The Dutchman's Knot - A Generous Invitation


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As Gwn and Jeni walked off the plane Gwn whispered, Jeni I'm so nervous my heart is fluttering like a butterfly. This place reeks of sex. The fresh air blowing off the ocean seems to pick up those erotic smells from the fruit plantations. I could get used to this in a hurry.

Jeni echoed Gwn's comments and said a short prayer, "Oh lord help us get through this. Take a deep breath and be calm." Both ladies inhaled deeply before greeting their hosts.

Upon arrival, Gwn and Jeni were met by Dr. Main, Grant Landers and his daughter, Sue-ann. The perfunctory greetings were administered along with a presentation of the native flower wreaths.

Dr Main informed their guest that they would reside in the guest house tonight. "Tomorrow morning we will go over the experimental plan. Then the rest of the afternoon will be filled with a native welcoming ceremony. Don't worry about any of the logistics; a driver will pick you up at 9:30 am in the morning and we will go from there. You will have access to the driver for as long as you're on the island."

Dr Main continued with the well prepared itinerary. "After dropping you off at the guest house we'll give you an hour to freshen up and then pick you up for a dinner at a small native restaurant close by. The food is excellent. Afterwards you are at liberty to settle-in until morning."


All of the key players; Dr Main, Grant Landers, Sue-ann, Gwn, and Jeni, gathered in the conference room. In addition three graduate assistants, Tony, Lisa, and Swi were asked to come in and their roles were explained. Lisa and Swi will assume laboratory assistant responsibilities as well as record and present all data as it pertains to the experiments. Tony will be your driver and will take care of all of your transportation needs. All three of them may have others that help but they will be your primary contacts.

Dr. Klia Main, a rather statuesque woman in her 50's stood almost six feet tall, sat at the head of the conference table. She was dressed in a tailored business suit with the school logo embroidered on her coat lapel. She wore a well fitted blouse and skirt that presented her breast and hips in the most flattering fashion. Dr Main represented the haunting statuesque beauty displayed by many of the native females.

She further explained that Gwn and Jeni were free to carry on their lives as if they were in the states. That is an intimate part of the island culture and it is why the Pauloan Sex Research Institute (PSRI) is the perfect location for the advanced study of sex practices and the understanding of different native cultures.

Dr. Main started the meeting by commenting, "The first subject to be covered is PSRI's attempt to duplicate the marvelous penile anomaly that Mr. Landers possesses. I don't think anyone here can disagree with that assessment as Gwn, Jeni, Sue-ann and I can all attest. Yes, even I can vouch for the Dutchman's capabilities.

Everyone joined in the laughter as a degree of relaxation overcame the meeting.

We now feel like we have the subjects here that can achieve that wonderful reproduction and it specifically involves you, Gwn Taylor.

"How so," Gwn asked?

Gwn, You may not know, but after reviewing your genetic profile we have discovered that at the recessive gene location of Grant's penis mutation, you have a matching gene that is missing the counter action that usually prevents a recessive gene's reproduction. That will allow Grant's recessive gene to become dominant thus his unique characteristic will be reproduced in a male child. You should not worry though, Ms. Taylor this is not unusual for some women to carry this trait. Just finding the right woman at the right time is the challenge.

But that is only two parts of the puzzle. We must decide several important issues if we produce such a child.

With a surprised and inquisitive look on her face, Gwn responded, "That sounds like a pregnancy to me. Are you sure that can happen at my age. My children are grown. I'm will soon be into menopause.

Dr. Main laughed with everyone and continued, "Yes you are very healthy according to the report from PHC. We will examine some of your eggs to insure viability. And NO, we are not concerned with your age.

The Dutchman looked into Gwn's eyes and with a shy almost begging smile on his face said, "I can't think of anyone that would please me more to have this experience with than Gwn. I have never forgotten the intimate time we shared at PHC.

That demolished any resistant Gwn possessed. Unknowingly it was at that tender moment that she knew she would be all-in. His comments blew her away. Her face flushed and with eyes gathering moisture her body melted. "Tell me more."

Dr. Main continued, "We now have to decide how conception will take place. Will it be in vivo or in vitro? That will be your decision Gwn."

Gwn, obviously confused asked, "What is in vivo and in vitro?"

Dr. Main smiled and said, "In vivo is the old fashion way with the sperm being deposited in the vagina and conception taking place in the fallopian tubes. In vitro involves bringing the sperm and egg together in a Petri dish for conception. Then the impregnated egg is placed back into a surrogate to complete the pregnancy and birth. So I'm asking you to choose which best works for you.

Quietly and somewhat sheepishly Gwn stated, "I think I like the old fashion way better. Give me more detail. Will I stay here or return home? What will Grant's involvement be? Do I get to raise the child? There will be significant cost's involved."

Everyone in the conference room gave a quite respectful clap of hands. Even Grant got a congratulatory pat on the back. Then Dr. Main interrupted with a question, "Gwn, In the event that you make the decision to raise the child on your own, PSRI has authorized a 10 million dollar grant to cover the child's needs for the next twenty years? There, of course are other options. After the child is born, a young family here on the island would be welcome to adopt. PSRI's main concern is for the child. We'll give you a week to consider all the possibilities in making a final decision."

Now as we close our first meeting I would like to welcome our guests to an Island feast this afternoon where you will get an introduction to some of our culture. As a short introduction, allow me to explain some of the things you will witness. Primarily, the Pauloan society is a matriarchal structure. The women control most of the issues within the home including sex while the men perform the hunter/gatherer duties outside the home. If you study your history this family structure is very similar to the structure practiced by the early North American Indians.

The relationships seem similar to the ones in the states with the exception here the older women assume a far greater role in choosing female mates for the young males. Not only is that important but what you will find quite different is that the women (yes even mothers) bear a huge responsibility in sexually preparing a young man for sex with a young mate. The young women pay close attention to the young men in how they treat their female elders in sex. When a young girl's time is right, she will then participate in shared sex rituals as she gets closer to making her choice. After a time of becoming familiar with a prospect partner the mother will approve and assist in the son's union with his new female mate.

In addition the fathers assume a role in preparing young girls for the entry into the sexual way of life here. Two celebrations are held each year whereby the fathers take the virginity of the 'coming of age' girls. It's very exciting and the young girls love it. It is so much of our culture. For the only time in their lives girls become the celebrated and it forms a very strong bond within the family. It also signals their freedom to engage in sex as they seek and choose their future partners.

This has been part of our culture for hundreds of years. We here at PSRI insure that all virgins are protected against pregnancy with the first unions being with their fathers.

It is in this area that I hope to discuss with Jeni some of the things she can help us with. We have a problem with some of our orphaned young men getting the proper training in this area. I'm hoping Jeni will agree to stay with Malve and I overnight as we discuss the subject further.

It is one of the customs here on the island that we share our bed with our guests. And yes that means sexually. And Jeni I know you will like Malve. He and I have been together for over 25 years and he never fails to satisfy.

Somewhat stunned and surprised, Jeni reacted like any respectful American woman would, "You know I would love too, but I could not accept any offer that would cause any problem for you. "

"Oh don't worry" exclaimed Dr. Main, "This is our way of life. I would be more offended if you refused. Here on the Island we consider this a gift from us to our guests. We want to share. It sprinkles a little variety in our sex lives."

"WOW, I don't know what to say except 'Thank you', I think. This is so unusual. On the other hand, I would love to visit with you and get to know you and your husband...Oh,Uh, Uh I mean mate."

Dr. Main smiled at Jeni's response and continued, "That reminds me, I must explain another custom. We don't have marriages and divorces here on the island as you do in the states. The significant others in our society grow out of mating and becoming a bonded pair for long periods of time. We call them mates or partners. Bonds are strengthened through children and shared experiences. If two people wish to separate for whatever reason we allow them to do so without all the negative consequences. If property disbursement is necessary, it is usually passed through the woman's line to include children."


As everyone gathered in a cozy area of the Beach Island Park, Dr. Main began to explain some of the local customs to her guests. She began by pointing to the men. "You will notice the men standing around the open roasting pits dressed in the short loin cloth adornment of native fabric patterns, leaves and grass. They stand around in groups of 4-5 addressing the fires; overseeing the roasting. There are three roast pits in some stage of cooking and the men are just standing around doing what men do. They enjoy showing off their wares and quite frankly the women enjoy and are amused at their displays. You can hear a steady drumbeat from deep in the forest that has the men swaying in an erotic rhythm. The sounds become arousing for the men and women.

Their genitals conspicuously expose many different colorful decorations. In the event the men are well endowed they emphasize their proud appendage by covering with a sheer see-thru loin cloth. If their balls are more prominent they hang large nuts and small coconuts for emphasis. Most are bare-chested as are the women. Clothes only cover the chest for utilitarian purposes. If an occasion occurs like the celebration tonight they almost always are bare from the waist up.

Please observe the older women seated Indian style on mats of leaves and grass. Then can be seen being very affectionate with the young men by their side. The young man will call attention to himself and his elder female if he is able to achieve and maintain an erection.

Please notice the young women displaying themselves around the festival grounds as if shopping for a potential mate. They have decorated their breast with various designs of body paint. Colors and designs signify various stages of their sexual status such as being a virgin, or committed, or looking. Touching and feeling is encouraged. If you hear cheering and clapping it usually means that a young lady can be seen caressing a young man's cock and/or his balls. If the young lady drops to her knees and rewards a young man with oral sex, the crowd will normally show extra appreciation. Often this would call for a toast from all onlookers."

As part of their maturity training the young girls including Lisa and Swi will assist everyone to their pre-assigned tables. The center table was occupied by Jeni, and Klia Main. The second table included only The Dutchman and Gwn and a third table was occupied by Tony Main (the driver, Klia's son) and Sue-ann.

As Gwn and Grant were being directed to their feasting locations, Gwn seized Grant's arm and quietly commented. Thank you so much for the kind words you expressed in the meeting this morning. It meant a lot and really made me feel welcome. This setting is just beautiful.

Grant responded as he casually placed his arm around Gwn's shoulder he responded, "I was thrilled to learn that you are the one to become part of the experiment. Fate works in so many ways. I hope you don't feel pressured into making a decision that you're not comfortable with. You can't imagine how much I've thought about you since leaving that program at PHC.

Pressure or not I'm glad I'm here and you certainly make me feel welcome. I'm flattered just to know you thought about me. If I wasn't interested I would not be here.

Gwn I have to be honest with you. I want you to stay with me tonight. How far we go is up to you. Either way it will give us a chance to discuss more about the reason we asked you to visit.

While waiting on the meal to be served, Gwn placed her hand on Grants neatly manicured beard and turned his head until they were face to face; looking one another in the eyes. I'm so glad you asked and we can go as far as you want, as soon as you want and for as long as our endurance allows. And with a lean-forward she pulled Grant's lips to hers.

A young lady arrived at Grant and Gwn's table and softly voiced a "Ummmm...aah" making them aware of her presence.

As Grant rolled his eyes up he said, "Oh hi Swi, you and your breast paint looks beautiful tonight. And what do you have here."

"Oh thank you sir and I've got a sampling tray of our finest fresh fruit...some pineapple, some mango, some papaya, kiwi as well as nuts and passion fruit." Grant motioned for Swi to leave the tray as they would probably take home the excess.

Grant then introduced Swi more formally to Gwn and Gwn generously complemented her on her lovely and gracious demeanor.

Teasing Swi somewhat, Grant asked, "Do you see anything here tonight that is of interest to you?"

As Swi slowly moved to the next table she flirtatiously looked back over her shoulder and said, "There are a couple of young men here that look like they are being trained well."

Somewhat amused, Gwn looked at Grant and asked, "What does that mean?"

Grant responded, that means that young men here in this culture begin to develop their sexuality here with their mother's assistance. At some point usually after the male reaches 18 this will include intercourse. Since it is part of their custom dating back over hundreds of years, this practice is not unusual at all. In fact it is quite normal. With the knowledge of modern medicine the mothers and the older surrogate women generally have their tubes tied when this stage of their sex life comes.

In fact, that's a program Klia will be talking with Jeni about tonight.

Suddenly Lisa showed up and placed two large fruit flavored drinks in front of Grant and Gwn. Smiling she said, "Be careful with those they have a way of slipping up on you. And Ms. Taylor, you'd better watch the Dutchman here, he may have a way of slipping in you."

As they all laughed at Lisa's naughty innuendo, Gwn said, "Yes, I hear he's a dangerous man."

Playfully Grant asked, "How much do I have to drink to get to your state of arousal?"

Lisa smiled and with a hint of sexual flirtation said, "I would say if you took it nice and slooow. A half glass would be just about right."

Grant continued the banter, "And I see a little heart painted on your left breast. Does that signify anything?"

"Oh yes, that means I'm committed to that proud stud supervisor that works on Malve's Pineapple plantation. That's him over there talking with Malve."

"Is he keeping you happy?"

"Very much so, Mr. Landers," Right now I'm a one-man woman."

Unexpectedly Jeni came over to Gwn's mat and said, "Don't expect me back at our guest room tonight. I have been invited to stay with Klia and Malve.

Gwn smiled and responded, "And I will be staying with Grant."

"Good girl. I can't wait to hear about it, that is, if you can sit or walk tomorrow."

As Jeni returned to her mat, Grant turned to Gwn and said, "Did you say that Jeni had missed out on her latest session at the PHC.

Gwn smiled and said, "Oh yes even though the long trip took some of the edge off."

Well she is going to get a go with Malve tonight and she should be fine for another few days. Malve has quite a reputation around the island. It seems that he is very wide and the head of his cock is larger than the shaft. Take a look; he is about 6'4" tall, very broad at the shoulders and narrow at the hips.

"She will love that kind of service," Gwn commented, "but what about Klia?"

Turns out that Tony and Sue-ann will visit as well. Sue-ann is a little sore from our session last week and would like to have a couple of more days to recover. She is perfectly OK with Klia servicing her son tonight.

"My my, this place is a sexual paradise," Gwn commented.

As the evening wore on the meal was delicious and the drinks were about half consumed. All attendees were becoming even more open in their arousing play. Everyone drank freely. The girls became more loving with exaggerated pelvic movement in front of the young prospect men. The partnered ladies allowed their legs to open farther as their mates took more aggressive liberties. Cuddling and kissing became the norm.

The intense sounds of the rhythmic drumbeat from deep in the forest accelerated everyone's sexual desires.

Slowly one couple after another paired off and wandered home. Grant and Gwn were no exception. With Grant's arm over her shoulder, Gwn leaned into his midsection as they walked ever so slowly back to his place.

Suddenly Tony, driving the PSRI van, pulled up alongside Grant and Gwn. "Want a ride back to the cabin," he asked?

"No Tony, I think we'll take our time and walk back. After Tony drove off Grant turned to Gwn and said. "It's such a beautiful moonlit night. I'm so glad circumstances have turned out like they have. Gwn, I've thought about you a lot. I wasn't sure I'd get to see you again."

Gwn responded, "I'm totally surprised to hear you say that. I thought maybe you just considered me one of many middle-aged sex starved women needing to get laid for the sake of just satisfying some hungry need. And to some extent that was and is probably true. I thought I was having a wonderful satisfying sex life up until my husband found this young honeybee and flew off to Europe. Not by my own choice, I was celibate for about a year and it was driving me insane.

I finally expressed my frustration with Jeni and she invited me into the program at PHC. After a few sessions at PHC I was very happy with the results. Then Jeni came in one day and told me about you; especially about your condition. I signed up for an appointment even though I was very frightened. She dared me to do it. I couldn't let her get the best of me."

I am so glad you did. And just to let you know I like sex, I need sex and the program at PHC fit my needs very well. There would be no commitments; no long running attachments. I participated in the PHC program so that I could suppress those sexual desires and at the same time devote more attention to my academic work. It seems that this abnormal sex equipment you refer too keeps my libido fueled at a very high level. And if I physically hurt you I truly apologize. But that is part of the deal. I try to warn the ladies but they always want to go until the session is over."