing shorts and tee shirts, and she'd worked mine off almost before I knew she was doing it. She grabbed my hand and pulled me to her bed, and then she threw me back on it and pounced, kissing and nibbling and biting and rubbing and pinching and stroking and she put her lips against my ear and breathed 'Let go, Sher!' And I was cumming and cumming and cumming. And I don't think I mentioned it to you, doctor ... when all those guys did it to me, I never came; but boy-howdy, I was sure cumming now!

"She made me do things to her ... like suck on her nipples, and touch her just about everywhere, and lick everywhere, too, until she came as hard as I had; and then she made me tell her what I felt when she did all those things to me. Somewhere along the line, we fell asleep; but around three o'clock in the morning, she made me go into the bathroom and take a shower with her; and then she led me back to the bed and we started all over again. By the time that final exam finally rolled around, things had changed. We hadn't studied nearly enough, but we did okay; and we celebrated by going back to our room and shaving each other's pubic hair, then sixty-nining until we passed out. We stayed in Providence that summer and got an apartment in the city. The folks had promised us that we could live off campus our senior year. Merrie didn't make me go out anymore, and I guess you could say that we were really having an illicit affair, sort of, huh?"

Sherrie sighed heavily and nibbled on her burger. "That was just about the best time of my whole life. For the first time ever, I felt like there wasn't a big hole in me. I guess I never told you about the hole, huh, doctor? It's sort of always been there. Right here." She sat back in her chair and used a forefinger to trace a large circle from just below her breasts to a few inches above her navel. She sighed yet again, then picked up the hamburger once more. "It's there now. Sometimes ... I think that maybe something has filled it in. I really hoped that Jessie had filled it. He's the guy I went to Boston with last fall. But ... that was just an illusion. I mean ... I lived with him, and I did just about everything he told me to. Everything. But I always knew there was another girl involved." She shrugged. "I thought that maybe I could live with that ... but SHE couldn't, of course. She gave him an ultimatum, and so ... I came back to Providence. And then last week, I thought that maybe Joe had filled the hole. I mean, I'm his slave, right? Why shouldn't I be satisfied? I just do whatever he tells me ... just like with all those guys, back in college." She set the remaining scrap of burger back down and contemplated it. "All those guys."

The waitress came over to see how we were doing, and I had her clear the table and bring me the check. Sherrie sat with poise and perfect posture, watching me with an expression only I seemed to notice was mostly blank. I leaned back in my chair and contemplated what she had told me.

"Sherrie," I commanded calmly, "close your eyes." She did so at once. "How deep are you in your hypnotic trance?" I asked.

"I am as deep as I can go, doctor. I've never been deeper. Ever."

"Take a deep breath, please. Very good. Now, open your eyes again, just like before, and remain in your very, very deep trance state." Again, she didn't hesitate. Her eyes opened, and she looked at me, just as she had moments before. "Were you still having your ... uh ... illicit affair with Merrie when she met Bryon? Had your relationship with her changed?"

She nodded. "It had changed, but I sort of made myself believe it hadn't. Does that make sense? I loved her more than I've ever loved anyone else on earth. I still do. But ... after five or six months, I knew ... deep down ... that she wanted more. She wanted a man. I think that she only kept our ... um ... affair going because she loved me so much; because she knew that I needed her so much. She'd make me do things that were more and more outrageous. She tied me up a lot. Sometimes, she'd strip me naked and tie me up in so much rope that I couldn't move an inch. And then she'd leave me on the bathroom floor and go out for hours and hours; and when she came home, I'd peed and made a mess, and she'd clean me up ... you know ... the way a mother cleans up a little baby. And she'd talk to me like I was a baby, too, telling me how bad I'd been and how much work I was for her. She'd put me in a tub of hot water and bathe me, not letting me do anything for myself. And then she'd make me cum so hard that I usually passed out.

"Sometimes, she'd go out on a date with a guy and leave me alone, studying. And when she got home, she'd make me strip ... and then she'd make me undress her, as well. And she'd take me into the bedroom and tell me all about the date she'd been on, and what they did. Up until that point in our relationship, she hadn't done that. She'd tell me how she had let the guy touch her ... and then she'd make me touch her as she was describing it, and then kissing her, and licking her, and sucking on her nipples. And then she finally, finally got around to explaining how he had taken her ... how his cock had felt inside her ... how he had cum in her. And she made me run my tongue all the way between her legs, and kiss her there, and lick her there. And she made me suck and lick and slurp up all of his juices. Oh, God, it was degrading! She did that three times." She sighed deeply and shuddered at the thought. "That was the best. That was the absolute best. She'd let me make her cum two or three times; and then she'd pull me up until our faces were level, and she'd tut-tut me, and use a tissue to wipe the cum off of my cheeks, and she'd kiss me on the tip of the nose, and put her hand down between us and touch me in just the right place, and she'd put her lips against my ear and she'd breathe: 'Let go, now, Sher!' and I'd explode. I'd just explode." She shuddered again.

"But ... then there was Bryon. On the day she met him, she stopped having sex with me. She still held me, from time to time ... but she told me that this was the guy ... this her man ... forever. There was no doubt, she said. She was one hundred percent sure. For a week, she told me all of her fantasies about him ... and then later, she'd describe all of their lovemaking ... every little thing. But she wouldn't touch me anymore ... she said that she needed to remain true to him. 'Now and for always,' she'd say. But she was still cognizant of my needs. She made me touch myself while she talked ... and she made me wait to cum until she gave me permission."

I took a deep breath and tried to unobtrusively adjust the front of my trousers, which had become somewhat confining. "And what were your feelings about Bryon himself?" I asked.

"You'd think I'd be jealous, huh? I think I was, a little. But I was so happy for her. I resolved that when I met him, I'd only be supportive. And, when it finally happened, I was so tongue-tied that I made a complete fool of myself." She took a breath. "I fell for him like a ton of bricks! The first moment I laid eyes on him! Oh, gosh, everything about him just made me cream! So handsome ... so strong. Not just physically strong ... but emotionally. Oh, I just can't describe it. And it's still that way ... whenever I see him. Today in the hospital, he looked at me with such hate in his eyes, but I was thinking: 'If you want me to suck you, I'll do it. I'll do anything for you.' And, oh doctor ... I deserved his hate. I abandoned Merrie ... I let him have her. I almost let her die! If it hadn't been for you ..."

"Stop, Sherrie," I commanded firmly. I'd almost let her self-pity excite her to the point of endangering her trance state. "Close your eyes, please. Yes, perfect. Now, take a deep breath. Very good. Now, tell me again how deep you are."

"I am very deep, doctor. I am deeper than I have ever been."

"Excellent. Once again, open your eyes. You are deeply hypnotized, and no one around you knows. Now, it's time to tell me how you met Joe."

"It was at Connie-Beth Browning's annual party. Merrie and I met her when we joined a service sorority our freshman year. We still do volunteer work at the Children's Center downtown. I've never liked going to those parties ... they're huge, and they can get pretty rowdy. Connie-Beth hosts them in one of her family's big estates here. Anyway, I didn't want to go, but Merrie had been trying to cheer me up, ever since I got back from Boston. I think she sort of blamed herself that things didn't work out for Jessie and me. She'd introduced us, you see. She'd been trying to get rid of me, I guess ... I was sort of in the way last year ... with her and Bryon, I mean. Anyway, Bryon was out of town, and Merrie told me that we simply had to go.