The Door Prize


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There was something about Stone that he hadn’t immediately caught hold of. At first he’d assumed that he was just another druggy with money, now, he could see the sparkle of intelligence and wit that lingered behind his stare.

“That’s what I like about you, Michael; you’re eloquent where most guys are crude. Take Danny for example, he’s a good bloke but he has no respect for women at all.”

Stone started walking again, forcing Michael to pick up his feet and follow like an obedient puppy.



“Miss October, I mean Stephanie, you’re basically giving her body away as a prize in a competition. How is that being respectful?”

They both reached the end of the hall and were confronted by a solid oak door that had a strange metallic device attached to the door jam. Upon a closer inspection the device turned out to be a hi-tech electronic lock that could only be disarmed by the holder of card with a magnetic strip.

“That’s a very good question but you don’t know all the facts,” Stone said as he retrieved a keycard from his pocket. “You assume a great deal, but hey, that’s okay, it’s human nature to collate the data we possess and form a picture relating to it. Quite often this function is useful, unless the data is corrupt, ill-defined or in this case simply based on appearances.

“Take the Pacific ocean for example. Sometimes the surface can be as smooth as the surface of a frozen pond. Looking at it from above, you could never begin to predict the world of activity that exists underneath. The events that surround Miss October are similar in that regard.”

Eric Stone was not a stupid man. It seemed that the assumptions Michael had of him were all grossly misaligned, in fact, horribly disfigured. He’d been expecting someone with the intellect of a fifteen-year-old and the mannerisms to match, not a pseudo-intellectual with a penchant for sprouting philosophy on the human condition.

A tinny beep sounded once the card had been swiped through the reader and the lock disengaged. Stone pushed the door inwards and kept talking. “You see, while you have many assumptions about me, I in turn have mine about you. The data in my possession is probably much more detailed and accurate than yours, so my mental image of you is very near the twin of what I see before me.”

They entered the room and Michael was struck with awe. Thousands of books lined ten foot high shelves that circled the entire room; most of them seemed to be very old and held together with leather spines. In the middle stood a lush, full-sized billiards table that was illuminated by a low-hanging light fixture that descended from a thirty foot high ceiling. It was all immaculate and everything appeared to have been allotted its place with the surgical precision of a doctor performing heart surgery.

When Michael went to the nearest shelf he found all the books to be alphabetically categorized by the authors’ last names. Cocking his head to the side, Michael’s heart fluttered as he stared at the spine of the novel that all adventurous young boys should read. ‘The Adventures of Tom Sawyer’, it read.

“That’s a first edition,” Stone said.

“My god, how much is it worth?”

“A lot,” was all that Stone offered.

Wide eyed, he turned to Eric Stone and let out a small laugh. Not only did he feel like Alice, he wondered if he had in fact turned into her. How deep was this rabbit hole going to go?

“I’m not at all how you pictured me, am I?”

“No,” Michael responded softly.

“Right now your archives are updating all the information you have on me, junking whatever garbage you’ve ever heard and installing the new data for the records. I thought that a person like you would appreciate this.” Stone spread his arms wide, indicating the room. “You’re the only person I’ve ever invited in here.”


“We’re kindred,” Stone explained. “Here, come look at this.”

They strode over to another bookshelf and Stone plucked a book from it. Strangely, it was a relatively new novel with a glossy front cover, and the author was famous world-wide. Amongst all these classic books it seemed that Stone’s tastes weren’t exclusively tied to the past.

“You’ve heard of Raymond Ponting?” Stone asked, handing him the hardback book.

“Of course, everyone has,” he blurted.

“Tell me what you know about him.”

“He’s a relatively young author, first published when he was just sixteen. As a matter-of-fact, Ray Ponting went to our college and graduated with distinction, majoring in English Literature. Also, he wrote a fabled poem called ‘The Red Raven’, which is pure legend around campus. Apparently it’s the only piece of work that old man Jones has ever given one hundred percent marks to.”

Without a word, Stone strode over to his mahogany desk, leaving Michael to slip the book back into its appropriate position. When he arrived next to him, Stone was waiting with two A4 sheets of paper held out. ‘The Red Raven by Raymond Ponting’ was scrawled in elegant scripture across the header. Next to the name was a one and two zeroes, written and circled in green ink.

All of the marks that Michael had ever been given by Professor Jones where scored in red ink. Green is rumored to be Terence Jones’ favorite color.

“No fucking way,” Michael whispered.

“How else do you think I can afford this lifestyle?”

“But…Your father…Wasn’t he a millionaire?”

“My father was a dairy farmer from a very small rural town in Wisconsin. The only currency he ever traded in was liters of milk from cows. Like I said, we’re kindred. I’ve been following a lot of your work at the college, and I have to say, I’m mightily impressed with your talents as a writer. From time to time I run into young fellows such as you and I remember how it was for me back then. Occasionally I help them out or invite them to my parties.”

It was all too much for Michael to take in. Eric Stone was actually Raymond Ponting, the famous author and multi-million dollar investor. Party animal by night and novelist by day, he was living the best of both worlds and doing it with an equal dose of style and flair.

“So what did you mean when you said I was assuming about Stephanie?”

Eric took his poem back and replaced it in his desk drawer. “You’ll see. C’mon, let’s get back to the party. We’ll be announcing the winner of the door prize soon.”

They retraced their steps until they found themselves back at the twin doors, both feeling the deep thump of bass as it pounded through the floor and vibrated through their bones.

Before he opened the doors Eric turned to Michael and smiled. “You’re wondering why I’m telling you all this, aren’t you?”

“Just a little bit,” Michael replied, his voice sprinkled with sarcasm.

“Because you and I are cut from the same cloth. Through your stories and what Danny has told me, I’ve grown to like you. You’re talented, smart and you have a magic eye for writing. For some time now I’ve wanted to collaborate on a novel with someone, you, to be precise.”


“Bingo. Anyway, enough of the business side of things, there’s a party going on and I think that we’re invited!”

Eric slipped an arm around Michael’s shoulder, pushed open the twin doors and entered the ballroom. There was a strobe light flashing in the centre of the room and it made everyone appear to be dancing in slow motion. Many of the young women were writhing lewdly to the beat of the music, their hips bumping and grinding their asses into the crotches of the horny men circling them.

A petite blonde with a short black mini-skirt was dancing close to him with her arms above her head as her dancing partner, an exotic young Asian girl, caressed the blonde’s firm stomach with one hand and groped her tits with the other.

The air of sex was everywhere. Off to the side of the room, in the darkened recesses, Michael could just make out the hazy shadows of couples in various stages of sexual play.

“Announcement’s in five minutes. Make sure you’re ready!” Eric shouted, and then left Michael to his own devices as he waded through the mass of dancers, a muscular bouncer cutting him a swathe.

Before he could even wonder what he was supposed to be ready for, the blonde and the exotic Asian materialized from nowhere and sandwiched him between their bodies. The blonde, who was in front of him, slid her hand down his chest and pressed it against the crotch of his cargo pants, fondling his rapidly hardening cock through the material. The Asian, who looked a little like the pornstar Tera Patrick, was busying herself with rubbing her tits against his back, when suddenly her tongue ran along the nape of his neck and she began kissing his prickling skin.

“Wh-what are you doing?” he stuttered.

The blonde smirked at him and continued her heavy petting, mashing her firm tits against his chest as she leaned forward and pressed her lips to his ear. “Any friend of Eric Stone’s is a friend of ours,” she whispered, then licked his ear.

A shudder passed through his body and both girls giggled when they felt it. Michael, being the meat of a girl sandwich, had a feeling that before the night was out he would be getting lucky. It was just a stab in the dark mind you, nothing concrete.

The blonde licked her way down to his mouth and shoved her tongue between his lips, shamelessly kissing him after she’d only known him for less than a minute. This didn’t cause him to hesitate in kissing her back, and boy, what a kiss – her mouth tasted as sweet as a piece of candy, and the fact that her hand was rubbing at his cock only made it hotter.

Becoming bold, Michael slipped his hands to the blonde’s shapely hips and then molded them to the curves of her ass, cupping her cheeks through the thin fabric of her mini-skirt.

“I’m Kiki,” the Asian yelled over the music. “And the slut you’re kissing is Tammy.”

Feeling generous and not wanting to discriminate, Michael removed his tongue from the blonde’s mouth and turned his head and shoved it between the other girl’s lips.

Meanwhile, the blonde pried one of his hands away from her ass and directed it underneath her mini-skirt, along her smooth thigh and in between her legs.

All his hand found down there was bare skin. It felt as if Tammy, the blonde with the compact body, had burst a main pipe, because her pussy was saturated in a sticky wetness that couldn’t be mistaken for anything other than pussy juice.

Kiki, the exotic Asian, had obviously been guzzling scotch like a regular lush; her mouth tasted of nothing else. A wave of nausea passed over him and he was forced to cease kissing her. No sooner had he slipped his tongue from her mouth than Tammy, in obvious need of a nice, hard fucking, grabbed the back of his head and shoved her lips against his again.

While in the midst of a lust-fuelled tongue wrestle with the blonde, Michael jammed his middle finger roughly into her juicy snatch. A squeal of delight vibrated along his tongue and Tammy started to writhe against his hand, fucking her body against it, which also made her tits rub provocatively against his chest.

Her nipples hardened as his finger repeatedly invaded her slushy pussy and could be felt grazing his chest through two whole layers of clothing, reinforcing his previous inkling that she was primed to become a notch on Michael’s relatively new belt.

It was a pretty amazing scene. Two young girls, who he didn’t know, had him pinned between their bodies on a packed dance floor. People were probably watching them with more than a little interest, not having to exercise much in the way of their imaginations in order to work out why Tammy was bouncing up and down on his hand.

“They’ve got rooms where we can have a bit of fun,” Kiki said. “Have you ever fucked two girls at once?”

“No,” he groaned. Wait, hadn’t Eric told him to stick around for the announcement of the winner of the door prize?

“Then let’s go fuck,” she giggled. “Tammy and I don’t mind sharing the same cock.”

“Okay, break it up you fucking sluts,” shouted a voice. The voice’s owner sounded vaguely familiar to Michael but he didn’t stop tongue-kissing the blonde, until she was suddenly jerked away from his body, leaving a trail of saliva dribbling down his chin when her tongue fell from his mouth. His middle finger followed suit, slipping from her hot pussy before he was able to get her off.

What the fuck?

The pornstar look-alike stepped away from him and Danny grabbed him by the arm. Despite Michael’s protestations and frustrated attempts at pushing Danny away, his friend utilized his superior strength and hauled him into the undulating crowd. Looking back over his shoulder, he saw the two girls frown at him and raise their hands in a ‘What the fuck?’ kind of befuddlement.

My sentiments exactly, he thought sourly.

“Danny! What the fuck is this?” Normally he wouldn’t swear in general conversation, especially at the muscle bound Danny, but this occasion definitely called for it.

“I can’t leave you alone for five seconds without you rushing off like some horny fuckin’ teenager, can I?” he yelled.

They were sifting through the dancers towards the front of the ballroom where there was a stage occupied by a DJ sitting at a desk, who was spinning out dance tunes through a sound system that was worth more money than the average white-collar worker earns in a year. As they neared the platform the techno music rang through his ears, courtesy of the giant speakers directly in front of them, and they had to scream at one another to be heard.

“Man, I thought that’s what you did at parties!”

“Not tonight, Mikey. Tonight you get something special! Any old cock can get those fucking whores you were dancing with! No, man, tonight we’re getting you a prime piece of ass!”

All of a sudden the dance music cut out and the main floodlights were switched on, illuminating the entire ballroom. There was a warble of feedback as Eric ‘The Stoner’ Stone picked up a microphone and strode out onto the stage. Walking next to him was Stephanie, still wearing her pink singlet and white cotton panties, looking decidedly embarrassed to be on display to an entire room of ogling eyes.

Amazingly, it immediately went as quiet as a ghost town. There was no screaming, no talking and everyone was standing still with their eyes glued to The Stoner and the lovely young lady standing next to him.

“Hello everyone, I’m glad you could all make it,” Eric said, his voice the essence of authority and self-confidence.

A few people started clapping and then everyone did, until after a few seconds Eric held up his hands and the clapping died almost instantaneously.

“Can everyone hear me alright? How about you guys up the back?”

A single person screamed out, ‘Yeah man, we fuckin’ hear you loud and clear’, to which a wave of soft laughter drifted through the crowd.

“Good to know,” Eric answered deadpan. “Well, I think we all know what time it is so let me introduce you all to our October door prize, the lovely and very delectable, Stephanie Sullivan!”

For a full minute there were a variety of wolf whistles, catcalls and cheers rising up from the crowd. The camaraderie of the whole audience was infectious, inciting Michael and Danny to join in with clapping and shouts of admiration of their own.

Stephanie was fidgeting with her hands and a dark blush spread over her cheeks as everyone let her know what they thought of her. Even some of the women were letting out a whistle or two and, Michael thought sourly, the petite blonde and exotic Asian were probably giving their own applause.

Again, such was Eric’s influence over everyone that when he raised both hands the crowd immediately dropped into an eerie hush – total silence blanketed the room.

“Miss October, what did you think of that response?” Eric asked, holding out the microphone to a doe-eyed Stephanie.


Some people in the crowd broke out in laughter, Michael being one of them.

“How does it feel knowing that every male – including a few females – in this room want to fuck you?”

“I guess…it makes me feel kinda horny.”

More wolf whistles and catcalls.

“How horny?”

“Very horny,” she breathed heavily, seemingly coming out of her shell and getting into the role of playing a slut.

“Now, this horniness,” Eric began, “would it, say, make you want to pick a guy out of this crowd and take him to a room?”

This time, when she spoke into the microphone her silky voice was husky. “I believe it would.”

“And what will you do to him in this room?”

“I’ll fuck his brains out,” she revealed.

That sent the crowd wild and an assortment of ‘yeah baby’s’, ‘woo hoo’s’ and ‘you fuckin’ slut’s’ were shouted towards the stage. Michael, however, was not one of those people.

“Okay everyone, it’s the usual drill, spread out and allow a two feet gap between yourself and everyone else. When Stephanie comes down, you do not talk to her, you do not touch her…Touching her will result in a swift, sharp breaking of your arm – that goes for the little ladies, too.”

Michael and Danny stepped away from one another and created the required gap.

“Psst, Danny, what’s going on?” Michael whispered.

Unbelievingly, when Danny answered it was in a whisper, making this the first time that Michael had ever heard him lower his voice below that of a shout. “Stephanie will come down and walk through the entire crowd, then, she’ll pick out a guy and they’ll both get taken to a special room.”

“Bruno, will you escort the lovely Miss October through the crowd?”

A black bouncer emerged from behind the stage and led Stephanie down a flight of stairs and onto the dance floor.

For five long minutes she walked through the tomb-like silence of the crowd, scrutinizing every single male she came across. When she passed him at the beginning she flashed him a flirtatious smile that had sent a tingle rushing over his skin.

God she was cute, and if one was to look closely one could see her dark bush through the thin, semi-transparent fabric of her white panties.

If every guy in the ballroom wasn’t cracking wood then Michael supposed that they’d have to have homosexual tendencies, because despite the fact she was a little skinny, Stephanie Sullivan was still one gorgeous girl.

“Okay, time’s up. Pick your fella,” Eric shouted through the microphone.

A low buzz shot through the crowd as every guy prayed to be the lucky winner. Since she was right up the back of the room, it took a little while for Stephanie to come into Michael’s view. When she did, it was either his mind playing tricks on him or she seemed to be striding in his general direction.

As she drew closer his heart began to pound in his chest and the sudden onset of adrenalin flooded through his veins. There was a perky sway to her hips and a broad smile on her face, which extended to her eyes.

Ten feet – still walking towards him. Seven feet – smiling into his eyes. Three feet – entering the circumference of space that separated himself from Danny. One foot – standing in front of him, her cheeks flushed, hands on her hips and a come-hither look on her face.

Bruno was standing off to the side with an expressionless face, showing no emotion whatsoever.

“When you’ve decided on your guy, why don’t you give him a bit of a kiss so we all know,” Eric said.

Stephanie wrapped her arms around Michael’s neck and pulled his mouth down to hers, brushing her lips lightly over his. It was a soft kiss, a little wet but with no tongue.

“Why don’t you give him a proper kiss, sweetheart, just so we can make sure you’re really into him.”

She kissed him again, only this time she eased her tongue in between his lips and slipped it into his mouth. Both of them closed their eyes as a wave of murmurs washed over them. It was a sexy kiss, heightened by the fact that hundreds of eyes were trained on them as the sucked on each other’s tongues.