The Empress' Body Double

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An Empress uses magic to experience sexual humiliation.
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"You should have just stayed hidden behind your walls." The mercenary taunted, looming over the empress, her royal guard knelt defeated around her, swords to their throats. "Now the way I see it, there's a small bounty for your death, but there is an even larger bounty to rape you."

The Empress' eyes widened, the rape threat made sense, as Empress Henrietta the Chaste, depriving her of her title would go a long way to destabilising her kingdom and picking off the scraps. The mercenary hungrily eyed up her body, picturing that iconic blonde coif unravelled and disheveled as the crown was tossed to one side in favour of a different treasure.

The mercenary gave some rudimentary hand movements to cast a binding spell, the first bit of paltry magic taught to bounty hunters starting out in the world, suddenly the Empress' hands were pinned to the ground next to her head, her ankles now routed apart. The mercenary ran his sword down her riding clothes and pulled them from her body. He stood and stared at what was laying in front of him for some time, trying to comprehend the situation.

Once all her clothes were cut off, her body looked naked enough, but where her bikini area should have yielded to the most scandalous of body parts, there was instead what seemed to be blue fabric sewn into her skin. He tried to dig his sword under to get the fabric off, even stabbing into the fabric, drawing fluff instead of blood. The mercenary was desperate to rape the Empress, but without breasts to fondle, a pussy to penetrate or even an ass to violate he screamed in frustration.

"What the fuck is this?" The mercenary leader yelled.

"This..." calmly explained the Empress, "is a trap." There were eight mercenaries holding blades to the royal guards around Empress Henrietta, in an instant the mercenary leader was without backup and the archers in the woods were making plans to retrieve the eight arrows they had had forever to line up for the perfect shot. In shock the lead mercenary's hand had twitched, that split second was all the Empress required to sweep his leg, grab his sword and stand above him with the tip thrust against his neck with a practiced pressure just a bit less than what it would take to slit his throat.

"Now let's have a frank conversation, you are to tell me who has a bounty on my chastity, and then I will let you leave to tell all your friends about how raping Empress Henrietta the Chaste is an impossible task."


Yvette, the Royal Sorceress, stared at the tablecloth draped over a tailor's dummy and fiddled with her ornate robes. If anything went wrong with her spell, the Empress would make her suffer like none could. The only female ruler of the five kingdoms didn't get to where she was by being understanding, she got there by being a bloodthirsty warrior and utilising some guff about how being a virgin made her unable to lose in combat.

Which is what made it so strange when she suggested a new travelling defense based off a magical trick being used mainly by pimps throughout the land. Many peasant girls were becoming more and more conflicted about their futures, not wanting to give up their main trade but needing the money, pimps would hire mages to create portals on their breasts, vaginas, anuses and even their mouths. This would mean that real human sexual organs could be placed on dolls or dummies for customers to fuck, and the rest of the woman could continue about their day, distracted but productive.

Yvette slowly lifted the cover off the mannequin, and took a forbidden look at the Empress' tits and pussy. Now anyone who tried to collect on the bounty would find mannequin fabric in place of what they desired, and the Empress' chastity could be locked in a vault along with all her other treasured possessions. This was of course only an arrangement for travelling, when the empress arrived Yvette would take the crystal powering the enchantment and dispel it with a magical passcode. The passcode was usually a way for pimps to exploit the poor further, without it there was no way to drop the spell without having the original spellcaster to hand, so they could charge disobedient whores to purchase back their own body parts, but for the Empress it was an additional layer of security, dispelling would not be possible from anyone who captured her on her travels, her chastity was safe.

The royal fanfare approached the front gate of the castle and Yvette lowered the cloth back onto the mannequin to greet the Empress at the entrance to her chambers.

"Good evening your majesty, I hope your travels were pleasant?" Yvette greeted.

"The mannequin trick worked a treat, one mercenary actually managed to get my clothes off, but thanks to this beauty I was able to regain the upper hand." The Empress boasted. "Now I have a nice list of minor royalties that my guards will be having some unpleasant words with."

"Very good, your majesty, would you like me to dispel the enchantment?" Yvette asked.

"Actually no" the Empress responded, "it feels a bit different fighting with the enchantment on, I was hoping to get some time tonight running through some combat training to get used to it. Come here in the morning and we'll switch it off then." The Empress ordered. Yvette bowed and left the chamber leaving the Empress alone, the moment the door closed behind Yvette, the Empress whisked the cloth off the mannequin to admire her disembodied sex.

The Empress may have built a reputation on her chastity, but she had desires just like any other woman, desires that had grown deep and deviant since she had seized the throne. Emasculated noble families crawled over one another for an explanation as to why their various son's had fallen in battle to a woman and settled on an obscure passage in the works of the Grand Templars about chastity, a line Henrietta was fine with indulging if it made her position more secure but it put an end to any plans she had to be sexually serviced by a series of eager royal servants. So self-indulgence had become the main order of pleasure seeking and now, through this strategic move she had also acquired the ultimate tool of masturbation.

She gave her breast a squeeze and felt her own hand's firmness, next she began to suck on her nipple, while her hands began to probe her pussy, opening up her sopping lips. She knelt in front of the mannequin and began to taste her own juices, her lebido running wild at the thought of being pleasured by someone else. The Empress went on to spend a night subjecting her disembodied body to every tweak, grope, spank, nibble and violation she had been gagging for after 6 years on the throne.

Once she collapsed on her bed, spent from her nights activities, she began to plot how she could fully utilise this magical breakthrough.


The next day the Empress called her one of her most trusted guards, a huge ogre by the name of Ganrick, to a private meeting. Ganrick had a reputation as a regular user of the brothels but had proven himself discrete and loyal on numerous occasions. Under the guise of conducting research into her chastity invulnerability, she asked him to procure one of the portal prostitute dolls, she was to be the most expensive his pimp had to offer but without a mouth. Ganrick was confused but knew better than to disobey his Empress, so had a doll secretly brought to her chambers that very night.

The Empress studied the doll, the body parts had been portalled onto a cheaper wooden mannequin, the breasts had been lightly made up and the pussy was clean shaven. The Empress spent an hour plotting what came next before returning the doll to Ganrick, imploring him that he could have his way with it now she was done.

Two nights later the Empress had gathered the supplies she needed to put her plan into action. Firstly she requested that Yvette put the portal spell on the night before her travels, to once again do combat training of course. Yvette was confused that she was asked to prepare the spell on a different mannequin to last time but did not question her Empress. Once the spell was set up Yvette was ushered out and the Empress met Ganrick at a different entrance to her chambers, the same doll from before clutched under his arm.

Once alone the Empress lay her doll next to the prostitute's and began the process of making them look identical. First she shaved her pussy, a much easier task in its current state off her body. She then applied a light coating of makeup to her breasts and got to work mimicking the knocks and scratches on the mannequin using precise strikes of her sword.

After about an hour she looked at her creation and blushed with excitement. Her tits, pussy and ass were now on an identical set up to the prostitute's, she had to quickly flick her own nipple to make sure she would be handing the right one back to Ganrick. Her trip was planned to be a two day getaway to her countryside retreat, no royal duties and isolation upon request. Henrietta blushed at the thought that for two days she could be raped at any time, the culprit unknown and miles away. The next time she addressed a crowd, she would know in the back of her mind there would be a good chance that some in that crowd had fucked Empress Henrietta the Chaste and they wouldn't even know it.

She secreted the other doll under the bed, thinking about the prostitute she had inadvertently given a holiday, placed a big tome of the grand Templars in a spot that made it look like she had been studying it, and called for Ganrick to enter.

"Ganrick, I have completed my researches for now. I plan on reading a lot of the writings of Grand Templar Skylar while I am at my retreat so please have this poor lady's doll purchased again for when I return." The Empress ordered.

"Very well majesty, I will keep her at my house until you get back." Ganrick responded.

"Out of the question!" The Empress snapped before she realised what she was saying. Ganrick gave his Empress a confused look and she had to think of something fast. "Sorry, for obvious reasons my research into fortifying my combat prowess must remain totally secret, but suffice to say it is working with contrasts to my chastity, so the whore must be working while I am gone."

"Begging your pardon for my tone Empress, but I could keep her busy for the whole weekend." Ganrick stated, holding back his grin.

"A woman who has sex with one man is not a whore Ganrick." The Empress began, realising what she would have to say to allay suspicion. "You may have your way with her once before returning her to the pimp." It took every ounce of strength for Henrietta to maintain royal decorum, Ganrick had no idea he was about to take the Empress' virginity. She took a deep breath and with quivering hands she handed Ganrick her sex doll, she watched until the last minute as the doors closed behind him and collapsed knowing she was no longer in control of her sex.

The Empress prepared for departure more rapidly than she had ever done before, hoping to be in the secluded chariot by the time Ganrick was able to get back to his quarters. As she handed her packed bags to her porters, she felt his coarse hands begin to caress her breasts. The shock of it was enough to make her stagger, but she quickly regained her composure. As she descended from the royal chambers towards her chariot, she felt his mouth surround her nipple, sucking hard before giving it a nibble that made her audibly shriek.

Next she felt her bottom receive an almighty swat, she practically leapt into the chariot as Ganrick let loose one spank after another, all the while running his fingers up and down the Empress' slit. She closed the chariot door and the moment she was guaranteed privacy, ripped off her royal robes and began to run her hands up and down her body, shivering at the occasional feel of lacquered wood where her body should be. Although she was inexperienced at sex, she still had certain expectations for her first time, she thought that Ganrick would play with her some more, get some more foreplay going. She didn't expect that as a whore she had no right to foreplay, it had been thirty seconds since Ganrick had begun his conquest of her body when she could feel his cock thrusting its way into her. The chariot bumped to life, moving down the cobblestone streets as the Empress writhed on the floor, her pussy being pounded relentlessly while Ganrick grabbed both of her breasts roughly for purchase, squeezing them so hard she could have sworn they were going to pop.

As quickly as it had started she felt her pussy fill with Ganrick's seed, she tried to open her pussy to let it flow out but her hands ended up clawing at hard wood. For the remainder of the chariot ride she could do nothing but sit there and feel Ganrick's sperm slowly drip out of her pussy.

The Empress arrived at her country retreat and immediately secluded herself in her room, with guards under strict instructions not to enter until dinner was prepared. She spent quite some time looking at her naked body in the mirror and mourned that she could not pleasure herself right there and then, every so often feeling fabric rolling over her absent breasts, suggesting her doll was being transported in a bag right now. All of a sudden she felt her pussy getting sprayed with warm water, hands roughly opened her pussy and rinsed out the worst of Gandrick's juices, clearly her doll had just been returned to the pimp who was now washing it off in preparation for the next customer. At one point there was a gap in the cleaning process, where the Empress could clearly feel a stick tap against her pubis three times, she had no idea what this meant and it distracted her from thinking about how some pimp's employee somewhere had no idea he was washing the Empress' pussy right now.

There was a knock at the door and the Empress quickly threw on a robe and opened the door so she could collect her meal. The stick tapped against her pubis three times again, more forcefully this time. While the servants entered with a tray of food and a decanter of wine, the Empress tried to think why they would be tapping her like this. Clearly it was to signal something but what? Then suddenly she realised why they would need to signal her like this, she was their constant property, they would need to regiment her excretions to stop her peeing on a client, whoever was cleaning her was telling her to relieve herself right now.

The servants were setting up her meal, unaware their Empress had just been ordered to piss by an unseen individual. She began to blush a deep crimson as she strained against her embarrassment, holding back a squeal as she felt her bladder relax, somewhere a brothel employee was watching her pee. None of the servants setting up that night's dinner were any the wiser that their Empress was pissing right in front of them. Once she had finished, she felt a cloth being rubbed against her pussy, wiping the filth off her like she was a baby.

She sat down for her meal, expecting at any moment for another client to purchase her vulnerable body, once dinner was finished she went for an evening ride through the countryside, wondering if she might be ravished while surrounded by her royal guards. Eventually her frustration boiled over and she went to bed, unable to sleep with anger.

"Why isn't anyone paying to fuck me?" she whispered to herself.


The Empress returned to her castle after two days of solid frustration, outside of Gandrick's violation, she was only fucked one other time, a tiny penis that barely lasted a couple of thrusts. She actually got the most enjoyment from the times of day when she felt that stick tap against her pubis, having to go through the humiliation of relieving herself on command, regardless of those present or the situation, presented its own thrill to her but it simply wasn't enough.

When she arrived back at the castle it wasn't long until Gandrick returned her body to her, she had a meeting with Yvette planned to remove the spell but couldn't help but ask Gandrick for more details.

"Gandrick," she pressed, "I wish to have a frank discussion with you about the arrangements these girls find themselves in, please do not stand on royal protocols that compel you abstain from factual language or uncouth information, I promise there will be no reprisals for what you share with me during the course of this conversation."

"Ask away your majesty."

"This lady, whose sexual parts I now find myself in possession of, where did you procure her?" She asked.

"By the docks, I knew they were a lawless place so upon your command I investigated them, one such purveyor, a man by the name of Yerod, is so successful, he displays his wares in the front window of the Broken Oar tavern, very easy to discover." Ganrick responded, the queen gave him a look that tried to convey that they both knew he was already aware of the place and he didn't need to bullshit in her presence.

"And how much do you know about her at the point of purchase?" she asked, Gandrick sighed as he thought about finding a way to explain things that wouldn't make him look too lecherous.

"That's actually a more complex question than you might think, your majesty. I have had many a drink in bars that serve those who run this sort of business and heard the effect that this spell has had on the industry. You see it's about finding any justification to put the price up, with a full living responding working girl there are factors of beauty and personality. On the surface the marketing of sex dolls is pretty similar, there isn't as much variation in quality of vaginas or anuses as you might think. The breasts can vary a lot but but only so much when you're talking about raising prices, a bit more can be charged for girls who make their mouths available as well, but in general people don't tend to need that when there are more appealing orifices available." Gandrick was uncomfortable revealing, by proxy, this much about himself to the Empress, but as he looked into her eyes he saw genuine attention and appreciation, so he continued.

"Then one pimp hit upon an idea, what about station, tell a man he is fornicating with a peasant girl you won't get much, tell him he is fornicating with a wealthy merchant's wife or a member of high society and you can begin to charge bags of gold. Of course the more valuable the woman the more they can set the terms of sale, for example this lady is supposedly the sister of one of al Baron, secretly paying off a gambling debt. She could make more money by making her mouth available, or by revealing her identity in full, but the sister of nobility is enough to be charging hand over fist so she gets to do things her way."

"How much did she cost?" the Empress asked.

"250 gold pieces," Gandrick replied. "I was using the money you gave me and you did ask me to get the most expensive one." Suddenly her lack of action made sense, no regular person could afford that amount for a single round of sex, at that price she was lucky to get another fuck at all.

"Indeed, comparatively how much do peasant girls go for?" she asked.

"Well pimps get a bit annoyed at peasant girls who request the doll treatment, most won't even bother unless the girls agree to have their mouths available and their full identities on display, even then they'll usually cost between 1 and 3 gold pieces depending on how good their body is." The Empress' mind began racing, at that price there was no doubt she would be in constant use, but she would have to give up use of her mouth.

"Couldn't pimps just lie, take a peasant girl, put her in a doll and say she's anyone. There could even be a pimp claiming to have myself as one of his dolls." The Empress asked, suppressing a cheeky grin at the fantasy she knew she was putting into Gandrick's mind without him realising he had already fulfilled it two days ago.