The End of My World

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Wifes jealous friends are her worst enemy and ruin marriage.
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The End of My Word

By Buster2U


Skeeter Davis, sings...

Why does the sun go on shining?

Why does the sea rush to shore?

Don't they know it's the end of the world?

'Cause you don't love me anymore

Why do the birds go on singing?

Why do the stars glow above?

Don't they know it's the end of the world?

It ended when I lost your love

I wake up in the morning and I wonder

Why everything's the same as it was

I can't understand, no, I can't understand

How life goes the way it does

Why does my heart go on beating?

Why do these eyes of mine cry?

Don't they know it's the end of the world?

It ended when you said goodbye

Why does my heart go on beating? Hmm, hmm

Why do these eyes of mine cry? Hmm, hmm

Don't they know it's the end of the world?

It ended when you said goodbye

"The End of the World" by Skeeter Davis was written by Sylvia Dee & Arthur Kent. One of the most heartbreaking songs ever written and performed.


The End of My World.

By Buster2U

Warning // Cuck Shit // Warning // Cuck Shit // Warning

This is the heartbreaking story, of myself, Steve Jones, and my beautiful busty wife Cathy Jones, and the awful demise of our wonderful marriage.

We had a pretty normal childhood with the exception that Cathy and I always had each other for comfort during life's tragedies. We were loyal and true blue best friends forever, almost all our lives, growing up together.

We knew, even as children, that someday we would be married. We were in kindergarten, and at recess, when I kissed her for the first time. She was my cute little skinny blonde 'Tom Boy' girlfriend, I was always her loyal and trusty boyfriend, always ready to defend her and come to her rescue.

I think we were almost 7 when I got my first puppy. I took him over to Cathy's house next door to show him off. On the way back home, he ran into the street and got run over, breaking my heart his first day. But my Cathy was there to put her arms around me and hold me tight as I cried so hard over my dead puppy.

We had pretty normal childhoods, except we both lost one of our parents to cancer, when we were both about 9 or 10 years old. That is when we really learned how important we were to each other. Whatever we were doing, wherever we were, we always knew that we had each other. I think our closeness as children helped us to survive our life's tragedies, together.

Fortunately for us, Cathy's Father and my Mother started dating. They eventually got married and we became "stepbrother and step-sister" to each other. That was 'OK' with us, we got to be together all the more.

We knew we loved each other, and still held hands, kissed, and even held each other whenever we were together. Nobody ever explained anything to us about sex, so we were too scared to try anything further. We didn't want to make a baby, so never did anything more than hold hands and kiss until high school.

In High School, 'sex' was always on everybody's mind. That was what all the other kids always wanted to talk about. The topic of all the gossip was always 'who was doing what, with whom'. We both thought that this obsession with sex from other teenagers was pretty crazy, if not just silly.

We always knew that someday we would be married and someday we would be having sex. So then, when we reached High School, we planned for our first time, when we would give each other our virginities. That would be, on the night of the Senior Prom. By then we would both be 18, just before graduation from High School.

Truthfully, that first time after the Prom, we didn't have a clue about what we were doing. We were scared to death but it felt good touching each other, and kissing while naked, This just felt so special. We were both so nervous, but we kept trying to please each other and we both always enjoyed these private times together.

In High School, we pondered what we were going to do after we graduated. We wanted to get married right away, but I didn't want to join the service and be sent overseas forever. I had seen too many of my friend's older brothers go into the service and be gone for so long that every one of them had lost their sweethearts.

Cathy thought that we could both go to City College to learn something. I picked H-Vac to study and Cathy decided to learn some bookkeeping. That worked out perfectly for us. Two years of schooling and we both had good jobs and incomes. So it wasn't long until we were able to move into our apartment and were as happy as could be.

Since we were technically Step Brother and Step Sister, we didn't want to make a big deal about our wedding. We just wanted to get married and be together forever. So we just quietly drove up to Reno one weekend by ourselves and got married by an Elvis impersonator.

We were so happy. We had been together all our lives and always loved and trusted each other completely. We felt so close and that we knew each other so well. The world was perfect for us in every way. We both worked hard during the day, then spent every night together, completely happy and totally secure in our love.

We have never used any birth control, except our first time after the prom, when I used a rubber. Now that we were married, we decided that it didn't matter if we had a baby or not. But, we still tried to avoid having sex during her fertile days. We thought it would probably be best if we waited a few years before starting a family of our own.

We liked that we had only ever been with each other, We only ever kissed each other, touched each other, or even been naked with each other. We have always been completely exclusive to each other. We really liked it this way and we always wanted to please each other the very best that we could.

We both loved that we were always together, everywhere we went. We enjoyed picnics, walks in the park, going to the library, going to the movies, the grocery store, going for drives in the country or anything else as long as we were together. We might even go to a local park and maybe throw a frisbee, we would always be laughing and having a good time together.

After work on Fridays, sometimes our crews would want to get together and stop for a beer. It was always a lot of fun to listen to our #1 crew, Tommy and David, they seemed to have an amazing talent for telling their funny plumber stories and making them hilarious. Sometimes I stopped and shared a brew with the guys, but usually not, I'd rather be home with my Cathy.

About this time, we had been married for about 6 years, when Cathy decided she wanted to start going out for a 'girl's night out' also. I didn't see any problem with that. The first time she was home by 9 pm. When she got home we kissed and held each other watching TV like usual.

We always held each other, it just always felt 'right' to do that. I guess it made us both feel more loved and secure. It is just what we do, always have done, and especially now that we are grown up and married.

The next Friday night, Cathy went out for her GNO again. This time she didn't get home until 11 o'clock. She smelled of smoke and booze and men's cologne. I asked her about it and she admitted that she danced a few dances with other men. I wasn't jealous. I trusted Cathy with all my heart.

After she started getting home later, Cathy usually would be especially enthusiastic as we made love upon her return. She loved to tell me how men had rubbed their packages against her pussy while dancing, she explained how this had made her get so wet and horny.

I guess Cathy began telling me her Naughty Stories about her GNO naughty adventures to try to get me extra aroused for her. This did make for some great sex for us, as she tried to convince me her pussy was full of another man's cum, which made me fuck her harder and cum deeper in her.

Her fantasies of her being a slut turned us both on tremendously, but I was pretty confident that her stories were just 'imaginary' fantasies about her going out to the parking lot with different men and what she would do with them. I didn't even bother to ever check her panties.

This went on every Friday night after that for a year or two. She always got home by about 11 pm so I never made a big fuss about what she was up to all that time. I didn't mind if she was dancing with other guys, as long as she came home to me afterward. I loved and trusted her completely.

Sometimes I would ask Cathy, why doesn't she just go out with 'me' on Friday Nights, instead of with the Girls she works with? She always had some lame excuse about how she liked the free drinks men would buy for them, or chatting with the gals. She never would admit that she liked flirting or dancing and rubbing on strange men.

Whatever else she said, just didn't make any sense either, so I let it go.

Then one Friday night, everything changed. When Cathy wasn't home at midnight, I got up and dressed to watch for her out the front window. Finally, at about 5 am, headlights flashed across the living room as Cathy pulled into our driveway. I was completely distraught.

My imagination had run wild about what she could be doing to keep her out so late. I was really freaking out, until I saw her come in the front door. I turned on the living room light, surprising her, just after she quietly closed the front door behind herself. But it was me, that was surprised the most, when I saw her appearance.

She didn't expect me to be waiting up for her and her surprise was obvious. I could tell by her looks that something happened that I wasn't going to like. Suddenly, a powerful feeling of deep dread came over me, about what had happened on her big GNO, tonight.

The first thing that I noticed was that she wasn't wearing her bra, her big Double E breasts would jiggle and sway noticeably, with her every movement. This felt like a giant sword had plunged through my chest directly into my heart, as I realized all my fears.

Someone had enjoyed access to my wife's precious beautiful breasts tonight, which have always, ALWAYS only been mine, to enjoy!

I quickly approached my wife, I had to look under her skirt, only to find that her panties were missing also. Not only was her breast accessed by someone, but my loyal wife's pussy looks like it has been heavily used also.

Heck, it even looked like there was a tremendous amount of man's cum running down both of her thighs. Not good! I was totally shocked! I hope we don't have to get divorced over her cheating tonight.

"Cathy, why are you NOT wearing your bra Honey? What happened to your panties? Where are they? What have you done, Sweetheart?" I asked softly.

Talking very softly, as gently as I could. I feared that I had already lost my wife and didn't want to scare her and destroy our marriage any more than she had already done herself, tonight.

"Steve, Honey, I am so sorry. I didn't mean to be so naughty. I just couldn't help it. The girls wanted to go to a new bar tonight. They said we could get free drinks and maybe dance. If I had known that it was such a 'meat market', I would never have gone. I swear, Honey." Cathy cries so hard.

"Relax, Sweetheart. I am not mad at you. There is 'no need' to cry, Cathy." I whispered. "Let's get upstairs to bed. OK?" I softly said.

I held my Sweetheart tenderly and kissed her lips with all the love in my heart, as she is the most valuable treasure in my life. No matter what, I was intending to forgive her. I know in my heart, that I could NEVER live without her, Cathy was the true love of my life. Even if she played the slut tonight.

"OK, Steve, I love you so much. I am so sorry Steve. I will tell you everything. Please don't be mad. Please don't divorce me, Honey. Please, Honey, I am so sorry, Please forgive me, Honey. I love only you, Steve. I promise." Cathy cries drunkenly slurring her confused words.

"Come on upstairs Honey, and we will get you undressed for bed, Don't worry, Sweetheart, I will never divorce you, You are stuck with me forever," I whisper with a loving smile, as my heart completely breaks.

I still feel like my worst nightmare had come to life, that my reason for living was either going away or gone. I have NEVER been so shaken in my life.

I lock the front door and turn off the lights downstairs then guide my drunk wife up the stairs to the bedroom, wondering how she managed to drive home. Why, oh why had she done this to us? It looks like I have lost everything important in my life tonight from the looks of my wife.

We both go into the bathroom together and brush our teeth, taking turns using the toilet to whiz. Then I help undress my beautiful wife taking off her unevenly buttoned blouse and kissing her breasts, I notice a big hickey on her left breast, and kiss it gently with all the love and affection left in my breaking heart.

When I bend down to take off her skirt. I am hit with the powerful odor of fresh semen flowing down her thighs, as I carefully remove and fold her skirt putting it on the bedroom chair. I am completely crushed by the actions tonight, of my formerly loyal and faithful wife.

We climb into bed naked and hold each other, leaving on the soft light from my bedside lamp, so we can see each other's eyes.

We lay, facing each other naked under the sheet and thin blanket. I hold her tenderly in my arms, protectively around her, to help us both feel safe and secure. Cathy takes hold of my cock with one warm hand and holds my balls with the other warm hand.

Cathy looks worried or sad or guilty or something, I really don't know what. My heart is breaking, as I fear the worst news. As long as she still loves me, I intend to forgive her, if I possibly can, no matter what she has done. I love Cathy with all my heart, and I know in my heart, that I can not live without her.

"Tell me what happened Sweetheart. Tell me everything, please. Why do you feel so bad? What happened to your bra and panties? Tell me everything, Sweetheart. Please, I won't be mad, please be completely truthful. I will still love you after you tell me everything." I whisper lovingly,

"Steve, I am so sorry. I didn't intend to let everything that happened, happen tonight. Everything started normal, us 5 girls sitting around talking, giggling, and sipping our drinks. Then Kimberly handed out some pills, one for each of us to take, She said it would help us all have more fun tonight." Cathy whispered through her tears.

"Honey, please don't take pills when you go out. But it is 'OK' Honey, whatever happened it will be 'OK', I will still love you and forgive you. Please, just tell me everything," I whisper.

"Thank You, Sweetheart, that helps me to feel so much better about what I have to tell you." (Cathy pauses for a moment before continuing) "When the music started and the guys started asking us all to dance. I kept saying 'No' but it wasn't very long until I was sitting all by myself and everyone else was dancing," Cathy whispered giggling drunkenly.

"Now these are the gals that are all from your work, right? Aren't they all married also?" I ask.

"Yes, they are all from work, and yes they are all married unless it is Friday Night at 'girl's night out' when they might lose their bra or panties out in the parking lot with some black man," Cathy giggles drunkenly slurring her words,

"It is 'OK', go ahead, please tell me everything, Sweetheart. Don't worry, I will still love you whatever you did, and whatever happened. It is 'OK' just please tell me the truth about everything that happened tonight. Did someone fuck you, tonight?" I whispered,

"I am so sorry Honey, Please, let me tell you how it all happened, I will get to that part in a moment. OK? I didn't mean to let things get so carried away. But I promise to tell you everything, completely. Even if you want to divorce me or throw me out after I tell you the truth about everything that happened tonight." Cathy cries sadly.

"OK, Sweetheart, please continue with what happened, and don't worry, I will never throw you out or divorce you, EVER," I whispered.

"Thank You Honey, so this table of young black men, that was near us, kept asking all of us girls at our table to dance. It wasn't long before I was the only one left sitting at our table while the other gals were all dancing and flirting with different men, but then I think that pill suddenly started to make me feel more alive and ready to party!" Cathy tells me.

"The girls finally returned and kept telling me that I should take my bra off, so that all the men there, would buy us more free drinks. For some reason that suddenly seemed like a good idea, since I am the only really busty woman in our group. I don't know why, but it just seemed to make sense at the time." Cathy giggles still slurring her words.

"I don't think that your work friends are really friends at all. It really sounds like they were just trying to get you in trouble, Honey. Getting you all drunk and drugged up." I said.

"You may be right Honey, because I finally agreed with their pleas and went to the ladies' room and removed my bra. When I came out, it felt like EVERYONE was looking at me. I know the Black Men at the next table sure did. It felt both so amazingly exciting and so scandalous to set my big breasts free in public like that!" Cathy coos.

"Then, I realized how good it felt when all the men smiled at me and admired my bouncing breasts. Sure enough, after I lost my bra, the free drinks started coming to our table, plus more shots of this and shots of that. It was hard to drink them as fast as they came to the table!" Cathy giggles.

"During the slow dances, men kept putting their hands under my blouse to feel up my bare breasts, and their hands felt so good Honey, I am so sorry, Steve, but you know how I am when my breasts are touched. They were getting me so aroused and so horny," Cathy confessed.

"Then, during the fast dances, my breasts kept trying to escape from my blouse. My buttons kept coming loose and my big breasts kept trying to escape to cheers from all the men watching me. Finally, the buttons all gave way, my blouse opened up and my big bare breasts were set free and completely exposed." Cathy said excitedly.

"Steve, I was so embarrassed, at first., until all the men smiled, cheered, and applauded me because my breasts were bare and hanging completely out so everyone could see them. I quickly loved the attention, I never felt so sexy, desired, attractive, and wanted ever before. I loved being the center of attention for all those horny men," Cathy confessed.

"Steve, you know that I have always been the skinny, flat-chested, 'Tom Boy', when I was younger, no one ever even bothered to look at me then. But now I have Double E breasts and now I love men to look at my big breasts. Oh, Honey, I loved it." Cathy giggles.

"Really, Honey?" I gasped.

"Steve, I love to show my breasts off now! I want to be a topless dancer out in Sunnyvale now, and show my bare breasts off to strange men every day, all the time! Would that be 'OK' with you Honey? I loved the feeling of their eyes on my naked bare breasts. I felt so amazing, so wanted, so sexy, so powerful, and even more desired than ever before," Cathy whispers with a giggle.

I felt betrayed and shocked, my busty wife went out and bared her beautiful breasts for dozens if not hundreds of strange men. I am afraid of what else she is going to confess next!

"Since, it seemed that all the men were telling me how pretty my breasts were, I just left them out while I danced, slow or fast. No one complained to me about my unbuttoned blouse, or that my bare breasts were showing too much or anything!" Cathy whispers softly.