The Empty Nest Pt. 03


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"Yes." Rachel replied nervously.

"Now you have a debt of four hundred thousand dollars?"

"Yes," Rachel squeaked.

Nigel cleared his throat and the judge looked at him. He raised his hand to indicate he wished to speak.

"If you must Mr. Kerr, but don't make me regret it." The judge said in a resigned fashion.

"Europe is going through a savage contraction at the moment and property values are plummeting. My client asked her husband for some money to help out at Christmas time but he refused."

Nigel gave me a smug grin. I was tempted to poke my tongue out at him as a juvenile retort. It turns out the judge wiped the smile from his face for me.

"Given her record of blowing it I shouldn't wonder!" That did get a chuckle from Brian and me.

"Mr. Kerr as you are the font of all knowledge regarding Europe's recession can you explain something for me? How? After spending by my estimates, from the sad excuse of a financial statement the court received from your client, one million two hundred and fifty thousand on a house it ends up being worth less than what you paid for it?"

Nigel consulted his notes and shifted uncomfortably in his chair, he was obviously used to being on the attack not the defense.

"As I stated earlier, your honour, the recession in Europe has been very bad for high end real estate."

"I do know that, but wasn't it depressed when Mrs. Blake bought the property?" The judge it seemed shared my disbelief.

"I can only go on the valuation that we received from a very reputable valuation firm." Nigel hit his fallback position.

"Hmmm, well let's move on to the two payments of two and a half million for a seventy five percent stake in a property investment firm that according to this reputable valuation firm is only worth seven hundred and fifty thousand dollars. Five million to seven hundred and fifty thousand? Doesn't that stretch the boundaries of credibility?"

"I can only refer, your honour, to my previous answer that these valuations were from a reputable valuation company." Nigel was getting embarrassed.

The judge huffed and closed the file. She consulted her watch then stacked the files on top of each other again.

"It is now eleven o'clock and I have another case to see to, so we will have a break. We will reconvene in two hours, at one o'clock where I will hear any suggestions you have regarding a settlement. Mrs. Blake I suggest you consult with your legal team about the offer of settlement because I think it is a generous one!"

The judge stood and we followed suit as she walked out the door. Rachel and Jacques went into a huddle with their legal team while Brian and I watched. After a short discussion Rachel, Jacques, Nigel and his junior left, leaving the briefing solicitor who approached us.

"Four million is not acceptable. We suggest seven is closer to the mark." He didn't wait for an answer, simply walking out after the others leaving us open mouthed.

I looked at Brian, he shrugged.

"At least we know they will appeal whatever the judge decides. Unless I'm reading her wrong she is not going to award anything close to seven!"

"I guess we have a couple of hours to kill. Fancy a bite to eat?"

"Oh yeah, especially when you are paying!"

We left the court building and walked down the street until we found a cafe that looked alright and got a table. I checked my phone and saw five missed calls and two messages. I had it on silent in the hearing. Going to my calls log I saw it was Mandy, I didn't bother getting the messages instead dialing her direct. It was only when a sleepy voice answered that I realized that it would be midnight there.

"Sorry, I didn't look at the time," I groveled.

"That's okay, I was trying to stay awake," she yawned, "I have something that might help you."

"Great, what did you find?" I tried not to sound too needy.

"The company that did the valuations is dodgy, I didn't notice it straight away but it's so obvious that my investigator pointed it out straight away. There is a reputable valuation company named Catella Valuations, it's one of the top eight in France and based in Paris. However if you look at the valuations you received they are from Capella Valuations! They have pretty much copied the other company's logo except for a very subtle change."

"So it's supposed to look like it came from the real deal?"

"That's it, anyway we did some digging into Capella Valuations and low and behold an old friend's name pops up."

"I assume you're talking about Jacques?" His name caught in my throat.

"Great guess, it's him and one of his cousins from Belgium. The cousin is the one who signed the valuations."

"I figured as much. It just didn't seem kosher!"

"It gets more comical, want to take a guess at the cousin's occupation?" My silence let her know I didn't. "He's a butcher!" She was laughing hard, I didn't find it funny.

"Can you send me some documentation to support this?"

"Already have, it should be in your inbox."

Damn I hadn't bought my iPad. I would have to see if I could borrow an Internet connection at the courthouse.

"So did I get to you in time?"

"Yes, we've had the first go at ten o clock but we have to be back in front of the judge in an hour and a half."

"How's it going?"

"Good I think," I looked at Brian across the table and he gave me the thumbs up.

"Let me know how it finishes up, but wait till a reasonable hour next time!"

We both laughed, said our goodbyes, then disconnected. I logged onto my emails on my phone as Brian watched me expectantly.

"Don't leave me hanging mate! What did your contact find out?"

"It was just as we thought, the valuations are false. I have some proof in my inbox but I can't print it out. Do you think we could find somewhere to make a copy?" I asked frustrated as I tried to enlarge and read the documents on my phone.

"Do you remember Bomber Johnson from school?" I nodded still fiddling with my phone. "He works in an office of a bank around here somewhere. I'll try and get in contact with him. Otherwise we can try the sheriff's office in the court house."

I made to rise from the table but he motioned for me to sit. "We've got plenty of time let's eat first," he said looking at the menu.

We ordered and I wolfed mine down which only made me more frustrated as Brian took his time savoring every morsel. The waiter came to take our plates and asked if we wanted the dessert menu. My look told Brian not to push his luck and we left in search of Bomber Johnson. That was a bust but a kind clerk at the sheriff's office let me use her computer and we made three copies of Mandy's report.

It was very thorough and contained copies of the different letterheads and names as well as a letter from the true valuation company stating that they had nothing to do with it. Company records of the dodgy company with Jacques and his cousin's signatures along with photos of the cousin at his butchers shop rounded out the file.

We got back to the conference room five minutes early. The opposition was standing waiting at the door we stopped a discreet distance away. Rachel made no attempt to bridge the gap and neither did I. The court clerk opened the door and we entered and sat down waiting for the judge. Five minutes late the judge swept in taking her seat in the comfy chair.

"Alright, how did the negotiations go?"

"We made a counter offer and we have received no reply." Nigel said with a superior tone.

The judge looked our way and we shook our heads, she returned to Nigel.

"May I enquire as to the offer?"

"Seven million dollars," he replied casually.

There was a sharp intake of breath from the judge. "You really aren't taking this seriously are you? Alright then you both have four minutes to make a final statement then I will give my decision. Heads or tails to see who goes first, Mr. Kerr you call on the toss!"

The judge flipped a coin in the air then caught it, Nigel called heads but it was tails. We decided to go second so Nigel with a scowl of displeasure stood to deliver his statement. He droned on about Rachel, her devotion to her family and community forgoing a career to look after her girls and do volunteer work. He went on about her desire to see the world and my reluctance to leave Australia. Christmas was mentioned briefly but a stern look from the judge stopped it from going too far. Summing up he said that given her sacrifices it was only fair that she get the bulk of my bank account as she was no longer able to earn a living.

I sat through this with detached look but inside I was seething. I couldn't wait for Brian to get up and pass over Mandy's file. Brian rose and passed a copy to the judge and Nigel then began his reply.

"Your honor in the last hour we received this report from an investigation firm in London. We had serious doubts about the validity of the valuations we received well past the deadline from Mrs. Blake's legal team..." Nigel was on his feet in a flash.

"Your honor this report can't be allowed at this late stage we have no chance to test the validity of any claims made in it!" He bellowed.

"Hmmm," the judge hadn't opened the folder and regarded it suspiciously. "This is irregular and if this was a trial with a jury I could never allow new evidence without the defense having a chance to test it. However I am a judge and I think I can be impartial enough and have enough experience to know when I'm being deceived."

"Your honor you are giving us grounds for appeal!" Nigel whined.

"I am well aware of that fact and have been since I noticed your demeanor at this hearing. Also I am quite interested to read this as I regard this -" The judge held up Rachel's financial statement, "as such an incomplete document to be verging on a fabrication!"

"I am going to allow this if only because I want to know what's in here! Please continue." she waved her hand at Brian.

Brian worked his way through it, the similar names, letter from the real valuation company and then the photos. He finished up saying the four million dollar offer was still on the table but seven was ridiculous. When he sat down the judge went through the file again then sat back in her chair and folded her arms across her chest. She regarded both sides with a cool stare then she leant forward and bought out some notes.

"Thank you for that summation. It confirmed in my mind what I thought about this case. It seems clear to me that there has been at least some careless and sloppy preparation for this hearing and at worst willful negligence that borders on perjury!" As she delivered this rebuke she was looking directly at Nigel. He opened his mouth to say something but closed it again remaining mute.

"Luckily I have been able to obtain a clear picture from one of the parties and that has weighed heavily on my decision. It is my finding that the division of financial property actually occurred when the money won in the lottery was split up into even amounts between the two spouses." There was an audible gasp from Rachel as she realized the ramifications of this ruling. "The only other assets that need to be decided are the family home in Australia and the accounting business. Taking the values of these from the valuations that the other party has made no effort to dispute I find that Mr. Blake should pay Mrs. Blake the sum of one million dollars. Also a yearly support payment of fifty thousand dollars shall be paid to Mrs. Blake until her death or until she forms another relationship where she co habits with her partner."

Rachel was weeping softly, Jacques stood throwing his hands in the air and mumbling what I can only assume was a French expletive. The solicitor was trying to console her but the noise only got louder. Brian clapped me on the back but I knew it wasn't over, Nigel stood.

"Your honor thank you for your consideration," sarcasm dripped like treacle from his opening statement. "However I must tell you we intend to appeal this to the full bench of the family court as we believe you have made several clear errors in law and also have shown extreme bias against my client from the beginning!"

"That's your right. I do feel I should warn your client that there is four million on the table right know without the extra expense of a full court hearing with from my perspective little chance of a better outcome." The judge was looking past the barrister at the still sniffling figure of Rachel.

"We would ask that you enforce your order for payment so as my client has some money to live on up until the full court hearing." Nigel continued seemingly not noticing the judge's appeal to his client.

"Mr. Blake you have fourteen days to comply with my order of one million dollars. That sum will be taken into account in any future decision of the court. Mrs. Blake if I may be so bold as to suggest you are more careful with this money than you were with the last ten million!"

This prompted another round of tears before the clerk of the court asked us to all rise. The judge left and the recriminations began. Rachel and Jacques were in intense consultation with their legal eagles. I looked at a beaming Brian.

"Round one to us," he said with a smile. "Have you got that money in the bank?"

"Yes, who do we pay? Them?" I was looking at the increasingly animated discussion across the room.

"Not directly, we will lodge it with the court then they will transfer it. That way there can be no doubt that it was received."

"Should we offer the four million again?"

"I'd save your breath, they know where you are if they change your mind."

We left and finished off the paper work at the administration desk. Outside the sun was gone and it looked like a cold southerly change was brewing. Ominous dark clouds were sweeping over the hills on the outskirts of Bathurst. I wondered if that was an omen for my future. Shaking hands with Brian I headed for my car intent on getting home before it got to dark. Kangaroos can be a bastard on the road at dusk.

I went over the day's proceedings as I drove, god I wished it had been resolved today. I hit Brian's number on phone and soon the dialing sound filled he car's interior.

"Didn't we only say goodbye thirty minutes ago?" Brian's voice crackled through the Bluetooth connection.

"I've just been thinking, um...should I just stump up the seven million so this is all over?"

"No fucking way! You do that and they will appeal and want ten! You have the upper hand don't give them a sniff!"

"Alright, I...I just didn't enjoy today you know." I struggled to find the words to convey my desire not to go back to court.

"Don't worry mate, you won today. It could have been so much worse! Go home have a beer and celebrate yo..." The phone dropped out.

I was left with my thoughts again. Perhaps that was exactly what I was dreading, going home to a dark, empty house. Not exactly something to celebrate. I continued the drive in a somber mood, wondering how it had all come to this. I arrived home before five so I detoured to the office to see if anything required my attention. Things had gone to plan while I had been away so after a quick check of my messages I walked up the street to get something for dinner.

The street that a week before had been busy with people, was, this afternoon, sparsely populated and quiet. As people left the shops they hurried to their cars, hunching against the stiff cool breeze. The passing of the cold front had imbibed people with a sense of foreboding about the winter to come. All this even though the temperature was still a pleasant nineteen degrees Celsius. It was funny a similar day at the end of winter would prompt a burst of activity in anticipation of the heat of summer. Short sleeves and singlet tops would be retrieved from their winter storage to praise the return of the sun.

I stocked up on frozen dinners and fruit then went home. I opened the place up to let the breeze clear out the stale air. After stacking my dinners for the next week in the freezer I went out into the garden. The lawn was in need of another mow, if David was no longer interested then I would have to find someone else. I walked around the rose beds pinching off the tired blooms and picking out the odd weed that had escaped through the lucerne mulch.

The buzzer sounded indicating somebody was at the front door, I walked slowly back through the house to answer it. Looking through the side window I could see Charlie standing there in her gym clothes. Opening the door I could see she was sweating profusely, damp patches showed under her arms and between her breasts.

"Hi," she said still catching her breath. "I was just running past... saw your car so I...thought I'd call in."

"Do you want to come in? Can I get you a drink?" I was surprised her house was some distance away.

Guessing my concern she put my mind at rest. "No, I'm fine. I only came from the main street where I was doing a class at the gym. I just underestimated how steep the hill is to get up here!"

"Come in then," I urged.

"No, I don't want to intrude I just wanted to see how you got on today?" Charlie moved to the side of the door and leaned on the door jam.

"Unfortunately it only turned out to be round one, my lawyer assured me we won but you know what they say, it's not who wins the battle it's who wins the war!"

The strain must have been showing on my face or in my demeanor. Charlie stepped inside beside me and placed her hand on my shoulder. Suddenly the urge to hold her overwhelmed me and I pulled into an embrace.

"Jeffrey! I..." I smothered her protests with a kiss and she melted against me.

I don't know if it was the pressure from the divorce or the pent-up frustration but I was attacking her like a starving man who finds Chinese banquet. My hands were everywhere, sliding down her back to her butt then back up to her hold her head. Hooking the door closed with my foot I pushed her up against it sliding my palms over her sweaty breast before kissing her again.

Charlie initial reluctance was gone as she joined in the grab fest. Pulling my shirt up to allow access to my skin as she raked her nails across my back. When my hand returned to mash her breasts she reached down and rubbed my erection through my pants. That didn't satisfy her, quickly her fingers found my zipper and in no time she had freed my member from its confines and was stroking the bare flesh.

In my thoughts and daydreams of his moment it had been slow and sensual but this was raw animal passion that couldn't be tamed. As she continued to stroke me I lifted her leg up and to the side opening access to her crotch. I maneuvered her so my cock was now pointing at a very wet pussy only covered by a thin layer of material. Charlie pulled it to one side then moved my cockhead slowly up and down her exposed slit. There had been no words and there was no time for any now. She stopped moving my dick, holding it poised at her opening.

It was the only time we paused, there was a glance, do we or don't we? It was only momentary, we had gone too far. Sliding in bought a gasp from Charlie, followed by a groan from both of us as I continued to the hilt. My hands slid down to cup her arse cheeks as Charlie lifted her other leg wrapping them both around my waist. Trying to keep control I slowly withdrew before sliding back in again. She pulled my head down and we kissed again and all thoughts of going slow vanished. I began pumping fanatically, Charlie was levering herself up slightly then dropping down to meet my thrusts. Our bodies slapped together as we desperately strove for our climax.

I could feel it so close then suddenly it was there, my cock started firing streams inside her. Charlie feeling my release re-doubled her efforts, grinding herself against me until her legs clamped tight against my hips and she let out a plaintive cry.