The Egg of Immorality Ch. 15

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John finds out how badly the cooks want a bun in their ovens.
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Part 15 of the 16 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 03/07/2022
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The Archon is making sure John gets to enjoy all that Mygela has to offer a wary, virile stranger.

To start at the beginning of The Egg of Immorality, find chapter 1 here. To start the Thirst for Power series fresh, please look for Enchanted. Thank you for reading and please look up my profile page if you have any questions, concerns, or wish to reach out to me.

"Lord John, this is Desi," Calista introduced John to yet another beautiful woman outside of a building that smelled of freshly baked bread.

John's stomach rumbled, fighting with his interest in the dirty blond for his attention. Her breasts, or at least the one displayed outside of her dress, were the fullest yet of anyone he'd seen on the island. She was a beautiful woman with a fuller figure. John tried not to imagine all of the things he could do to her without worrying about breaking her. The darkness inside of him was only too happy to imagine all of those things.

John bowed and took Desi's hand in his and placed a kiss on her knuckles. "The honor is mine, Desi."

"Oh my," Desi said and looked to the Archon with sparkling eyes. "This is quite a surprise, Archon."

Calista smiled and said, "I have a long and tiresome day ahead of me. Rather than bore our guest with administrative tasks, I thought it would be better if he got out to see how we function here. And what better way than to have him spend the day with our cook?"

Desi's lips parted as Calista spoke. She turned her focus on John and her eyes dropped to his feet and then rose back up. She lifted one eyebrow appraisingly and finally met his eyes with a smile on her face. John's robe didn't flatter his body but the breadth of his shoulders and his handsome face were enough to pique her interest.

"Tomorrow we will broaden his experience and have him go with another," the Archon added.

"Tomorrow? Oh, so... well, Lord John, is it?" Desi asked as she realized she had John for the entire day and night.

"It is," John said. "But I insist you call me John."

"If you insist," Desi flirted. She turned to Calista and said, "Archon, you honor me in your selection."

"I've always felt it was a shame that such a necessary job as yours does not receive the notice and accolades you deserve. This seemed like a small way to show that appreciation."

John tilted his head and nodded at the Archon's statesmanship.

Desi grinned. "Come along then, John, and let me show you how the Archon likes extra spices in her meals."

Calista laughed as Desi led John into the bakery.

The rising sun in the east had combined with the warm air from the lake surrounding the aisle to drive away the last of the morning chill. The air in the bakery, on the other hand, was heated by ovens and took him back to a forgotten memory of a time where he'd opened a door or a window and been struck by a strong gust of desert air. The memory faded as he struggled to hold on to it. He scowled, shook his head, and then realized he looked like a fool standing in the open doorway of the bakery.

"Girls, this is Lord John. The Archon gifted me with his companionship until tomorrow. He is to see what sort of things we do that make us some of the most important people in Mygela," Desi introduced him to her team of four younger woman.

John smiled at the woman, momentarily unable to speak. Younger was an unfair term to use. They were younger than Desi but still within a few years of each other. All of them seemed unharmed by the passing of years. Without exception they all stood with their dresses hanging about the cord at their waist, leaving both of their breasts free and their upper body glistening in the warmth of the bakery.

John gaze lingered for a moment on one woman with hair the color of chocolate pulled back into a bun. She had dusty streaks of flower across her breasts. He moved on as quick as he could but worried that they might have noticed his distraction.

If they did, they gave no indication. Their eyes sparkled as they took him in. Work stopped while they chatted with him and basked in his charm. One of the girls, Binda, offered him a sample of a sweetroll she was making. He couldn't help but notice the damp smear of flour across both of her breasts when she turned to offer the treat to him.

"Girls! We've a village to feed," Desi admonished them. She waved them back to their tables and ovens and turned to John. "We've been working since before the sun was up and the food has been sent out already. Have you had a chance to eat yet, John?"

John's stomach rumbled, drawing giggles from the bakers. "I missed the opportunity," John admitted.

"Well, we always have a little something around here," she said. "The benefits of making the food is we get to eat it first and make sure it's good enough for everyone else."

John chuckled. "I hadn't thought of that before. You're making this profession sound better and better by the minute."

"Oh, it is," she confirmed and then smiled and rubbed her hip, "All the sampling does have its drawbacks though... and it's not uncommon for me to need to stay here and finish up while the others go to the morning calisthenics."

"Well, I think you look lovely," John said. "All of you, to be honest. I've been in the presence of such a fetching group of women in my life."

The girl with the bun laughed and said, "He's got a tongue sweeter than Bindy's rolls, Desi."

"Is that right?" Desi asked.

"I saw his companions. Beautiful women, all of them! And two of them wore armor fit more for a bedroom than a battlefield," she tattled.

John grinned. "They were gladiators when I met them. The armor was for show, but believe it or not they know how to make the most of it. They do have far more protective armor should the need arise. The women of Mygela are so beautiful they felt threatened and wanted to show off."

"They looked quite fine to me," Bindy said. "I'd spar with them any day... or night."

"Hush, Bindy," Desi scolded her worker.

Another woman whispered something to Bindy but Bindy shrugged and said, "It's not whoring if I don't get paid for it."

John coughed and turned back to Desi. She rolled her eyes and said, "Over there, on that table. Open the chest and help yourself. I have to help them prepare the evening meal, but please ask questions."

John went over and opened the chest and was assaulted with the smell of freshly baked goods from breads to rolls sweetened with honey and dried fruits. John began to eat and turned to see Desi had slipped her arm out of the sleeve of her dress and let it fall to her waist like the others. Having both breasts bared stirred more than his stomach, especially given how swollen and firm they looked, yet they sat impossibly high on her chest. He wondered for a moment if Desi had a touch of infernal power before a flash of movement to his side distracted him. The chocolate haired cook's monkey brought him a goblet of water, earning a smile and mumbled thanks.

When he finished breaking his fast John talked with Desi and the others and, before long, joined in and learned how they prepared everything from dough and loaves of bread to cooking fish and game brought in by hunters from the day before. There was a lot more to preparing a proper meal, let alone running a kitchen, than he had ever imagined.

Before he knew it the day had been spent and the last of the villages dinners sent off with runners. John looked to Desi while she and Bindy cleaned up the last of the days mess. He wasn't very hungry even though none of them had eaten. Sampling bits of food to make sure they were cooked properly throughout the day had left him full. He suspected they'd treated him to more than was usual based on how the women in the bakery would practically fight one another to bring him food to try.

Bindy lingered as long as she could, her eyes always returning to John. Desi shooed her away when the cleaning was completed, much to Bindy's disappointment. Desi waited until she was gone before she slipped her arm back in her dress and tucked her right breast away. Her clothing clung to her damp skin and made it stick in all the right places. John struggled to keep the darkness inside of him at bay. A day around all of those beautiful young bare breasted women had been both a delight and a torture.

John grabbed his spear from where it leaned against the wall of the bakery and stepped outside. He stiffened and looked around to be certain he wasn't seeing things. The sun was nearly set already! The cool evening air chilled his face, confirming what his eyes told him. "It's night time already?" he asked.

"Yes, sorry about that," Desi said. "The girls weren't focused today for some reason. Especially after dinner. Took forever to clean up."

John smirked. The reason was him. They'd been very chatty and eager to interact with him every chance they got. "Well, what does a cook do to wind down after work?"

Desi's eyes inspected him from head to toe and back, stripping him bare in her mind. "It's late for the bathhouse, could I offer you a private one instead?"

John nodded. "I think you could. I'm parched too. Where can we get something to drink?"

"I know just the place," Desi said and held her arm out.

John took it and let her lead him through some nearby houses until they reached one that was clearly hers. She entered and held the door for him, inviting him into her home. John flashed her a smile as he passed through the entrance. A quick glance showed her home was decorated much the same as Calista's had been. She had some pressed flowers as a decoration on one wall and her weapons on another. In her bedroom a suit of armor was waiting on a rest.

She pointed John to a bench in front a chair in the front room and said, "Sit here, Lord John."

"Please, just John," he said while she slipped into her bedroom. He heard her rustling about and then she returned a few moments later and handed him a cup filled with a sweet smelling wine. He inhaled the fragrance and nodded in approval before testing a sip of it.

"I'm afraid you'll need to take that robe off," Desi said.

"What? Oh, for the bath? But here?" he asked as he turned to look at her. John saw through her bedroom door that she was pouring water in a large bowl and already had some wash cloths tucked under her arm.

"Far more private," Desi said. She put the pitcher down and walked back through the doorway to him. "I'd hate for you to be interrupted and not get the full experience of the life of a cook."

John grinned. "I see. Well, I can clean myself you know."

"I'm sure you can," she agreed while setting the bowl down. She let both cloths soak in the water and then stood and loosened the rope around her waist. The dress slipped off her right shoulder and crumpled to the floor at her feet, revealing more than just her bare chest for his eyes. "But some places are harder to reach than others and are best tended to by another person."

John chuckled and set his wine down. He stood long enough to pull his robe up and over his head and then unstrapped his dagger from his thigh. Both ended up on the floor in the corner of the room.

Desi hummed appreciatively as she saw his body bared for the first time. When he turned to face her the hum turned to a gasp. "Now sit, Lord John, and let me show you how much I appreciated your attention and your help today."

John sank back to the stool. Desi moved her chair behind him and pulled up one of the soaked rags. She squeezed the excess water out and then began to run it softly across his shoulders and back. John expected cool water but instead it was almost warm. Warm and, he realized a moment later, scented with either some herbs or oils.

She continued to rub, washing his arms and down his back before she walked around sank to her knees in front of him. She proceeded to wash his face, chest, and stomach in gentle sweeping strokes and swirls that left John relaxed. She let out a soft gasp the first time her hand bumped his stiffened cock. She looked at it and collected her wits after licking her lips. She finished his belly and sides before urging him to rise.

John stood in front of her with his cock bobbing with each pulse of his heart in front of her face. His power gathered and dark tendrils slipped from his fingers to reach for her. Desi licked her lips again and let out a shuddering breath. Her eyes were hooded until she blinked them and rose to her feet, escaping the net his magic sought to weave.

Desi wet the rag again and sank down behind him. She washed his lower back and then swept the washcloth across his left hip and rubbed a little harder on his left cheek all the way to the cleft that divided his ass. She switched hands and washed his right hip and buttock the same way before she let the rag slide down his legs and then back up the other, leaving them clean.

"Sit--" Desi stopped and cleared her throat so she could speak in more than a husky whisper. "Sit in the chair."

John smirked and sat down. He spread his legs when she licked her lips again, eager to feel her mouth on him. She rinsed the rag again and sank to her knees before him. She picked up his left leg and ran the rag over and under it, rubbing into the soles of his feet and massaging muscles he didn't know needed massaging. John enjoyed it so much even his infernal magic was soothed and did not seek to coerce her.

She washed the rag out and then rose up and wrapped it around his manhood. John gasped at the sensation of the cloth gently twisting around him, almost like a warm, wet, soft, snake. Or a woman with a serpentine tongue. Beytrixxa, perhaps, could do something like that. John shuddered at the thought.

"Somebody likes being clean," Desi whispered. She teased him a little more before gently circling and rubbing his balls and making sure she reached all those allegedly hard to reach places.

John's cock was throbbing by the time she finished and his dark fingers of magic had completely surrounded her and were seeking a way in. The usual entrances-- her mouth, nose, pussy, and ass-- rebuffed their advance. John was curious, but not alarmed. He sensed no power in her, only a very healthy interest in how hard she could make him.

The wash cloth fell to the floor beside the chair while Desi leaned forward. John's swollen flesh seemed eager for her and bent forward almost of its own accord as she approached. It bounced against her cheek and she cooed and then rubbed up against one side of it and then switched so her other cheek rubbed down the other side.

John growled deep in his throat. The infernal beast inside of him was awake and he was hungry.

She ran her nose along the underside of his cock and then paused to rub his head against her lips. A tingle spread up John's length and a drop of his sweet nectar appeared. She rubbed it against her lips without realizing it and then backed away and licked her lips. Her eyes widened and she sucked in a breath. Her body shivered as an explosion of pleasure swept through her. She recovered in seconds from the mini-orgasm and opened her lips to take him in her mouth.

John groaned as her hot mouth descended on him. Her lips caressed him and her tongue slithered until he felt the pressure of her throat stopping him. She jerked, surprised, and pulled herself back up and off. She took a few breaths and swallowed before saying, "You are most impressive, John."

John smiled. "I should say the same of you."

She smiled and leaned forward to suckle at the head of his cock for a moment. When no more pre-cum graced her lips she kissed his spongy tip and then rose to her feet. "My turn, I think."

John gawked at her. "Your what?"

She reached down and picked up the other wet rag. She handed it to him. "My turn to be cleaned."

The beast howled. John swallowed and tried to ignore the aching surge in his cock and balls. He rose a little breathlessly and nodded. "I'd be honored."

His infernal magic recoiled and whipped through the air, striking her as though it could flay the skin from her body. Each time it was repulsed, leaving him frustrated and confused. What was protecting her? It was the same as it had been with the Archon. The energy was there and the woman was willing-- more than willing-- but he couldn't make the connection to her soul.

John struggled against his demonic side and channeled his will into moving the washcloth across her back and arms and then moving lower, making sure he massaged and teased her ass before dropping to her legs and feet. He retraced his path and gave her a second wet massage, impressed by how slippery the infused water was. He ran the cloth between the globes of her full bottom and paused over her clenched ring.

Desi's breath hissed between her teeth and her hips bucked a little, driving her bottom back toward him. John grinned and probed her eager flesh just enough to tease her before he rose to his feet and stepped around in front of her.

Desi's lips were parted and her eyes were hooded again. She stared at him even though she barely able to focus. John washed her shoulders and down her chest, cleaning between, around, and under her breasts but leaving the peaks of her swollen mounds untouched. She panted and moaned as he slipped lower and scrubbed her belly clean before washing her hips and then the front of her legs.

John rose up and slid the wash cloth between her legs. Desi grunted out loud and bucked as the cloth wet her curls and pressed against her mound. She began to rock and forth, rubbing against him. John pulled the cloth away and knelt down to wash it out. He returned to find Desi glaring at him. He grinned, enjoying the payback. This time the beast was on his side and urged him to punish her for teasing him.

John washed her breasts, twisting and rubbing her eager flesh and then pinching her nipple through the cloth and pulling on it. She cried out and staggered forward. Her hand moved and she caught his cock in her hand to help her balance. She moaned and began to stroke him.

"John," she panted.

"Desi," he growled.

"I need you in me," she pleaded. "I need... I need this."

"Are you sure?"

She looked down, licked her lips, and then nodded. "You stretched my mouth so wide... I can take it. I can take you, I know it!"

"All the way?"

She hesitated and then nodded.

"If you can't, I'll stop," John said.


"All the way, Desi."

"She nodded. One way or another, I will."

John's brow furrowed. "What do you mean?"

"If I can't take all of you in my pussy, I'll find another way."

John smiled but he wanted to hear her say it. "What other way?"

"In my ass," she said. "I've never... but I will."

John chuckled. Without his magic being able to help and without any oil, there was no way that happen. She didn't need to know that though.

"Well then, I'm going to fuck you now."

She gasped. "Yes!"

John guided her to the chair and pushed her back into it. She sat and spread her legs as he knelt between them. "Take me," he commanded her. "Show me the way."

Desi grabbed his cock and pulled him forward. John loved the warmth of her hand on him and let her place his swollen tip at her opening. She spread her legs wider still and stared at his erection. "Do it, John. Fuck me and fuck me hard!"

John pushed into her. She was wet but so very, very tight. She groaned as his fleshy spear parted her lips and pushed her flesh beyond any limits she'd ever experienced. Her mouth was open and her breath locked. Her eyes rolled back in her head as he continued to slide deeper and deeper into her.

John's hips pressed against her flesh, signaling the end of his descent into her depths. He looked down, surprised that she really had taken him all. Especially in one long initial thrust. He held himself still for a moment, adjusting to her flesh that would squeeze and tremble around him.