The Empty Nest Pt. 02


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I got there just as his assistant was on her way home. She said he was in his office so I walked in. He was sitting back in his chair leafing through some papers.

"Are you ready or do you want me to come back tomorrow?" I asked standing near the door.

"No, no come in sit down. I was just having another quick look. They seem fairly straight forward."

"You must read things differently to me!"

"These things," he replied holding up the sheath of papers, "are to me, what a cash book is to you."

"Well, what's the verdict?"

"As I said very ordinary, they want your lawyers name, a copy of your last two tax returns and a statement of position regarding assets. The only thing slightly different is they want to have it heard expeditiously."

"Isn't that usual?"

"Yes, but the Australian family court doesn't like quickie divorces. Generally you have to demonstrate a twelve month separation before they will let you start proceedings. They don't like people reconciling two weeks after they have been divorced.

"If they start the separation from when I left France the first time then it would be better than six months."

"Yes, but you told me Rachel still had money then so they are taking the separation as starting from Christmas Eve. That way she is penniless and they go after half of what you have got left."

"Alright so what do we do?"

"That depends on what you want to do. They are going to petition the family court for an early hearing because you are going to be living on either side of the world so there will be little chance of reconciliation. You can agree and fast track this thing or you can disagree and slow it down. Also there are two ways to go at the family court. There is the usual way in front of a full court or the non-adversarial way where it's more of a meeting rather than the formalities of the full court."

"Which way are they pushing for?"

"They want the full court. This law firm is full of heavy hitters, they want to get you on the stand and hit you with a blitzkrieg!"

" we agree to the expedited process but we want the non-adversarial. If they are desperate to get it heard then we make it on our terms."

"That would be my suggestion." Brian agreed.

"Do I send my financials away now?"

"Oh god no! We wait until the court agrees to hear this then the court will give us a date by which we have to comply."

"Great? I'll leave it in your capable hands to write the appropriate response and you can let me know when you hear back."

"No problems Jeff. How are you holding up with all this going on?"

"I'm fine!" I said, only half meaning it. "Do you want to grab a steak at the pub for dinner?"

"No Jeff, sorry...the wife is hosting the book club tonight and I am the barman for the night. Maybe another night this week?" He said rising from his chair.

"Yeah sure, I'll ring you." I replied amiably.

I wasn't looking forward to going home to an empty house tonight. It just seemed so lifeless. Even if I had not always enjoyed Rachel's domineering personality at least it was some human contact that wasn't work related. I decided that I would have to join a service club or a sports group so I had some other outlet.

Coming out of Brian's office I crossed over to the supermarket. I was looking in the meat section contemplating what piece of animal flesh I was going to char grill to go with my sweet potato mash and green beans when a voice from my recent past chirped behind me.

"Jeffery? How was your Christmas holiday?" A cheery voice asked.

I turned to see Charlie pushing a trolley of groceries.

"I spent Christmas day on a plane coming home, so not very well." I replied bitterly.

"Oh..." She looked uncomfortable.

"Heh, I knew what I was flying into when I went. I've just got to put my big boy pants on and keep going. How was yours?" I was trying to be cheerful.

"Good, we went to a holiday park on the central coast. It's best to be away from home on the special days. Keeps the ghosts at bay."

Now I was uncomfortable. It's funny how you can get so wrapped up in your own little world that you think you have the worst problems. Charlie had shown me once again how tiny mine were.

"How's David?" I asked changing the subject.

"He's at a regional cricket camp for the next week so he will be in heaven." She smiled again.

I did something I rarely do, I acted on impulse.

"I'm just getting something for dinner, would you like to come over tonight?"

The smile quivered, and then beamed out.

"Okay, you get the meat and I'll do a salad!"

"Great, at least something will be edible!" I grinned but in my head I was wishing I had hired a cleaner for the house.

"What time?"

"Whenever you get there."

"I'll take my stuff home then toss a salad together...say an hour?"

"See you then!"

I grabbed some steak and a packet of chicken thigh fillets and hot footed it home. Tidying up what I could in the living area I wished I could have run the vacuum and the mop around. Seemingly in no time, the doorbell rang, I looked around. Damn! On top of the mantelpiece above the fire place was a stack of empty photo frames. I had been culling some of the smiling pictures of Rachel and myself. The doorbell rang again so I went to let Charlie in.

Opening the door I was confronted with Charlie juggling three bowls as she was going to ring the doorbell again. I grabbed one just before it fell.

"I thought you had changed your mind!" She said crossly.

"'s the maid's day off so I was trying to make the place presentable." I mumbled as I ushered her in.

Charlie put her bowl down on the kitchen bench and looked around, then at me.

"You should have come to my place." She looked around again, "sorry I snapped at you. You start cooking and I'll do a quick tidy up."

I grabbed the steaks and went out to the BBQ. When I got back the room was much better, the windows were open letting out the stale air and the table was set.

"Would you like a glass of wine?" I asked, putting the steaks down on the table to rest.

"Yes, that would be great!"

"Red or white?"

"I know it doesn't go but I'd prefer white."

"No worries." I went to the refrigerator and took out a bottle of Pinot Gris.

We sat down, I poured while Charlie served out the food. We ate just making small talk. Afterwards I cleared up and stacked the dishwasher while Charlie worked her magic on the coffee machine. We moved out onto the deck now the heat of the day was starting to dissipate. I gave her a short version of my French excursion.

"So it's all over then?"

"Yes and no, the relationship, definitely! The separation? I'm afraid the court bit may drag on a bit."


"Yes, I'm willing to give her half but I think she could want quite a bit more.

"How much is half? Er ...sorry, you don't have to answer that."

"No it's okay. About five million."

"Five million! I'd jump over the moon if I got one tenth of that!"

"Did you get any life insurance when your husband died?"

"No, fucking insurance companies! He had just started a new job six months before. He transferred his superannuation over to the new company's scheme which was supposed to have life insurance included. However I got a letter two months after his death saying that they deemed it to be a pre-existing condition. All I got was the thirty thousand that he had in his superannuation."

"Do you own your own house?"

"Yes but there's a mortgage. The two hundred and fifty thousand we were supposed to get would have erased that but it didn't happen."

"I'm not a lawyer but I have some experience with insurance companies through my clients. I think you should have been paid!"

"So did I but I couldn't afford a lawyer to check it out."

"Do you still have the paperwork?"

"Yes it would be in our records somewhere."

"Would you mind if I got my lawyer to have a look. I think you have seven years to fight these things."

"I still have the same problem. I'm a casual teacher so I don't make a lot and as its holidays I haven't had a wage for four weeks. I couldn't afford it!"

"I'll spot you any charges and if you need some money to get you through the rest of the holidays I can help out."

"I don't want your charity Jeffery!"

"Who said anything about charity? You can work for it! There is a walk in wardrobe full of Rachel's dresses I want packed away for storage. Shoes, handbags, I want them all packed up ready to go to the opportunity shop when I get the all clear. You can see for yourself the house needs a woman's touch. In the next two weeks you can get it shipshape and when you go back teaching I'll employ a cleaner."

She looked at me dubiously. "What are you paying?"

"$30 per hour."

"I don't like cleaning my own house! $40!"

"$35 and not a penny more."


"Not yet, I have one stipulation. To seal the deal you have dinner here again tomorrow."

"I don't know about that, you may be a deviant that has designs on my body." she pouted, her voice husky and her eyes hooded.

Once again she had me speechless. I did a fish impersonation, opening my mouth and closing it a couple of times but I couldn't find any words to say. Charlie cracked up and was almost falling off her chair laughing. I stood up petulantly and took the coffee cups and saucers to the dishwasher. She followed me giggling.

"There, there Jeffrey baby..." she soothed in a little girl voice."I was only joking." She started laughing all over again.

I pulled her to me my hands finding the small of her back. I lowered my lips to hers and kissed her hard. She didn't respond but she didn't push me away either, I finished the kiss as suddenly as I started it. Taking a step back it was my turn to laugh, she was impersonating a fish.

"You best be careful I can surprise!"

"Yes, you certainly can." She looked around nervously, unsettled by my boldness. "I had best be off."

Charlie made her way to the front door and I followed behind. She opened it but paused on the threshold.

"What time tomorrow?"

"Suit yourself," I grabbed a set of keys from the hall table drawer. "Here, take these. You can come and go as you like."

She took them and turned to go.

" about that just then...I ...didn't mean..."

"To kiss me? You know how to make a girl feel wanted!"

"No! No, to make you uncomfortable. That's what I meant."

She looked back at me, turned and placing her hand on my arm stretched up and kissed me on the cheek.

"Goodnight Jeffrey, I can see I am going to have to keep an eye on you!" her smile had returned.

She left and I finished cleaning up before going to bed. The next morning I was just finishing breakfast when the front door opened and Charlie entered wearing a pair of old paint splattered shorts and a large men's work shirt with rolled up sleeves. I took her through the house to my wife's, ex-wives wardrobe. Next we went to the laundry and together we found most of the cleaning equipment. Lastly to the garage where I showed the stack of flattened cardboard storage boxes.

"We used them when we moved the girls out. They are easy to reassemble." I demonstrated.

"I think I'll start with the cleaning, might get to the clothes later."

" if you need anything give me a call. Oh... the air conditioner controls are on the wall in the entrance hallway. You may need it on when the day heats up."

"Thanks I'll be fine."

I headed for the door then doubled back. Charlie was wrestling with the vacuum cleaner.

"Charlie? Will you stay for dinner again tonight? I mean if you don't have to obviously."

"Yes that will be good! You will have to keep your lips to yourself though. I'm an employee now, I could sue for sexual harassment."

"Of course...yes...goes without saying." Charlie was laughing at my awkwardness again.

"Get out of here you big lug! I've got work to do. I found that insurance paperwork last night it's on the hall table."

I went off to work as usual except this time I was looking forward to going home. I sent one of the girls from the office down to Brian's with Charlie's insurance letters with a note to ring me when he had a chance to have a look at them. I actually left work a little early and got some flowers and another bottle of wine for dinner tonight. Walking in the door it was tempting to say, hi dear I'm home. Just as well I didn't because I found Charlie on her hands and knees in the main bathroom shower stall. She was trying to get some stubborn stains off the grout between the tiles. She looked up and saw me.

"You know you're not paying me enough for this!" She said wiping her brow with her sleeve.

"I know that's why I bring gifts!" I waved the wine and the flowers.

"Best go and pour me a glass of that. I'll get these gloves off and wash up then join you in the kitchen."

I went to the kitchen poured her a glass and got myself a beer. My phone rang, it was Brian.

"Why aren't you at work? You never leave early!"

"I had something to attend to at home. I'm trying out a new cleaner." I replied smirking at Charlie as she came out and got her wine.

"Any good?"

"Well not too bad, could do with a bit more training but I'll see how she goes." Charlie gave me the finger then mimed that she was going to have a shower.

"If she works out let me know. My wife is looking for somebody to help her at home."

"Will do. So what's the problem Brian?"

"No problem, I got an e mail from the family court. Your non adversarial hearing is set down for a month from tomorrow."

"That's expeditiously?" I queried doubtfully.

"It most certainly is. I think I underestimated the pull of Rachel's law firm. I didn't think anything would happen for three months. Anyway we have to have your financials complete with independent valuations of your house and business sent to them by close of business Wednesday next week!"

"I'll get on it tomorrow. I can get them to you in a couple of days. Who does the valuations?"

"I've got somebody I use. I'll light a fire under them tomorrow so they will probably want to talk to you at the end of the week."

"That's fine...did you get a chance to have a look at the insurance stuff I sent over?"

"Yes, I just scanned through it."


"It's just as you thought. They are playing silly buggers. It's a common thing, they send out the rejection letters. Ninety percent of people complain and get a lawyer then they pay. Ten percent believe the letter and they get to keep the money."

"Bastards. So what do we do? It's not too late is it?"

"No, no, you have seven years to fight it. I'll write a nasty letter with a few idle threats of legal action and they will fold and pay."

"That's great, just add the time to my bill. I'm sure I won't notice a few more hours."

"You are so right!"

We said our goodbyes and hung up. Charlie came out freshly showered with a light summer dress on. It fitted her great in all the right places.

"Anyone would think you hadn't seen a women before!" She said walking towards me.

"Not one this good looking!" I replied continuing to watch as the dress shimmied around her slim frame.

"Remember what I said, today I'm your employee. I could sue!"

"I recall you told me you can't afford a lawyer!"

"Alright you've got me there." Charlie slipped past me to the fridge and began getting food out.

"On the subject of lawyers, Brian has had a look at your documents and he thinks he can get you the life insurance money."

"How?" She asked trying to sound disinterested.

"He thinks a stern letter should do the trick. Insurance companies do it all the time, knock back the first attempt. If they discourage five percent then that's five percent they don't have to pay!" I said as I moved beside her.

"Bastards!" She blurted, attacking a carrot with a large knife.

"Easy..." I cautioned, "that carrots not armed!"

"Sorry..." Charlie replied then she dissolved into tears.

I put my arm around her and she step into me holding me tight, pushing her face into my chest. Her shoulders shook as she sobbed. I turned so I was holding her with both arms and stayed silent. As the crying subsided she looked up into my face.

"I'm sorry, I haven't cried like this since after John's funeral. It's know, I was mourning my husband and trying to supporting our son and they want to play fucking games!"

I wiped some tears away from her cheek. "It's all right. We will get the money and some interest." I said quietly.

"I know it's just the principle...thanks for your help." Charlie stood on tip toes and we kissed. Stopping momentarily we gazed at each other, then kissed again.

We stopped kissing but I continued to hold her close. Her head turned and resting on my chest and I rested my chin on top of her head.

"Thank you Jeffery...I wish...I wish I could give more but with David and everything." She sniffed and wiped her eyes.

"Shhh...I know. We both have lots of complications. We can still be friends can't we?"


"Good friends?" I asked surprised at the lump in my throat.


We stayed holding each other until Charlie stepped back and took charge.

"The chicken is marinated in the fridge. You grab it and get out to the BBQ. I'm starving!"

We had a nice dinner and continued talking, only about lighter subjects this time. For the rest of the week we had dinner together. My house was sparkling clean and well organized, I tried to think of some way to get her back the next week but she wasn't keen.

"I have to get David tomorrow and...and I've never had a male friend, apart from a relative, since John. I don't know how he will react."

"You can't put your life on hold for ever?"

"I know, but I think it's too soon!"

"Okay, sorry that wasn't what I meant to say. Umm...maybe you could both come over just for afternoon tea next weekend. You know just see how it goes?"

"You're still married!"

"Barely...please can't we try and stay friendly?"

"Oh...I'll think about it, but don't push me Jeffery!"

She left and I immediately felt embarrassed and ashamed at the pressure I put on Charlie. It wasn't fair, the hurdles between us were many and I was being selfish. The next day I sent her some flowers by way of apology and I left her alone for the next week.

I was busy enough anyway organizing all my financial data and getting the valuations of the house and business finalized. It was Friday before I knew it. I hadn't heard from Charlie all week so I thought I had blown it. At home I was eating dinner when there was a knock on the door. It was Charlie.

"Hi," she said.

"Hi" I replied.

Neither of us spoke for a moment.

"Would you like to come in?" I asked to break the silence.

"No, I've got to get David from cricket training. I...I just stopped by to see if the invitation for afternoon tea was still open?"

"Of course! But you don't have to if you don't want too. I understand if you find it uncomfortable."

"No, we will be here. I've thought about it a lot and I can't stand still forever. I'm not promising anything, I don't know how David will react but I'll give it a try.

The next day I slept in then went down to the bakery to pick up a cake and other sweet treats for the afternoon tea. Getting home at lunch time I ate a salad roll then went into my home office to organize a couple of things for the afternoon. I hadn't told Charlie a time and assumed I would be after Charlie's cricket. About five o clock the doorbell rang.

Opening the door I greeted Charlie with a restrained 'Hi' and she introduced me to her son, David. He was taller than I would have thought for a thirteen year old. Blonde hair like his mum, but a different shaped face. A square jaw line gave him a masculine profile but his body was still that of a lanky boy. He regarded me coolly but shook my hand when I offered it.