The End of the Affair

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One last passionate night.
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Stacie placed the last plate on the table as the downstairs buzzer sounded through the phone.

"Hello?" she said into the phone.

"Hi Stace, it's me," a deep male voice said, triggering a flood of heat through her body.

"Come on in, Logan," Stacie said, pushing the button on the phone to let him in. Stacie hurried through the kitchen and living room to the door. She got there just as there was a knock. She unlocked the door and opened it, revealing her lover of two years.

"Wow, Stacie," Logan said, when she opened the door. "You look gorgeous." Stacie was dressed in a navy blue halter-style dress that rested just above her knees, accentuating her long legs. Logan loved the way they felt wrapped around him as he drove himself deep inside her, pushing them both over the edge. Her long curly brown hair hung loose. Logan groaned silently as he thought about how he loved the way it felt in his hands when he gently pulled it while making love to her doggy-style and how it felt against his skin as she kissed her way down his body before taking him in her mouth. He felt himself harden at the image. He forced his gaze back to her face. As usual, Stacie wore no makeup, which was fine by him because he thought she was beautiful without it. On her feet was a pair of low-heeled pumps.

Stacie stood back and let Logan enter the apartment.

"You look pretty good yourself," she said sexily as she closed and locked the door. She loved the way he looked tonight: dressed in a pair of black jeans and a green pullover. The jeans fit Logan like a glove; hugging his ass and making his long, powerful legs seem even longer. His brown wavy hair looked so touchable. Stacie loved to run her fingers through his hair as Logan placed sexy kisses on her body.

In one hand was a bouquet of red and white carnations, her favourite flowers, and in the other was a bottle of red wine.

Logan held his arms open and Stacie stepped into his embrace. As her arms went around him, their lips met in a soft kiss that hinted at what was still to come.

"These are for you," Logan said, offering her the flowers. "Happy anniversary."

"Thank you, they're gorgeous," Stacie said, smiling. They headed into the kitchen. Stacie put the flowers in a vase and added water to it while Logan opened the wine. He handed her a glass and picked up his own. She thanked him and took a sip.

"What can I do to help with dinner?" he asked, placing his glass on the table.

"You can put the salad on the table," Stacie replied as she turned off the oven. Putting on an oven mitt, she removed a pan of lasagna. Logan carried the tossed salad to the table as Stacie placed the lasagna on their plates. Logan held Stacie's chair for her as she sat down.

"Thanks," she said, looking up at him. Logan leaned down and kissed her quickly.

"You're welcome," he said, sitting down.

After dinner Stacie cleared the table while Logan went into the living room to turn on the stereo and electric fireplace. Stacie carried her wineglass into the living room when she was finished in the kitchen. She stopped in the doorway and watched Logan for a few minutes. She remembered the first time they met:

Stacie had been 26 and had just started her job as an interpreter at the hospital. She was fluent in French, Spanish and American Sign Language (ASL). Logan was a 35-year-old physiotherapist. One day he'd needed an interpreter for a young boy who spoke only French and Stacie was the interpreter on call that day. After the boy's physiotherapy session, Stacie and Logan had begun talking and she soon found herself enthralled by the handsome physiotherapist. They quickly established a friendship, often going for coffee together or grabbing lunch in the cafeteria. After a while, though, her feelings of friendship towards Logan turned into a full-fledged crush. The chemistry and physical attraction between them was mutual and undeniable. The only problem was that he was married.

As Stacie watched Logan going through the CD's in the living room, she recalled the night they became lovers:

One of the physiotherapists had needed an ASL interpreter for a conference and she'd asked Stacie to go as her interpreter. Stacie had agreed, not knowing that Logan would also be there. The second night of the conference, they'd all had dinner together and Stacie had excused herself early. Being around Logan was hard for her, knowing she wanted him so badly but could never have him. Logan offered to walk her to her room and rather than explain why she'd wanted to leave dinner early, she agreed to let him walk her upstairs. When they got to her door, she'd unlocked it and turned to say goodnight only to find Logan's mouth descending towards hers. She thought about pushing him away but all common sense fled the second his lips touched hers. All she could think about was that he was finally kissing her. As his tongue entered her mouth, she opened her door and pulled him inside with her. As soon as they were inside her room, he backed her against the door and her arms went around his neck. Soon she was struggling with the belt and zipper of his pants and he was hitching her skirt up around her waist and wrenching her panty hose and panties down. He grabbed her leg and put it on his hip, entering her with a powerful thrust. They'd had hot passionate sex against her hotel room door. It didn't take them both long to cum. Afterwards, Logan had picked her up and carried her to the bed where they'd taken their time undressing one another. They'd spent the rest of the night learning each other's bodies and responses. In the morning both of them had felt awkward and somewhat guilty but they both knew that their affair would continue.

Stacie knew that she was in love with Logan but she also knew that he was in love with his wife. They'd spent every night of the weeklong conference together. When they got back home, their affair continued via computerized instant messages. During the messaging sessions, they often engaged in virtual sex. Whenever his wife was out of town, he would spend part of a Saturday or Sunday with Stacie and they'd make love. At the hospital they still had lunch together every once in a while.

Six months ago Stacie had confessed her true feelings to Logan. They'd made love and in the heat of the moment, Stacie had blurted out, "I love you," to him. He'd told her that he had figured out that she was in love with him and that he was okay with her saying it. A few nights ago during an IM conversation, Stacie had asked Logan if he'd ever wanted to say the words to her and he had admitted that he had but that it would be crossing the line with his wife. He'd apologized to Stacie and said that it probably didn't make much sense. She told him she understood completely.

"Hey, Beautiful," Logan said, breaking into her thoughts.

"Hey yourself, Handsome," Stacie said, stepping into the living room.

"Come dance with me," he said, holding out his hand. Stacie put her wineglass on the coffee table and stepped into his arms. She put her arms around his neck as his arms enveloped her waist.

Logan pulled Stacie close to him as Saving All My Love For You played on the stereo. He sighed silently as he listened to the words that seemed to speak about the relationship he and Stacie had.

He'd never meant to get involved with Stacie. He loved his wife, Marie, and would never leave her but there was something about Stacie that captured his attention. It was more than just her natural beauty and sense of innocence. She was warm and smart and loving. He could confide in her and laugh with her and there was no denying their compatibility in bed. He felt guilty, not just for cheating on his wife, but also he knew that Stacie was in love with him and he had nothing to offer her. Nothing, that is, except a broken heart.

Stacie snuggled closer to Logan. God, she loved being in his arms. "I wish we could stay like this forever," she whispered.

"I know you do," Logan replied softly. Horrified that she'd expressed her feelings aloud, Stacie pulled away from Logan.

"I'm sorry," she said, turning away from him. She reached for her wineglass with a shaking hand. "Don't apologize, Stacie," Logan said. "You're allowed to express how you feel, you know."

Stacie took a sip of wine and put her glass down before walking over to the stereo to change the CD.

"Stacie, what are you thinking?" Logan asked. He could tell something was on her mind and she was debating with herself whether to express it or not.

"Nothing," she answered quickly. She pushed 'play' on the stereo and soon Cher's voice filled the room.

"Come on, Stacie, talk to me," Logan said. "You know you can say anything to me."

"I know," Stacie said, quietly. She took a deep breath. "Logan, remember a few nights ago when we were online you admitted that you had wanted to say those words to me?"

"Yes, I remember," Logan answered.

"Why do you want to say them to me? Is it because you know I want to hear them or is it because it's how you truly feel?" she asked. A few moments of awkward silence passed. "Never mind," Stacie said, turning to face the window. "It's not important. Forget I said anything." Stacie felt her heart breaking as tears stung her eyes.

"No, I won't forget you said it, Stacie," Logan said. "It is important. I don't take those words lightly, Stacie. I don't ever say them for the sake of just saying them. I want to say them to you because that's how I feel. Now you know why I can't say them to you."

"I know," Stacie said.

"I'm sorry," Logan said, feeling like a heel as he watched Stacie wrap her arms around herself, trying to pretend every word he was saying wasn't hurting her. "It's not fair to you, I know. I also know that I've hurt you."

"It's okay," Stacie said quietly, unable to stop the tears from flowing down her cheeks. "I'm fine." She held herself still in hopes that Logan wouldn't know just how un-fine she really was.

"Stacie, look at me," Logan said. Stacie didn't move. "Please, Stace." She turned around and tried to wipe the tears away before he saw them. He held his arms open. "Come here." Stacie stepped into his arms and they held each other tight. Logan could feel the sobs wracking Stacie's body and he called himself every name in the book for hurting this loving woman. She deserved so much better than him.

As Stacie held on to Logan, she let the tears flow. She couldn't hold them in any longer. She loved him with all her heart and yet she knew that she had to let him go. He belonged to someone else. They both knew that tonight would be their last night together because it was hurting them both too much to continue. Logan pulled back a bit and kissed away Stacie's tears.

"Make love to me, Logan," Stacie said quietly raising her head and meeting his gaze. "Spend tonight with me." Logan lowered his mouth to hers and kissed her hungrily. After a few minutes they parted breathlessly. Stacie pulled out of his arms and turned off the stereo and fireplace. Then she took Logan's hand and led him into her bedroom. Once inside the room, she flipped the wall switch that turned on an electric fireplace, identical to the one in the living room. Logan reached for Stacie and kissed her hard and deep.

Stacie pulled up Logan's sweater, running her hands over his bare chest. Logan raised his arms and helped her remove the sweater completely. She kissed his bare chest as she rubbed his back. She loved the feel of his skin beneath her hands. He moaned as she ran her tongue around his nipples. Logan undid the button holding the top of her halter dress together and slowly lowered the top, exposing her full milk breasts to his gaze. Stacie's nipples hardened beneath his heated gaze. Logan gently cupped her breasts in his large hands. As his fingers grazed her nipples, Stacie struggled to keep her balance. His touch always made her weak in the knees. Logan reached behind her and undid the zipper of her dress. The dress slid down her body and pooled at her feet, leaving her clad in a pair of white lace panties. Stacie stepped out of her shoes and her dress. Logan stepped back to look at her. She looked so beautiful in the glow of the firelight, he though. Stacie reached for Logan's belt and slowly unzipped his jeans. Together they lowered his jeans. He stepped out of his shoes and jeans, removing his socks as well. Logan picked Stacie up and carried her to the bed. He gently laid her on the bed and kissed her. He never seemed to tire of kissing her. Some days at work when he saw her it took all the control he had not to haul her into his arms and kiss her deeply. He kissed his way down her throat to her chest. Stacie sighed as Logan's mouth closed around her breast. His hand played with the other breast. Stacie threaded her fingers through his hair, gently massaging his scalp as he suckled her breast. He kissed his way to the other one as his hand cupped the breast he'd just finished loving with his mouth.

After a few minutes Logan began to kiss his way down Stacie's stomach, dipping his tongue into her belly button, making her squirm with pleasure. He felt as much as heard her breathing change as his kisses traveled lower and lower. Stacie wantonly spread her legs wide as Logan touched her mound through her panties. A few seconds later she felt his warm breath and then his mouth against the lace covering her sex. Logan took hold of the waistband and began pulling her panties down. Stacie gasped as Logan's tongue swept over her pussy. Her hips bucked off the bed as his mouth and tongue explored every inch of her. Logan slipped his tongue into her and began moving it in and out. He loved the taste of her and the soft noises she made as he brought her closer to the edge. He moved his tongue to her clit and sucked it into his mouth. Stacie pushed her pussy into his face as she exploded, crying out his name. Logan greedily drank her sweet nectar, cleaning up her every last drop. Logan climbed up the bed and kissed her. She tasted herself on his lips and tongue. Suddenly Stacie needed to touch him. She pushed him onto his back and explored his chest with her hands and mouth, circling his nipples with her fingernails and tongue. She let her hair brush against Logan's skin as she kissed her way down his body. She slid his briefs down and cupped his balls. She stroked his cock before kissing the tip of it. Logan groaned as he watched Stacie take him into her mouth. Stacie sucked him into her mouth, occasionally swirling her tongue around the head. She could feel him growing harder as she stroked him and caressed his balls.

"Stace, stop," Logan said gently. He pulled her off his cock. He saw the quick flash of confusion and hurt in her eyes before she was able to hide them. Stacie sat up and pulled the covers on the bed down. She got under the covers, suddenly feeling self-conscious about her nakedness. Logan knew she was thinking he didn't want to make love to her after all. He joined her under the covers and reached for her.

"Don't think I don't want you, Stacie," he said.

"Then why did you stop me?" Stacie asked, hating that she felt and sounded so insecure.

"I stopped you because I didn't want to cum in your mouth," Logan said, positioning himself over Stacie. He rubbed his cock along her wet slit, hitting her swollen clit with the tip.

"Oh yeah?" Stacie said, spreading her legs to allow Logan better access. "And where do you want to cum?"

Logan pushed just the head of his cock into Stacie's wet channel. "I want to be buried deep inside you when I cum," he said. Stacie wrapped her arms around Logan as he pushed into her with a powerful thrust. She moaned as he filled her completely. Logan pulled out of her and thrust back in. He may not be able to tell her how he felt about her but Logan was determined to show her that he did love her. He wanted to make their last night together memorable for both of them.

After a bit, Logan rolled onto his back, taking Stacie with him so that she was on top. She rode Logan slowly. Logan cupped her breasts as she leaned back, holding on his legs as she moved up and down his cock. Logan let one hand trail over her tummy to her clit. He rubbed it as she moved up and down. As their passion grew, Logan rolled them again so that he was once more on top. He leaned down and kissed her as he thrust deep into her.

"Cum for me, Stacie," he whispered against her lips. He felt her muscles tightening around his shaft as her orgasm took hold.

"LOGAN!" she cried. Logan thrust one more time as he came, filling Stacie with his seed. As he caught his breath, he kissed the side of her neck. He rolled onto his back and Stacie rolled onto her side, resting her head on his chest. He pulled the covers over them as they drifted off to sleep.

Stacie awoke a few hours later. She and Logan were laying spoon-fashion in her bed. His hard cock was pressed against her ass and his hand was resting low on her stomach, just above her mound. Stacie swallowed the sadness she felt knowing that it was never going to happen again. She wiggled back against Logan who responded with a sexy growl as his hand slipped between her legs.

"Mmmm, so wet," he murmured against her ear as he slipped a couple of fingers into her moist heat. He moved them in and out as she moved her ass against his cock. Logan removed his fingers and slid his shaft into her from behind. Stacie turned in his arms and watched as he licked her juice from his fingers. Logan thrust into her gently.

"Logan, please," Stacie begged.

"Please what?" Logan asked, knowing full well what she wanted.

"Make me yours," she said as she rolled onto her stomach. Logan placed a pillow under her tummy and began to thrust harder into her. He gently grabbed a handful of her beautiful hair and pulled her up a little with it. One of Stacie's hands went between her legs to her clit. Logan's hand joined her and together they rubbed it, causing Stacie to explode. Logan came not long after.

They dozed off again, holding one another tight. In the morning, Logan awoke as Stacie was taking him in her mouth. This time she was determined to make him cum in her mouth and he did. Afterwards, they made love one last time. They dressed in relative silence, both of them too upset to say much of anything.

Stacie walked with Logan to the door. He pulled her into his arms for one last searing kiss.

"I love you," Stacie said when they parted.

"I know," Logan said. "Bye, Stacie." Logan turned and left.

Stacie closed and locked the door. Leaning against it, she slumped to the floor. "Bye, Logan," she whispered through her tears.

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solotorosolotoroabout 11 years ago
The heart wants what the heart wants

but it can be a cruel bastard. Another situation that makes me scratch my head and ask why so many women waste their time on cruel and utter bastards. The heart wants what the heart wants, but surely there has to be more to it. What about self-preservation?

ClevelandRocks18ClevelandRocks18about 18 years ago
Very hot--Very sad

Been there--brought back some old feelings...maybe I'll call her again :)

don87654don87654about 18 years ago
Great reading!

Very sad. I would have thought that regardless of his feelings for his wife that if they truly loved each other that they would have made "real love" to one another with him planting his seed into her fertile tubes resulting in a true love child.

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