The EMT Ch. 17

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Suzanne gets a medical, a shock and then a surprise...
8.8k words

Part 17 of the 19 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 07/23/2004
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Intention /in-ten'shun / Design, Purpose, Aim

Develop /di-vel'up / To bring out what is latent or potential, to evolve

It has been my intention in this and the last episode to develop a number of story-line threads in preparation for what is to come. Thanks for going through this with me. I am now pleased with the options available to me for further episodes, and for Suzanne's on-going development as a sub to Graham, whilst simultaneously taking more control over Ian. That doesn't mean that the future is clearly mapped out and fixed. This story has a life of its own, and it is my role and duty to allow it to develop, and to report on its progress. I hope you enjoy reading these links and twists and turns as much as do when I discover them.

Chapter 17

They caught their connecting flight back to Edinburgh, tired and jet-lagged from the transatlantic leg, but with Ian's mind still on one thing. The events of the flight from LA would not leave his consciousness, and the dull ache of frustration was a constant reminder of the rash promise he had made to Suzanne in his moment of weakness and need.

Suzanne and the stranger had been locked in the bathroom for nearly an hour, with Ian restlessly awaiting her return, his cock still hard and his mind full of imaginings of what was happening only a few feet away. Finally, the engaged light had gone out and the stranger had returned to his own bunk, not looking at Ian as he settled into his flat bed, pulling the sheet over himself, obviously settling down to sleep for the rest of the trip.

Suzanne had stayed in the bathroom for a further 5 minutes before emerging; Ian assumed she'd been refreshing herself after whatever had transpired between her and the stranger. She had come to Ian and kissed him warmly, quickly feeling his erection as if to satisfy herself that he had done as she had asked and not yielded to the temptation to relieve himself. Ian had thought that he could taste evidence of the other man in her mouth.

"Thank you for that darling!" was all she had said initially, leaving Ian wondering whether he was being thanked for allowing her indiscretion, or whether she was thanking him for his own sacrificial abstention. As she leaned over him, her hand on his hardness and her pyjama jacket gaping, he had had an unrestricted view of her beautiful breasts. She looked into his eyes, drawing his attention away from her curves. Ian remembered her exact words.

"He was very excited, but able to satisfy me completely. I feel much better now, calmer."

She had kissed him again, wetly.

"Now I need my beauty sleep; it has been a very exhausting trip." She had paused for a moment as if considering Ian's needs. "I am so pleased that we have agreed that I will decide when you can cum. If you are very good, that might be quite soon."

That was it! With that thought, Suzanne had squeezed him once, as if in promise, kissed him again and returned to her own bunk, leaving Ian alone, frustrated, excited, remorseful, happy and rampant.

For a while, he couldn't resist the temptation to fondle himself; to gently stroke himself as he remembered all that had transpired. But he also remembered his promise to her, and he firmly resisted the temptation to bring to himself the relief that he so desperately needed, but which had been so firmly denied to him. He envied the stranger across the aisle, able to sleep, content and satisfied. But he was also happy in himself, in his own climax-free tribute to Suzanne, his future happiness and satisfaction, he thought, assured by Suzanne's half-promise.

He had spent a fitful night / flight, never able to completely relax and sleep, never able to clear his head of the thoughts and dreams, the confusions and the clarity of his silent submission.

The morning had been awkward. When the cabin lights had been gently raised to rouse the travellers, and the cabin staff had been busy scurrying about converting beds back into seats, Suzanne had slipped quickly into the bathroom to freshen up and change back into her travelling clothes. Whilst she was gone, Ian's glance had been returned by the stranger and their eyes had locked momentarily, before Ian had looked down and broken the connection. Ian had been unable to hold his gaze, or to read the look he had seen in the man's eyes. Was it envy? Was it pity? Was it understanding? Was it something else? Whatever had been in the stranger's eyes, Ian was in no doubt about what had been in his own; a complex mixture of jealousy, envy, submission, pride and ownership. The stranger may have stolen a moment of illicit conjugal bliss with Suzanne, but it was he, Ian, that would be living with her and enjoying her for the rest of his life.

When Suzanne had returned from the bathroom, and as the cabin crew had served breakfast to the half-awake passengers, the coast of Ireland slipping silently beneath them, Ian had seen her and the stranger exchange glances and half smiles, and a pang of real tangible jealousy had spiked through him. It was quickly replaced by love when Suzanne turned her glance to him and smiled at him with real warmth and affection.

Now they were sitting together at the front of the BA connecting flight to Edinburgh on the final leg of their amazing adventure's latest instalment.


Suzanne and Ian arrived home mid-afternoon and spent the remainder of the day / evening reconnecting with their daughter Emma after sending away the child-minder / nanny that had taken care of her full-time during their absence. Emma was delighted to see them both, and even more delighted with the Mojave native American doll that had hastily been purchased for her at LAX by her guilt-ridden parents. She found the doll and its native costume so diverting that within 10 minutes of their return, she had forgotten that her parents had been away at all. So much for the concern of her parents and the fickleness of childhood!

After Emma had been put to bed and Ian and Suzanne had settled for their evening gin & tonic in the study, Ian caught up with the newspaper whist Suzanne checked her e-mail. Amongst the dross was an e-mail from Graham's secretary instructing her that an appointment had been made for her the following morning for a check-up with Doctor Packard. As she read the e-mail, Suzanne remembered her only other previous experience with the young doctor, and a frisson of excitement shivered through her as she remembered her embarrassment and humiliation at both his personal questions and intimate examination of her.

"What are your plans tomorrow darling" she asked, distracting Ian from his paper. Something in the way she asked the question alerted Ian that there was more behind it than the simple question implied.

"I guess go to the office and catch up with what has been happening," he replied. "Why do you ask?"

Suzanne moved from the computer desk to sit with him on the couch, where she cuddled against him.

"It seems that I have an appointment with Doctor Packard at 11 o'clock," she replied, "I just got the message from Graham's secretary. Apparently, I am due a check-up."

Ian instantly laid down the newspaper and turned to her with interest. He was still frustratedly awaiting his promised satisfaction, but had vowed to himself to say or do nothing until his wife decided she wanted to take the initiative. Several times since they had arrived home he had wanted to break that vow, but the circumstances had not been right (meaning that Emma had been inconveniently present) or he had held off from saying something in the hope that Suzanne wanted to break the ice. Now she seemed to be deliberately taunting him with the news of her forth-coming appointment. Ian remembered well what had transpired last time Suzanne saw Doctor Packard, and how she had recounted the story to him afterwards, exciting them both.

"That sounds interesting," he started, "do you think it will be similar to the last time?" He grinned lewdly at her.

"I have no idea what to expect. I haven't really thought about it. I only just got the message."

Suzanne reached down and felt his growing hardness, and remembered how she had teased him and denied him for the last 24 hours.

"Listen," she cooed to him, "I remember that I have a promise to keep, but we are both pretty tired right now with the jet-lag. Do you think you can hang on to this," she continued to stroke his now hard cock through the material of his trousers, "for another 24 hours? If you can, I promise to tell you all about my appointment, and I promise you relief at this time tomorrow."

Ian groaned at the thought of another 24 hours without easing his aching need, but was secretly delighted with his sacrifice so far. He was also very eager to hear from Suzanne about her check-up, and was thrilled with the thought that he'd have another day on edge and with constant sexual tension as his companion, followed by what he was sure would be an erotic interlude with his wife to look forward to at the end of the day.

"I think I can hold out for another day. But it isn't going to be easy, knowing that you are being examined again by the mysterious doctor, whilst I am hard at work."

The unintended pun struck both of them at the same time and they giggled together. Suzanne squeezed him once and then withdrew her hand, but snuggled closer in to him on the couch.

"As long as you keep your promise, and you are still hard when you get home, that's all I can ask. I really do love you, you know."

Ian replied with his own assertion of love, and they snuggled quietly together, exhausted by their trip, for another twenty minutes or so whilst the evening news played out on the small TV in the corner of the room. When the news finished, and without another word, they silently agreed it was time for bed, and they tidied things up, locked up and headed upstairs, each glad to be back in their own home after their unexpected American adventure.


The first couple of hours in the office were routine for Ian. He had kept reasonably up-to-date with his messages from his laptop whilst they had been in the USA, but for Ian, like nearly everybody else, there are some messages that require action that you just can't do properly when away from the office. He quickly dispatched the messages in that category, those that he had saved to deal with when back in Edinburgh, and then turned his attention to the more recent mails that had arrived during the flight home or overnight, and that he had yet to open or answer. One such message immediately caught his eye. It was from Graham and time-stamped in the early hours of that morning, whilst Ian and Suzanne had been sleeping off their jetlag. He clicked it open immediately.

Dear Ian,

I wanted to repeat my thanks for your excellent support over the last few days (and of course, my thanks to Suzanne, who lived up to her contract in the way that I had always expected of her). She really is a most accommodating woman with a terrific talent and aptitude for the kind of work that we expect of her. I must thank you once again for bringing her to us, and for your own support of her new career. You have each made a tremendous start in your new positions, and we are lucky to have you both.

The results of our trip to Phoenix were better than I dared to hope for. Our customers were equally delighted with the result, so much so that they provided a glowing customer reference with the prospective new reseller I saw today in Los Angeles. The result is that we now have an important new channel to market on the West Coast of the USA, and one which I am confident will bring us substantial new business, revenue and profits.

Now I am afraid, I must come to the real point of this e-mail. I was made aware within the last hour of a potential problem that requires immediate attention. I'm afraid that I will need to call on Suzanne's services again almost immediately, and far sooner than I would have hoped, given that she is just home from an extended trip. I appreciate that doing so is a further strain on her wifely and motherly duties, but I feel I have no choice in the matter. Please accept my apologies.

I was able to discuss this briefly with John a few minutes ago (I'm sorry, I thought it best to allow you an uninterrupted night's sleep after your long trip), and he will provide you with the details so that you can bring Suzanne up to speed. I'm afraid that it will mean another couple of days away from home for her, and rather than arrange for a baby-sitter again, I thought it best that we make arrangements for you to work at home during her absence so that at least your daughter will have one of her parents available to look after her.

I must rush; I am about to head off to LAX myself for my own flight home. As I say, John has all the details and no doubt will be in touch soon after you see this in the morning. I will catch up with you myself when I get back tomorrow.

Once again, many thanks.


Ian sat back at his desk and stretched, considering the import of what he had just read. Suzanne was required for another unspecified mission on behalf of Graham Leicester and the company. He quickly re-read the e-mail, and realised that there was very little detail about what the mission might be or when it was likely to begin, but a moment's thought gave some indication. Graham would be back in the UK in a few hours' time, and back in Edinburgh by late afternoon. Unless the mission was really urgent, he could have waited to inform Ian and Suzanne himself, rather than relaying the details through John, who, Ian realised, Graham must have spoken to in the early hours of the morning. That implied that Suzanne would be required for duty very soon, possibly as early as this afternoon.

He reached for his phone in order to call her and warn her of this sudden and unexpected turn of events; but then stopped himself and looked at the clock on the wall. It was a little after 10:45, and Ian remembered that Suzanne had an appointment with Doctor Packard at 11:00, and would already be on her way to him. He decided to wait, and speak to her after he had spoken to John and had more information to impart.

As he was rising from his chair to head for John's office, another thought popped unbidden into his head. He had been holding back from thinking about the pleasure he was sure would come to him this evening when Suzanne lived up to her promise to bring him the relief he had been waiting for so long. Now, a clause from her contract and his agreement with Graham Leicester appeared in his consciousness as if from nowhere, but as if highlighted in neon lights:

"For a period of seven days prior to a scheduled duty, or as demanded by the Employer for unscheduled duties, the Employee shall restrain from any sexual activity with the partner of the Employee, and shall undertake such additional restrictions or preparation as may be specified from time to time by the Employer."

As Ian headed out of his own office towards John's adjacent room, the implications of this clause hit him. His promised and long overdue relief was now very much at risk! As he walked through the secretarial area of the office suite he shared with John, May, their shared secretary, was surprised to hear an anguished groan of frustration from her new boss as he passed her desk, and disappeared into John's office unannounced.


At about the same time, on the west side of Scotland's capital city, Suzanne was reaching up to ring the bell on the door of Doctor Packard's anonymous looking consulting rooms, wondering what was in store for her this time. As expected, the door was opened by Nurse Pyrford who warmly welcomed her and showed her into the same ground floor room where she had previously been examined by the young doctor. After being left alone in the room for a few nervous minutes, Doctor Packard joined Suzanne with a cheerful smile, looking tanned and dressed casually as before.

"Good morning Suzanne, thank you for being on time. How have you been since I last saw you? I imagine a lot has happened since."

Suzanne took the doctor's offered hand and they greeted each other. When Suzanne thought about his question, and all that had happened since she was last here, she blushed slightly at the thought.

"I am well thank you Doctor. And yes, a lot has happened since we last met. Please don't ask me to tell you all about it, it embarrasses me to even think about it."

Doctor Packard indicated for Suzanne to take one of the seats by his desk, taking the other one himself and sitting across from her, eyeing her intently, as if conducting a superficial examination as they spoke.

"Oh, but I must ask some questions Suzanne, if I am to look after you properly. I know some of the details, having been kept informed by Graham, but I will need to probe a little. As we agreed last time, there can be no secrets between us. Now, just like last time, I need to ask you some questions as well as conduct a physical examination, but I can do them in any order. Which would you prefer first?"

Suzanne remembered how aroused she had become when answering his previous questions, and how embarrassed she was when it came to an intimate physical examination and her arousal had been so obvious. She decided to opt for the physical examination first in the hope that she could get through that without disgracing herself with her body's natural reaction to this attractive man's intimacy with her.

"Can we do the physical examination first?" she asked, rather sheepishly, and then blushed as she realised that her eagerness might be misinterpreted.

"Of course Suzanne. Do you require Nurse Pyrford to be present?" Suzanne shook her head. "OK then, if you will just undress for me, there is a gown behind the screen over there."

Suzanne stepped behind the screen and started to undress. Unlike last time, the doctor remained in the room, busying himself at his desk as she disrobed. Once again, she struggled with the ridiculous green gown that tied loosely behind her, but still managed to leave her ass exposed between the ties. She slipped her naked feet into the white towelling slippers that were also there for her to use, and stepped nervously from behind the screen, one hand behind her in an attempt to hold the gown closed about her back.

"Excellent Suzanne. If you'll just slip up onto the couch and lie on your back we can get started." Suzanne noted that a clean and starched white sheet had been spread over the examination table at the side of the room, and she awkwardly climbed onto the couch and lay on her back as instructed. She felt totally vulnerable with her head back on the very low pillow that was at the head of the bed, and lifted her head slightly to see what was happening. Doctor Packard washed his hands quickly at the sink in the corner, and then dried them before coming over to stand at the side of her. He placed one hand on her forehead and pushed her gently back down flat.

"Just relax Suzanne, this won't take very long," and as she did as instructed, he slipped a thermometer into her mouth and then took her nearside arm and lifted her hand before sliding his right hand up to her wrist feeling for her pulse. He absent-mindedly watched the second hand sweep around the clock on the wall as he counted, before dropping her hand and reaching over to enter her pulse on the computer screen on his desk. He then removed the thermometer that still languished beneath her tongue and read it before replacing it in a little cup of disinfectant on a shelf above the bed.

Next it was blood pressure, which he did the old fashioned way, with a stethoscope, manometer and inflatable cuff and bulb pump, instead of the more common (these days) electronic devices.